private void cboIssuedTo_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lkIssuedTo.EditValue != null && cboStores.EditValue != null)
                BLL.PickList plst  = new BLL.PickList();
                DataTable    dtRec = new DataTable();

                lstRefNo.DataSource         = plst.GetDistinctPickList(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), Convert.ToInt32(lkIssuedTo.EditValue));
                gridTransactions.DataSource = dtRec;
        private void cboIssuedTo_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (lkIssuedTo.EditValue != null && cboStores.EditValue != null)
                BLL.PickList plst = new BLL.PickList();
                DataTable dtRec = new DataTable();

                lstRefNo.DataSource = plst.GetDistinctPickList(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), Convert.ToInt32(lkIssuedTo.EditValue));
                gridTransactions.DataSource = dtRec;
 private void cboStores_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cboStores.EditValue != null)
         BLL.PickList pl      = new BLL.PickList();
         DataTable    dtIssue = pl.GetDistinctPickList(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue));
         // add the current year datarow
         DataRowView drv = dtIssue.DefaultView.AddNew();
         drv["ID"]           = 0;
         drv["RefNo"]        = "Current Year";
         lstRefNo.DataSource = dtIssue;
        private void cboStores_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboStores.EditValue != null)
                BLL.PickList pl = new BLL.PickList();
                DataTable dtIssue = pl.GetDistinctPickList(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue));
                // add the current year datarow
                DataRowView drv = dtIssue.DefaultView.AddNew();
                drv["ID"] = 0;
                drv["RefNo"] = "Current Year";
                lstRefNo.DataSource = dtIssue;
