public void Compare_TwoEmptyNodes_ExpectsEqual() { var node1 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); var node2 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); Assert.AreEqual(0, node1.CompareTo(node2)); }
public void Compare_NonEmptyToEmpty_ExpectsNonEmptyToBeBigger() { var node1 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); node1.InsertKeyValue(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "A")); var node2 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); Assert.AreEqual(1, node1.CompareTo(node2)); }
public void Compare_TwoNodesEachWithOneKey_ExpectsNodeWithSmallerKeyToBeSmaller() { var node1 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); node1.InsertKeyValue(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "A")); var node2 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); node2.InsertKeyValue(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(50, "B2")); Assert.AreEqual(-1, node1.CompareTo(node2)); }
public void Compare_TwoNodesWithEqualMinKeyAndDifferentMaxKey_ExpectsEqual() { var node1 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); node1.InsertKeyValue(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "A")); var node2 = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); node2.InsertKeyValue(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(50, "B2")); node2.InsertKeyValue(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "A2")); /* Notice that in a B-Tree node we do not expect 2 children to have the same min key. Thus these 2 nodes are expected to be equal, and considered duplicates to prevent inserting one of them in the tree.*/ Assert.AreEqual(0, node1.CompareTo(node2)); }
public void Compare_OtherIsNull_ExpectsBigger() { var node = new BTreeNode <int, string>(3); Assert.AreEqual(1, node.CompareTo(null)); }