//#region Web Service Getters
    //    public static List<Facility> GetAll()
    //    {
    //        BLL.Facility v = new BLL.Facility();
    //        v.LoadAll();
    //        return ToList(v);
    //    }
    //    public static List<Facility> GetUpdatesAfter(long? lastVersion,DateTime? lastUpdateTime)
    //    {
    //        BLL.Facility v = new BLL.Facility();
    //        if(lastVersion.HasValue && lastVersion.Value != 0)
    //        {
    //            v.LoadUpdatesAfter( lastVersion.Value );    
    //        }else if(lastUpdateTime.HasValue)
    //        {
    //            v.LoadUpdatesAfterByTime(lastUpdateTime.Value);
    //        }else
    //        {
    //            v.LoadAll();
    //        }
    //        return ToList(v);
    //    }
    //    public static List<int> GetDeletedIDsAfter(long LastVersion)
    //    {
    //         BLL.Facility v = new BLL.Facility();
    //        v.LoadDeletedIDs(LastVersion);
    //        List<int> list = new List<int>();
    //        while (!v.EOF)
    //        {
    //            list.Add((int)v.GetColumn("ID"));
    //            v.MoveNext();
    //        }
    //        return list;
    //    }
	#region Utilities
		#region Web service Saving
		public static void SaveList(List<Facility> list)
            BLL.ReceivingUnits bv = new BLL.ReceivingUnits();
            foreach (Facility v in list)
                // try to load by primary key

                // if the entry doesn't exist, create it
                if (bv.RowCount == 0)
                // populate the contents of v on the to the database list
              if( v.ID.HasValue )
				   bv.ID = v.ID.Value;
              if( v.Name != "" && v.Name != null )
				   bv.Name = v.Name;
              //if( v.Type.HasValue )
              //     bv.Type = v.Type.Value;
              if( v.Description != "" && v.Description != null )
				   bv.Description = v.Description;
              if( v.Phone != "" && v.Phone != null )
				   bv.Phone = v.Phone;
              if( v.Woreda.HasValue )
				   bv.Woreda = v.Woreda.Value;
              if( v.Route.HasValue )
				   bv.Route = v.Route.Value;
              if( v.RouteSequence.HasValue )
				   bv.RouteSequence = v.RouteSequence.Value;
              //if( v.PrimaryHubID.HasValue )
              //     bv.PrimaryHubID = v.PrimaryHubID.Value;
              //if( v.SecondaryHubID.HasValue )
              //     bv.SecondaryHubID = v.SecondaryHubID.Value;
              //if( v.IsDeleted.HasValue )
              //     bv.IsDeleted = v.IsDeleted.Value;
              //if( v.UpdateTime.HasValue )
              //     bv.UpdateTime = v.UpdateTime.Value;


	public static void DeleteList(List<int> list)
            BLL.ReceivingUnits bv = new BLL.ReceivingUnits();
            foreach (int v in list)
                // try to load by primary key
                // if the entry doesn't exist, create it
                if (bv.RowCount > 0)
                // populate the contents of v on the to the database list


        public static void SaveList(List<Facility> list)
            BLL.ReceivingUnits bv = new BLL.ReceivingUnits();
            foreach (Facility v in list)
                // try to load by primary key

                // if the entry doesn't exist, create it
                if (bv.RowCount == 0)
                // populate the contents of v on the to the database list
              if( v.ID.HasValue )
                   bv.ID = v.ID.Value;
              if( v.Name != "" && v.Name != null )
                   bv.Name = v.Name;
              //if( v.Type.HasValue )
              //     bv.Type = v.Type.Value;
              if( v.Description != "" && v.Description != null )
                   bv.Description = v.Description;
              if( v.Phone != "" && v.Phone != null )
                   bv.Phone = v.Phone;
              if( v.Woreda.HasValue )
                   bv.Woreda = v.Woreda.Value;
              if( v.Route.HasValue )
                   bv.Route = v.Route.Value;
              if( v.RouteSequence.HasValue )
                   bv.RouteSequence = v.RouteSequence.Value;
              //if( v.PrimaryHubID.HasValue )
              //     bv.PrimaryHubID = v.PrimaryHubID.Value;
              //if( v.SecondaryHubID.HasValue )
              //     bv.SecondaryHubID = v.SecondaryHubID.Value;
              //if( v.IsDeleted.HasValue )
              //     bv.IsDeleted = v.IsDeleted.Value;
              //if( v.UpdateTime.HasValue )
              //     bv.UpdateTime = v.UpdateTime.Value;

        public static void DeleteList(List<int> list)
            BLL.ReceivingUnits bv = new BLL.ReceivingUnits();
            foreach (int v in list)
                // try to load by primary key
                // if the entry doesn't exist, create it
                if (bv.RowCount > 0)
                // populate the contents of v on the to the database list
