예제 #1
        public Boolean cov_subscribe(BACNET_ADDRESS src, BACNET_SUBSCRIBE_COV_DATA data)
            Boolean successful = false;

            if (data.cancellationRequest)
                cov_subcription.valid = false;
                successful            = true;

                cov_subcription.valid    = true;
                cov_subcription.invokeID = 0;
                cov_subcription.issueConfirmedNotifications = data.issueConfirmedNotifications;
                cov_subcription.lifetime = data.lifetime;
                cov_subcription.monitoredObjectIdentifier   = data.monitoredObjectIdentifier;
                cov_subcription.subscriberProcessIdentifier = data.subscriberProcessIdentifier;
                cov_subcription.dest = src;
                successful           = true;

        int Cov_Subscribe_Encode(ref Byte[] apdu, int invoke_id, ref BACNET_SUBSCRIBE_COV_DATA cov_data, int pos)
            int len      = 0;   /* length of each encoding */
            int apdu_len = 0;

            apdu[pos + 1] = BasicalProcessor.Encode_MaxSegsandApdu(0, 1476);
            apdu[pos + 2] = (Byte)invoke_id;
            apdu_len      = 4;
            len           = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 0, cov_data.subscriberProcessIdentifier, pos + apdu_len);
            apdu_len     += len;

            len       = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_ObjectId(ref apdu, 1, (int)cov_data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.type, cov_data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.instance, pos + apdu_len);
            apdu_len += len;

             * If both the 'Issue Confirmed Notifications' and
             * 'Lifetime' parameters are absent, then this shall
             * indicate a cancellation request.
            if (!cov_data.cancellationRequest)
                /* tag 2 - issueConfirmedNotifications */
                len =
                    BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Boolean(ref apdu, 2,
                                                            cov_data.issueConfirmedNotifications, pos + apdu_len);
                apdu_len += len;
                /* tag 3 - lifetime */
                len       = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 3, cov_data.lifetime, pos + apdu_len);
                apdu_len += len;

        private int Decode_Service_Request(ref Byte[] request, uint request_len, ref BACNET_SUBSCRIBE_COV_DATA data)
            int    len           = 0;
            Byte   tag_number    = 0;
            UInt32 len_value     = 0;
            UInt32 decoded_value = 0; /* for decoding */
            UInt16 decoded_type  = 0; /* for decoding */

            // if (decode_is_context_tag(&apdu[len], 0))
            len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len);
            len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Unsigned(ref request, len_value, ref decoded_value, len);
            data.subscriberProcessIdentifier = decoded_value;
            /* tag 1 - monitoredObjectIdentifier */
            len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len);
            len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Object_Id(ref request, ref decoded_type, ref data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.instance, len);
            data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.type = decoded_type;
            /* optional parameters - if missing, means cancellation */
            if ((uint)len < request_len)
                if (BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Context_Tag(ref request, 2, len))
                    data.cancellationRequest = false;
                    len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len);
                    data.issueConfirmedNotifications = BasicalProcessor.Decode_Context_Boolean(ref request, len);
                    len += (int)len_value;
                    //  if (decode_is_context_tag(&apdu[len], 3))
                    len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len);

                    len          += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Unsigned(ref request, len_value, ref decoded_value, len);
                    data.lifetime = decoded_value;
                    data.cancellationRequest = true;
                data.cancellationRequest = true;

        public void Cov_Subscribe_Handler(ref Byte[] request, UInt16 request_len, ref BACNET_ADDRESS src, ref BACNET_CONFIRMED_SERVICE_DATA request_data)
            int pdu_len  = 0;
            int byte_len = 0;

            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024];
            BACNET_ADDRESS            my_address = new BACNET_ADDRESS();
            NpduProcessor             n_pro      = new NpduProcessor();
            BACNET_NPDU_DATA          npdu_data  = new BACNET_NPDU_DATA();
            ApduProcessor             a_pro      = new ApduProcessor();
            BvlcProcessor             b_pro      = new BvlcProcessor();
            int apdu_len = -1;
            int npdu_len = -1;
            int len      = 0;

            //cov_data.error_code = ABORT_REASON_SEGMENTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
            n_pro.Encode_NpduData(ref npdu_data, false, BACNET_MESSAGE_PRIORITY.MESSAGE_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
            npdu_len = n_pro.Encode(ref buffer, ref src, ref my_address, ref npdu_data);
            //  if (service_data.segmented_message)
            /* we don't support segmentation - send an abort */
            len = Decode_Service_Request(ref request, request_len, ref cov_data);

            for (int i = 0; i < Form_main.lift_count; i++)
                if (cov_data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.instance == Form_main.lift_list[i].Object_Identifier.instance)
                    Form_main.lift_list[i].cov_subscribe(src, cov_data);

            apdu_len = a_pro.Encode_Simple_Ack(ref buffer, request_data.invoke_id, (Byte)BACNET_CONFIRMED_SERVICE.SERVICE_CONFIRMED_SUBSCRIBE_COV, npdu_len);
            pdu_len  = npdu_len + apdu_len;
            byte_len = b_pro.Encode(ref buffer, ref src, ref npdu_data, pdu_len);
        public Byte Cov_Subscribe_pack(ref Byte[] Handler_Transmit_Buffer, UInt32 device_id, ref BACNET_SUBSCRIBE_COV_DATA cov_data)
            Byte           invoke_id  = 0;
            BACNET_ADDRESS dest       = new BACNET_ADDRESS();
            BACNET_ADDRESS my_address = new BACNET_ADDRESS();

            BacnetAddresssProcessor.Get_My_Address(ref my_address);
            BacnetAddresssProcessor.Get_Device_Address(ref dest, device_id);
            //   uint max_apdu = 0;
            //   bool status = false;
            int len      = 0;
            int pdu_len  = 0;
            int byte_len = 0;
            BACNET_NPDU_DATA npdu_data = new BACNET_NPDU_DATA();
            NpduProcessor    n_pro     = new NpduProcessor();
            BvlcProcessor    b_pro     = new BvlcProcessor();

            //status = address_get_by_device(device_id, &max_apdu, &dest);
            //invoke_id = tsm_next_free_invokeID();
            invoke_id = 1;
            n_pro.Encode_NpduData(ref npdu_data, true, BACNET_MESSAGE_PRIORITY.MESSAGE_PRIORITY_NORMAL);

            pdu_len  = n_pro.Encode(ref Handler_Transmit_Buffer, ref dest, ref my_address, ref npdu_data);
            len      = Cov_Subscribe_Encode(ref Handler_Transmit_Buffer, invoke_id, ref cov_data, pdu_len);
            pdu_len += len;
            // if ((unsigned) pdu_len < max_apdu) {
            // tsm_set_confirmed_unsegmented_transaction(invoke_id, &dest,
            //    &npdu_data, &Handler_Transmit_Buffer[0], (uint16_t) pdu_len);

            byte_len = b_pro.Encode(ref Handler_Transmit_Buffer, ref dest, ref npdu_data, pdu_len);
