public T FindMedianEndpoint(List <Interval <T> > intervals) { var sortedSet = new BDSkipList <T, Interval <T> >(); foreach (var interval in intervals) { try { sortedSet.Add(interval.Min.Value, interval); } catch { //Bend.BDSkilpList rasise exception on duplicatation } try { sortedSet.Add(interval.Max.Value, interval); } catch { //Bend.BDSkilpList rasise exception on duplicatation } } int medianIndex = sortedSet.Count / 2; if (sortedSet.Count > 0) { return(sortedSet.ToList()[medianIndex].Key); } return(default(T)); }
public static void Block_Perftest(IBlockTestFactory factory) { // iterate through blocksizes, randomly generating input data, and then doing some // random key queries to see how fast retrieval is int[] block_sizes = { 2 * 1024, 40 * 1024, 100 * 1024, 512 * 1025, 2 * 1024 * 1024 }; int[] value_sizes = { 10, 30, 100, 1000, 10000 }; int[] num_levels = { 2, 3, 4 }; int[,] perf_results = new int[block_sizes.Length, value_sizes.Length]; int READ_COUNT = 3000; Random rnd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.ToBinary()); foreach (int key_part_count in num_levels) { System.Console.WriteLine("--"); foreach (int block_size in block_sizes) { foreach (int value_size in value_sizes) { if (value_size > (block_size / 8)) { // we want at least 8 values continue; } System.GC.Collect(); // setup the block for encoding ISegmentBlockEncoder enc = factory.makeEncoder(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); enc.setStream(ms); int curblock_size = 0; // do the sorted block create.. we nest it so we can dispose the SkipList { var sorted_input = new BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>(); // first create the sorted input while (curblock_size < block_size) { // generate a random key RecordKey key = new RecordKey(); for (int i = 0; i < key_part_count; i++) { key.appendParsedKey("" + rnd.Next(0xFFFFFF) + rnd.Next(0xFFFFFF) + rnd.Next(0xFFFFFF)); } // generate a random value byte[] data = new byte[value_size]; for (int i = 0; i < value_size; i++) { data[i] = (byte)rnd.Next(40, 50); } RecordUpdate upd = RecordUpdate.WithPayload(data); curblock_size += key.encode().Length; curblock_size += value_size; sorted_input.Add(key, upd); } // encode the block foreach (var kvp in sorted_input) { enc.add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } enc.flush(); sorted_input = null; // free the skiplist } // init the decoder ISegmentBlockDecoder dec = factory.makeDecoder(new BlockAccessor(ms.ToArray())); int num_misses = 0; System.GC.Collect(); // force GC so it may not happen during the test // perform random access test DateTime start = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < READ_COUNT; i++) { RecordKey key = new RecordKey(); for (int ki = 0; ki < key_part_count; ki++) { key.appendParsedKey("" + rnd.Next(8) + rnd.Next(0xFFFFFF) + rnd.Next(0xFFFFFF)); } try { dec.FindNext(key, true); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { num_misses++; // System.Console.WriteLine("misfetch: {0}", key); // no problem, but this shouuld be small } } double duration_ms = (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds; double reads_per_second = (READ_COUNT * 1000.0) / (duration_ms); System.Console.WriteLine("BlockSize src{0,10} final{6,10} ratio ({7:0.000}), ValueSize {1,6}, Keyparts {5,3}, {2,6} reads in {3,10:0.0}ms, {8,6} misses, {4,9:0.00} read/sec", curblock_size, value_size, READ_COUNT, duration_ms, reads_per_second, key_part_count, ms.Length, ((double)ms.Length / (double)curblock_size) * (double)100.0, num_misses); } } } }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { Graphics dc = e.Graphics; // how to tell we are in design mode // if (this.Site != null && this.Site.DesignMode) { dc.Clear(Color.Beige); return; } if (segments == null) { return; } Size regionsize = this.ClientSize; // compute the data I need first... var segments_by_generation = new Dictionary<uint, List<SegmentDescriptor>>(); var unique_keys = new BDSkipList<RecordKey, int>(); uint max_gen = 0; foreach (SegmentDescriptor segdesc in segments) { unique_keys[segdesc.start_key] = 1; unique_keys[segdesc.end_key] = 1; try { segments_by_generation[segdesc.generation].Add(segdesc); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { var listofsegs = new List<SegmentDescriptor>(); listofsegs.Add(segdesc); segments_by_generation[segdesc.generation] = listofsegs; max_gen = segdesc.generation > max_gen ? segdesc.generation : max_gen; } } // figure out what the "maximum number of segments in a column" is, so we can compute segment height float segment_height = 50; if (unique_keys.Count > 0) { segment_height = Math.Max(1, (float)regionsize.Height / (float)unique_keys.Count); // make sure segment heights are at least 1 } // now draw stuff! Pen BluePen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 1); Pen RangeLinePen = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1); Pen GenPen = new Pen(Color.LightGreen, 1); dc.Clear(Color.White); // assign y-locations to keys if (unique_keys.Count == 0) { return; } float y_loc = 0; var key_to_position_map = new Dictionary<RecordKey, float>(); foreach (var key in unique_keys.Keys) { key_to_position_map[key] = y_loc; y_loc += segment_height; } var segs_in_merge = new HashSet<string>(); if (lastmerge != null) { foreach (var seg in lastmerge.source_segs) { segs_in_merge.Add(seg.ToString()); } foreach (var seg in lastmerge.target_segs) { segs_in_merge.Add(seg.ToString()); } } int cur_x = 20; for (uint generation = 0; generation <= max_gen; generation++) { // generation vertical lines dc.DrawLine(GenPen, cur_x - 10, 0, cur_x - 10, regionsize.Height); if (!segments_by_generation.ContainsKey(generation)) { // generation is empty! cur_x += 10; continue; } foreach (var seg in segments_by_generation[generation]) { int y_top = (int)key_to_position_map[seg.start_key]; int y_bottom =(int)key_to_position_map[seg.end_key]; int mid_y = (y_top + y_bottom) / 2; int y_mid_top = (int)(mid_y - (float)segment_height / 2); // color the inside of the box. if (lastmerge != null && segs_in_merge.Contains(seg.ToString())) { // if it's currently merging, color it blue var fill = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); dc.FillRectangle(fill, cur_x, y_mid_top, BLOCK_WIDTH, segment_height); } else { // pseudorandom color based on a hash of the start/end keys of a block var h1 = Math.Abs(seg.start_key.ToString().GetHashCode()); var h2 = Math.Abs(seg.end_key.ToString().GetHashCode()); // vary the alpha and colors based on key hashes %N+K makes sure alpha is in a good range var fill = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((h1 % 60) + 80, (h1 + h2) & 0xff, (h2 >> 8) & 0xff, h2 & 0xff)); dc.FillRectangle(fill, cur_x, y_mid_top, BLOCK_WIDTH, segment_height); } if (seg.keyrangeContainsSegmentPointers()) { dc.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), cur_x+BLOCK_WIDTH-5, y_mid_top, 5, segment_height); } // when we get a lot of blocks, the outline covers 100% of the inside color //dc.DrawRectangle(BluePen, cur_x, y_mid_top, 50, segment_height); if (generation != 0 && (y_bottom != y_top + segment_height)) { dc.DrawLine(RangeLinePen, cur_x, y_mid_top, cur_x - 10, y_top); dc.DrawLine(RangeLinePen, cur_x, y_mid_top + segment_height, cur_x - 10, y_bottom); } } // reset for next time through the loop cur_x += 20 + BLOCK_WIDTH; } // paint some other stuff { int y_pos = 0 + 20; long memsize = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); Brush bb = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); String msg = String.Format("Memsize: {0:0.00} MB", ((double)memsize / 1024 / 1024)); SizeF msgsz = dc.MeasureString(msg, this.Font); dc.DrawString(msg, this.Font, bb, new Point(regionsize.Width - (int)msgsz.Width, y_pos + (int)msgsz.Height)); y_pos += (int)msgsz.Height + 10; int max_gc_generation = GC.MaxGeneration; msg = "GC generations: " + (max_gc_generation + 1); msgsz = dc.MeasureString(msg, this.Font); dc.DrawString(msg, this.Font, bb, new Point(regionsize.Width - (int)msgsz.Width, y_pos + (int)msgsz.Height)); y_pos += (int)msgsz.Height + 10; for (int x = 0; x <= max_gc_generation; x++) { int collection_count = GC.CollectionCount(x); msg = String.Format("[{0}] = [{1}]",x,collection_count); msgsz = dc.MeasureString(msg, this.Font); dc.DrawString(msg, this.Font, bb, new Point(regionsize.Width - (int)msgsz.Width, y_pos + (int)msgsz.Height)); y_pos += (int)msgsz.Height + 10; } } }
private void _organizeLogSegments(RootBlockLogSegment[] segments) { BDSkipList<long, RootBlockLogSegment> order_segments = new BDSkipList<long, RootBlockLogSegment>(); // (2) scan and organize the log-segments (so they are in proper order) foreach (RootBlockLogSegment seg in segments) { Stream logsegment = regionmgr.readRegionAddr(seg.logsegment_start).getNewAccessStream(); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(logsegment); LogPacketHeader hdr = Util.readStruct<LogPacketHeader>(br); if (hdr.magic != LogPacketHeader.LOG_MAGIC) { abortCorrupt(String.Format("_organizeLogSegments() found corrupt log segment! magic => {0}", hdr.magic)); } if (hdr.cmddata_length == 0 && hdr.checksum == 0) { empty_log_segments.Add(seg); } else { order_segments.Add(hdr.curLWSN, seg); } logsegment.Close(); } // now insert the active segments in proper order.. foreach (var kvp in order_segments.scanForward(ScanRange<long>.All())) { Console.WriteLine("active segment: {0}", kvp.Key); active_log_segments.Add(kvp.Value); } }
private void INTERNAL_segmentWalkForNextKey( IComparable<RecordKey> startkeytest, bool direction_is_forward, ISortedSegment curseg_raw, RangeKey curseg_rangekey, IScannableDictionary<RecordKey, RecordData> handledIndexRecords, int maxgen, IScannableDictionary<RecordKey, RecordData> recordsBeingAssembled, bool equal_ok, SegmentWalkStats stats) { // TODO: convert all ISortedSegments to be IScannable IScannable<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> curseg = (IScannable<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>)curseg_raw; stats.segmentWalkInvocations++; // first look in this segment for a next-key **IF** it may contain one if (curseg_rangekey.directlyContainsKey(startkeytest)) { // we need to keep looking until we find a live record, as we need all the deletion tombstones // between startkey and the next live record. IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>> seg_scanner; if (direction_is_forward) { seg_scanner = curseg.scanForward( new ScanRange<RecordKey>( startkeytest, new ScanRange<RecordKey>.maxKey(), null)); } else { seg_scanner = curseg.scanBackward( new ScanRange<RecordKey>( new ScanRange<RecordKey>.minKey(), startkeytest, null)); } foreach (var kvp in seg_scanner) { if (!equal_ok) { // have ">" test vs ">=" if (startkeytest.CompareTo(kvp.Key) == 0) { continue; } } RecordData partial_record; stats.rowAccumulate_TryGet++; if (!recordsBeingAssembled.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out partial_record)) { partial_record = new RecordData(RecordDataState.NOT_PROVIDED, kvp.Key); recordsBeingAssembled[kvp.Key] = partial_record; } else { stats.rowDuplicatesAppeared++; } partial_record.applyUpdate(kvp.Value); stats.rowUpdatesApplied++; #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_ACCUMULATION for (int depth = 10; depth > maxgen; depth--) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("accumulated update: {0}", kvp); #endif if (partial_record.State != RecordDataState.DELETED) { // we accumulated to at least one live record, so stop adding potential records break; } } } // find all generation range references that are relevant for this key // .. make a note of which ones are "current" if (curseg_rangekey.directlyContainsKey(GEN_KEY_PREFIX)) { BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> todo_list = new BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>(); for (int i = maxgen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stats.segmentRangeRowScansPerformed++; foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> rangerow in RangeKey.findAllEligibleRangeRows(curseg, startkeytest, i, stats)) { // see if it is new for our handledIndexRecords dataset RecordData partial_rangedata; stats.segmentAccumulate_TryGet++; if (!handledIndexRecords.TryGetValue(rangerow.Key, out partial_rangedata)) { partial_rangedata = new RecordData(RecordDataState.NOT_PROVIDED, rangerow.Key); handledIndexRecords[rangerow.Key] = partial_rangedata; } if ((partial_rangedata.State == RecordDataState.INCOMPLETE) || (partial_rangedata.State == RecordDataState.NOT_PROVIDED)) { // we're suppilying new data for this index record partial_rangedata.applyUpdate(rangerow.Value); stats.segmentUpdatesApplied++; // because we're suppilying new data, we should add this to our // private TODO list if it is a FULL update, NOT a tombstone if (rangerow.Value.type == RecordUpdateTypes.FULL) { #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_RANGE_WALK for (int depth = 10; depth > maxgen; depth--) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("adding SegmentRangeRow: {0}", rangerow); #endif todo_list.Add(rangerow); } } } } // now repeat the walk through our todo list: foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> rangepointer in todo_list.scanBackward(null)) { if (rangepointer.Value.type == RecordUpdateTypes.DELETION_TOMBSTONE) { // skip deletion tombstones stats.segmentDeletionTombstonesSkipped++; continue; } SegmentReader next_seg = segmentReaderFromRow(rangepointer); RangeKey next_seg_rangekey = RangeKey.decodeFromRecordKey(rangepointer.Key); #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_WALK for (int depth = 10; depth > maxgen; depth--) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("..WalkForNextKey descending to: {0}", rangepointer); #endif // RECURSE INTERNAL_segmentWalkForNextKey( startkeytest, direction_is_forward, next_seg, next_seg_rangekey, handledIndexRecords, maxgen - 1, recordsBeingAssembled, equal_ok, stats); } // now repeat the walk of range references in this segment, this time actually descending } }
public GetStatus getNextRecord_LowLevel_OLD( IComparable<RecordKey> lowkey, bool direction_is_forward, ref RecordKey key, ref RecordData record, bool equal_ok, bool tombstone_ok) { SegmentWalkStats stats = new SegmentWalkStats(); BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordData> handledIndexRecords = new BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordData>(); BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordData> recordsBeingAssembled = new BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordData>(); #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_WALK Console.WriteLine("getNextRecord_LowLevel({0})", lowkey); #endif SegmentMemoryBuilder[] layers; // snapshot the working segment layers lock ( { layers =; } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; // TODO: fix this super-hack to do "minKey/maxKey" foreach (SegmentMemoryBuilder layer in layers) { if (layer.RowCount == 0) { continue; } // use the first and last records in the segment as the rangekeys var segrk = RangeKey.newSegmentRangeKey( layer.FindNext(null, true).Key, layer.FindPrev(null, true).Key, num_generations_persisted); INTERNAL_segmentWalkForNextKey( lowkey, direction_is_forward, layer, segrk, handledIndexRecords, num_generations_persisted, recordsBeingAssembled, equal_ok, stats: stats); } DateTime end = DateTime.Now; #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_WALK_COUNTERS Console.WriteLine("getNextRecord({0}) took {1}ms", lowkey, (((end-start).TotalMilliseconds))); Console.WriteLine(stats); #endif // now check the assembled records list try { IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordData>> assembled_candidates; if (direction_is_forward) { assembled_candidates = recordsBeingAssembled.scanForward(null); } else { assembled_candidates = recordsBeingAssembled.scanBackward(null); } foreach (var kvp in assembled_candidates) { if (kvp.Value.State == RecordDataState.FULL) { key = kvp.Key; record = kvp.Value; return GetStatus.PRESENT; } else if (kvp.Value.State == RecordDataState.DELETED) { if (tombstone_ok) { key = kvp.Key; record = kvp.Value; return GetStatus.PRESENT; } } else { throw new Exception("invalid record state in getNextRecord, record assembly processing: " + kvp.Value.State + " k:" + kvp.Key + " v:" + kvp.Value); } } return GetStatus.MISSING; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return GetStatus.MISSING; } }
private void INTERNAL_segmentWalkCursorSetupForNextKey( IComparable<RecordKey> startkeytest, bool direction_is_forward, ISortedSegment curseg_raw, RangeKey curseg_rangekey, IScannableDictionary<RecordKey, RecordData> handledIndexRecords, int maxgen, IScannableDictionary<RangeKey, IScannable<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>> segmentsWithRecords, bool equal_ok, SegmentWalkStats stats) { // TODO: convert all ISortedSegments to be IScannable IScannable<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> curseg = (IScannable<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>)curseg_raw; stats.segmentWalkInvocations++; // first look in this segment for a next-key **IF** it may contain one if (curseg_rangekey.directlyContainsKey(startkeytest)) { // add the current segment to the list of segments with records. segmentsWithRecords.Add(curseg_rangekey,curseg); } // find all generation range references that are relevant for this key // .. make a note of which ones are "current" if (curseg_rangekey.directlyContainsKey(GEN_KEY_PREFIX)) { BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> todo_list = new BDSkipList<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>(); if (curseg_rangekey.generation > stats.handlingGeneration) { throw new Exception("cursor segup generation priority inversion"); } stats.handlingGeneration = curseg_rangekey.generation; for (int i = maxgen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stats.segmentRangeRowScansPerformed++; foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> rangerow in RangeKey.findAllEligibleRangeRows(curseg, startkeytest, i, stats)) { // see if it is new for our handledIndexRecords dataset RecordData partial_rangedata; stats.segmentAccumulate_TryGet++; if (!handledIndexRecords.TryGetValue(rangerow.Key, out partial_rangedata)) { partial_rangedata = new RecordData(RecordDataState.NOT_PROVIDED, rangerow.Key); handledIndexRecords[rangerow.Key] = partial_rangedata; } if ((partial_rangedata.State == RecordDataState.INCOMPLETE) || (partial_rangedata.State == RecordDataState.NOT_PROVIDED)) { // we're suppilying new data for this index record partial_rangedata.applyUpdate(rangerow.Value); stats.segmentUpdatesApplied++; // because we're suppilying new data, we should add this to our // private TODO list if it is a FULL update, NOT a tombstone if (rangerow.Value.type == RecordUpdateTypes.FULL) { #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_RANGE_WALK for (int depth = 10; depth > maxgen; depth--) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("adding SegmentRangeRow: {0}", rangerow); #endif todo_list.Add(rangerow); } } } } // now repeat the walk through our todo list: foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> rangepointer in todo_list.scanBackward(null)) { if (rangepointer.Value.type == RecordUpdateTypes.DELETION_TOMBSTONE) { // skip deletion tombstones stats.segmentDeletionTombstonesSkipped++; continue; } SegmentReader next_seg = segmentReaderFromRow(rangepointer); RangeKey next_seg_rangekey = RangeKey.decodeFromRecordKey(rangepointer.Key); #if DEBUG_SEGMENT_WALK for (int depth = 10; depth > maxgen; depth--) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("..WalkForNextKey descending to: {0}", rangepointer); #endif // RECURSE INTERNAL_segmentWalkCursorSetupForNextKey( startkeytest, direction_is_forward, next_seg, next_seg_rangekey, handledIndexRecords, maxgen - 1, segmentsWithRecords, equal_ok, stats); } // now repeat the walk of range references in this segment, this time actually descending } }