예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: s151607/CoronAI
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool isDebug = true;

            if (isDebug == false)
                List <WorldState> initialStates = ServerCommunicator.readLevel();
                List <(WorldState, List <(EntityLocation, int[, ], float priority)>)> hMatrix = BFSHeruistic.PrecalcH(initialStates);
                var           testCBS      = new CBS(hMatrix);
                var           testSolution = testCBS.findSolution();
                List <string> lines        = ServerCommunicator.printSolutionToFile(testSolution);

                int counter = 0;
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    string result = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (!result.Contains("false"))
                        throw new Exception(line + result + "counter = " + counter);
                var initialStates = ServerCommunicator.readLevelFromFile();
                List <(WorldState, List <(EntityLocation, int[, ], float priority)>)> hMatrix = BFSHeruistic.PrecalcH(initialStates);
                var testCBS      = new CBS(hMatrix);
                var testSolution = testCBS.findSolution();
                throw new Exception("at end");

             * Box box1 = new Box('a', "red");
             * Box box2 = new Box('a', "red");
             * Location location1 = new Location(3, 3);
             * Location location2 = new Location(3, 3);
             * var hash1 = HashCode.Combine(box1, location1);
             * var hash2 = HashCode.Combine(box2, location2);

            //var test = ServerCommunicator.readLevel();
            /// SINGLE AGENT TESTING//

             * Console.WriteLine("TESTAI");
             * var initialStates = ServerCommunicator.readLevelFromFile();
             * if (initialStates.Count > 1) throw new Exception();
             * var watch1 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
             * //List<WorldState> plan1 = initialStates[0].agent.SearchClient.MakePlan(initialStates[0], new HashSet<Constraint>());
             * watch1.Stop();
             * var elapsedMs1 = watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             * var watch2 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
             * List<WorldState> plan2 = Astar.MakePlan(initialStates[0].agent, initialStates[0], new HashSet<Constraint>());
             * watch2.Stop();
             * var elapsedMs2 = watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             * List<List<WorldState>> solution = new List<List<WorldState>>();
             * solution.Add(plan2);
             * List<string> lines = ServerCommunicator.printSolutionToFile(solution);
             * foreach (string line in lines)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(line);
             *  string result = Console.ReadLine();
             *  if (!result.Contains("false")) continue;
             *  else throw new Exception(line + result);
             * }
             * throw new Exception("at end");


             * bool runDebug = true;
             * if (runDebug)
             * {
             *  var test = ServerCommunicator.readLevelFromFile();
             *  var testCBS = new CBS(test);
             *  var testSolution = testCBS.findSolution();
             *  List<string> lines = ServerCommunicator.printSolutionToFile(testSolution);
             *  throw new Exception("We are at the end");
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  var test = ServerCommunicator.readLevel();
             *  var testCBS = new CBS(test);
             *  var testSolution = testCBS.findSolution();
             *  List<string> lines = ServerCommunicator.printSolutionToFile(testSolution);
             *  foreach (string line in lines)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(line);
             *      string result = Console.ReadLine();
             *      if (!result.Contains("false")) continue;
             *      else throw new Exception(line + result);
             *  }
             * }*/
예제 #2
        private static List <WorldState> AssignBoxesToAgents(List <EntityLocation> agents, List <EntityLocation> boxes, List <EntityLocation> agentGoals, List <EntityLocation> boxGoals, HashSet <Location> walls)
            List <WorldState> initialStates   = new List <WorldState>();
            List <Assignment> boxAssignments  = new List <Assignment>();
            List <Assignment> goalAssignments = new List <Assignment>();
            bool isAgentGoal = false;

            List <WorldState> completeInitStates = new List <WorldState>();

            foreach (EntityLocation agentEntity in agents)
                WorldState completeInitState = new WorldState();
                completeInitState.agent         = (Agent)agentEntity.Entity;
                completeInitState.agentLocation = agentEntity.Location;
                completeInitState.Walls         = walls;
                completeInitState.assignedBoxes = new Dictionary <Location, Box>();
                completeInitState.boxGoals      = new List <EntityLocation>();
                completeInitState.boxGoals.Add(new EntityLocation(completeInitState.agent, completeInitState.agentLocation));

            List <(WorldState, List <(EntityLocation, int[, ], float priority)>)> completeInitStatesWithH = BFSHeruistic.PrecalcH(completeInitStates);

            while (boxGoals.Count > 0)
                foreach (EntityLocation agentEntity in agents)
                    double         shortestDistance           = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    EntityLocation bestBoxGoalLocation        = null;
                    EntityLocation bestInitialBoxGoalLocation = null;

                    Agent          agent     = (Agent)agentEntity.Entity;
                    EntityLocation agentGoal = null;

                    if (agentGoals.Count > 0)
                        isAgentGoal = agentGoals.Any(a => a.Entity.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name));
                        if (isAgentGoal)
                            agentGoal = agentGoals.First(a => a.Entity.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name));

                    foreach (EntityLocation boxGoalLocation in boxGoals.Where(b => b.Entity.Colour.Equals(agent.Colour)))
                        // Assign a goal and a box
                        foreach (EntityLocation boxInitialLocation in boxes.Where(b => b.Entity.Name.Equals(boxGoalLocation.Entity.Name)))
                            double total_dist = 0.0;
                            total_dist += completeInitStatesWithH.First(c => c.Item1.agent.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name)).Item2.First()
                                          .Item2[boxInitialLocation.Location.x, boxInitialLocation.Location.y];     //agentEntity.ManhattanDistance(boxInitialLocation);
                            total_dist += completeInitStatesWithH.First(c => c.Item1.agent.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name)).Item2.First()
                                          .Item2[boxGoalLocation.Location.x, boxGoalLocation.Location.y];           //boxInitialLocation.ManhattanDistance(boxGoalLocation);
                            if (isAgentGoal)
                                total_dist += completeInitStatesWithH.First(c => c.Item1.agent.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name)).Item2.First()
                                              .Item2[agentGoal.Location.x, agentGoal.Location.y]; //boxGoalLocation.ManhattanDistance(agentGoal);
                            if (total_dist < shortestDistance)
                                shortestDistance           = total_dist;
                                bestBoxGoalLocation        = boxGoalLocation;
                                bestInitialBoxGoalLocation = boxInitialLocation;

                    if (bestBoxGoalLocation != null && bestInitialBoxGoalLocation != null && shortestDistance < int.MaxValue)
                        boxAssignments.Add(new Assignment(agent, bestInitialBoxGoalLocation));
                        goalAssignments.Add(new Assignment(agent, bestBoxGoalLocation));
                        EntityLocation boxToRemove     = null;
                        EntityLocation boxGoalToRemove = null;

                        foreach (EntityLocation b in boxes)
                            if (b.Location.Equals(bestInitialBoxGoalLocation.Location))
                                boxToRemove = b;

                        foreach (EntityLocation b in boxGoals)
                            if (b.Location.Equals(bestBoxGoalLocation.Location))
                                boxGoalToRemove = b;


            foreach (EntityLocation b in boxes)
                int   minBoxCount = int.MaxValue;
                Agent minAgent    = null;

                foreach (EntityLocation agent in agents.Where(ass => ass.Entity.Colour.Equals(b.Entity.Colour)))
                    int thisAgentCount = 0;
                    foreach (Assignment a in boxAssignments.Where(ass => ass.Agent.Colour.Equals(b.Entity.Colour)))
                        if (a.Agent.Equals(agent.Entity))
                    if (thisAgentCount < minBoxCount)
                        minBoxCount = thisAgentCount;
                        minAgent    = (Agent)agent.Entity;

                if (minAgent == null)
                    throw new Exception("");
                boxAssignments.Add(new Assignment(minAgent, b));

            foreach (EntityLocation agentEntity in agents)
                Location agentLocation = agentEntity.Location;
                Location agentGoal;

                List <EntityLocation> test = agentGoals.Where(a => a.Entity.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name)).ToList();
                if (test.Count > 0)
                    agentGoal = test.ElementAt(0).Location;
                    agentGoal = null;

                Dictionary <Location, Box> agentBoxes           = new Dictionary <Location, Box>();
                List <EntityLocation>      boxGoalsforThisAgent = new List <EntityLocation>();

                foreach (Assignment boxAssignment in boxAssignments)
                    if (boxAssignment.Agent.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name))
                        agentBoxes.Add(boxAssignment.EntityLocation.Location, (Box)boxAssignment.EntityLocation.Entity);

                foreach (Assignment goalAssignment in goalAssignments)
                    if (goalAssignment.Agent.Name.Equals(agentEntity.Entity.Name))

                initialStates.Add(new WorldState(agentLocation, agentGoal, agentBoxes, boxGoalsforThisAgent, walls, (Agent)agentEntity.Entity));