예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// build the shape of the elbow (internal or external) by building the sliding face and building the wire with the given spline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionSpline"> the spline to slide on</param>
        /// <param name="bendingAngle">the angle of our future elbow</param>
        /// <param name="bendingRadius"> the radius of the elbow</param>
        /// <param name="n">modifies the number of triangles</param>
        /// <param name="shift">makes the shape begin before 0*pi/180 and end after bendingAngle, we use it to hollow correctly the shape (put 0 for the external part, and something like pi/16 for the internal part)</param>
        /// <returns>the shape of the elbow (external or internal part)</returns>
        public TopoDS_Shape Build(Geom_BSplineCurve connectionSpline, double bendingAngle, double bendingRadius, double n, double shift)
            bool firstIteration = true;                                        // check if it is the first iteration
            BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aMakeWire = new BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(); // initialize our wire
            gp_Pnt lastPnt = new gp_Pnt();                                     // initialize our last point

            double angle      = bendingAngle * Math.PI / 180;                  // our angle in radian
            double lp         = connectionSpline.LastParameter();              // often 1
            double fp         = connectionSpline.FirstParameter();             // often 0
            double percentage = (angle + 2 * shift) / (2 * Math.PI);           // percentage of the spline to get ( because our spline goes from 0 to 2pi, but we dont want all)
            double pas        = (lp * percentage - fp) / n;                    // the step for the iteration on the spline

            for (double i = fp; i < lp * percentage; i = i + pas)              // fp already includes the small shift if it got any
                if (firstIteration)
                { // we get our first point
                    lastPnt        = connectionSpline.Value(i);
                    firstIteration = false;
                { // and now we add a new edge(last point, current point) on our wire
                    aMakeWire.Add(new BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(lastPnt, connectionSpline.Value(i)).Edge());
                    lastPnt = connectionSpline.Value(i);

            // create the pipe with the spline and the section
            TopoDS_Wire W = MakeWire(bendingRadius);                                                 // the face to be slided
            BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell   piper = new BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell(aMakeWire.Wire()); // initialize with the wire to slide on
            BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode Mode  = new BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode();

            Mode = BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode.BRepBuilderAPI_RoundCorner;
            piper.SetTransitionMode(Mode); // to have a curved shape
            piper.Add(W, true, true);      // first= true to get a pipe and not something else really weird
            piper.Build();                 // create the shape
            piper.MakeSolid();             //*/
예제 #2
파일: Sketch.cs 프로젝트: Macad3D/Macad3D

        protected override bool MakeInternal(MakeFlags flags)
            if (!Segments.Any() || !Points.Any())
                var makeVertex = new BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(Pnt.Origin);
                BRep      = makeVertex.Vertex();
                HasErrors = false;

            // Create edges
            var freeSegmentEdges = new Dictionary <SketchSegment, TopoDS_Edge>();

            foreach (var segmentKvp in _Segments)
                var segment = segmentKvp.Value;
                if (segment.IsAuxilliary)

                var segEdge = segment.MakeEdge(_Points);
                if (segEdge == null)
                    Messages.Warning($"The segment {segmentKvp.Key} of type {segment.GetType().Name} failed creating an edge.");
                freeSegmentEdges.Add(segment, segEdge);
                AddNamedSubshape("seg", segEdge, segmentKvp.Key);

            // Create wires
            var wires = new List <TopoDS_Wire>();

            while (freeSegmentEdges.Any())
                var nextSegmentEdge = freeSegmentEdges.First();
                var frontSegment    = nextSegmentEdge.Key;

                var makeWire = new BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(nextSegmentEdge.Value);

                if ((frontSegment.StartPoint != -1) || (frontSegment.EndPoint != -1))
                    var backSegment = frontSegment;
                    while (freeSegmentEdges.Any())
                        nextSegmentEdge = freeSegmentEdges.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.IsConnected(frontSegment));
                        if (nextSegmentEdge.Value != null)
                            frontSegment = nextSegmentEdge.Key;
                            nextSegmentEdge = freeSegmentEdges.FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.IsConnected(backSegment));
                            if (nextSegmentEdge.Value != null)
                                backSegment = nextSegmentEdge.Key;
                                // disconnected segment


                // Get wire shape
                var wire = makeWire.Wire();
                if (wire == null)
                    Messages.Error("Error when creating a wire.");


            // Create resulting shape
            var builder = new TopoDS_Builder();
            var shape   = new TopoDS_Compound();


            foreach (var wire in wires)
                builder.Add(shape, wire);

            BRep = shape;
