예제 #1
        static void Main()

            Bitmap imgsrc = new Bitmap("icon.jpg");

            var infosrc = new BITMAPINFOHEADER
                    biWidth = imgsrc.Width,
                    biHeight = imgsrc.Height,
                    biBitCount = (ushort)Image.GetPixelFormatSize(imgsrc.PixelFormat)
            var infodest = GetResizedImageInfo(imgsrc.Width, imgsrc.Height, 1600, 1200);

            Rectangle recsrc = new Rectangle(0, 0, imgsrc.Width, imgsrc.Height);
            BitmapData datasrc = imgsrc.LockBits(recsrc, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, imgsrc.PixelFormat);

            Bitmap imgdest = new Bitmap(infodest.biWidth, infodest.biHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            Rectangle recdest = new Rectangle(0, 0, imgdest.Width, imgdest.Height);
            BitmapData datadest = imgdest.LockBits(recdest, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, imgdest.PixelFormat);

            infodest.biBitCount = (ushort)Image.GetPixelFormatSize(imgdest.PixelFormat);
            ResizeImage(datasrc.Scan0, infosrc, datadest.Scan0, infodest);


            imgdest.Save("icondest.png", ImageFormat.Png);

예제 #2
파일: VideoStream.cs 프로젝트: poles-p/SARA
        /// <summary>
        /// Get FrameGrabber to grab frames from AVI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// new FrameGrabber object.
        /// </returns>
        public FrameGrabber GetFrameGrabber()
            int formatSize = 0;

            AviFil32.AVIError error = AviFil32.AVIStreamReadFormat(_aviStream, 0, IntPtr.Zero, ref formatSize);
            if (error != AviFil32.AVIError.AVIERR_OK)
                throw new AviException("Unrecognised AVI exception (0x" + Convert.ToString((int)error, 16) + ").");
            if (formatSize > Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)))
                throw new AviException("Unknown format (too big).");

            error = AviFil32.AVIStreamReadFormat(_aviStream, 0, ref bmpHeader, ref formatSize);
            if (error != AviFil32.AVIError.AVIERR_OK)
                throw new AviException("Unrecognised AVI exception (0x" + Convert.ToString((int)error, 16) + ").");

            bmpHeaderOut.biSize          = bmpHeader.biSize;
            bmpHeaderOut.biWidth         = bmpHeader.biWidth;
            bmpHeaderOut.biHeight        = bmpHeader.biHeight;
            bmpHeaderOut.biPlanes        = 1;
            bmpHeaderOut.biBitCount      = 24;
            bmpHeaderOut.biCompression   = 0; // RGB
            bmpHeaderOut.biXPelsPerMeter = bmpHeader.biXPelsPerMeter;
            bmpHeaderOut.biYPelsPerMeter = bmpHeader.biYPelsPerMeter;

            IntPtr getFrameObject = AviFil32.AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(_aviStream, ref bmpHeaderOut);

            if (getFrameObject == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new AviException("Can not find video decompressor.");

            return new FrameGrabber(getFrameObject, _streamInfo);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// 初始化视频画刷及显示控件
 /// </summary>
     drawDib = new DrawDib(this.controlVideo);
     //drawDib.BITMAPINFOHEADER.biCompression = BITMAPINFOHEADER.biCompression;// 已修改 原(int)BI.BI_RGB;
     //drawDib.BITMAPINFOHEADER.biBitCount = BITMAPINFOHEADER.biBitCount;//已修改  原24
예제 #4
        * �������ƣ�GetBitmap
        * �������ܣ��������������ݱ���ΪͼƬ
        * ������Σ�buffer---ͼƬ����
        *           nWidth---ͼƬ�Ŀ��
        *           nHeight---ͼƬ�ĸ߶�
        * ����������
        * �������أ���
        public static void GetBitmap(byte[] buffer, int nWidth, int nHeight, ref MemoryStream ms)
            int ColorIndex = 0;
            ushort m_nBitCount = 8;
            int m_nColorTableEntries = 256;
            byte[] ResBuf = new byte[nWidth * nHeight];

                BITMAPFILEHEADER BmpHeader = new BITMAPFILEHEADER();
                BITMAPINFOHEADER BmpInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFOHEADER();
                MASK[] ColorMask = new MASK[m_nColorTableEntries];

                BmpInfoHeader.biSize = Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader);
                BmpInfoHeader.biWidth = nWidth;
                BmpInfoHeader.biHeight = nHeight;
                BmpInfoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
                BmpInfoHeader.biBitCount = m_nBitCount;
                BmpInfoHeader.biCompression = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed = m_nColorTableEntries;
                BmpInfoHeader.biClrImportant = m_nColorTableEntries;

                BmpHeader.bfType = 0x4D42;
                BmpHeader.bfOffBits = 14 + Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader) + BmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed * 4;
                BmpHeader.bfSize = BmpHeader.bfOffBits + ((((BmpInfoHeader.biWidth * BmpInfoHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32) * 4) * BmpInfoHeader.biHeight);
                BmpHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
                BmpHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;

                ms.Write(StructToBytes(BmpHeader, 14), 0, 14);
                ms.Write(StructToBytes(BmpInfoHeader, Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader)), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader));

                for (ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < m_nColorTableEntries; ColorIndex++)
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].redmask = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].greenmask = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].bluemask = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].rgbReserved = 0;

                    ms.Write(StructToBytes(ColorMask[ColorIndex], Marshal.SizeOf(ColorMask[ColorIndex])), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(ColorMask[ColorIndex]));

                RotatePic(buffer, nWidth, nHeight, ref ResBuf);

                ms.Write(ResBuf, 0, nWidth * nHeight);
            catch (Exception ex)
               // ZKCE.SysException.ZKCELogger logger = new ZKCE.SysException.ZKCELogger(ex);
               // logger.Append();
예제 #5
 private static BITMAPFILEHEADER createFileHeader(ref BITMAPINFOHEADER info)
     header.bfType = BFTYPE_BMP;
     int headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(header) + Marshal.SizeOf(info);
     header.bfSize = (uint) headerSize + info.biSizeImage;
     header.bfOffBits = (uint) headerSize;
     return header;
예제 #6
 public InfoForm( BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi )
     txtWidth.Text = bmi.biWidth.ToString();
     txtHeight.Text = bmi.biHeight.ToString();
     txtBitsPix.Text = bmi.biBitCount.ToString();
     int skb = bmi.biSizeImage >> 10;
     txtSize.Text = skb.ToString();
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化视频编解码器
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmapInfoHeader">图像头信息</param>
        /// <param name="isEncode">标识完成编码还是解码功能</param>
        public VideoEncoder(BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader, bool isEncode)
            //bmi.biWidth = bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth;
            //bmi.biHeight = bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight;
            //if (isEncode)
            //    bmi.biCompression =bitmapInfoHeader.biCompression;
            //    bmi.biCompression = FOURCC.MP42;
            //bmi.biSizeImage =bitmapInfoHeader.biSizeImage;
            //bmi.biPlanes = bitmapInfoHeader.biPlanes;
            //bmi.biBitCount =   bitmapInfoHeader.biBitCount;
            //bmi.biXPelsPerMeter = bitmapInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter;
            //bmi.biYPelsPerMeter = bitmapInfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter;
            //bmi.biClrUsed = bitmapInfoHeader.biClrUsed;
            //bmi.biClrImportant = bitmapInfoHeader.biClrImportant;
            //bmi.biSize = bitmapInfoHeader.biSize;
            //bitmapInfo.bmiHeader = bmi;

            BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo = new BITMAPINFO();
            bitmapInfo.bmiHeader = bitmapInfoHeader;

            this.IsEncode = isEncode;
            if (isEncode)
                COMPVARS compvars = new COMPVARS();
                compvars.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(compvars);
                compvars.dwFlags = 1;
                compvars.fccHandler = FOURCC.MP42;
                compvars.fccType = FOURCC.ICTYPE_VIDEO;
                compvars.lDataRate = 780;
                compvars.lKey = 15;
                compvars.lQ = -1;
                compvars.lQ = 500;

                this.Compressor = new ICCompressor(compvars, bitmapInfo, FOURCC.MP42);
                bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = FOURCC.MP42;
                this.Decompressor = new ICDecompressor(new COMPVARS(), bitmapInfo, FOURCC.MP42);
예제 #8
파일: DIB.cs 프로젝트: enersia/pocketwit
 private static void Store(BinaryWriter bw, BITMAPINFOHEADER bm)
예제 #9
파일: DIB.cs 프로젝트: enersia/pocketwit
        public static Bitmap CreateDIB(int x, int y)
            //Set up a BitmapHeader
            Int32 Depth = DetermineColorDepth.getdepth();
            BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpInfo = new BITMAPINFOHEADER((short) Depth, x, y);
            BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpFile = new BITMAPFILEHEADER(bmpInfo);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[bmpFile.bfSize];

            MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(buffer);
            using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(m))
                bmpInfo.Store(writer, false);
                m.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                return new Bitmap(m);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will use User32 code to capture the specified captureBounds from the screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="captureBounds">Rectangle with the bounds to capture</param>
        /// <returns>Bitmap which is captured from the screen at the location specified by the captureBounds</returns>
        public static Bitmap CaptureRectangle(Rectangle captureBounds)
            Bitmap returnBitmap = null;

            if (captureBounds.Height <= 0 || captureBounds.Width <= 0)
                LOG.Warn("Nothing to capture, ignoring!");
            LOG.Debug("CaptureRectangle Called!");

            // .NET GDI+ Solution, according to some post this has a GDI+ leak...
            // See http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/344752/gdi-object-leak-when-calling-graphics-copyfromscreen
            // Bitmap capturedBitmap = new Bitmap(captureBounds.Width, captureBounds.Height);
            // using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(capturedBitmap)) {
            //	graphics.CopyFromScreen(captureBounds.Location, Point.Empty, captureBounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);
            // }
            // capture.Image = capturedBitmap;
            // capture.Location = captureBounds.Location;

            using (SafeWindowDCHandle desktopDCHandle = SafeWindowDCHandle.fromDesktop()) {
                if (desktopDCHandle.IsInvalid)
                    // Get Exception before the error is lost
                    Exception exceptionToThrow = CreateCaptureException("desktopDCHandle", captureBounds);
                    // throw exception
                    throw exceptionToThrow;

                // create a device context we can copy to
                using (SafeCompatibleDCHandle safeCompatibleDCHandle = GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC(desktopDCHandle)) {
                    // Check if the device context is there, if not throw an error with as much info as possible!
                    if (safeCompatibleDCHandle.IsInvalid)
                        // Get Exception before the error is lost
                        Exception exceptionToThrow = CreateCaptureException("CreateCompatibleDC", captureBounds);
                        // throw exception
                        throw exceptionToThrow;
                    // Create BITMAPINFOHEADER for CreateDIBSection
                    BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(captureBounds.Width, captureBounds.Height, 24);

                    // Make sure the last error is set to 0

                    // create a bitmap we can copy it to, using GetDeviceCaps to get the width/height
                    IntPtr bits0;                     // not used for our purposes. It returns a pointer to the raw bits that make up the bitmap.
                    using (SafeDibSectionHandle safeDibSectionHandle = GDI32.CreateDIBSection(desktopDCHandle, ref bmi, BITMAPINFOHEADER.DIB_RGB_COLORS, out bits0, IntPtr.Zero, 0)) {
                        if (safeDibSectionHandle.IsInvalid)
                            // Get Exception before the error is lost
                            Exception exceptionToThrow = CreateCaptureException("CreateDIBSection", captureBounds);
                            exceptionToThrow.Data.Add("hdcDest", safeCompatibleDCHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32());
                            exceptionToThrow.Data.Add("hdcSrc", desktopDCHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32());

                            // Throw so people can report the problem
                            throw exceptionToThrow;
                        // select the bitmap object and store the old handle
                        using (safeCompatibleDCHandle.SelectObject(safeDibSectionHandle)) {
                            // bitblt over (make copy)
                            GDI32.BitBlt(safeCompatibleDCHandle, 0, 0, captureBounds.Width, captureBounds.Height, desktopDCHandle, captureBounds.X, captureBounds.Y, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy | CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);

                        // get a .NET image object for it
                        // A suggestion for the "A generic error occurred in GDI+." E_FAIL/0×80004005 error is to re-try...
                        bool success = false;
                        ExternalException exception = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            try {
                                // Collect all screens inside this capture
                                List <Screen> screensInsideCapture = new List <Screen>();
                                foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens)
                                    if (screen.Bounds.IntersectsWith(captureBounds))
                                // Check all all screens are of an equal size
                                bool offscreenContent;
                                using (Region captureRegion = new Region(captureBounds)) {
                                    // Exclude every visible part
                                    foreach (Screen screen in screensInsideCapture)
                                    // If the region is not empty, we have "offscreenContent"
                                    using (Graphics screenGraphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(User32.GetDesktopWindow())) {
                                        offscreenContent = !captureRegion.IsEmpty(screenGraphics);
                                // Check if we need to have a transparent background, needed for offscreen content
                                if (offscreenContent)
                                    using (Bitmap tmpBitmap = Image.FromHbitmap(safeDibSectionHandle.DangerousGetHandle())) {
                                        // Create a new bitmap which has a transparent background
                                        returnBitmap = ImageHelper.CreateEmpty(tmpBitmap.Width, tmpBitmap.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, Color.Transparent, tmpBitmap.HorizontalResolution, tmpBitmap.VerticalResolution);
                                        // Content will be copied here
                                        using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(returnBitmap)) {
                                            // For all screens copy the content to the new bitmap
                                            foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens)
                                                Rectangle screenBounds = screen.Bounds;
                                                // Make sure the bounds are offsetted to the capture bounds
                                                screenBounds.Offset(-captureBounds.X, -captureBounds.Y);
                                                graphics.DrawImage(tmpBitmap, screenBounds, screenBounds.X, screenBounds.Y, screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                    // All screens, which are inside the capture, are of equal size
                                    // assign image to Capture, the image will be disposed there..
                                    returnBitmap = Image.FromHbitmap(safeDibSectionHandle.DangerousGetHandle());
                                // We got through the capture without exception
                                success = true;
                            } catch (ExternalException ee) {
                                LOG.Warn("Problem getting bitmap at try " + i + " : ", ee);
                                exception = ee;
                        if (!success)
                            LOG.Error("Still couldn't create Bitmap!");
                            if (exception != null)
                                throw exception;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 指定したAVI_CONTAINER構造体にAVIファイルの情報を格納すると共に,
        /// ファイルにヘッダー情報を書き込みます.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">書き込み対象のファイル</param>
        /// <param name="scale"></param>
        /// <param name="rate"></param>
        /// <param name="compressed"></param>
        public unsafe bool Open(string file, uint scale, uint rate, int width, int height, bool compressed, bool transparent, IntPtr hWnd)
            m_stream = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
            float fps = (float)rate / (float)scale;
            m_main_header.dwMicroSecPerFrame = (uint)(1.0e6 / fps);//  ! 1秒は10^6μ秒
            m_main_header.dwReserved1        = 0;
            m_main_header.dwFlags            = 2064;
            m_main_header.dwInitialFrames    = 0;
            m_main_header.dwStreams          = 0;
            m_main_header.dwScale            = scale;
            m_main_header.dwRate             = rate;
            m_main_header.dwStart            = 0;
            m_main_header.dwLength           = 0;
            m_rate  = rate;
            m_scale = scale;
            Util.fwrite("RIFF", m_stream);
            Util.WriteDWORD(0, m_stream);
            Util.fwrite("AVI ", m_stream);
            Util.fwrite("LIST", m_stream);
            Util.WriteDWORD(0x9cc, m_stream);
            Util.fwrite("hdrl", m_stream);
            m_current_chunk      = 0;
            m_position_in_chunk  = 0L;
            m_std_index          = new AVISTDINDEX(0L);
            m_super_index        = new AVISUPERINDEX(0);
            m_riff_position      = 0x4;
            m_compressed         = compressed;
            m_is_transparent     = transparent;
            m_stream_fcc_handler = 0;
            m_hwnd   = hWnd;
            m_file   = file;
            m_opened = true;
            if (m_is_first)
                int stride = 0;
                using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(width, height, m_is_transparent ? PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb : PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)) {
                    BitmapData bd = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
                    stride = bd.Stride;
                m_is_first                          = false;
                m_main_header.dwWidth               = (uint)width;
                m_main_header.dwHeight              = (uint)height;
                m_main_header.dwMaxBytesPerSec      = (uint)(stride * height * frameRate);
                m_main_header.dwStreams             = 1;
                m_main_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (uint)(stride * height);
                m_linesize                          = stride;

                m_stream_header.fccType               = Util.mmioFOURCC("vids");
                m_stream_header.fccHandler            = 0;
                m_stream_header.dwFlags               = 0;
                m_stream_header.dwReserved1           = 0;
                m_stream_header.dwInitialFrames       = 0;
                m_stream_header.dwScale               = m_scale;
                m_stream_header.dwRate                = m_rate;
                m_stream_header.dwStart               = 0;
                m_stream_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = m_main_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize;
                m_stream_header.dwQuality             = 0;
                m_stream_header.dwSampleSize          = 0;

                Util.aviWriteMainHeader(m_main_header, m_stream);

                Util.fwrite("LIST", m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x874, m_stream);
                Util.fwrite("strl", m_stream);

                Util.aviWriteStreamHeader(m_stream_header, m_main_header, m_stream);

                Util.fwrite("strf", m_stream);
                BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(); //(BITMAPINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure( Marshal.AllocHGlobal( sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ), typeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
                bih.biSize          = (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf(bih));
                bih.biWidth         = width;
                bih.biHeight        = height;
                bih.biPlanes        = 1;
                bih.biBitCount      = m_is_transparent ? (short)32 : (short)24;
                bih.biCompression   = 0;//BI_RGB
                bih.biSizeImage     = (uint)(stride * height);
                bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
                bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
                bih.biClrUsed       = 0;
                bih.biClrImportant  = 0;

                if (m_compressed)
                    m_p_compvar = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(COMPVARS));
                    m_compvar   = (COMPVARS *)m_p_compvar.ToPointer();
                    byte[] buf = new byte[sizeof(COMPVARS)];
                    for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
                        buf[i] = 0x0;
                    Marshal.Copy(buf, 0, m_p_compvar, buf.Length);
                    m_compvar->cbSize = sizeof(COMPVARS);
                    int ret = VCM.ICCompressorChoose(m_hwnd, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, m_compvar, "Select Video Compressor");
                    if (ret == 0)
                        m_opened = false;
                    if (m_compvar->hic != 0)
                        m_p_bitmapinfo_in = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
                        m_bitmapinfo_in   = (BITMAPINFO *)m_p_bitmapinfo_in.ToPointer();
                        buf = new byte[sizeof(BITMAPINFO)];
                        for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
                            buf[i] = 0x0;
                        Marshal.Copy(buf, 0, m_p_bitmapinfo_in, buf.Length);
                        m_bitmapinfo_in->bmiHeader = bih;
                        uint dwSize = VCM.ICCompressGetFormatSize(m_compvar->hic, m_bitmapinfo_in);
                        Console.WriteLine("m_compvar->hic=" + m_compvar->hic);
                        Console.WriteLine("ICCompressGetFormatSize=" + dwSize);
                        m_p_bitmapinfo_out = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)dwSize);
                        m_bitmapinfo_out   = (BITMAPINFO *)m_p_bitmapinfo_out.ToPointer();
                        buf = new byte[dwSize];
                        for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++)
                            buf[i] = 0x0;
                        Marshal.Copy(buf, 0, m_p_bitmapinfo_out, buf.Length);
                        VCM.ICCompressGetFormat(m_compvar->hic, m_bitmapinfo_in, m_bitmapinfo_out);
                        m_bih_compression = m_bitmapinfo_out->bmiHeader.biCompression;
                        Console.WriteLine("    biout.biSize=" + m_bitmapinfo_out->bmiHeader.biSize);
                        VCM.ICSeqCompressFrameStart(m_compvar, m_bitmapinfo_in);
                        bih = m_bitmapinfo_out->bmiHeader;
                        Util.WriteDWORD(bih.biSize, m_stream);// infoHeaderのサイズ
                        m_compressed = false;
                        Util.WriteDWORD(bih.biSize, m_stream);// infoHeaderのサイズ
                    Util.WriteDWORD(bih.biSize, m_stream);// infoHeaderのサイズ

                m_super_index_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
                Util.fwrite("indx", m_stream);                       //fcc
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x7f8, m_stream);                    // cb
                Util.WriteWORD((byte)0x4, m_stream);                 // wLongsPerEntry
                Util.WriteBYTE(0x0, m_stream);                       // bIndexSubType
                Util.WriteBYTE(Util.AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES, m_stream); // bIndexType
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);                      // nEntriesInUse
                Util.fwrite("00db", m_stream);                       // dwChunkId
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);
                for (int ii = 1; ii <= 126; ii++)
                    Util.WriteQWORD(0x0, m_stream);
                    Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);
                    Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);

                Util.fwrite("LIST", m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x104, m_stream);
                Util.fwrite("odml", m_stream);
                Util.fwrite("dmlh", m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0xf8, m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);//ここ後で更新するべき
                for (int ii = 1; ii <= 61; ii++)
                    Util.WriteDWORD(0x0, m_stream);

                Util.fwrite("JUNK", m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0x60c, m_stream);
                Util.WriteDWORD(0, m_stream);//"This"が将来登録されたらやばいので
                string    msg    = "This file was generated by [email protected];VfwBugCompatible=" + VfwBugCompatible;
                const int tlen   = 1544;
                int       remain = tlen - msg.Length;
                Util.fwrite(msg, m_stream);
                for (int i = 1; i <= remain; i++)
                m_junk_length = 0xff4;

                Util.fwrite("LIST", m_stream);
                m_movi_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
                Util.WriteDWORD(0, m_stream);// call bmpQWordWrite( 0, avi%fp )     !// ******************ココの数字は一番最後に書き換える必要あり2040~2043あとdwTotalFrames(48~51)も
                Util.fwrite("movi", m_stream);
                m_next_framedata_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;

예제 #12
파일: DIB.cs 프로젝트: enersia/pocketwit
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a BITMAPFILEHEADER class instance from the information provided
            /// by a BITMAPINFOHEADER instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="infoHdr">Filled in bitmap info header</param>
                // These are constant for our example
                bfType = fBitmapFileDesignator;
                bfOffBits = fBitmapFileOffsetToData;
                bfReserved1 = 0;
                bfReserved2 = 0;

                // Determine the size of the pixel data given the bit depth, width, and
                // height of the bitmap.  Note: Bitmap pixel data is always aligned to 4 byte
                // boundaries.
                uint bytesPerPixel = (uint)(infoHdr.biBitCount >> 3);
                uint extraBytes = ((uint)infoHdr.biWidth * bytesPerPixel) % 4;
                uint adjustedLineSize = bytesPerPixel * ((uint)infoHdr.biWidth + extraBytes);

                // Store the size of the pixel data
                sizeOfImageData = (uint)(infoHdr.biHeight) * adjustedLineSize;

                // Store the total file size
                bfSize = bfOffBits + sizeOfImageData;
예제 #13
 public static extern IntPtr ResizeImage(IntPtr buffer, BITMAPINFOHEADER bminfo, IntPtr newbuffer, BITMAPINFOHEADER newbminfo);
예제 #14
 public static extern int AVIStreamSetFormat(
     IntPtr streamHandler,
     int position,
     ref BITMAPINFOHEADER format,
     int formatSize);
예제 #15
      unsafe private void SetOptions() {
           opts.fccType           = fccType_;
           opts.fccHandler        = 0;//fccHandler_;
           opts.dwKeyFrameEvery   = 0;
           opts.dwQuality         = 0;  // 0 .. 10000
           opts.dwFlags           = 0;  // AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES = 4
           opts.dwBytesPerSecond  = 0;
           opts.lpFormat          = new IntPtr(0);
           opts.cbFormat          = 0;
           opts.lpParms           = new IntPtr(0);
           opts.cbParms           = 0;
           opts.dwInterleaveEvery = 0;

        AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS* p = &opts;
        AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS** pp = &p;

        IntPtr x       = ps_;
        IntPtr* ptr_ps = &x;


        // TODO: AVISaveOptionsFree(...)
        int hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream(out psCompressed_, ps_, ref opts, 0);
        if (hr != 0) {
          throw new AviException("AVIMakeCompressedStream");

             bi.biSize         = 40;
             bi.biWidth        = (Int32) width_;
             bi.biHeight       = (Int32) height_;
             bi.biPlanes       = 1;
             bi.biBitCount     = 24;
             bi.biCompression  = 0;  // 0 = BI_RGB
             bi.biSizeImage    = stride_*height_;
             bi.biXPelsPerMeter= 0;
             bi.biYPelsPerMeter= 0;
             bi.biClrUsed      = 0;
             bi.biClrImportant = 0;

        hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(psCompressed_, 0, ref bi, 40);
        if (hr != 0) {
          throw new AviException("AVIStreamSetFormat",hr);
예제 #16
        private void UpdateVideoSettings()
            _AMMediaType mt;
            object       formatBlock;

            vc.CaptureGraph.Source.GetMediaType(out mt, out formatBlock);

            VIDEOINFOHEADER vih           = new VIDEOINFOHEADER();
            bool            unknownFormat = false;

            if (formatBlock is VIDEOINFOHEADER)
                vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)formatBlock;
            else if (formatBlock is DVINFO)
                DVCaptureGraph dvcg = vc.CaptureGraph as DVCaptureGraph;
                if (dvcg != null)
                    dvcg.GetVideoMediaType(out mt, out formatBlock);
                    if (formatBlock is VIDEOINFOHEADER)
                        vih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER)formatBlock;
                        unknownFormat = true;
                    unknownFormat = true;
                unknownFormat = true;

            if (unknownFormat)
                lblCurrentSettings.Text += "Unknown Video Format";

            BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih = vih.BitmapInfo;

            if (lblCurrentSettings.Text == String.Empty)
                lblCurrentSettings.Text = Strings.VideoStream;
                lblCurrentSettings.Text += "\r\n\r\n" + Strings.VideoStream;

            lblCurrentSettings.Text += string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\r\n" +
                                                     Strings.AdvancedVideoSettingsStatus, TAB, bmih.Width, bmih.Height,
                                                     vih.FrameRate.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), MediaType.SubType.GuidToString(mt.subtype),
                                                     bmih.BitCount, (uint)(bmih.Width * bmih.Height * bmih.BitCount * vih.FrameRate) / 1000);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>Initialize the AviFile.</summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the output file.</param>
        /// <param name="frameRate">The frame rate for the video.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="quality">Video quality 0 to 10000.</param>
        public AviWriter(string path, int frameRate, int width, int height, uint quality = 10000)
            #region Validation

            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));

            if (frameRate <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(frameRate), frameRate, "The frame rate must be at least 1 frame per second.");

            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(width), width, "The width must be at least 1.");

            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(height), height, "The height must be at least 1.");


            //Store parameters
            var fccType = GetFourCc("vids");
            _width  = width;
            _height = height;

            _disposed = false;

            //Get the stride information by creating a new bitmap and querying it
            using (var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb))
                var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                _stride = (uint)bmpData.Stride;

                //Initialize the AVI library.

                //Open the output AVI file.
                var rv = AVIFileOpenW(ref _aviFile, path, AVI_OPEN_MODE_CREATEWRITE, 0);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                //Create a new stream in the avi file.
                var aviStreamInfo = new AVISTREAMINFOW
                    fccType               = fccType,
                    fccHandler            = 0,
                    dwScale               = 1,
                    dwRate                = (uint)frameRate,
                    dwSuggestedBufferSize = (uint)(_height * _stride),
                    dwQuality             = quality, //-1 default 0xffffffff, 0 to 10.000

                    rcFrame = new Native.Rect
                        Bottom = _height,
                        Right  = _width

                rv = AVIFileCreateStream(_aviFile, out _aviStream, ref aviStreamInfo);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                //Configure the compressed stream.
                var streamFormat = new BITMAPINFOHEADER
                    biSize      = 40,
                    biWidth     = _width,
                    biHeight    = _height,
                    biPlanes    = 1,
                    biBitCount  = 24,
                    biSizeImage = (uint)(_stride * _height)

                rv = AVIStreamSetFormat(_aviStream, 0, ref streamFormat, 40);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString()); //, "Unable to set the AVI stream format.");
                // Clean up

                    if (File.Exists(path))
                catch { }

예제 #18
 static extern IntPtr CreateDIBitmap([In] IntPtr hdc, [In] ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmih, uint fdwInit, byte[] lpbInit, [In] ref BITMAPINFO lpbmi, uint fuUsage);
예제 #19
파일: Avi.cs 프로젝트: hksonngan/Xian
 public static extern IntPtr ICLocate(
     Int32 fccType,
     Int32 fccHandler,
     IntPtr lpbiOut,
     Int16 wFlags);
예제 #20
 public void CopyFrom(ImageEncoder encoder)
     this.mHeader    = encoder.mHeader;
     this.mColors    = encoder.mColors;
     this.mXOR       = encoder.mXOR;
     this.mAND       = encoder.mAND;
예제 #21
 public static extern int ICSendMessage(IntPtr hic, uint Message, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER dw1, UIntPtr dw2);
예제 #22
파일: AVIRec.cs 프로젝트: herculesjr/razor
        private unsafe bool SetOptions()
            int hr;
            AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS *pOpts = &opts;
            opts.fccType           = mmioFOURCC('v','i','d','s');
            opts.fccHandler        = 0;//cvid? iv50?
            opts.dwQuality         = 0;  // 0 .. 10000
            opts.dwFlags           = 0;  // AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES = 4

            hr = AVISaveOptions( Engine.MainWindow.Handle, 3, 1, ref m_pStream, &pOpts );
            if (hr != 1)
                return false;

            // TODO: AVISaveOptionsFree(...)

            hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream( out m_pCompStream, m_pStream, ref opts, 0 );
            if (hr != 0)
                return false;

            bi.biSize         = 40;
            bi.biWidth        = m_Width;
            bi.biHeight       = m_Height;
            bi.biPlanes       = 1;
            bi.biBitCount     = 24;
            bi.biCompression  = 0;  // 0 = BI_RGB
            bi.biSizeImage    = (uint)(m_Width*m_Height*(bi.biBitCount/8));

            hr = AVIStreamSetFormat( m_pCompStream, 0, ref bi, 40 );
            return hr == 0;
예제 #23
        private static uint BitmapSize(BITMAPINFOHEADER bih)
            uint bis = (uint)((((uint)bih.Width * (uint)bih.BitCount) + 31) & (~31)) / 8;

            return (uint)((uint)bih.Height * bis);
예제 #24
파일: DrawDib.cs 프로젝트: iraychen/ourmsg
 public static extern bool DrawDibBegin(
     IntPtr hdd,
     IntPtr hdc,
     int dxDst,
     int dyDst,
     int dxSrc,
     int dySrc,
     int wFlags
 public static extern int AVIStreamReadFormat(
     IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
     ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, ref Int32 cbFormat
예제 #26
파일: DrawDib.cs 프로젝트: iraychen/ourmsg
 public static extern bool DrawDibDraw(
     IntPtr hdd,
     IntPtr hdc,
     int xDst,
     int yDst,
     int dxDst,
     int dyDst,
     byte[] lpBits,
     int xSrc,
     int ySrc,
     int dxSrc,
     int dySrc,
     uint wFlags
예제 #27
        private static byte[] GetScreenBitmapArray()
            IntPtr hDC       = GetDC(IntPtr.Zero);
            IntPtr hMemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);


            bih.biSize         = Marshal.SizeOf(bih);
            bih.biBitCount     = 24;
            bih.biClrUsed      = 0;
            bih.biClrImportant = 0;
            bih.biCompression  = 0;
            bih.biHeight       = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;
            bih.biWidth        = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
            bih.biPlanes       = 1;
            int cb = (int)(bih.biHeight * bih.biWidth * bih.biBitCount / 8);

            bih.biSizeImage     = cb;
            bih.biXPelsPerMeter = PelsPerMeter;
            bih.biYPelsPerMeter = PelsPerMeter;

            IntPtr pBits = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr pBIH  = LocalAlloc(GPTR, bih.biSize);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(bih, pBIH, false);
            IntPtr hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hDC, pBIH, 0, ref pBits, IntPtr.Zero, 0);

            BITMAPINFOHEADER bihMem          = (BITMAPINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pBIH, typeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
            IntPtr           hPreviousBitmap = SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hBitmap);

            BitBlt(hMemoryDC, 0, 0, bih.biWidth, bih.biHeight, hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
            byte[] bits = new byte[cb];
            Marshal.Copy(pBits, bits, 0, cb);


            bfh.bfSize    = (uint)cb + 0x36;
            bfh.bfType    = 0x4d42;
            bfh.bfOffBits = 0x36;
            int headerSize = 14;

            byte[] header = new byte[headerSize];
            BitConverter.GetBytes(bfh.bfType).CopyTo(header, 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(bfh.bfSize).CopyTo(header, 2);
            BitConverter.GetBytes(bfh.bfOffBits).CopyTo(header, 10);
            byte[] data = new byte[cb + bfh.bfOffBits];
            header.CopyTo(data, 0);
            header = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(bih)];
            IntPtr pHeader = LocalAlloc(GPTR, Marshal.SizeOf(bih));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(bihMem, pHeader, false);
            Marshal.Copy(pHeader, header, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(bih));
            header.CopyTo(data, headerSize);
            bits.CopyTo(data, (int)bfh.bfOffBits);

            DeleteObject(SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hPreviousBitmap));

예제 #28
 public static extern int ICSendMessage(IntPtr hic, uint Message, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER dw1, UIntPtr dw2);
예제 #29
         * Sets the recording options of the AVI stream
         * @return void
         * @private
        unsafe private void SetOptions()
            string[] codecs = GetSortedCodecs();
            if (codecs.Length < 1)
                throw new Exception("No codecs found.");

            string usefourcc;

            //Check for more efficient lossy codecs
            //Just a note: There is probably a better way to handle this
            if (Array.IndexOf(codecs, "XVID") > -1)
                usefourcc = codecs[Array.IndexOf(codecs, "XVID")];             //Great codec!
            else if (Array.IndexOf(codecs, "DIVX") > -1)
                usefourcc = codecs[Array.IndexOf(codecs, "XVID")];             //Another good one!
            else if (Array.IndexOf(codecs, "UYVY") > -1)
                usefourcc = codecs[Array.IndexOf(codecs, "UYVY")];             //used for hd
            else if (Array.IndexOf(codecs, "mrle") > -1)
                usefourcc = codecs[Array.IndexOf(codecs, "mrle")];             //poor quality
            else if (Array.IndexOf(codecs, "msvc") > -1)
                usefourcc = codecs[Array.IndexOf(codecs, "msvc")];             //Shipped with windows (let's default to this)
                usefourcc = codecs[0];              //Could find any in the list, let's just default to the first one.

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Chose codec: "+usefourcc);

            //Here let's create the FourCC
            FourCC.FourCC fcc = new FourCC.FourCC(usefourcc);


            opts.fccType           = 0;                 //fccType_;
            opts.fccHandler        = 541215044;         //fccHandler_;
            opts.dwKeyFrameEvery   = 0;
            opts.dwQuality         = 0;                 // 0 .. 10000
            opts.dwFlags           = 8;                 //0;  // AVICOMRPESSF_KEYFRAMES = 4
            opts.dwBytesPerSecond  = 0;
            opts.lpFormat          = (System.IntPtr) 0; //new IntPtr(0);
            opts.cbFormat          = 0;
            opts.lpParms           = (System.IntPtr) 0; //new IntPtr(0);
            opts.cbParms           = 0;
            opts.dwInterleaveEvery = 0;

            AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS * p  = &opts;
            AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS **pp = &p;

            IntPtr  x      = ps_;
            IntPtr *ptr_ps = &x;

            int hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream(out psCompressed_, ps_, ref opts, 0);

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new AviException("AVIMakeCompressedStream");


            bi.biSize          = 40;
            bi.biWidth         = (Int32)width_;
            bi.biHeight        = (Int32)height_;
            bi.biPlanes        = 1;
            bi.biBitCount      = 24;
            bi.biCompression   = 0;             // 0 = BI_RGB
            bi.biSizeImage     = stride_ * height_;
            bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bi.biClrUsed       = 0;
            bi.biClrImportant  = 0;

            hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(psCompressed_, 0, ref bi, 40);
            if (hr != 0)
                throw new AviException("AVIStreamSetFormat", hr);
 public ICONIMAGE(int width, int height, byte[] colors) {
   this.Header = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(width, height << 1, 
     (8 * colors.Length) / (width * height));
   this.Colors = colors;
   MaskSize = (width * height) >> 3;
 public static extern int AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(
     IntPtr pAVIStream,
예제 #32
파일: Saver.cs 프로젝트: worstward/rlviewer
        private byte[] GetBitmapFileHeader(int imgWidth, int imgHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette colorPalette = null)
            var rgbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RGBQUAD));

            //height is < 0 since image is flipped
            var bmpInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(imgWidth, -imgHeight, (uint)(imgHeight * imgWidth));
            var headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(bmpInfoHeader) + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)) + rgbSize * 256;
            var bmpFileHeader = new BITMAPFILEHEADER((uint)(imgWidth * imgHeight + headerSize), (uint)headerSize);

            List<byte> palette = new List<byte>(256);

            //if palete is not provided
            if (colorPalette == null)
                //fill palette with shades of gray
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    palette.AddRange(RlViewer.Behaviors.Converters.StructIO.WriteStruct<RGBQUAD>(new RGBQUAD((byte)i, (byte)i, (byte)i)));
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    var color = colorPalette.Entries[i];
                    palette.AddRange(RlViewer.Behaviors.Converters.StructIO.WriteStruct<RGBQUAD>(new RGBQUAD((byte)color.R, (byte)color.G, (byte)color.B)));

            List<byte> bmpHeader = new List<byte>();

            return bmpHeader.ToArray();
예제 #33
파일: AviFil32.cs 프로젝트: poles-p/SARA
 public static extern AVIError AVIStreamReadFormat(IntPtr pavi, int lPos, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, ref int lpcbFormat);
예제 #34
 public bool CanCompress(BITMAPINFOHEADER format)
     return(this == Find(format, this));
예제 #35
 static extern int SetDIBits(IntPtr hDC, IntPtr hBitmap, uint start, uint clines, byte[] lpvBits, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpbmi, uint colorUse);
예제 #36
        /// <summary>Initialize the AviFile.</summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the output file.</param>
        /// <param name="frameRate">The frame rate for the video.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="fourcc">The FOURCC compression value to use. A value of null means no compression is used.</param>
        public AviImageWriter(string path, int frameRate, int width, int height)
            // Validate parameters
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
            if (frameRate <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameRate", frameRate, "The frame rate must be at least 1 frame per second.");
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, "The width must be at least 1.");
            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, "The height must be at least 1.");

            // Store parameters
            uint fccType = GetFourCc("vids");

            _width  = width;
            _height = height;

            _disposed = false;

            // Get the stride information by creating a new bitmap and querying it
            using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb))
                BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                _stride = (uint)bmpData.Stride;

                // Initialize the AVI library

                // Open the output AVI file
                int rv = AVIFileOpenW(ref _aviFile, path, AVI_OPEN_MODE_CREATEWRITE, 0);
                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                // Create a new stream in the avi file
                AVISTREAMINFOW aviStreamInfo = new AVISTREAMINFOW();
                aviStreamInfo.fccType               = fccType;
                aviStreamInfo.fccHandler            = 0;
                aviStreamInfo.dwScale               = 1;
                aviStreamInfo.dwRate                = (uint)frameRate;
                aviStreamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (uint)(_height * _stride);
                aviStreamInfo.dwQuality             = 0xffffffff;
                aviStreamInfo.rcFrame               = new RECT();
                aviStreamInfo.rcFrame.bottom        = _height;
                aviStreamInfo.rcFrame.right         = _width;

                rv = AVIFileCreateStream(_aviFile, out _aviStream, ref aviStreamInfo);
                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                // Configure the compressed stream
                BITMAPINFOHEADER streamFormat = new BITMAPINFOHEADER();
                streamFormat.biSize      = 40;
                streamFormat.biWidth     = _width;
                streamFormat.biHeight    = _height;
                streamFormat.biPlanes    = 1;
                streamFormat.biBitCount  = 24;
                streamFormat.biSizeImage = (uint)(_stride * _height);

                rv = AVIStreamSetFormat(_aviStream, 0, ref streamFormat, 40);
                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());          //, "Unable to set the AVI stream format.");
                // Clean up
                try { if (path != null && File.Exists(path))
                catch {}
예제 #37
파일: BitmapCore.cs 프로젝트: clowd/bmplib
    public static byte[] WriteToBMP(ref BITMAP_WRITE_REQUEST info, byte *sourceBufferStart, BITMASKS masks, ushort nbits, uint bcwFlags)
        bool skipFileHeader = (bcwFlags & BC_WRITE_SKIP_FH) > 0;
        bool forceV5        = (bcwFlags & BC_WRITE_V5) > 0;
        bool forceInfo      = (bcwFlags & BC_WRITE_VINFO) > 0;

        if (forceV5 && forceInfo)
            throw new ArgumentException("ForceV5 and ForceInfo flags can not be used at the same time.");

        bool iccEmbed = false;

        byte[] iccProfileData = new byte[0];

        var hasAlpha = masks.maskAlpha != 0;

        if (nbits < 16 && (info.imgColorTable == null || info.imgColorTable.Length == 0))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("A indexed bitmap must have a color table / palette.");

        //int dpiToPelsPM(double dpi)
        //    if (Math.Round(dpi) == 96d) return 0;
        //    return (int)Math.Round(dpi / 0.0254d);

        uint paletteSize = info.imgColorTable == null ? 0 : (uint)info.imgColorTable.Length;

        var fhSize   = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <BITMAPFILEHEADER>();
        var quadSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <RGBQUAD>();

        byte[] buffer;
        uint   pxOffset, pxSize;

        // BI_BITFIELDS is not valid for 24bpp, so if the masks are not RGB we need to use a V5 header.
        //var nonStandard24bpp = nbits == 24 && !BitmapCorePixelFormat2.Bgr24.IsMatch(24, masks);

        BitmapCompressionMode compr = BitmapCompressionMode.BI_RGB;

        // some parsers do not respect the v5 header masks unless BI_BITFIELDS is used...
        // this is true of Chrome (only for 16bpp) and is also true of FireFox (16 and 32bpp)
        if (nbits == 16 || nbits == 32)
            compr = BitmapCompressionMode.BI_BITFIELDS;

        // write V5 header if embedded color profile or has alpha data
        if (forceV5 || hasAlpha || iccEmbed)
            var v5Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <BITMAPV5HEADER>();
            // Typical structure:
            // - BITMAPFILEHEADER (Optional)
            // - BITMAPV5HEADER
            // - * Note, never write BI_BITFIELDS at the end of a V5 header, these masks are contained within the header itself
            // - Color Table (Optional)
            // - Pixel Data
            // - Embedded Color Profile (Optional)

            var fh = new BITMAPFILEHEADER
                bfType = BFH_BM,

            var v5 = new BITMAPV5HEADER
                bV5Size          = v5Size,
                bV5Planes        = 1,
                bV5BitCount      = nbits,
                bV5Height        = info.imgTopDown ? -info.imgHeight : info.imgHeight,
                bV5Width         = info.imgWidth,
                bV5Compression   = compr,
                bV5XPelsPerMeter = 0,
                bV5YPelsPerMeter = 0,

                bV5RedMask   = masks.maskRed,
                bV5GreenMask = masks.maskGreen,
                bV5BlueMask  = masks.maskBlue,
                bV5AlphaMask = masks.maskAlpha,

                bV5ClrImportant = paletteSize,
                bV5ClrUsed      = paletteSize,
                bV5SizeImage    = (uint)(info.imgStride * info.imgHeight),

                bV5CSType = ColorSpaceType.LCS_sRGB,
                bV5Intent = Bv5Intent.LCS_GM_IMAGES,

            uint offset = skipFileHeader ? 0 : fhSize;
            offset += v5Size;
            offset += paletteSize * quadSize;

            // fh offset points to beginning of pixel data
            fh.bfOffBits = pxOffset = offset;
            pxSize       = v5.bV5SizeImage;

            offset += v5.bV5SizeImage;

            if (iccEmbed)
                v5.bV5CSType      = ColorSpaceType.PROFILE_EMBEDDED;
                v5.bV5ProfileData = offset;
                v5.bV5ProfileSize = (uint)iccProfileData.Length;
                offset           += v5.bV5ProfileSize;

            // fh size must be total file size
            fh.bfSize = offset;

            buffer = new byte[offset];
            offset = 0;

            if (!skipFileHeader)
                StructUtil.SerializeTo(fh, buffer, ref offset);

            StructUtil.SerializeTo(v5, buffer, ref offset);

            if (info.imgColorTable != null)
                foreach (var p in info.imgColorTable)
                    StructUtil.SerializeTo(p, buffer, ref offset);

            Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)sourceBufferStart, buffer, (int)offset, (int)v5.bV5SizeImage);
            offset += v5.bV5SizeImage;

            if (iccEmbed)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(iccProfileData, 0, buffer, (int)offset, iccProfileData.Length);
            var infoSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <BITMAPINFOHEADER>();
            // Typical structure:
            // - BITMAPFILEHEADER (Optional)
            // - BITMAPINFOHEADER
            // - BI_BITFIELDS (Optional)
            // - Color Table (Optional)
            // - Pixel Data

            // this would be ideal, we can specify transparency in VINFO headers... but many applications incl FireFox do not support this.
            // if (hasAlpha) compr = BitmapCompressionMode.BI_ALPHABITFIELDS;

            var fh = new BITMAPFILEHEADER
                bfType = BFH_BM,

            var vinfo = new BITMAPINFOHEADER
                bV5Size          = infoSize,
                bV5Planes        = 1,
                bV5BitCount      = nbits,
                bV5Height        = info.imgTopDown ? -info.imgHeight : info.imgHeight,
                bV5Width         = info.imgWidth,
                bV5Compression   = compr,
                bV5XPelsPerMeter = 0,
                bV5YPelsPerMeter = 0,

                bV5ClrImportant = paletteSize,
                bV5ClrUsed      = paletteSize,
                bV5SizeImage    = (uint)(info.imgStride * info.imgHeight),

            uint offset = skipFileHeader ? 0 : fhSize;
            offset += infoSize;

            if (compr == BitmapCompressionMode.BI_BITFIELDS)
                offset += sizeof(uint) * 3;

            offset += paletteSize * quadSize;

            // fh offset points to beginning of pixel data
            fh.bfOffBits = pxOffset = offset;
            pxSize       = vinfo.bV5SizeImage;

            offset += vinfo.bV5SizeImage;

            // fh size must be total file size
            fh.bfSize = offset;

            buffer = new byte[offset];
            offset = 0;

            if (!skipFileHeader)
                StructUtil.SerializeTo(fh, buffer, ref offset);

            StructUtil.SerializeTo(vinfo, buffer, ref offset);

            if (compr == BitmapCompressionMode.BI_BITFIELDS)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(masks.BITFIELDS(), 0, buffer, (int)offset, sizeof(uint) * 3);
                offset += sizeof(uint) * 3;

            if (info.imgColorTable != null)
                foreach (var p in info.imgColorTable)
                    StructUtil.SerializeTo(p, buffer, ref offset);

            Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)sourceBufferStart, buffer, (int)offset, (int)vinfo.bV5SizeImage);

예제 #38
 public static extern IntPtr CreateDIBSection(IntPtr hdc, [In] ref BITMAPINFOHEADER pbmi, uint pila, out IntPtr ppvBits, IntPtr hSection, uint dwOffset);
예제 #39
         * 函数名称:WriteBitmap
         * 函数功能:将传进来的数据保存为图片
         * 函数入参:buffer---图片数据
         *           nWidth---图片的宽度
         *           nHeight---图片的高度
         * 函数出参:无
         * 函数返回:无
        public static void WriteBitmap(byte[] buffer, int nWidth, int nHeight)
            int    ColorIndex           = 0;
            ushort m_nBitCount          = 8;
            int    m_nColorTableEntries = 256;

            byte[] ResBuf = new byte[nWidth * nHeight];

                BITMAPFILEHEADER BmpHeader     = new BITMAPFILEHEADER();
                BITMAPINFOHEADER BmpInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFOHEADER();
                MASK[]           ColorMask     = new MASK[m_nColorTableEntries];
                int w = (((nWidth + 3) / 4) * 4);
                BmpInfoHeader.biSize          = Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader);
                BmpInfoHeader.biWidth         = nWidth;
                BmpInfoHeader.biHeight        = nHeight;
                BmpInfoHeader.biPlanes        = 1;
                BmpInfoHeader.biBitCount      = m_nBitCount;
                BmpInfoHeader.biCompression   = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage     = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed       = m_nColorTableEntries;
                BmpInfoHeader.biClrImportant  = m_nColorTableEntries;

                BmpHeader.bfType      = 0x4D42;
                BmpHeader.bfOffBits   = 14 + Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader) + BmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed * 4;
                BmpHeader.bfSize      = BmpHeader.bfOffBits + ((((w * BmpInfoHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32) * 4) * BmpInfoHeader.biHeight);
                BmpHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
                BmpHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;

                Stream       FileStream      = File.Open("finger.bmp", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                BinaryWriter TmpBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(FileStream);

                TmpBinaryWriter.Write(StructToBytes(BmpHeader, 14));
                TmpBinaryWriter.Write(StructToBytes(BmpInfoHeader, Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader)));

                for (ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < m_nColorTableEntries; ColorIndex++)
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].redmask     = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].greenmask   = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].bluemask    = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].rgbReserved = 0;

                    TmpBinaryWriter.Write(StructToBytes(ColorMask[ColorIndex], Marshal.SizeOf(ColorMask[ColorIndex])));

                RotatePic(buffer, nWidth, nHeight, ref ResBuf);

                byte[] filter = null;
                if (w - nWidth > 0)
                    filter = new byte[w - nWidth];
                for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++)
                    TmpBinaryWriter.Write(ResBuf, i * nWidth, nWidth);
                    if (w - nWidth > 0)
                        TmpBinaryWriter.Write(ResBuf, 0, w - nWidth);

            catch (Exception ex)
                //ZKCE.SysException.ZKCELogger logger = new ZKCE.SysException.ZKCELogger(ex);
예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to try to get an image in the specified format from the dataObject
        /// the DIB readed should solve the issue reported here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/greenshot/forums/forum/676083/topic/6354353/index/page/1
        /// It also supports Format17/DibV5, by using the following information: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14335591
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">string with the format</param>
        /// <param name="dataObject">IDataObject</param>
        /// <returns>Image or null</returns>
        private static Image GetImageForFormat(string format, IDataObject dataObject)
            object       clipboardObject = GetFromDataObject(dataObject, format);
            MemoryStream imageStream     = clipboardObject as MemoryStream;

            if (!isValidStream(imageStream))
                // add "HTML Format" support here...
                return(clipboardObject as Image);
                if (config.EnableSpecialDIBClipboardReader)
                    if (format == FORMAT_17 || format == DataFormats.Dib)
                        LOG.Info("Found DIB stream, trying to process it.");
                            byte[] dibBuffer = new byte[imageStream.Length];
                            imageStream.Read(dibBuffer, 0, dibBuffer.Length);
                            BITMAPINFOHEADER infoHeader = BinaryStructHelper.FromByteArray <BITMAPINFOHEADER>(dibBuffer);
                            if (!infoHeader.IsDibV5)
                                LOG.InfoFormat("Using special DIB <v5 format reader with biCompression {0}", infoHeader.biCompression);
                                int  fileHeaderSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
                                uint infoHeaderSize = infoHeader.biSize;
                                int  fileSize       = (int)(fileHeaderSize + infoHeader.biSize + infoHeader.biSizeImage);

                                BITMAPFILEHEADER fileHeader = new BITMAPFILEHEADER();
                                fileHeader.bfType      = BITMAPFILEHEADER.BM;
                                fileHeader.bfSize      = fileSize;
                                fileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
                                fileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;
                                fileHeader.bfOffBits   = (int)(fileHeaderSize + infoHeaderSize + infoHeader.biClrUsed * 4);

                                byte[] fileHeaderBytes = BinaryStructHelper.ToByteArray <BITMAPFILEHEADER>(fileHeader);

                                using (MemoryStream bitmapStream = new MemoryStream())
                                    bitmapStream.Write(fileHeaderBytes, 0, fileHeaderSize);
                                    bitmapStream.Write(dibBuffer, 0, dibBuffer.Length);
                                    bitmapStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    using (Image tmpImage = Image.FromStream(bitmapStream))
                                        if (tmpImage != null)
                                LOG.Info("Using special DIBV5 / Format17 format reader");
                                // CF_DIBV5
                                IntPtr gcHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
                                    GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(dibBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                                    gcHandle = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);
                                    return(new Bitmap(infoHeader.biWidth, infoHeader.biHeight, -(int)(infoHeader.biSizeImage / infoHeader.biHeight),
                                                      infoHeader.biBitCount == 32 ? PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb : PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb,
                                                      new IntPtr(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32() + infoHeader.OffsetToPixels + (infoHeader.biHeight - 1) * (int)(infoHeader.biSizeImage / infoHeader.biHeight))));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    LOG.Error("Problem retrieving Format17 from clipboard.", ex);
                                    if (gcHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                        catch (Exception dibEx)
                            LOG.Error("Problem retrieving DIB from clipboard.", dibEx);
                    LOG.Info("Skipping special DIB format reader as it's disabled in the configuration.");
                    imageStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    using (Image tmpImage = Image.FromStream(imageStream, true, true))
                        if (tmpImage != null)
                            LOG.InfoFormat("Got image with clipboard format {0} from the clipboard.", format);
                catch (Exception streamImageEx)
                    LOG.Error(string.Format("Problem retrieving {0} from clipboard.", format), streamImageEx);
 public static extern int AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(
     IntPtr pAVIStream,
예제 #42
        public static void SetClipboardData(ISurface surface)
            DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();

            // This will work for Office and most other applications
            //ido.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, true, image);

            MemoryStream dibStream    = null;
            MemoryStream dibV5Stream  = null;
            MemoryStream pngStream    = null;
            Image        imageToSave  = null;
            bool         disposeImage = false;

                SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false);
                // Create the image which is going to be saved so we don't create it multiple times
                disposeImage = ImageOutput.CreateImageFromSurface(surface, outputSettings, out imageToSave);
                    // Create PNG stream
                    if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.PNG))
                        pngStream = new MemoryStream();
                        // PNG works for e.g. Powerpoint
                        SurfaceOutputSettings pngOutputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false);
                        ImageOutput.SaveToStream(imageToSave, null, pngStream, pngOutputSettings);
                        pngStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        // Set the PNG stream
                        dataObject.SetData(FORMAT_PNG, false, pngStream);
                catch (Exception pngEX)
                    LOG.Error("Error creating PNG for the Clipboard.", pngEX);

                    if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.DIB))
                        using (MemoryStream tmpBmpStream = new MemoryStream())
                            // Save image as BMP
                            SurfaceOutputSettings bmpOutputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.bmp, 100, false);
                            ImageOutput.SaveToStream(imageToSave, null, tmpBmpStream, bmpOutputSettings);

                            dibStream = new MemoryStream();
                            // Copy the source, but skip the "BITMAPFILEHEADER" which has a size of 14
                            dibStream.Write(tmpBmpStream.GetBuffer(), BITMAPFILEHEADER_LENGTH, (int)tmpBmpStream.Length - BITMAPFILEHEADER_LENGTH);

                        // Set the DIB to the clipboard DataObject
                        dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Dib, true, dibStream);
                catch (Exception dibEx)
                    LOG.Error("Error creating DIB for the Clipboard.", dibEx);

                // CF_DibV5
                    if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.DIBV5))
                        // Create the stream for the clipboard
                        dibV5Stream = new MemoryStream();

                        // Create the BITMAPINFOHEADER
                        BITMAPINFOHEADER header = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(imageToSave.Width, imageToSave.Height, 32);
                        // Make sure we have BI_BITFIELDS, this seems to be normal for Format17?
                        header.biCompression = BI_COMPRESSION.BI_BITFIELDS;
                        // Create a byte[] to write
                        byte[] headerBytes = BinaryStructHelper.ToByteArray <BITMAPINFOHEADER>(header);
                        // Write the BITMAPINFOHEADER to the stream
                        dibV5Stream.Write(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);

                        // As we have specified BI_COMPRESSION.BI_BITFIELDS, the BitfieldColorMask needs to be added
                        BitfieldColorMask colorMask = new BitfieldColorMask();
                        // Make sure the values are set
                        // Create the byte[] from the struct
                        byte[] colorMaskBytes = BinaryStructHelper.ToByteArray <BitfieldColorMask>(colorMask);
                        // Write to the stream
                        dibV5Stream.Write(colorMaskBytes, 0, colorMaskBytes.Length);

                        // Create the raw bytes for the pixels only
                        byte[] bitmapBytes = BitmapToByteArray((Bitmap)imageToSave);
                        // Write to the stream
                        dibV5Stream.Write(bitmapBytes, 0, bitmapBytes.Length);

                        // Set the DIBv5 to the clipboard DataObject
                        dataObject.SetData(FORMAT_17, true, dibV5Stream);
                catch (Exception dibEx)
                    LOG.Error("Error creating DIB for the Clipboard.", dibEx);

                // Set the HTML
                if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.HTML))
                    string tmpFile = ImageOutput.SaveToTmpFile(surface, new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false), null);
                    string html    = getHTMLString(surface, tmpFile);
                    dataObject.SetText(html, TextDataFormat.Html);
                else if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.HTMLDATAURL))
                    string html;
                    using (MemoryStream tmpPNGStream = new MemoryStream())
                        SurfaceOutputSettings pngOutputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false);
                        // Do not allow to reduce the colors, some applications dislike 256 color images
                        // reported with bug #3594681
                        pngOutputSettings.DisableReduceColors = true;
                        // Check if we can use the previously used image
                        if (imageToSave.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                            ImageOutput.SaveToStream(imageToSave, surface, tmpPNGStream, pngOutputSettings);
                            ImageOutput.SaveToStream(surface, tmpPNGStream, pngOutputSettings);
                        html = getHTMLDataURLString(surface, tmpPNGStream);
                    dataObject.SetText(html, TextDataFormat.Html);
                // we need to use the SetDataOject before the streams are closed otherwise the buffer will be gone!
                // Check if Bitmap is wanted
                if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.BITMAP))
                    // Place the DataObject to the clipboard
                    SetDataObject(dataObject, true);
                    // Place the DataObject to the clipboard
                    SetDataObject(dataObject, true);

                if (pngStream != null)
                    pngStream = null;

                if (dibStream != null)
                    dibStream = null;
                if (dibV5Stream != null)
                    dibV5Stream = null;
                // cleanup if needed
                if (disposeImage && imageToSave != null)
예제 #43
        public bool AddFrame(Bitmap bmp)
            if (bmp.PixelFormat != m_pix_fmt)
            BitmapData bdat = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),
            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());

            if (!m_header_written)
                m_bitmapsize = (uint)(bdat.Stride * bdat.Height);
                //m_stream.SetLength( (long)(0xdc + (m_bitmapsize + 0x8) * m_frames) );

                /*m_main_avi_header.dwWidth = (uint)bdat.Width;
                 * m_main_avi_header.dwHeight = (uint)bdat.Height;// bmp%infoHeader%Height
                 * m_main_avi_header.dwMaxBytesPerSec = (uint)((float)bdat.Stride * (float)bdat.Height * (float)m_rate / (float)m_scale);
                 * m_main_avi_header.dwStreams = 1;
                 * m_main_avi_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (uint)(bdat.Stride * bdat.Height);
                 * AVIStreamHeader stream_header = new AVIStreamHeader();
                 * stream_header.fccType = Util.mmioFOURCC( "vids" );
                 * stream_header.fccHandler = 0;
                 * stream_header.dwFlags = 0;
                 * stream_header.dwReserved1 = 0;
                 * stream_header.dwInitialFrames = 0;
                 * stream_header.dwScale = m_scale;
                 * stream_header.dwRate = m_rate;
                 * stream_header.dwStart = 0;
                 * stream_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = m_main_avi_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize;
                 * stream_header.dwQuality = 0;
                 * stream_header.dwSampleSize = 0;
                 * BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(); //(BITMAPINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure( Marshal.AllocHGlobal( sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ), typeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
                 * bih.biSize = (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf( bih ));
                 * bih.biWidth = bdat.Width;
                 * bih.biHeight = bdat.Height;
                 * bih.biPlanes = 1;
                 * bih.biBitCount = m_pix_fmt == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ? (short)24 : (short)32;
                 * bih.biCompression = 0;//BI_RGB
                 * bih.biSizeImage = (uint)(bdat.Stride * bdat.Height);
                 * bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
                 * bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
                 * bih.biClrUsed = 0;
                 * bih.biClrImportant = 0;
                 * bw.Write( "RIFF".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)(0xdc + (m_bitmapsize + 0x8) * m_frames) );
                 * bw.Write( "AVI ".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( "LIST".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0xc0 );
                 * bw.Write( "hdrl".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( "avih".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0x38 );
                 * m_main_avi_header.Write( bw.BaseStream );
                 * bw.Write( "LIST".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0x7C );
                 * bw.Write( "strl".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( "strh".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0x38 );
                 * stream_header.Write( bw.BaseStream );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0x0 );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0x0 );
                 * bw.Write( "strf".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)0x28 );
                 * bih.Write( bw.BaseStream );
                 * bw.Write( "LIST".ToCharArray() );
                 * bw.Write( (uint)((m_bitmapsize + 0x8) * m_frames) );
                 * bw.Write( "movi".ToCharArray() );*/

                m_header_written = true;

            //bw.Write( "00db" );
            //bw.Write( (uint)m_bitmapsize );
            int address = bdat.Scan0.ToInt32();

            byte[] bitmapData = new byte[bdat.Stride * bdat.Height];
            Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(address), bitmapData, 0, bitmapData.Length);
            //bw.Write( (uint)m_main_avi_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize );
            BITMAPINFOHEADER bih = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(); //(BITMAPINFOHEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure( Marshal.AllocHGlobal( sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ), typeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );

            bih.biSize          = (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf(bih));
            bih.biWidth         = bdat.Width;
            bih.biHeight        = bdat.Height;
            bih.biPlanes        = 1;
            bih.biBitCount      = m_pix_fmt == PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb ? (short)24 : (short)32;
            bih.biCompression   = 0;//BI_RGB
            bih.biSizeImage     = (uint)(bdat.Stride * bdat.Height);
            bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bih.biClrUsed       = 0;
            bih.biClrImportant  = 0;
            bw.Write(bitmapData, 0, bitmapData.Length);
            //const int _BUF_LEN = 512;
            byte[] buf = new byte[m_bitmapsize + 6];
            bw.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int len = bw.BaseStream.Read(buf, 0, (int)(m_bitmapsize + 6));

            if (len > 0)
                m_stream.BeginWrite(buf, 0, len, null, null);

예제 #44
        public static void GetBitmap(byte[] buffer, int nWidth, int nHeight, ref MemoryStream ms)
            int    ColorIndex           = 0;
            ushort m_nBitCount          = 8;
            int    m_nColorTableEntries = 256;

            byte[] ResBuf = new byte[nWidth * nHeight * 2];

                BITMAPFILEHEADER BmpHeader     = new BITMAPFILEHEADER();
                BITMAPINFOHEADER BmpInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFOHEADER();
                MASK[]           ColorMask     = new MASK[m_nColorTableEntries];

                int w = (((nWidth + 3) / 4) * 4);

                BmpInfoHeader.biSize          = Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader);
                BmpInfoHeader.biWidth         = nWidth;
                BmpInfoHeader.biHeight        = nHeight;
                BmpInfoHeader.biPlanes        = 1;
                BmpInfoHeader.biBitCount      = m_nBitCount;
                BmpInfoHeader.biCompression   = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage     = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
                BmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed       = m_nColorTableEntries;
                BmpInfoHeader.biClrImportant  = m_nColorTableEntries;

                BmpHeader.bfType      = 0x4D42;
                BmpHeader.bfOffBits   = 14 + Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader) + BmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed * 4;
                BmpHeader.bfSize      = BmpHeader.bfOffBits + ((((w * BmpInfoHeader.biBitCount + 31) / 32) * 4) * BmpInfoHeader.biHeight);
                BmpHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;
                BmpHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;

                ms.Write(StructToBytes(BmpHeader, 14), 0, 14);
                ms.Write(StructToBytes(BmpInfoHeader, Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader)), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(BmpInfoHeader));

                for (ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < m_nColorTableEntries; ColorIndex++)
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].redmask     = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].greenmask   = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].bluemask    = (byte)ColorIndex;
                    ColorMask[ColorIndex].rgbReserved = 0;

                    ms.Write(StructToBytes(ColorMask[ColorIndex], Marshal.SizeOf(ColorMask[ColorIndex])), 0, Marshal.SizeOf(ColorMask[ColorIndex]));

                RotatePic(buffer, nWidth, nHeight, ref ResBuf);

                byte[] filter = null;
                if (w - nWidth > 0)
                    filter = new byte[w - nWidth];
                for (int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++)
                    ms.Write(ResBuf, i * nWidth, nWidth);
                    if (w - nWidth > 0)
                        ms.Write(ResBuf, 0, w - nWidth);
            catch (Exception)
                // ZKCE.SysException.ZKCELogger logger = new ZKCE.SysException.ZKCELogger(ex);
                // logger.Append();
예제 #45
 private static extern int AVIStreamSetFormat(IntPtr pavi, int lPos, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, int cbFormat);
예제 #46
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置参数
        /// </summary>
        unsafe private void SetOptions()

            //opts.fccType = _fccType;
            //opts.fccHandler = 0;
            //opts.dwKeyFrameEvery = 0;
            //opts.dwQuality = 0;
            //opts.dwFlags = 0;
            //opts.dwBytesPerSecond = 0;
            //opts.lpFormat = new IntPtr(0);
            //opts.cbFormat = 0;
            //opts.lpParms = new IntPtr(0);
            //opts.cbParms = 0;
            //opts.dwInterleaveEvery = 0;

            //AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS* p = &opts;
            //AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS** pp = &p;

            //IntPtr x = _ps;
            //IntPtr* ptr_ps = &x;

            //AVISaveOptions(0, 0, 1, ptr_ps, pp);
            //int hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream(out _psCompressed, _ps, ref
            //    opts, 0);
            opts.fccType           = 0;
            opts.fccHandler        = (int)0x6376736d;
            opts.dwKeyFrameEvery   = 0;
            opts.dwQuality         = 10000;
            opts.dwFlags           = 8;
            opts.dwBytesPerSecond  = 0;
            opts.lpFormat          = new IntPtr(0);
            opts.cbFormat          = 0;
            opts.lpParms           = new IntPtr(0);
            opts.cbParms           = 4;
            opts.dwInterleaveEvery = 0;
            AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS * p  = &opts;
            AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS **pp = &p;
            IntPtr  x      = _ps;
            IntPtr *ptr_ps = &x;

            opts.lpParms = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int));
            //AVISaveOptions(0, 0, 1, ptr_ps, pp);
            int hr = AVIMakeCompressedStream(out _psCompressed, _ps, ref opts, 0);

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new AviException("AVIMakeCompressedStream");


            bi.biSize          = 40;
            bi.biWidth         = (Int32)_width;
            bi.biHeight        = (Int32)_height;
            bi.biPlanes        = 1;
            bi.biBitCount      = 24;
            bi.biCompression   = 0;
            bi.biSizeImage     = _stride * _height;
            bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
            bi.biClrUsed       = 0;
            bi.biClrImportant  = 0;

            hr = AVIStreamSetFormat(_psCompressed, 0, ref bi, 40);
            if (hr != 0)
                throw new AviException("AVIStreamSetFormat", hr);
예제 #47
 public ICONIMAGE(int width, int height, byte[] colors)
     Header   = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(width, height << 1, (8 * colors.Length) / (width * height));
     Colors   = colors;
     MaskSize = (width * height) >> 3;
예제 #48
        protected IntPtr GetPixelInfo( IntPtr bmpptr )
            bmi = new BITMAPINFOHEADER();
            Marshal.PtrToStructure( bmpptr, bmi );

            bmprect.X = bmprect.Y = 0;
            bmprect.Width = bmi.biWidth;
            bmprect.Height = bmi.biHeight;

            if( bmi.biSizeImage == 0 )
            bmi.biSizeImage = ((((bmi.biWidth * bmi.biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3) * bmi.biHeight;

            int p = bmi.biClrUsed;
            if( (p == 0) && (bmi.biBitCount <= 8) )
            p = 1 << bmi.biBitCount;
            p = (p * 4) + bmi.biSize + (int) bmpptr;
            return (IntPtr) p;
예제 #49
 public static extern IntPtr AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(
     IntPtr streamHandler,
     ref BITMAPINFOHEADER wantedFormat);
예제 #50
파일: IconInjector.cs 프로젝트: nhz2f/xRAT
 public byte[] CreateIconGroupData(uint iconBaseID)
     // This will store the memory version of the icon.
     int sizeOfIconGroupData = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ICONDIR)) + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GRPICONDIRENTRY)) * ImageCount;
     byte[] data = new byte[sizeOfIconGroupData];
     var pinnedData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
     Marshal.StructureToPtr(iconDir, pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false);
     var offset = Marshal.SizeOf(iconDir);
     for (int i = 0; i <= ImageCount - 1; i++)
         BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapheader = new BITMAPINFOHEADER();
         var pinnedBitmapInfoHeader = GCHandle.Alloc(bitmapheader, GCHandleType.Pinned);
         Marshal.Copy(ImageData(i), 0, pinnedBitmapInfoHeader.AddrOfPinnedObject(), Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)));
         grpEntry.Width = iconEntry[i].Width;
         grpEntry.Height = iconEntry[i].Height;
         grpEntry.ColorCount = iconEntry[i].ColorCount;
         grpEntry.Reserved = iconEntry[i].Reserved;
         grpEntry.Planes = bitmapheader.Planes;
         grpEntry.BitCount = bitmapheader.BitCount;
         grpEntry.BytesInRes = iconEntry[i].BytesInRes;
         grpEntry.ID = Convert.ToUInt16(iconBaseID + i);
         Marshal.StructureToPtr(grpEntry, new IntPtr(pinnedData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + offset), false);
         offset += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GRPICONDIRENTRY));
     return data;
예제 #51
 private static extern int AVIStreamSetFormat(
     IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, Int32 cbFormat);
예제 #52
 public static extern IntPtr ResizeImage(IntPtr buffer, BITMAPINFOHEADER bminfo, IntPtr newbuffer, BITMAPINFOHEADER newbminfo);
예제 #53
 private static extern int AVIStreamSetFormat(IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, Int32 cbFormat);
예제 #54
        /// <summary>
        /// aviファイルにフレームを1つ追加します.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp"></param>
        public void AddFrame( Bitmap bmp ) {
            int i, width, height, lineSize;

            if ( bmp.Width != m_width || bmp.Height != m_height ) {
                throw new Exception( "bitmap size mismatch" );

            // BitmapDataからビットマップデータと、BITMPAINFOHEADERを取り出す
            BitmapData bmpDat = bmp.LockBits(
                    new Rectangle( 0, 0, (int)bmp.Width, (int)bmp.Height ), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );
            int address = bmpDat.Scan0.ToInt32();
            byte[] bitmapData = new byte[bmpDat.Stride * bmpDat.Height];
            Marshal.Copy( new IntPtr( address ), bitmapData, 0, bitmapData.Length );

            if ( m_is_first ) {//then
                m_is_first = false;
                this.m_main_header.dwWidth = (uint)m_width;
                this.m_main_header.dwHeight = (uint)m_height;
                this.m_main_header.dwMaxBytesPerSec = (uint)(bmpDat.Stride * bmpDat.Height * this.frameRate);// bmp%infoHeader%SizeImage * avi%frameRate
                this.m_main_header.dwStreams = 1;
                this.m_main_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = (uint)(bmpDat.Stride * bmpDat.Height);// bmp.infoHeader%SizeImage
                m_linesize = bmpDat.Stride;

                this.m_stream_header.fccType = Util.mmioFOURCC( "vids" );
                this.m_stream_header.fccHandler = 0;
                this.m_stream_header.dwFlags = 0;
                this.m_stream_header.dwReserved1 = 0;
                this.m_stream_header.dwInitialFrames = 0;
                this.m_stream_header.dwScale = m_scale;
                this.m_stream_header.dwRate = m_rate;
                this.m_stream_header.dwStart = 0;
                this.m_stream_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize = this.m_main_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize;
                this.m_stream_header.dwQuality = 0;
                this.m_stream_header.dwSampleSize = 0;

                Util.aviWriteMainHeader( m_main_header, m_stream );

                Util.fwrite( "LIST", this.m_stream );// i = fwrite( 'LIST', 1, 4, avi%fp )
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x874, this.m_stream );// call bmpQWordWrite( 130, avi%fp )
                Util.fwrite( "strl", this.m_stream );// i = fwrite( 'strl', 1, 4, avi%fp )

                Util.aviWriteStreamHeader( m_stream_header, m_main_header, m_stream );// avi )

                Util.fwrite( "strf", this.m_stream );// i = fwrite( 'strf', 1, 4, avi%fp )
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x28, this.m_stream ); //call bmpQWordWrite( 40, avi%fp )    !// infoHeaderのサイズ
                bih.biSize = (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf( bih ));
                bih.biWidth = bmpDat.Width;
                bih.biHeight = bmpDat.Height;
                bih.biPlanes = 1;
                bih.biBitCount = 24;
                bih.biCompression = 0;//BI_RGB
                bih.biSizeImage = (uint)(bmpDat.Stride * bmpDat.Height);
                bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
                bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
                bih.biClrUsed = 0;
                bih.biClrImportant = 0;
                bih.Write( m_stream );

                /*fwrite( "strn", this.fp );
                WriteDWORD( 6, this.fp );
                fwrite( "VIDEO", this.fp );
                WriteBYTE( 0, this.fp );*/
                Util.fwrite( "indx", this.m_stream );          //fcc
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x7f8, this.m_stream );       // cb
                Util.WriteWORD( (byte)0x4, this.m_stream );    // wLongsPerEntry
                Util.WriteBYTE( 0x0, this.m_stream );          // bIndexSubType
                Util.WriteBYTE( Util.AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES, this.m_stream );// bIndexType
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );         // nEntriesInUse
                Util.fwrite( "00db", this.m_stream );          // dwChunkId
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );
                for ( int ii = 1; ii <= 126; ii++ ) {
                    Util.WriteQWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );
                    Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );
                    Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, this.m_stream );

                Util.fwrite( "LIST", this.m_stream );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x104, m_stream );
                Util.fwrite( "odml", this.m_stream );
                Util.fwrite( "dmlh", m_stream );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0xf8, m_stream );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, m_stream );//ここ後で更新するべき
                for ( int ii = 1; ii <= 61; ii++ ) {
                    Util.WriteDWORD( 0x0, m_stream );

                Util.fwrite( "JUNK", this.m_stream );// i = fwrite( 'JUNK', 1, 4, avi%fp )
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0x60c, m_stream );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0, m_stream );//"This"が将来登録されたらやばいので
                Util.fwrite( "This file was generated by RawAvi@LipSync", this.m_stream );
                //WriteDWORD( 1503, this.fp );// call bmpQWordWrite( 1802, avi%fp )
                for ( i = 1; i <= 1503; i++ ) {//do i = 1, 1802
                    this.m_stream.Write( (byte)0 );// call fputc( 0, avi%fp )
                }//end do
                m_junk_length = 0xff4;

                Util.fwrite( "LIST", this.m_stream );//      i = fwrite( 'LIST', 1, 4, avi%fp )
                m_movi_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0, this.m_stream );// call bmpQWordWrite( 0, avi%fp )     !// ******************ココの数字は一番最後に書き換える必要あり2040~2043あとdwTotalFrames(48~51)も
                Util.fwrite( "movi", this.m_stream );// i = fwrite( 'movi', 1, 4, avi%fp )
                m_next_framedata_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;

                m_std_index.SetBaseOffset( (ulong)m_next_framedata_position );
            }//end if

            if ( m_next_framedata_position != m_stream.BaseStream.Position ) {
                m_stream.BaseStream.Seek( m_next_framedata_position, SeekOrigin.Begin );

            long chunk_size = m_next_framedata_position - m_riff_position;
//            MessageBox.Show( "chunk_size=" + chunk_size );
            if ( (m_current_chunk == 0 && chunk_size > m_split_sreshold) ||
                 (m_current_chunk > 0 && chunk_size > SRESHOLD )) {
                // AVIXリストへの書き込みに移行
                m_stream.BaseStream.Seek( m_avix_position, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                Util.fwrite( "RIFF", m_stream );
                m_riff_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
//                fp.Flush();
//                MessageBox.Show( "m_riff_position=" + m_riff_position );
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0, m_stream );
                Util.fwrite( "AVIX", m_stream );
                long current = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
                if ( (current + 12) % 0x800 != 0 ) {
                    long additional = (current + 20) % 0x800;
                    additional = 0x800 - ((current + 20) % 0x800);
                    m_junk_length = (int)additional + 20;
                    Util.fwrite( "JUNK", m_stream );
                    Util.WriteDWORD( (uint)additional, m_stream );
                    for ( long ii = 0; ii < additional; ii++ ) {
                        Util.WriteBYTE( (byte)0, m_stream );
                } else {
                    m_junk_length = 0;
                m_junk_length = 0;

                Util.fwrite( "LIST", m_stream );
                m_movi_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
                Util.WriteDWORD( 0, m_stream );//後で更新するべき
                Util.fwrite( "movi", m_stream );
                m_next_framedata_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
                m_std_index.SetBaseOffset( (ulong)m_next_framedata_position );

            // フレームを書き込む処理
            width = (int)this.m_main_header.dwWidth;
            height = (int)this.m_main_header.dwHeight;
            if ( width != bmpDat.Width ) {//then
                //aviAddFrame = -1
            }//end if
            if ( height != bmpDat.Height ) {//then
                //aviAddframe = -1
            }//end if
            lineSize = bmpDat.Stride;// int( (width * 24 + 31) / 32 ) * 4

            m_std_index.AddIndex( (uint)((ulong)m_stream.BaseStream.Position - m_std_index.qwBaseOffset) + 8, (uint)(lineSize * height) );
            Util.fwrite( "00db", this.m_stream );//    i = fwrite( '00db', 1, 4, avi%fp )
            Util.WriteDWORD( m_main_header.dwSuggestedBufferSize, m_stream );// call bmpQWordWrite( avi%mainHeader%dwSuggestedBufferSize, avi%fp )
            m_stream.Write( bitmapData );
            m_next_framedata_position = m_stream.BaseStream.Position;
            _avisuperindex_entry entry = m_super_index.aIndex[m_current_chunk];
            m_super_index.aIndex[m_current_chunk] = entry;//    avi%noOfFrame = avi%noOfFrame + 1
            this.m_stream.Flush();// aviAddFrame = fflush( avi%fp )
            bmp.UnlockBits( bmpDat );
        }//  end function
 public static extern int AVIStreamReadFormat(
     IntPtr aviStream, Int32 lPos,
     ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpFormat, ref Int32 cbFormat
예제 #56
		public static void SetClipboardData(ISurface surface) {
			DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();

			// This will work for Office and most other applications
			//ido.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, true, image);

			MemoryStream dibStream = null;
			MemoryStream dibV5Stream = null;
			MemoryStream pngStream = null;
			Image imageToSave = null;
			bool disposeImage = false;
			try {
				SurfaceOutputSettings outputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false);
				// Create the image which is going to be saved so we don't create it multiple times
				disposeImage = ImageOutput.CreateImageFromSurface(surface, outputSettings, out imageToSave);
				try {
					// Create PNG stream
					if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.PNG)) {
						pngStream = new MemoryStream();
						// PNG works for e.g. Powerpoint
						SurfaceOutputSettings pngOutputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false);
						ImageOutput.SaveToStream(imageToSave, null, pngStream, pngOutputSettings);
						pngStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
						// Set the PNG stream
						dataObject.SetData(FORMAT_PNG, false, pngStream);
				} catch (Exception pngEX) {
					LOG.Error("Error creating PNG for the Clipboard.", pngEX);

				try {
					if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.DIB)) {
						using (MemoryStream tmpBmpStream = new MemoryStream()) {
							// Save image as BMP
							SurfaceOutputSettings bmpOutputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.bmp, 100, false);
							ImageOutput.SaveToStream(imageToSave, null, tmpBmpStream, bmpOutputSettings);

							dibStream = new MemoryStream();
							// Copy the source, but skip the "BITMAPFILEHEADER" which has a size of 14
							dibStream.Write(tmpBmpStream.GetBuffer(), BITMAPFILEHEADER_LENGTH, (int)tmpBmpStream.Length - BITMAPFILEHEADER_LENGTH);

						// Set the DIB to the clipboard DataObject
						dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Dib, true, dibStream);
				} catch (Exception dibEx) {
					LOG.Error("Error creating DIB for the Clipboard.", dibEx);

				// CF_DibV5
				try {
					if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.DIBV5)) {
						// Create the stream for the clipboard
						dibV5Stream = new MemoryStream();

						// Create the BITMAPINFOHEADER
						BITMAPINFOHEADER header = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(imageToSave.Width, imageToSave.Height, 32);
						// Make sure we have BI_BITFIELDS, this seems to be normal for Format17?
						header.biCompression = BI_COMPRESSION.BI_BITFIELDS;
						// Create a byte[] to write
						byte[] headerBytes = BinaryStructHelper.ToByteArray<BITMAPINFOHEADER>(header);
						// Write the BITMAPINFOHEADER to the stream
						dibV5Stream.Write(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);

						// As we have specified BI_COMPRESSION.BI_BITFIELDS, the BitfieldColorMask needs to be added
						BitfieldColorMask colorMask = new BitfieldColorMask();
						// Make sure the values are set
						// Create the byte[] from the struct
						byte[] colorMaskBytes = BinaryStructHelper.ToByteArray<BitfieldColorMask>(colorMask);
						// Write to the stream
						dibV5Stream.Write(colorMaskBytes, 0, colorMaskBytes.Length);

						// Create the raw bytes for the pixels only
						byte[] bitmapBytes = BitmapToByteArray((Bitmap)imageToSave);
						// Write to the stream
						dibV5Stream.Write(bitmapBytes, 0, bitmapBytes.Length);

						// Set the DIBv5 to the clipboard DataObject
						dataObject.SetData(FORMAT_17, true, dibV5Stream);
				} catch (Exception dibEx) {
					LOG.Error("Error creating DIB for the Clipboard.", dibEx);
				// Set the HTML
				if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.HTML)) {
					string tmpFile = ImageOutput.SaveToTmpFile(surface, new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false), null);
					string html = getHTMLString(surface, tmpFile);
					dataObject.SetText(html, TextDataFormat.Html);
				} else if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.HTMLDATAURL)) {
					string html;
					using (MemoryStream tmpPNGStream = new MemoryStream()) {
						SurfaceOutputSettings pngOutputSettings = new SurfaceOutputSettings(OutputFormat.png, 100, false);
						// Do not allow to reduce the colors, some applications dislike 256 color images
						// reported with bug #3594681
						pngOutputSettings.DisableReduceColors = true;
						// Check if we can use the previously used image
						if (imageToSave.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) {
							ImageOutput.SaveToStream(imageToSave, surface, tmpPNGStream, pngOutputSettings);
						} else {
							ImageOutput.SaveToStream(surface, tmpPNGStream, pngOutputSettings);
						html = getHTMLDataURLString(surface, tmpPNGStream);
					dataObject.SetText(html, TextDataFormat.Html);
			} finally {
				// we need to use the SetDataOject before the streams are closed otherwise the buffer will be gone!
				// Check if Bitmap is wanted
				if (config.ClipboardFormats.Contains(ClipboardFormat.BITMAP)) {
					// Place the DataObject to the clipboard
					SetDataObject(dataObject, true);
				} else {
					// Place the DataObject to the clipboard
					SetDataObject(dataObject, true);
				if (pngStream != null) {
					pngStream = null;

				if (dibStream != null) {
					dibStream = null;
				if (dibV5Stream != null) {
					dibV5Stream = null;
				// cleanup if needed
				if (disposeImage && imageToSave != null) {
예제 #57
        /// <summary>Initialize the AviFile.</summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the output file.</param>
        /// <param name="frameRate">The frame rate for the video.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the video.</param>
        /// <param name="quality">Video quality 0 to 10000.</param>
        public AviWriter(string path, int frameRate, int width, int height, uint quality = 10000)
            #region Validation

            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));

            if (frameRate <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(frameRate), frameRate, "The frame rate must be at least 1 frame per second.");

            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(width), width, "The width must be at least 1.");

            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(height), height, "The height must be at least 1.");


            //Store parameters.
            _width  = width;
            _height = height;

            _disposed = false;

            //Get the stride information by creating a new bitmap and querying it
            using (var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb))
                var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                _stride = (uint)bmpData.Stride;

                //Initialize the AVI library.

                //Open the output AVI file.
                var rv = AVIFileOpen(out _aviFile, path, AVI_OPEN_MODE_CREATEWRITE, IntPtr.Zero);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                //Create a new stream in the avi file.
                var aviStreamInfo = new AVISTREAMINFOW
                    fccType               = GetFourCc("vids"),
                    fccHandler            = GetFourCc("CVID"), //CVID// 808810089, //IV50 //'DIB '//MJPG
                    dwScale               = 1,
                    dwRate                = (uint)frameRate,
                    dwSuggestedBufferSize = (uint)(_height * _stride),
                    dwQuality             = quality, //-1 default 0xffffffff, 0 to 10.000

                    rcFrame = new Native.Rect
                        Bottom = _height,
                        Right  = _width

                rv = AVIFileCreateStream(_aviFile, out _aviStream, ref aviStreamInfo);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                //Set compress options.
                var options = new AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS
                    fccType  = GetFourCc("vids"),
                    lpParms  = IntPtr.Zero,
                    lpFormat = IntPtr.Zero

                var mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS)));

                Marshal.StructureToPtr(options, mem, false);
                var streams = new[] { _aviStream };
                var infPtrs = new[] { mem };

                var ok = AVISaveOptions(IntPtr.Zero, ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME | ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE, 1, streams, infPtrs);

                if (ok)
                    options = (AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mem, typeof(AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS));


                if (!ok)
                    throw new Exception("User cancelled the operation.");

                rv = AVIMakeCompressedStream(out _compStream, _aviStream, ref options, 0);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());

                //Configure the compressed stream.
                var streamFormat = new BITMAPINFOHEADER
                    biSize        = 40,
                    biWidth       = _width,
                    biHeight      = _height,
                    biPlanes      = 1,
                    biBitCount    = 24,
                    biSizeImage   = (uint)(_stride * _height),
                    biCompression = 0 //BI_RGB

                rv = AVIStreamSetFormat(_compStream, 0, ref streamFormat, 40);

                if (rv != 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception(((AviErrors)rv).ToString());
                //Clean up.

                    if (File.Exists(path))
                catch { }

예제 #58
파일: AviFil32.cs 프로젝트: poles-p/SARA
 public static extern IntPtr AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(IntPtr pavi, ref BITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiWanted);
예제 #59
		/// <summary>
		/// This method will use User32 code to capture the specified captureBounds from the screen
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="captureBounds">Rectangle with the bounds to capture</param>
		/// <returns>Bitmap which is captured from the screen at the location specified by the captureBounds</returns>
		public static Bitmap CaptureRectangle(Rectangle captureBounds) {
			Bitmap returnBitmap = null;
			if (captureBounds.Height <= 0 || captureBounds.Width <= 0) {
				LOG.Warn("Nothing to capture, ignoring!");
				return null;
			LOG.Debug("CaptureRectangle Called!");

			// .NET GDI+ Solution, according to some post this has a GDI+ leak...
			// See http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/344752/gdi-object-leak-when-calling-graphics-copyfromscreen
			// Bitmap capturedBitmap = new Bitmap(captureBounds.Width, captureBounds.Height);
			// using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(capturedBitmap)) {
			//	graphics.CopyFromScreen(captureBounds.Location, Point.Empty, captureBounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);
			// }
			// capture.Image = capturedBitmap;
			// capture.Location = captureBounds.Location;

			using (SafeWindowDCHandle desktopDCHandle = SafeWindowDCHandle.fromDesktop()) {
				if (desktopDCHandle.IsInvalid) {
					// Get Exception before the error is lost
					Exception exceptionToThrow = CreateCaptureException("desktopDCHandle", captureBounds);
					// throw exception
					throw exceptionToThrow;

				// create a device context we can copy to
				using (SafeCompatibleDCHandle safeCompatibleDCHandle = GDI32.CreateCompatibleDC(desktopDCHandle)) {
					// Check if the device context is there, if not throw an error with as much info as possible!
					if (safeCompatibleDCHandle.IsInvalid) {
						// Get Exception before the error is lost
						Exception exceptionToThrow = CreateCaptureException("CreateCompatibleDC", captureBounds);
						// throw exception
						throw exceptionToThrow;
					// Create BITMAPINFOHEADER for CreateDIBSection
					BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(captureBounds.Width, captureBounds.Height, 24);

					// Make sure the last error is set to 0

					// create a bitmap we can copy it to, using GetDeviceCaps to get the width/height
					IntPtr bits0; // not used for our purposes. It returns a pointer to the raw bits that make up the bitmap.
					using (SafeDibSectionHandle safeDibSectionHandle = GDI32.CreateDIBSection(desktopDCHandle, ref bmi, BITMAPINFOHEADER.DIB_RGB_COLORS, out bits0, IntPtr.Zero, 0)) {
						if (safeDibSectionHandle.IsInvalid) {
							// Get Exception before the error is lost
							Exception exceptionToThrow = CreateCaptureException("CreateDIBSection", captureBounds);
							exceptionToThrow.Data.Add("hdcDest", safeCompatibleDCHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32());
							exceptionToThrow.Data.Add("hdcSrc", desktopDCHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32());

							// Throw so people can report the problem
							throw exceptionToThrow;
						// select the bitmap object and store the old handle
						using (safeCompatibleDCHandle.SelectObject(safeDibSectionHandle)) {
							// bitblt over (make copy)
							GDI32.BitBlt(safeCompatibleDCHandle, 0, 0, captureBounds.Width, captureBounds.Height, desktopDCHandle, captureBounds.X, captureBounds.Y, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy | CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);

						// get a .NET image object for it
						// A suggestion for the "A generic error occurred in GDI+." E_FAIL/0×80004005 error is to re-try...
						bool success = false;
						ExternalException exception = null;
						for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
							try {
								// Collect all screens inside this capture
								List<Screen> screensInsideCapture = new List<Screen>();
								foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) {
									if (screen.Bounds.IntersectsWith(captureBounds)) {
								// Check all all screens are of an equal size
								bool offscreenContent;
								using (Region captureRegion = new Region(captureBounds)) {
									// Exclude every visible part
									foreach (Screen screen in screensInsideCapture) {
									// If the region is not empty, we have "offscreenContent"
									using (Graphics screenGraphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(User32.GetDesktopWindow())) {
										offscreenContent = !captureRegion.IsEmpty(screenGraphics);
								// Check if we need to have a transparent background, needed for offscreen content
								if (offscreenContent) {
									using (Bitmap tmpBitmap = Image.FromHbitmap(safeDibSectionHandle.DangerousGetHandle())) {
										// Create a new bitmap which has a transparent background
										returnBitmap = ImageHelper.CreateEmpty(tmpBitmap.Width, tmpBitmap.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, Color.Transparent, tmpBitmap.HorizontalResolution, tmpBitmap.VerticalResolution);
										// Content will be copied here
										using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(returnBitmap)) {
											// For all screens copy the content to the new bitmap
											foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) {
												Rectangle screenBounds = screen.Bounds;
												// Make sure the bounds are offsetted to the capture bounds
												screenBounds.Offset(-captureBounds.X, -captureBounds.Y);
												graphics.DrawImage(tmpBitmap, screenBounds, screenBounds.X, screenBounds.Y, screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
								} else {
									// All screens, which are inside the capture, are of equal size
									// assign image to Capture, the image will be disposed there..
									returnBitmap = Image.FromHbitmap(safeDibSectionHandle.DangerousGetHandle());
								// We got through the capture without exception
								success = true;
							} catch (ExternalException ee) {
								LOG.Warn("Problem getting bitmap at try " + i + " : ", ee);
								exception = ee;
						if (!success) {
							LOG.Error("Still couldn't create Bitmap!");
							if (exception != null) {
								throw exception;
			return returnBitmap;
예제 #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Create new AVI file and open it for writing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">AVI file name to create.</param>
        /// <param name="width">Video width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">Video height.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>The method opens (creates) a video files, configure video codec and prepares
        /// the stream for saving video frames with a help of <see cref="AddFrame"/> method.</para></remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">Failed opening the specified file.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="VideoException">A error occurred while creating new video file. See exception message.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="OutOfMemoryException">Insufficient memory for internal buffer.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Video file resolution must be a multiple of two.</exception>
        public void Open()
            // close previous file

            this.width  = Options.CaptureArea.Width;
            this.height = Options.CaptureArea.Height;

            // check width and height
            if (((width & 1) != 0) || ((height & 1) != 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("Video file resolution must be a multiple of two.");

            bool success = false;

                lock (sync)
                    // calculate stride
                    stride = width * 3;
                    if ((stride % 4) != 0)
                        stride += (4 - stride % 4);

                    // create new file
                    if (NativeMethods.AVIFileOpen(out file, Options.OutputPath, OpenFileMode.Create | OpenFileMode.Write, IntPtr.Zero) != 0)
                        throw new IOException("Failed opening the specified file.");

                    this.rate = Options.ScreenRecordFPS;

                    // describe new stream
                    AVISTREAMINFO info = new AVISTREAMINFO();

                    info.type                = NativeMethods.mmioFOURCC("vids");
                    info.handler             = NativeMethods.mmioFOURCC("DIB ");
                    info.scale               = 1;
                    info.rate                = rate;
                    info.suggestedBufferSize = stride * height;

                    // create stream
                    if (NativeMethods.AVIFileCreateStream(file, out stream, ref info) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Failed creating stream.");

                    if (Options.AVI.CompressOptions.handler == 0)
                        // describe compression options
                        Options.AVI.CompressOptions.handler = NativeMethods.mmioFOURCC("DIB ");

                    if (Options.ShowAVIOptionsDialog)
                        AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS options = new AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS();
                        options.handler = Options.AVI.CompressOptions.handler;
                        options.quality = Options.AVI.CompressOptions.quality;
                        options.flags   = 8; // AVICOMPRESSF_VALID
                        int result = NativeMethods.AVISaveOptions(stream, ref options, Options.ParentWindow);
                        if (result == 1)
                            Options.AVI.CompressOptions = options;

                    // create compressed stream
                    if (NativeMethods.AVIMakeCompressedStream(out streamCompressed, stream, ref Options.AVI.CompressOptions, IntPtr.Zero) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Failed creating compressed stream.");

                    // describe frame format
                    BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(width, height, 24);

                    // set frame format
                    if (NativeMethods.AVIStreamSetFormat(streamCompressed, 0, ref bitmapInfoHeader, Marshal.SizeOf(bitmapInfoHeader.GetType())) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Failed setting format of the compressed stream.");

                    // alloc unmanaged memory for frame
                    buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(stride * height);

                    if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                        throw new OutOfMemoryException("Insufficient memory for internal buffer.");

                    position = 0;
                    success  = true;
                if (!success)