private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { m_objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; if (m_objUser == null) { throw new Exception("Your session has expired."); } if (m_objUser.TUsers[0].inactive) { throw new Exception("Your account is inactive."); } if (!IsPostBack) { BindFileDataToGrids("fileName"); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Visible = true; lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TWOnlineHeader objHdr = (TWOnlineHeader)FindControl("main_header1"); try { System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity wi = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); if (!wi.IsAuthenticated) { throw new Exception("Current user is not authenticated."); } BSLUser objUser = new BSLUser((string)Cache["CONN_STR"]); string strUserName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(wi.Name); objUser.Fill(strUserName); if (objUser.TUsers[0].inactive) { throw new Exception("Current user account is inactive."); } Session["objUser"] = objUser; } catch (Exception ex) { string strScript = "<script for='window' event='onload' language='javascript'>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>"; RegisterStartupScript("UserValidationError", strScript); objHdr.setError("javascript:alert('" + ex.Message + "');"); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { BSLUser objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; if (objUser == null) { throw new Exception("Your session has expired."); } if (objUser.TUsers[0].inactive) { throw new Exception("Your account is inactive."); } objUser = null; string m_coServerId = Request["sid"]; if ((m_coServerId == null) || (m_coServerId.Length == 0)) { throw new Exception("Invalid server ID supplied."); } string strScript = "<script language='javascript'>function onBodyLoad(){document.all['frmcab'].src = 'twOCX.aspx?sid=" + m_coServerId + "';}</script>"; RegisterStartupScript("populateIFrame", strScript); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("errMsg", "<script for='window' event='onload' language='javascript'>alert(\"Error: " + ex.Message + " occurred.\");</script>"); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { m_objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; if (m_objUser == null) { throw new Exception("Your session has expired."); } if (m_objUser.TUsers[0].inactive) { throw new Exception("Your account is inactive."); } if (!IsPostBack) { //Initialize server list PopulateControls(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("errMsg", "<script for='window' event='onload' language='javascript'>alert(\"Error: " + ex.Message + " occurred.\");</script>"); } }
public string StartG2(string strUserName, string strPassword, int portNo) { LogMsg("StartG2: StartG2 called."); DSResponse response = new DSResponse(); string strErrMsg = ""; BSLUser objUser = GetUser(strUserName, strPassword, ref strErrMsg); if (objUser == null) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } LogMsg("StartG2: Successfully retrieved user."); BSLCompany objCompany = objUser.GetCompany(); LogMsg("StartG2: Successfully retrieved user's company."); LogMsg("StartG2: About to call ShellG2."); if (!ShellG2(portNo, objCompany, ref strErrMsg)) { LogMsg("StartG2: " + strErrMsg + " occured in ShellG2."); response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } LogMsg("StartG2: Successfully Shelled G2."); response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("Started", "", 0); return(response.GetXml()); // XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); // xDoc.LoadXml(response.GetXml()); // NameTable nt = new NameTable(); // XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); // nsmgr.AddNamespace("dsresponse", ""); // XmlNode nodeErrCode = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//dsresponse:errorCode", nsmgr); // if (nodeErrCode.InnerText.Equals("0")) // { // try // { // XmlNode nodeResults = xDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//dsresponse:results", nsmgr); // if (nodeResults != null) // { // string s = nodeResults.InnerText; // DSUser ds2 = new DSUser(); // System.Xml.XmlDataDocument xDataDoc = new XmlDataDocument(ds2); // xDataDoc.LoadXml(s); // if (ds2.TUsers.Count > 0) // s = ds2.TUsers[0].firstName; // } // } // catch(Exception ex) // { // } // } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BSLUser objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; //Set link visibility link_Upload.Visible = true; link_Download.Visible = true; separator2.Visible = true; //Set Navigation URLs if (m_pageName.ToLower().Equals("upload.aspx")) { link_Upload.NavigateUrl = ""; } if (m_pageName.ToLower().Equals("download.aspx")) { link_Download.NavigateUrl = ""; } //Set welcome label label_Welcome.Visible = true; if (objUser != null) { label_Welcome.Text = "Welcome, " + objUser.TUsers[0].firstName + " " + objUser.TUsers[0].lastName; } }
public string GetG2CompanyId(string strUserName, string strPassword, int portNo) { Hashtable sessionList = (Hashtable)Application["m_sessionList"]; DSResponse response = new DSResponse(); //Retrieve application constants string strConnStr = (string)Context.Cache["CONN_STR"]; string strErrMsg = ""; BSLUser objUser = GetUser(strUserName, strPassword, ref strErrMsg); if (objUser == null) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } G2Process p = (G2Process)sessionList[portNo]; if ((p == null) || (p.HasExited)) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", "G2 is not running on specified port.", 1); } else { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow(p.companyId.ToString(), "", 0); } return(response.GetXml()); }
public string StartG2(string strUserName, string strPassword, int portNo, int companyId) { DSResponse response = new DSResponse(); //Retrieve application constants /*string strG2Path = (string)Context.Cache["G2_PATH"]; * string strOKPath = (string)Context.Cache["OK_PATH"]; * string strLogPath = (string)Context.Cache["LOG_PATH"]; * string strG2DataPath = (string)Context.Cache["G2_DATA_PATH"];*/ string strConnStr = (string)Context.Cache["CONN_STR"]; string strErrMsg = ""; BSLUser objUser = GetUser(strUserName, strPassword, ref strErrMsg); if (objUser == null) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } if (!objUser.IsGensymAdmin) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", "Method reserved for internal use.", 1); return(response.GetXml()); } BSLCompany objCompany = new BSLCompany(strConnStr); try { objCompany.Fill(companyId); } catch (Exception ex) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", ex.Message, 1); LogMsg("StartG2: " + ex.Message); return(response.GetXml()); } try { if (!ShellG2(portNo, objCompany, ref strErrMsg)) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } } catch (Exception ex) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", ex.Message, 1); LogMsg("Start G2: " + ex.Message); return(response.GetXml()); } response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("Started", "", 0); return(response.GetXml()); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BSLUser objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; if (objUser == null) { return; } string strCoServerId = Request["sid"]; if ((strCoServerId == null) || (strCoServerId.Length == 0)) { return; } m_codeBase = (string)Cache["OCX_CODE_BASE"]; m_classId = (string)Cache["OCX_CLASS_ID"]; try { int coServerId = int.Parse(strCoServerId); BSLCompanyServer objCoServer = new BSLCompanyServer((string)Cache["CONN_STR"]); objCoServer.Fill(coServerId); int serverId = objCoServer.TCompanyServers[0].serverId; m_serverName = objCoServer.TCompanyServers[0].serverName; int portNo = objCoServer.TCompanyServers[0].portNo; m_portNo = portNo.ToString(); m_userName = objUser.TUsers[0].userName; BSLSession objSession = objUser.GetCurrentSession(); objSession.Refresh(serverId, portNo); objSession.Save(); m_sessionId = objSession.TSessions[0].sessionGuid.ToString(); // string strTempPwd = objUser.TUsers[0].password; // DateTime dt = objSession.TSessions[0].loginDate; // strTempPwd += dt.ToLongTimeString(); // byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strTempPwd.ToCharArray()); // System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sha = // new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); // byte[] result = sha.ComputeHash(data); // m_password = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result); m_password = objUser.TUsers[0].password; m_userMode = objUser.TUsers[0].userMode; } catch (Exception ex) { m_serverName = ""; m_portNo = ""; m_userName = ""; m_password = ""; m_sessionId = ""; m_userMode = ""; RegisterStartupScript("LaunchErr", "<script language='javascript'>parent.displayError('" + ex.Message + "');</script>"); Response.End(); return; } }
public string StopAll(string strUserName, string strPassword) { Hashtable sessionList = (Hashtable)Application["m_sessionList"]; DSResponse response = new DSResponse(); //Retrieve application constants string strConnStr = (string)Context.Cache["CONN_STR"]; string strErrMsg = ""; BSLUser objUser = GetUser(strUserName, strPassword, ref strErrMsg); if (objUser == null) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } if (!objUser.IsGensymAdmin) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", "Method reserved for internal use.", 1); return(response.GetXml()); } foreach (object o in sessionList.Keys) { G2Process p = (G2Process)sessionList[o]; if ((p != null) && (!p.HasExited)) { try { p.Kill(); } catch (Exception ex) {} } } sessionList.Clear(); Application["m_sessionList"] = sessionList; response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("Stopped all.", "", 0); return(response.GetXml()); }
private BSLUser GetUser(string strUserName, string strPassword, ref string strErrMsg) { //Retrieve application constants string strConnStr = (string)Context.Cache["CONN_STR"]; //Attempt to retrieve user from database BSLUser objUser = new BSLUser(strConnStr); try { objUser.Fill(strUserName, strPassword); return(objUser); } catch (Exception ex) { strErrMsg = ex.Message; LogMsg("GetUser: " + ex.Message); return(null); } }
private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BSLUser objUser = new BSLUser((string)Cache["CONN_STR"]); try { objUser.Fill(txt_UserName.Text, txt_Password.Text); if (objUser.TUsers[0].inactive) { throw new Exception("User account is inactive."); } Session["objUser"] = objUser; Response.Redirect("selectSession.aspx", true); //Server.Transfer(...); } catch (Exception ex) { this.userNameValidator.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; this.userNameValidator.IsValid = false; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { m_objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; if (m_objUser == null) { throw new Exception("Your session has expired."); } if (m_objUser.TUsers[0].inactive) { throw new Exception("Your account is inactive."); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsg.Visible = true; lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; btn_Upload.Enabled = false; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (m_pageName.ToLower().Equals("login.aspx")) { link_Login.NavigateUrl = ""; } else { BSLUser objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; //Set link visibility link_StartSession.Visible = true; separator1.Visible = true; if (objUser.TUsers[0].userRole >= 4) { link_Admin.Visible = true; separator2.Visible = true; } //Set Navigation URLs if (m_pageName.ToLower().Equals("selectsession.aspx")) { link_StartSession.NavigateUrl = ""; } if (m_pageName.ToLower().Equals("admin.aspx")) { link_Admin.NavigateUrl = ""; } //Set welcome label label_Welcome.Visible = true; label_Welcome.Text = "Welcome, " + objUser.TUsers[0].firstName + " " + objUser.TUsers[0].lastName; } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BSLUser objUser = (BSLUser)Session["objUser"]; if ((objUser == null) || (objUser.TUsers[0].inactive)) { return; } string strDir = Request["d"]; if ((strDir == null) || (strDir.Length == 0)) { return; } string strFilename = Request["f"]; if ((strFilename == null) || (strFilename.Length == 0)) { return; } BSLCompany objCompany = objUser.GetCompany(); string strDataDirName = objCompany.TCompanies[0].rootDirName; string strInputDir = (string)Cache["G2_DATA_PATH"]; strInputDir += (!strInputDir.EndsWith("\\") ? "\\" : "") + strDataDirName; string strOutputDir = strInputDir; strInputDir += (!strInputDir.EndsWith("\\") ? "\\" : "") + "Input"; strOutputDir += (!strOutputDir.EndsWith("\\") ? "\\" : "") + "Output"; string strSourceDir = ""; if (strDir.ToLower().Equals("i")) { strSourceDir = strInputDir; } else if (strDir.ToLower().Equals("o")) { strSourceDir = strOutputDir; } else { return; } Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFilename); Response.ContentType = "application/download"; //"application/octet-stream" string filename = strSourceDir + "\\" + strFilename; System.IO.FileStream downloadFile = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read); byte[] byteArray = new byte[(int)downloadFile.Length]; downloadFile.Read(byteArray, 0, (int)downloadFile.Length); downloadFile.Close(); Response.BinaryWrite(byteArray); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); }
public string StopG2(string strUserName, string strPassword, int portNo) { Hashtable sessionList = (Hashtable)Application["m_sessionList"]; DSResponse response = new DSResponse(); //Retrieve application constants //string strConnStr = (string)Context.Cache["CONN_STR"]; string strErrMsg = ""; BSLUser objUser = GetUser(strUserName, strPassword, ref strErrMsg); if (objUser == null) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", strErrMsg, 1); return(response.GetXml()); } if (!objUser.IsGensymAdmin) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", "Method reserved for internal use.", 1); return(response.GetXml()); } G2Process p = (G2Process)sessionList[portNo]; if (p == null) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("Stopped", "", 0); return(response.GetXml()); } /*BSLCompany objCompany = objUser.GetCompany(); * if (p.companyId != objCompany.TCompanies[0].coId) * { * response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", * "Process wasn't running under user's company Id.", 1); * return response.GetXml(); * }*/ if (p.HasExited) { sessionList.Remove(portNo); Application["m_sessionList"] = sessionList; response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("Stopped", "", 0); return(response.GetXml()); } try { p.Kill(); sessionList.Remove(portNo); Application["m_sessionList"] = sessionList; response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("Stopped", "", 0); } catch (Exception ex) { response.G2MgrResponse.AddG2MgrResponseRow("", ex.Message, 1); LogMsg("StopG2 " + ex.Message); } return(response.GetXml()); }