/// <summary> /// 删除会员分组 /// </summary> public void Group_Del() { string id = RequestTool.RequestString("id"); if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_group_del", "删除商家分组")) { AjaxNoPower(); return; } if (id != "") { List <Lebi_Supplier_Group> models = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList("id in (lbsql{" + id + "})", ""); foreach (Lebi_Supplier_Group model in models) { int Level_id = 1; Lebi_Supplier_Group tmodel = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetModel("Grade>" + model.Grade + " order by Grade asc"); if (tmodel == null) { Level_id = 1; } else { Level_id = tmodel.id; } Common.ExecuteSql("Update Lebi_Supplier set Supplier_Group_id = " + Level_id + " where Supplier_Group_id = " + model.id + ""); //}-> B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.Delete(model.id); } Log.Add("删除商家分组", "Supplier_Group", id.ToString(), CurrentAdmin, id.ToString()); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 返回供应商分组名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GroupName(int id) { if (type == "") { type = "supplier"; } List <Lebi_Supplier_Group> levels = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList("type=lbsql{'" + type + "'}", "Grade asc"); Lebi_Supplier_Group group = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetModel(id); if (group == null) { return(""); } return(Lang(group.Name)); }
public string GroupOption(int id) { string str = ""; List <Lebi_Supplier_Group> models = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList("IsShow=1 and type='" + logintype + "'", ""); foreach (Lebi_Supplier_Group model in models) { string sel = ""; if (id == model.id) { sel = "selected"; } str += "<option value=\"" + model.id + "\" " + sel + " vids=\"" + model.Verified_ids + "\">" + Lang(model.Name) + "</option>"; } return(str); }
public string LevelOption(int level_id) { if (type == "") { type = "supplier"; } List <Lebi_Supplier_Group> levels = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList("type=lbsql{'" + type + "'}", "Grade asc"); string str = ""; foreach (Lebi_Supplier_Group level in levels) { string sel = ""; if (level_id == level.id) { sel = "selected"; } str += "<option value=\"" + level.id + "\" " + sel + " days=\"" + level.ServiceDays + "\">" + Shop.Bussiness.Language.Content(level.Name, CurrentLanguage) + "</option>"; } return(str); }
public string Supplier_GroupOption(string level_id, string lang) { if (lang == "") { lang = CurrentLanguage.Code; } if (type == "") { type = "supplier"; } List <Lebi_Supplier_Group> levels = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList("type=lbsql{'" + type + "'}", "Grade asc"); string str = ""; foreach (Lebi_Supplier_Group level in levels) { string sel = ""; if (level_id == "" + level.id + "") { sel = "selected"; } str += "<option value=\"" + level.id + "\" " + sel + ">" + Shop.Bussiness.Language.Content(level.Name, lang) + "</option>"; } return(str); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("supplier_group_list", "商家分组列表")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } PageSize = RequestTool.getpageSize(25); key = RequestTool.RequestString("key"); type = RequestTool.RequestString("type"); string where = "1=1"; if (key != "") { where += " and Name like lbsql{'%" + key + "%'}"; } if (type != "") { where += " and type=lbsql{'" + type + "'}"; } models = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetList(where, "Grade asc", PageSize, page); int recordCount = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.Counts(where); PageString = Pager.GetPaginationString("?page={0}&key=" + key, page, PageSize, recordCount); }