public List <Users> GetUserList(int limit, int offset, string order, string sort, string FirstName, string LastName, string Email, string Photo, out int total) { AzureDBContext db = new AzureDBContext(); // var data = from u in db.smSocialMediaProfile.AsQueryable() //where u.UserId == currentUserId // select new smSocialMediaProfile { Fid = u.Fid, FirstName = u.FirstName, LastName = u.LastName, Photo = u.Photo, Email = u.Email }; // var data = GetAll().Where(x => x.UserId == currentUserId && x.IsActive == true).ToList(); var data = Context.Set <Users>().Where(x => x.UserTypeId == 2 && x.IsDeleted == false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName)) { data = data.Where(x => x.FirstName.Contains(FirstName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName)) { data = data.Where(x => x.LastName.Contains(LastName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Photo)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Photo.Contains(Photo)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Email.Contains(Email)); } //Order by GetSortedData(ref data, sort + order.ToUpper()); total = data.Count(); return(data.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList()); }
public async Task <SiteFunction> GetAsync(int id) { var siteFunction = new SiteFunction(); try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var pageList = a.MsgPages.ToList(); var f = a.Msgfunctions.FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.Id == id); var page = pageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == f.Page); siteFunction = new SiteFunction() { Id = f.Id, Name = f.Name, Description = f.Description, PageName = page.Name, PageTitle = page.Title, ApplicationId = f.ApplicationId.GetValueOrDefault() }; } catch (Exception e) { siteFunction.Error = e.Message; } return(siteFunction); }
public dynamic GetTotalClicks(int UserId) { AzureDBContext dbcontext = new AzureDBContext(); List <smViewsModel> data = new List <smViewsModel>(); try { DbDataReader _reader; dbcontext.Database.Initialize(force: false); dbcontext.Database.Connection.Open(); var _dbCmd = dbcontext.Database.Connection.CreateCommand(); _dbCmd.CommandText = "[smGetViewClick]"; _dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; _dbCmd.CommandTimeout = 60 * 5; _dbCmd.Parameters.AddRange(new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@UserId", UserId), }); _reader = _dbCmd.ExecuteReader(); data = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dbcontext).ObjectContext.Translate <smViewsModel>(_reader).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } return(data.ToList()); }
public async Task <Will> GetAsync(int id) { var will = new Will(); try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var app = a.LincsWills.FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.Id == id); will = new Will() { Id = app.Id, Aliases = app.Aliases, Collection = app.Collection, DateString = app.DateString, Description = app.Description, FirstName = app.FirstName, Occupation = app.Occupation, Place = app.Place, Reference = app.Reference, Surname = app.Surname, Typ = app.Typ.GetValueOrDefault(), Url = app.Url, Year = app.Year }; } catch (Exception e) { will.Error = e.Message; } return(will); }
public async Task <Site> GetAsync(int id) { var site = new Site(); try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var pageList = a.MsgPages.ToList(); var app = a.Msgapplications.FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.Id == id); var page = pageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == app.DefaultPage); site = new Site() { Id = app.Id, Name = app.ApplicationName, Description = app.Description, DefaultPageName = page.Name, DefaultPageTitle = page.Title }; } catch (Exception e) { site.Error = e.Message; } return(site); }
public List <smPost> GetAllSocialMediaPost(int limit, int offset, string order, string sort, string Name, string Description, string Url, string ImageUrl, int currentUserId, out int total) { AzureDBContext db = new AzureDBContext(); var data = (from a in db.smPost.AsEnumerable() where a.UserId == currentUserId && a.IsDeleted == false && a.IsActive == true && a.PostDate <= DateTime.UtcNow select a); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(Name)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Description.Contains(Description)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageUrl)) { data = data.Where(x => x.ImageUrl.Contains(ImageUrl)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Url.Contains(Url)); } GetSortedPost(ref data, sort + order.ToUpper()); total = data.Count(); data = (from a in data join u in db.Users on a.UserId equals u.UserId let c = Context.Set <Users>().Where(c => c.UserId == a.CreatedBy).FirstOrDefault() select new smPost { PostId = a.PostId, UserId = a.UserId, SocialMediaProfileId = a.SocialMediaProfileId, SocialMedia = a.SocialMedia, Name = a.Name, Caption = a.Caption, Description = a.Description, Url = a.Url, ImageUrl = a.ImageUrl, PostDate = a.PostDate, IsActive = a.IsActive, IsDeleted = a.IsDeleted, ModifiedDate = a.ModifiedDate, FirstName = u.FirstName, LastName = u.LastName, CreatedByName = c.Email, RoleType = c.UserTypeId, LikesCount = a.LikesCount, CommentsCount = a.CommentsCount, LikesNames = a.LikesNames, CommentsText = a.CommentsText }); return(data.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList()); }
public async Task <Results <FTMView> > FTMViewList(DNASearchParamObj searchParams) { var dupeList = new List <FTMView>(); var results = new Results <FTMView>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.FTMPersonView.Where(w => w.Surname != "") .WhereIfSurname(searchParams.Surname) .WhereIfLocation(searchParams.Location) .WhereIfYearsBetween(searchParams.YearStart, searchParams.YearEnd) .FTMViewSortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { dupeList.Add(new FTMView() { Id = app.Id, FirstName = app.FirstName ?? "", Surname = app.Surname ?? "", AltLocation = app.AltLocation ?? "", AltLat = app.AltLat.GetValueOrDefault(), AltLocationDesc = app.AltLocationDesc ?? "", AltLong = app.AltLong.GetValueOrDefault(), YearFrom = app.YearFrom, YearTo = app.YearTo, BirthLat = app.BirthLat.GetValueOrDefault(), Location = app.Location ?? "", BirthLong = app.BirthLong.GetValueOrDefault(), Origin = app.Origin ?? "", PersonId = app.PersonId }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = dupeList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <ADBSource> > SourceList(ADBSourceParamObj searchParams) { var parishList = new List <ADBSource>(); var results = new Results <ADBSource>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.Sources.WhereIfLocation(searchParams.Location) .WhereIfSourceRef(searchParams.SourceRef) .WhereIfYearsBetween(searchParams.YearStart, searchParams.YearEnd) .OrderBy(o => o.SourceRef); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { parishList.Add(new ADBSource() { Id = app.Id, DateAdded = app.DateAdded, IsCopyHeld = app.IsCopyHeld, IsThackrayFound = app.IsThackrayFound, IsViewed = app.IsViewed, OriginalLocation = app.Location, SourceDate = app.YearFrom, SourceDateTo = app.YearTo, SourceDateStr = app.SourceDateStr, SourceDateStrTo = app.SourceDateStrTo, SourceDescription = app.SourceDescription, SourceFileCount = app.SourceFileCount, SourceNotes = app.SourceNotes, SourceRef = app.SourceRef, UserId = app.UserId }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = parishList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <ADBParish> > ParishList(ADBParishParamObj searchParams) { //column sort not needed var parishList = new List <ADBParish>(); var results = new Results <ADBParish>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.Parishs .WhereIfMatchParishCounty(searchParams.County) .WhereIfMatchParishName(searchParams.ParishName) .OrderBy(o => o.Name); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { parishList.Add(new ADBParish() { Id = app.Id, ParentParish = app.ParentParish, ParishCounty = app.County, ParishEndYear = app.ParishEndYear, ParishName = app.Name, ParishNotes = app.ParishNotes, ParishRegistersDeposited = app.ParishRegistersDeposited, ParishStartYear = app.ParishStartYear, ParishX = app.ParishX, ParishY = app.ParishY }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = parishList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <Dupe> > DupeList(DNASearchParamObj searchParams) { var dupeList = new List <Dupe>(); var results = new Results <Dupe>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.DupeEntries .WhereIfSurname(searchParams.Surname) .DupeSortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { dupeList.Add(new Dupe() { Id = app.Id, FirstName = app.FirstName ?? "", Surname = app.Surname ?? "", YearFrom = app.YearFrom, YearTo = app.YearTo, Ident = app.Ident ?? "", Location = app.Location ?? "", Origin = app.Origin ?? "", PersonId = app.PersonId }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = dupeList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public List <smPreference> GetAllSocialPreference(int limit, int offset, string order, string sort, string Preference, int currentUserId, out int total) { AzureDBContext db = new AzureDBContext(); var data = Context.Set <smPreference>().Where(x => x.UserId == currentUserId && x.IsDeleted == false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Preference)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Preference.Contains(Preference)); } //Order by GetSortedPreference(ref data, sort + order.ToUpper()); total = data.Count(); return(data.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList()); }
public List <Users> GetEndUserList(int limit, int offset, string order, string sort, string FirstName, string LastName, string Email, string Photo, int userType, int Role, int industryId, out int total) { AzureDBContext db = new AzureDBContext(); var data = Context.Set <Users>().Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false); if (userType == 3) // SUperadmin { if (Role == 1) { data = Context.Set <Users>().Where(x => x.UserTypeId != 3 && x.IsDeleted == false && x.UserTypeId == 1); } else if (Role == 2) { data = Context.Set <Users>().Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.UserTypeId == 2); } else if (Role == 3) { data = Context.Set <Users>().Where(x => x.UserTypeId != 3 && x.IsDeleted == false); } } else if (userType == 2) // Admin { data = Context.Set <Users>().Where(x => x.UserTypeId == 1 && x.IsDeleted == false && x.IndustryId == industryId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName)) { data = data.Where(x => x.FirstName.Contains(FirstName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName)) { data = data.Where(x => x.LastName.Contains(LastName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Photo)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Photo.Contains(Photo)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { data = data.Where(x => x.Email.Contains(Email)); } //Order by GetSortedData(ref data, sort + order.ToUpper()); total = data.Count(); return(data.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList()); }
public async Task <Results <ADBParishRec> > ParishRecList(int parishId) { var parishList = new List <ADBParishRec>(); var results = new Results <ADBParishRec>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.ParishRecords.Where(w => w.ParishId == parishId); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged) { parishList.Add(new ADBParishRec() { Id = app.Id, ParishId = app.ParishId, DataTypeId = app.DataTypeId, OriginalRegister = app.OriginalRegister, RecordType = app.RecordType, Year = app.Year, YearEnd = app.YearEnd }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = parishList; results.Page = 0; results.total_pages = 1; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <SiteFunction> > ListAsync(int applicationId, ClaimsPrincipal user) { var results = new Results <SiteFunction>(); _sites = new List <SiteFunction>(); try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var pageList = a.MsgPages.ToList(); var app = a.Msgfunctions.Where(fi => fi.ApplicationId == applicationId); foreach (var f in app) { var page = pageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == f.Page); var siteFunction = new SiteFunction() { Id = f.Id, Name = f.Name, Description = f.Description, PageName = page.Name, PageTitle = page.Title, ApplicationId = applicationId }; _sites.Add(siteFunction); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = _sites; results.Page = 0; results.total_pages = 1; results.total_results = results.results.Count(); return(results); }
public async Task <Results <TreeRec> > TreeList(DNASearchParamObj searchParams) { var dupeList = new List <TreeRec>(); var results = new Results <TreeRec>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.TreeRecord.WhereIfOrigin(searchParams.Origin).TreeRecSortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { dupeList.Add(new TreeRec() { Id = app.ID, CM = app.CM, Located = app.Located, Origin = app.Origin ?? "", PersonCount = app.PersonCount, Name = app.Name }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = dupeList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
/// <summary> /// Check the user activity /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext"></param> public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { int Created = 0; int ImpersonateUserId = SessionManager.LoggedInUser.ImpersonateUserId; if (ImpersonateUserId != 0) { Created = ImpersonateUserId; } else { Created = SessionManager.LoggedInUser.UserID; } //Stores the Request in an Accessible object var request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request; string hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); string myIP = (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ?? HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]).Split(',')[0].Trim(); // Generate an Audit smActivityLog activity = new smActivityLog() { UserId = SessionManager.LoggedInUser.UserID, IpAddress = myIP, UserName = (request.IsAuthenticated) ? filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name : "Anonymous", //The URL that was accessed AreaAccessed = request.RawUrl, //Creates our Timestamp TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Event = Event, Message = Message, CreatedBy = Created }; AzureDBContext db = new AzureDBContext(); db.smActivityLogs.Add(activity); db.SaveChanges(); base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public async Task <Results <ADBInternalSourceType> > SourceTypeList(ADBSourceParamObj searchParams) { var parishList = new List <ADBInternalSourceType>(); var results = new Results <ADBInternalSourceType>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.SourceTypes.OrderBy(o => o.Id); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { parishList.Add(new ADBInternalSourceType() { Id = app.Id, SourceDateAdded = app.SourceDateAdded, SourceTypeDesc = app.SourceTypeDesc }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = parishList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <ADBParishData> > ParishDataList(int parishId) { var parishList = new List <ADBParishData>(); var results = new Results <ADBParishData>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.ParishTranscriptionDetails.Where(w => w.ParishId == parishId); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged) { parishList.Add(new ADBParishData() { Id = app.Id, ParishDataString = app.ParishDataString, ParishId = app.ParishId }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = parishList; results.Page = 0; results.total_pages = 1; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <Site> > ListAsync(Dictionary <string, string> query, ClaimsPrincipal user) { List <Site> _sites = new List <Site>(); var results = new Results <Site>(); try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var pageList = a.MsgPages.ToList(); foreach (var app in a.Msgapplications) { var page = pageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == app.DefaultPage); _sites.Add(new Site() { Id = app.Id, Name = app.ApplicationName, Description = app.Description, DefaultPageName = page.Name, DefaultPageTitle = page.Title }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = _sites; results.Page = 0; results.total_pages = 1; results.total_results = results.results.Count(); return(results); }
public List <smActivityLog> GetActivityList(int limit, int offset, string order, string sort, string Name, string Email, int userType, int role, out int total) { IEnumerable <smActivityLog> data; AzureDBContext db = new AzureDBContext(); var data1 = (from activity in db.smActivityLogs let user = db.Users.Where(c => c.UserId == activity.UserId).FirstOrDefault() let createdEmail = db.Users.Where(d => d.UserId == activity.CreatedBy).Select(c => c.Email).FirstOrDefault() where activity.UserId != 0 select new { activity, user, createdEmail }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { data1 = data1.Where(x => x.activity.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(Name) || x.activity.LastName.ToLower().Contains(Name)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { data1 = data1.Where(x => x.activity.UserName.ToLower().Contains(Email)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { data1 = data1.Where(x => x.activity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Name)); } if (role == 1 || role == 2) { data1 = data1.Where(x => x.user.UserTypeId == role); } if (userType == 3) { data1 = data1.Where(r => r.user.UserTypeId != 3); } else { data1 = data1.Where(r => r.user.UserTypeId == 1); } var result = data1.ToList().Select(d => new smActivityLog { ActivityId = d.activity.ActivityId, UserId = d.activity.UserId, IpAddress = d.activity.IpAddress, UserName = d.activity.UserName, AreaAccessed = d.activity.AreaAccessed, TimeStamp = d.activity.TimeStamp, FirstName = d.user.FirstName, LastName = d.user.LastName, Role = d.user.UserTypeId, Name = d.user.FirstName + " " + d.user.LastName, Email = d.user.Email, Event = d.activity.Event, Message = d.activity.Message, CreatedBy = d.activity.CreatedBy, CreatedByEmail = d.createdEmail }).AsEnumerable(); GetSortedActivityList(ref result, sort + order.ToUpper()); total = result.Count(); return(result.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList()); throw new NotImplementedException(); //data1 = (from a in data1 // let createdUser = db.Users.Where(d => d.UserId == a.activity.CreatedBy).FirstOrDefault() // select new smActivityLog // { // ActivityId = a.activity.ActivityId, // UserId = a.activity.UserId, // IpAddress = a.activity.IpAddress, // UserName = a.activity.UserName, // AreaAccessed = a.activity.AreaAccessed, // TimeStamp = a.activity.TimeStamp, // FirstName = a.user.FirstName, // LastName = a.user.LastName, // Role = a.user.UserType, // Name = a.user.FirstName + " " + a.user.LastName, // Email = a.user.Email, // Event = a.activity.Event, // Message = a.activity.Message, // CreatedBy = a.activity.CreatedBy, // CreatedByEmail = createdUser.Email // }); //GetSortedActivityList(ref data1, sort + order.ToUpper()); //total = data1.Count(); //return data1.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList(); //// SuperAdmin //if (userType == 3) //{ // data = (from a in Context.Set<smActivityLog>().AsNoTracking().AsEnumerable() // let user = Context.Set<Users>().AsNoTracking().Where(c => c.UserId == a.UserId).FirstOrDefault() // let createdUser = Context.Set<Users>().AsNoTracking().Where(d => d.UserId == a.CreatedBy).FirstOrDefault() // where a.UserId != 0 && user.UserType != 3 // select new smActivityLog // { // ActivityId = a.ActivityId, // UserId = a.UserId, // IpAddress = a.IpAddress, // UserName = a.UserName, // AreaAccessed = a.AreaAccessed, // TimeStamp = a.TimeStamp, // FirstName = user.FirstName, // LastName = user.LastName, // Role = user.UserType, // Name = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName, // Email = user.Email, // Event = a.Event, // Message = a.Message, // CreatedBy = a.CreatedBy, // CreatedByEmail = createdUser.Email // }); //} //else // Admin //{ // data = (from a in Context.Set<smActivityLog>().AsNoTracking().AsEnumerable() // let user = Context.Set<Users>().AsNoTracking().Where(c => c.UserId == a.UserId).FirstOrDefault() // let createdUser = Context.Set<Users>().AsNoTracking().Where(d => d.UserId == a.CreatedBy).FirstOrDefault() // where a.UserId != 0 && user.UserType == 1 // select new smActivityLog // { // ActivityId = a.ActivityId, // UserId = a.UserId, // IpAddress = a.IpAddress, // UserName = a.UserName, // AreaAccessed = a.AreaAccessed, // TimeStamp = a.TimeStamp, // FirstName = user.FirstName, // LastName = user.LastName, // Role = user.UserType, // Name = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName, // Email = user.Email, // Event = a.Event, // Message = a.Message, // CreatedBy = a.CreatedBy, // CreatedByEmail = createdUser.Email // }); //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) //{ // data = data.Where(x => x.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(Name) || x.LastName.ToLower().Contains(Name)); //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) //{ // data = data.Where(x => x.Email.ToLower().Contains(Email)); //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) //{ // data = data.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(Name)); //} //if (role == 1) // User //{ // data = data.Where(x => x.Role == 1); //} //else if (role == 2) // Admin //{ // data = data.Where(x => x.Role == 2); //} //else // All //{ // data = data.ToList(); //} ////Order by //GetSortedActivityList(ref data, sort + order.ToUpper()); //total = data.Count(); //return data.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToList(); }
public ActionResult DisplayInsights(string id) { InsightsModel model = new ProductInsight.Models.InsightsModel(); = id; model.positive = model.negative = 0; model.RecentReview = new List <Models.Reviews>(); model.LogisticDept = new List <string>(); model.FinanceDept = new List <string>(); model.QualityDept = new List <string>(); model.LineChart = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, int>(); var userStore = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()); var manager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore); var curUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); ViewBag.message = id; List <Reviews> rev = AzureDB.ReviewSet.Where(x => x.productID == id && x.AuthToken == curUser.ApiToken).ToList(); if (rev.Count() == 0) { return(Content("<div class='alert-danger alert'>The Product ID you searched for cannot be found in our database. Please recheck!</div>")); } List <Results> idx = new List <Results>(); rev = rev.OrderByDescending(x => x.timestamp).ToList(); int count = 0; foreach (Reviews p in rev) { if (p.downvotes > p.upvotes + 5) { continue; } Results Res = AzureDB.ResultSet.Where(x => x.rev_id ==; p.reviewerText = ProcessReview(p.reviewerText, Res.logisticsDept, Res.qualityDept, Res.financeDept); if (Res.rep_score > 2.5) { p.Status = true; } else { p.Status = false; } model.RecentReview.Add(p); if (Res.rep_score >= 2.5) { model.positive++; } else { model.negative++; } if (Res.logisticsDept != "0") { model.LogisticDept.Add(p.reviewerText); } if (Res.qualityDept != "0") { model.QualityDept.Add(p.reviewerText); } if (Res.financeDept != "0") { model.FinanceDept.Add(p.reviewerText); } if (!model.LineChart.ContainsKey(p.timestamp.Date)) { model.LineChart.Add(p.timestamp.Date, 1); } else { model.LineChart[p.timestamp.Date]++; } count++; model.score += Res.rep_score; } AzureDBContext FeatDB = new AzureDBContext(); Features ft = FeatDB.FeatureSet.Where(x => x.ProductID == id && x.AuthToken == curUser.ApiToken).ToList().First(); string[] features = ft.Feature.Split(','); string[] scores = ft.FeatureScores.Split(','); model.Features = new List <InsightsModel.Pair>(); for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++) { model.Features.Add(new InsightsModel.Pair(features[i], Convert.ToDouble(scores[i]))); } model.score /= count; return(PartialView("ProductView", model)); }
public async Task <Results <PersonOfInterestSubset> > PersonOfInterestList(DNASearchParamObj searchParams) { var dupeList = new List <PersonOfInterestSubset>(); var results = new Results <PersonOfInterestSubset>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.PersonsOfInterest .WhereIfTesterName(searchParams.Name) .WhereIfSurname(searchParams.Surname) .WhereIfLocation(searchParams.Location) .WhereIfMinCM(searchParams.MinCM) .WhereIfYearBetween(searchParams.YearStart, searchParams.YearEnd) .PersonOfInterestSortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { dupeList.Add(new PersonOfInterestSubset() { Id = app.Id, BirthCountry = app.BirthCountry ?? "", BirthCounty = app.BirthCounty ?? "", BirthPlace = app.Location ?? "", BirthYear = app.Year, ChristianName = app.ChristianName ?? "", Confidence = app.Confidence, CreatedDate = app.CreatedDate, KitId = app.KitId, Memory = app.Memory ?? "", Name = app.Name ?? "", RootsEntry = app.RootsEntry, SharedCentimorgans = app.SharedCentimorgans, TestAdminDisplayName = app.TestAdminDisplayName ?? "", TestDisplayName = app.TestDisplayName ?? "", TestGuid = app.TestGuid, TreeUrl = app.TreeUrl ?? "", Surname = app.Surname ?? "", PersonId = app.PersonId }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = dupeList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <ADBPerson> > PersonList(ADBPersonParamObj searchParams) { //column sort not needed var parishList = new List <ADBPerson>(); var results = new Results <ADBPerson>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.Persons.WhereIfBirthCounty(searchParams.BirthCounty) .WhereIfBirthLocation(searchParams.BirthLocation) .WhereIfDeathCounty(searchParams.DeathCounty) .WhereIfDeathLocation(searchParams.DeathLocation) .WhereIfFatherChristianName(searchParams.FatherChristianName) .WhereIfFatherOccupation(searchParams.FatherOccupation) .WhereIfFatherSurname(searchParams.FatherSurname) .WhereIfMotherChristianName(searchParams.MotherChristianName) .WhereIfMotheSurname(searchParams.MotherSurname) .WhereIfOccupation(searchParams.Occupation) .WhereIfPersonWithinYears(searchParams.YearStart, searchParams.YearEnd) .WhereIfSource(searchParams.Source) .WhereIfSpouseName(searchParams.SpouseName) .WhereIfSpouseSurname(searchParams.SpouseSurname) .WhereIfSurname(searchParams.Surname) .WhereIfFirstName(searchParams.FirstName) .PersonSortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { parishList.Add(new ADBPerson() { Id = app.Id, BapInt = app.BapInt, BaptismDateStr = app.BaptismDateStr, BirthCounty = app.BirthCounty, BirthDateStr = app.BirthDateStr, BirthInt = app.BirthInt, BirthLocation = app.BirthLocation, ChristianName = app.ChristianName, DateAdded = app.DateAdded, DateLastEdit = app.DateLastEdit, DeathCounty = app.DeathCounty, DeathDateStr = app.DeathDateStr, DeathInt = app.DeathInt, DeathLocation = app.DeathLocation, EstBirthYearInt = app.EstBirthYearInt, EstDeathYearInt = app.EstDeathYearInt, EventPriority = app.EventPriority, FatherChristianName = app.FatherChristianName, //FatherId = app.FatherId, FatherOccupation = app.FatherOccupation, FatherSurname = app.FatherSurname, IsDeleted = app.IsDeleted, IsEstBirth = app.IsEstBirth, IsEstDeath = app.IsEstDeath, IsMale = app.IsMale, MotherChristianName = app.MotherChristianName, // MotherId = app.MotherId, MotherSurname = app.MotherSurname, Notes = app.Notes, Occupation = app.Occupation, OrigFatherSurname = app.OrigFatherSurname, OrigMotherSurname = app.OrigMotherSurname, OrigSurname = app.OrigSurname, ReferenceDateInt = app.ReferenceDateInt, ReferenceDateStr = app.ReferenceDateStr, ReferenceLocation = app.ReferenceLocation, Source = app.Source, SpouseName = app.SpouseName, SpouseSurname = app.SpouseSurname, Surname = app.Surname, TotalEvents = app.TotalEvents, UniqueRef = app.UniqueRef }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = parishList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <ADBMarriage> > MarriageList(ADBMarriageParamObj searchParams) { var marriageList = new List <ADBMarriage>(); var results = new Results <ADBMarriage>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); var unpaged = a.Marriages.WhereIfMatchParticipants(searchParams.MaleSurname, searchParams.FemaleSurname) .WhereIfLocation(searchParams.Location) .WhereIfYearBetween(searchParams.YearStart, searchParams.YearEnd) .MarriageSortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { marriageList.Add(new ADBMarriage() { Id = app.Id, Date = app.Date, DateAdded = app.DateAdded, DateLastEdit = app.DateLastEdit, EventPriority = app.EventPriority, FemaleBirthYear = app.FemaleBirthYear, FemaleCname = app.FemaleCname, FemaleInfo = app.FemaleInfo, FemaleIsKnownWidow = app.FemaleIsKnownWidow, FemaleLocation = app.FemaleLocation, FemaleOccupation = app.FemaleOccupation, FemaleSname = app.FemaleSname, IsBanns = app.IsBanns, IsLicence = app.IsLicence, MaleBirthYear = app.MaleBirthYear, MaleCname = app.MaleCname, MaleInfo = app.MaleInfo, MaleIsKnownWidower = app.MaleIsKnownWidower, MaleLocation = app.MaleLocation, MaleOccupation = app.MaleOccupation, MaleSname = app.MaleSname, MarriageCounty = app.MarriageCounty, MarriageLocation = app.Location, Source = app.Source, TotalEvents = app.TotalEvents, UniqueRef = app.UniqueRef, Witness1 = app.Witness1, Witness2 = app.Witness2, Witness3 = app.Witness3, Witness4 = app.Witness4 }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = marriageList; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }
public async Task <Results <Will> > NorfolkWillsList(WillSearchParamObj searchParams) { var _wills = new List <Will>(); var results = new Results <Will>(); int totalRecs = 0; try { var a = new AzureDBContext(_imsConfigHelper.MSGGenDB01); //searchParams.First Func <int, int, bool> validDates = (start, end) => { if (start <= 0 && end <= 0) { return(false); } if (start > end) { return(false); } return(true); }; var unpaged = a.NorfolkWills .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.Surname), w => w.Surname.ToLower().Contains(searchParams.Surname)) .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.Desc), w => w.Description.ToLower().Contains(searchParams.Desc)) .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.RefArg), w => w.Reference.ToLower().Contains(searchParams.RefArg)) .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.Place), w => w.Place.ToLower().Contains(searchParams.Place)) .WhereIf(validDates(searchParams.YearStart, searchParams.YearEnd), w => w.Year >= searchParams.YearStart && w.Year <= searchParams.YearEnd) .SortIf(searchParams.SortColumn, searchParams.SortOrder); totalRecs = unpaged.Count(); foreach (var app in unpaged.Skip(searchParams.Offset).Take(searchParams.Limit)) { _wills.Add(new Will() { Id = app.Id, Aliases = app.Aliases ?? "", Collection = app.Collection ?? "", DateString = app.DateString ?? "", Description = app.Description ?? "", FirstName = app.FirstName ?? "", Occupation = app.Occupation ?? "", Place = app.Place ?? "", Reference = app.Reference ?? "", Surname = app.Surname ?? "", Typ = app.Typ.GetValueOrDefault(), Url = app.Url ?? "", Year = app.Year }); } } catch (Exception e) { results.Error = e.Message; } results.results = _wills; results.Page = searchParams.Offset == 0 ? 0 : searchParams.Offset / searchParams.Limit; results.total_pages = totalRecs / searchParams.Limit; results.total_results = totalRecs; return(results); }