public void TestAddRowP_RowValueDBNull_BOProp_DateTime_NUll_ShouldNotRaiseException_FIXBUG()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            BORegistry.DataAccessor = new DataAccessorInMemory();
            BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO> boCollection = new BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO>();

            _dataSetProvider = new EditableDataSetProvider(boCollection);
            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(boCollection.ClassDef.CreateNewBusinessObject());

            itsTable = _dataSetProvider.GetDataTable(mapper.GetUIDef().UIGrid);

            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.PersistedBusinessObjects.Count, "Should be no created items to start");
//            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count, "Should be no created items to start");

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            itsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value });
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
                (1, boCollection.PersistedBusinessObjects.Count,
                "Adding a row to the table should use the collection to create the object");
//            Assert.AreEqual
//                (1, boCollection.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count,
//                 "Adding a row to the table should use the collection to create the object");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, boCollection.Count, "Adding a row to the table should add a bo to the main collection");
        public void TestAddRowP_RowValueDBNull_VirtualProp_NUll_ShouldNotRaiseException_FIXBUG()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            BORegistry.DataAccessor = new DataAccessorInMemory();
            IClassDef classDef = MyBO.LoadClassDefWithUIAllDataTypes();

            classDef.UIDefCol["default"].UIGrid.Add(new UIGridColumn("VirtualProp", "-TestProp-", typeof(DataGridViewTextBoxColumn), true, 100, PropAlignment.left, new Hashtable()));
            BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO> boCollection = new BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO>();

            _dataSetProvider = new EditableDataSetProvider(boCollection);
            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(boCollection.ClassDef.CreateNewBusinessObject());

            itsTable = _dataSetProvider.GetDataTable(mapper.GetUIDef().UIGrid);

            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.PersistedBusinessObjects.Count, "Should be no created items to start");
            //            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count, "Should be no created items to start");

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            itsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value });
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            //Behaviour has been changed to persist the business object
                (1, boCollection.PersistedBusinessObjects.Count,
                "Adding a row to the table should use the collection to create the object");
            //            Assert.AreEqual
            //                (1, boCollection.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count,
            //                 "Adding a row to the table should use the collection to create the object");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, boCollection.Count, "Adding a row to the table should add a bo to the main collection");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A constructor as before, but with a UIDefName specified
        /// </summary>
        public PanelFactory(BusinessObject bo, string uiDefName, IControlFactory controlFactory)
            _uiDefName      = uiDefName;
            _controlFactory = controlFactory;
            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(bo);

            IUIDef uiDef = mapper.GetUIDef(uiDefName);

            if (uiDef == null)
                string errMessage = "Cannot create a panel factory for '" + bo.ClassDef.ClassName
                                    + "' since the classdefs do not contain a uiDef '" + uiDefName + "'";
                throw new HabaneroDeveloperException
                          ("There is a serious application error please contact your system administrator"
                          + Environment.NewLine + errMessage, errMessage);
            _uiForm = uiDef.GetUIFormProperties();
            if (_uiForm == null)
                string errMsg = "Cannot create a panel factory for '" + bo.ClassDef.ClassName
                                + "' since the classdefs do not contain a form def for uidef '" + uiDefName + "'";
                throw new HabaneroDeveloperException
                          ("There is a serious application error please contact your system administrator"
                          + Environment.NewLine + errMsg, errMsg);
        public void TestDuplicateColumnNames()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(_collection.ClassDef.CreateNewBusinessObject());

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
                itsTable = _dataSetProvider.GetDataTable(mapper.GetUIDef("duplicateColumns").UIGrid);
                Assert.Fail("Expected to throw an DuplicateNameException");
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            catch (DuplicateNameException ex)
                StringAssert.Contains("Only one column per property can be specified", ex.Message);
        public void TestAddRow_UpdatesCollection()
            BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO> col = null;
            IDataSetProvider dataSetProvider    = GetDataSetProviderWithCollection(ref col);
            BOMapper         mapper             = new BOMapper(col.ClassDef.CreateNewBusinessObject());
            DataTable        table = dataSetProvider.GetDataTable(mapper.GetUIDef().UIGrid);
            MyBO             boNew = new MyBO();

            boNew.SetPropertyValue("TestProp", "bo3prop1");
            boNew.SetPropertyValue("TestProp2", "s2");
            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(4, table.Rows.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, col.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, col.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count);
            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            table.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, "bo3prop1", "bo3prop2" });
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(5, col.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, col.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, table.Rows.Count);
        public void TestAddRowCreatesBusinessObjectThroughCollection()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO> boCollection = new BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO>();
            MyBO bo = new MyBO();

            bo.SetPropertyValue("TestProp", "bo1prop1");
            bo.SetPropertyValue("TestProp2", "s1");

            MyBO bo2 = new MyBO();

            bo2.SetPropertyValue("TestProp", "bo2prop1");
            bo2.SetPropertyValue("TestProp2", "s2");

            _dataSetProvider = new EditableDataSetProvider(boCollection);
            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(boCollection.ClassDef.CreateNewBusinessObject());

            itsTable = _dataSetProvider.GetDataTable(mapper.GetUIDef().UIGrid);

            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(2, boCollection.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, boCollection.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count, "Should be no created items to start");

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            itsTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, "bo3prop1", "bo3prop2" });

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
                (1, boCollection.CreatedBusinessObjects.Count,
                "Adding a row to the table should use the collection to create the object");
            //Assert.AreEqual(2, boCollection.Count, "Adding a row to the table should not add a bo to the main collection");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, boCollection.Count, "Adding a row to the table should add a bo to the main collection");
        public void Test_EditDataTable_ToDBNull_EditsBo()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            BusinessObjectCollection <MyBO> col = null;
            IDataSetProvider dataSetProvider    = GetDataSetProviderWithCollection(ref col);
            BOMapper         mapper             = new BOMapper(col.ClassDef.CreateNewBusinessObject());
            DataTable        table = dataSetProvider.GetDataTable(mapper.GetUIDef().UIGrid);
            MyBO             bo1   = col[0];
//            const string updatedvalue = "UpdatedValue";
            const string columnName         = "TestProp";
            object       origionalPropValue = bo1.GetPropertyValue(columnName);

            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.IsTrue(dataSetProvider is EditableDataSetProvider);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, table.Rows.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(bo1.ID.AsString_CurrentValue(), table.Rows[0][_dataTableIdColumnName]);
            Assert.AreEqual(origionalPropValue, table.Rows[0][columnName]);
            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            table.Rows[0][columnName] = DBNull.Value;
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(bo1.ID.AsString_CurrentValue(), table.Rows[0][_dataTableIdColumnName]);
            Assert.AreEqual(DBNull.Value, table.Rows[0][columnName]);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, bo1.GetPropertyValue(columnName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the <see cref="DefaultBOEditorFormVWG"/> class  with
        /// the specified <see cref="BusinessObject"/>, uiDefName and <see cref="IControlFactory"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bo">The business object to represent</param>
        /// <param name="uiDefName">The name of the ui def to use.</param>
        /// <param name="controlFactory">The <see cref="IControlFactory"/> to use for creating the Editor form controls</param>
        public DefaultBOEditorFormVWG(BusinessObject bo, string uiDefName, IControlFactory controlFactory)
            _bo                 = bo;
            _controlFactory     = controlFactory;
            _uiDefName          = uiDefName;
            GroupControlCreator = _controlFactory.CreateTabControl;
            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(bo);

            IUIForm def;

            if (_uiDefName.Length > 0)
                IUIDef uiMapper = mapper.GetUIDef(_uiDefName);
                if (uiMapper == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("An error occurred while " +
                                                     "attempting to load an object editing form.  A possible " +
                                                     "cause is that the class definitions do not have a " +
                                                     "'form' section for the class, under the 'ui' " +
                                                     "with the name '" + _uiDefName + "'.");
                def = uiMapper.UIForm;
                IUIDef uiMapper = mapper.GetUIDef();
                if (uiMapper == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("An error occurred while " +
                                                     "attempting to load an object editing form.  A possible " +
                                                     "cause is that the class definitions do not have a " +
                                                     "'form' section for the class.");
                def = uiMapper.UIForm;
            if (def == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("An error occurred while " +
                                                 "attempting to load an object editing form.  A possible " +
                                                 "cause is that the class definitions do not have a " +
                                                 "'form' section for the class.");

            PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder(_controlFactory);

            //_panelInfo = panelBuilder.BuildPanelForForm(_bo.ClassDef.UIDefCol["default"].UIForm);
            //_panelInfo = panelBuilder.BuildPanelForForm(_bo.ClassDef.UIDefCol[uiDefName].UIForm);
            _panelInfo = panelBuilder.BuildPanelForForm(def);

            _panelInfo.BusinessObject = _bo;
            _boPanel = _panelInfo.Panel;
            _buttons = _controlFactory.CreateButtonGroupControl();
            // These buttons used to be "&Cancel" and "&OK", but they are missing the "&" in win, so I took them out for VWG
            //  Soriya had originally removed them from Win in revision 2854, but I'm not sure of the reason other than
            //  externally, when fetching the button from the button control, it would be fetched using the text only.
            //  I would prefer to have the "&" in the control, but it may break existing code that uses the buttons on this form.
            //  Also, it seems that VWG does not do anything with the "&"
            _buttons.AddButton("Cancel", CancelButtonHandler);
            IButton okbutton = _buttons.AddButton("OK", OKButtonHandler);

            okbutton.TabStop = false;
            //okbutton.TabIndex = 3;
            //okbutton.TabStop = true;
            //cancelButton.TabIndex = 4;
            //cancelButton.TabStop = true;

            this.AcceptButton = (ButtonVWG)okbutton;
            this.Load        += delegate { FocusOnFirstControl(); };
            this.Closing     += OnClosing;

            this.Text = def.Title;
            MinimizeBox = false;
            MaximizeBox = false;
            //this.ControlBox = false;
            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

            OnResize(new EventArgs());
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the <see cref="DefaultBOEditorFormWin"/> class  with
        /// the specified businessObject, uiDefName and post edit action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bo">The business object to represent</param>
        /// <param name="uiDefName">The name of the ui def to use.</param>
        /// <param name="controlFactory">The <see cref="IControlFactory"/> to use for creating the Editor form controls</param>
        /// <param name="creator">The Creator used to Create the Group Control.</param>
        public DefaultBOEditorFormWin(BusinessObject bo, string uiDefName, IControlFactory controlFactory, GroupControlCreator creator)
            _bo                 = bo;
            _controlFactory     = controlFactory;
            GroupControlCreator = creator;
            _uiDefName          = uiDefName;

            BOMapper mapper = new BOMapper(bo);

            IUIForm def;

            if (_uiDefName.Length > 0)
                IUIDef uiMapper = mapper.GetUIDef(_uiDefName);
                if (uiMapper == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("An error occurred while " +
                                                     "attempting to load an object editing form.  A possible " +
                                                     "cause is that the class definitions do not have a " +
                                                     "'form' section for the class, under the 'ui' " +
                                                     "with the name '" + _uiDefName + "'.");
                def = uiMapper.UIForm;
                IUIDef uiMapper = mapper.GetUIDef();
                if (uiMapper == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("An error occurred while " +
                                                     "attempting to load an object editing form.  A possible " +
                                                     "cause is that the class definitions do not have a " +
                                                     "'form' section for the class.");
                def = uiMapper.UIForm;
            if (def == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("An error occurred while " +
                                                 "attempting to load an object editing form.  A possible " +
                                                 "cause is that the class definitions do not have a " +
                                                 "'form' section for the class.");

            PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder(_controlFactory);

            //_panelInfo = panelBuilder.BuildPanelForForm(_bo.ClassDef.UIDefCol["default"].UIForm);
            //_panelInfo = panelBuilder.BuildPanelForForm(_bo.ClassDef.UIDefCol[uiDefName].UIForm, this.GroupControlCreator);
            _panelInfo = panelBuilder.BuildPanelForForm(def, this.GroupControlCreator);

            _panelInfo.BusinessObject = _bo;
            _boPanel = _panelInfo.Panel;

            _buttons = _controlFactory.CreateButtonGroupControl();
            _buttons.AddButton("Cancel", CancelButtonHandler);
            IButton okbutton = _buttons.AddButton("OK", OkButtonHandler);

            this.AcceptButton = (ButtonWin)okbutton;
            this.Load        += delegate { FocusOnFirstControl(); };
            this.FormClosing += OnFormClosing;

            this.Text = def.Title;
            MinimizeBox = false;
            MaximizeBox = false;
            //this.ControlBox = false;
            this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

            OnResize(new EventArgs());