public static bool performToolAction_Prefix(ref Object __instance, Tool t, GameLocation location, ref bool __result) { // If the tool is a mattock and this object is one that requires a specific type of tool that is supported, // run the function with a stand-in tool instead. if (t is Mattock mattock && !mattock.struckObjects.Contains(__instance)) { // Treat the mattock as a pickaxe for stones. if ("Stone") ||"Boulder")) { Pickaxe standinPickaxe = mattock.asPickaxe(); standinPickaxe.DoFunction(location, (int)(__instance.TileLocation.X * 64 + 32), (int)(__instance.TileLocation.Y * 64 + 32), 1, Game1.player); mattock.struckObjects.Add(__instance); return(false); } // Treat the mattock as an axe for twigs. else if ("Twig")) { Axe standinAxe = mattock.asAxe(); standinAxe.DoFunction(location, (int)(__instance.TileLocation.X * 64 + 32), (int)(__instance.TileLocation.Y * 64 + 32), 1, Game1.player); mattock.struckObjects.Add(__instance); return(false); } } // Otherwise, just do the default functionality. return(true); }
public static bool checkAction_Prefix(ref GameLocation __instance, Location tileLocation, xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle viewport, Farmer who, ref bool __result) { GameLocation location = __instance; ModHooks hooks = (ModHooks)typeof(Game1).GetField("hooks", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(null); __result = hooks.OnGameLocation_CheckAction(__instance, tileLocation, viewport, who, delegate { if (who.IsSitting()) { who.StopSitting(); return(true); } Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle value = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(tileLocation.X * 64, tileLocation.Y * 64, 64, 64); foreach (Farmer current in { if (current != Game1.player && current.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(value) && current.checkAction(who, location)) { return(true); } } if (location.currentEvent != null && location.currentEvent.isFestival) { return(location.currentEvent.checkAction(tileLocation, viewport, who)); } foreach (NPC current2 in location.characters) { if (current2 != null && !current2.IsMonster && (!who.isRidingHorse() || !(current2 is Horse)) && current2.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(value) && current2.checkAction(who, location)) { if (who.FarmerSprite.IsPlayingBasicAnimation(who.FacingDirection, carrying: false) || who.FarmerSprite.IsPlayingBasicAnimation(who.FacingDirection, carrying: true)) { who.faceGeneralDirection(current2.getStandingPosition(), 0, opposite: false, useTileCalculations: false); } return(true); } } if (who.IsLocalPlayer && who.currentUpgrade != null &&"Farm") && tileLocation.Equals(new Location((int)(who.currentUpgrade.positionOfCarpenter.X + 32f) / 64, (int)(who.currentUpgrade.positionOfCarpenter.Y + 32f) / 64))) { if (who.currentUpgrade.daysLeftTillUpgradeDone == 1) { Game1.drawDialogue(Game1.getCharacterFromName("Robin"), Game1.content.LoadString("Data\\ExtraDialogue:Farm_RobinWorking_ReadyTomorrow")); } else { Game1.drawDialogue(Game1.getCharacterFromName("Robin"), Game1.content.LoadString("Data\\ExtraDialogue:Farm_RobinWorking" + (Game1.random.Next(2) + 1))); } } foreach (ResourceClump current3 in location.resourceClumps) { if (current3.getBoundingBox(current3.tile).Intersects(value) && current3.performUseAction(new Vector2(tileLocation.X, tileLocation.Y), location)) { return(true); } } Vector2 vector = new Vector2(tileLocation.X, tileLocation.Y); if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector) && location.objects[vector].Type != null) { if (who.isRidingHorse() && !(location.objects[vector] is Fence)) { return(false); } if (vector.Equals(who.getTileLocation()) && !location.objects[vector].isPassable()) { Tool tool = new Pickaxe(); tool.DoFunction(Game1.currentLocation, -1, -1, 0, who); if (location.objects[vector].performToolAction(tool, location)) { location.objects[vector].performRemoveAction(location.objects[vector].tileLocation, Game1.currentLocation); location.objects[vector].dropItem(location, who.GetToolLocation(), new Vector2(who.GetBoundingBox().Center.X, who.GetBoundingBox().Center.Y)); Game1.currentLocation.Objects.Remove(vector); return(true); } tool = new Axe(); tool.DoFunction(Game1.currentLocation, -1, -1, 0, who); if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector) && location.objects[vector].performToolAction(tool, location)) { location.objects[vector].performRemoveAction(location.objects[vector].tileLocation, Game1.currentLocation); location.objects[vector].dropItem(location, who.GetToolLocation(), new Vector2(who.GetBoundingBox().Center.X, who.GetBoundingBox().Center.Y)); Game1.currentLocation.Objects.Remove(vector); return(true); } if (!location.objects.ContainsKey(vector)) { return(true); } } if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector) && (location.objects[vector].Type.Equals("Crafting") || location.objects[vector].Type.Equals("interactive"))) { if (who.ActiveObject == null && location.objects[vector].checkForAction(who)) { return(true); } if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector)) { if (who.CurrentItem != null) { StardewValley.Object value2 = location.objects[vector].heldObject.Value; location.objects[vector].heldObject.Value = null; bool flag = location.objects[vector].performObjectDropInAction(who.CurrentItem, probe: true, who); location.objects[vector].heldObject.Value = value2; bool flag2 = location.objects[vector].performObjectDropInAction(who.CurrentItem, probe: false, who); if ((flag | flag2) && who.isMoving()) { Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; } if (flag2) { who.reduceActiveItemByOne(); return(true); } return(location.objects[vector].checkForAction(who) | flag); } return(location.objects[vector].checkForAction(who)); } } else if (location.objects.ContainsKey(vector) && (bool)location.objects[vector].isSpawnedObject) { int quality = location.objects[vector].quality; Random random = new Random((int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame / 2 + (int)Game1.stats.DaysPlayed + (int)vector.X + (int)vector.Y * 777); if (who.professions.Contains(16) && location.objects[vector].isForage(location)) { location.objects[vector].Quality = 4; } else if (location.objects[vector].isForage(location)) { if (random.NextDouble() < (double)((float)who.ForagingLevel / 30f)) { location.objects[vector].Quality = 2; } else if (random.NextDouble() < (double)((float)who.ForagingLevel / 15f)) { location.objects[vector].Quality = 1; } } if ((bool)location.objects[vector].questItem && location.objects[vector].questId.Value != 0 && !who.hasQuest(location.objects[vector].questId)) { return(false); } if (who.couldInventoryAcceptThisItem(location.objects[vector])) { if (who.IsLocalPlayer) { location.localSound("pickUpItem"); DelayedAction.playSoundAfterDelay("coin", 300); } who.animateOnce(279 + who.FacingDirection); if (!location.isFarmBuildingInterior()) { if (location.objects[vector].isForage(location)) { who.gainExperience(2, 7); } } else { who.gainExperience(0, 5); } who.addItemToInventoryBool(location.objects[vector].getOne()); Game1.stats.ItemsForaged++; if (who.professions.Contains(13) && random.NextDouble() < 0.2 && !location.objects[vector].questItem && who.couldInventoryAcceptThisItem(location.objects[vector]) && !location.isFarmBuildingInterior()) { who.addItemToInventoryBool(location.objects[vector].getOne()); who.gainExperience(2, 7); } location.objects.Remove(vector); return(true); } location.objects[vector].Quality = quality; } } if (who.isRidingHorse()) { who.mount.checkAction(who, location); return(true); } foreach (MapSeat current4 in location.mapSeats) { if (current4.OccupiesTile(tileLocation.X, tileLocation.Y) && !current4.IsBlocked(location)) { who.BeginSitting(current4); return(true); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, TerrainFeature> current5 in location.terrainFeatures.Pairs) { if (current5.Value.getBoundingBox(current5.Key).Intersects(value) && current5.Value.performUseAction(current5.Key, location)) { Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; return(true); } } if (location.largeTerrainFeatures != null) { foreach (LargeTerrainFeature current6 in location.largeTerrainFeatures) { if (current6.getBoundingBox().Intersects(value) && current6.performUseAction(current6.tilePosition, location)) { Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; return(true); } } } string text = null; Tile tile ="Buildings").PickTile(new Location(tileLocation.X * 64, tileLocation.Y * 64), viewport.Size); if (tile != null) { tile.Properties.TryGetValue("Action", out PropertyValue value3); if (value3 != null) { text = value3.ToString(); } } if (text == null) { text = location.doesTileHaveProperty(tileLocation.X, tileLocation.Y, "Action", "Buildings"); } NPC nPC = location.isCharacterAtTile(vector + new Vector2(0f, 1f)); if (text != null) { if (location.currentEvent == null && nPC != null && !nPC.IsInvisible && !nPC.IsMonster && (!who.isRidingHorse() || !(nPC is Horse)) && Utility.withinRadiusOfPlayer(nPC.getStandingX(), nPC.getStandingY(), 1, who) && nPC.checkAction(who, location)) { if (who.FarmerSprite.IsPlayingBasicAnimation(who.FacingDirection, who.IsCarrying())) { who.faceGeneralDirection(nPC.getStandingPosition(), 0, opposite: false, useTileCalculations: false); } return(true); } return(location.performAction(text, who, tileLocation)); } if (tile != null && location.checkTileIndexAction(tile.TileIndex)) { return(true); } Point value4 = new Point(tileLocation.X * 64, (tileLocation.Y - 1) * 64); bool flag3 = Game1.didPlayerJustRightClick(); foreach (Furniture current7 in { if (current7.boundingBox.Value.Contains((int)(vector.X * 64f), (int)(vector.Y * 64f)) && (int)current7.furniture_type != 12) { if (flag3) { if (who.ActiveObject != null && current7.performObjectDropInAction(who.ActiveObject, probe: false, who)) { return(true); } if (who.CurrentTool != null && (who.CurrentTool is MeleeWeapon || who.CurrentTool is Slingshot) && current7.performObjectDropInAction(who.CurrentTool, probe: false, who)) { return(true); } return(current7.checkForAction(who)); } return(current7.clicked(who)); } if ((int)current7.furniture_type == 6 && current7.boundingBox.Value.Contains(value4)) { if (flag3) { if (who.ActiveObject != null && current7.performObjectDropInAction(who.ActiveObject, probe: false, who)) { return(true); } return(current7.checkForAction(who)); } return(current7.clicked(who)); } } return(false); });
private void ClearCurrentLocation(GameLocation loc) { Axe fakeAxe = new Axe { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; Pickaxe fakePick = new Pickaxe { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; Game1.player.MagneticRadius = 650; int curStam = Convert.ToInt32(Game1.player.Stamina); for (int xTile = 0; xTile < loc.Map.Layers[0].LayerWidth; ++xTile) { for (int yTile = 0; yTile < loc.Map.Layers[0].LayerHeight; ++yTile) { loc.objects.TryGetValue(new Vector2(xTile, yTile), out var obj); loc.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(new Vector2(xTile, yTile), out var ter); SFarmer who = Game1.player; Vector2 useAt = (new Vector2(xTile, yTile) * Game1.tileSize) + new Vector2(Game1.tileSize / 2f); if (obj != null) { bool forage = obj.IsSpawnedObject;//checkForAction(Game1.player); if (forage) { DoForageHarvest(obj, loc, who); } if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains("twig")) { fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, who); } if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains("stone")) { fakePick.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, who); } if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains("weed")) { fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, who); } } if (ter != null) { if (ter is Tree tree) { = 1; fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, who); fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, who); } if (ter is Grass) { Random rdn = new Random(); loc.terrainFeatures.Remove(new Vector2(xTile, yTile)); Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(178, xTile, yTile, rdn.Next(2), loc); } if (ter is HoeDirt dirt) { if (dirt.crop != null) { dirt.fertilizer.Value = 369; dirt.state.Value = 1; } } } //Lets try bush shit Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)useAt.X + 32, (int)useAt.Y - 32, 4, 192); foreach (LargeTerrainFeature largeTerrainFeature in loc.largeTerrainFeatures) { if (largeTerrainFeature is Bush bush && bush.getBoundingBox().Intersects(rectangle)) { bush.performUseAction(bush.tilePosition.Value, loc); } } //Try to do monsters Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 4, 4); loc.damageMonster(rect, 1000, 1000, false, Game1.player); /*var monster = loc.characters; * * foreach (var m in monster) * { * if (m is Monster mon) * { * mon.Health = 1; * fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, who); * //MeleeWeapon wep = new MeleeWeapon(); * //wep.minDamage.Value = 100; * //wep.maxDamage.Value = 1000; * //wep.DoDamage(loc, mon.getTileX(), mon.getStandingY(), Game1.player.facingDirection.Value, 1, Game1.player); * } * }*/ //Reset Stamina Game1.player.Stamina = curStam; } } }
private void UseTool(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos, GameLocation loc) { var player = Game1.player; Axe fakeAxe = new Axe { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; Pickaxe fakePick = new Pickaxe { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; MeleeWeapon fakeSickle = new MeleeWeapon { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; Hoe fakeHoe = new Hoe { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; WateringCan fakeCan = new WateringCan { UpgradeLevel = 4 }; Game1.player.MagneticRadius = 650; for (int xTile = Convert.ToInt32(startPos.X); xTile <= Convert.ToInt32(endPos.X); ++xTile) { for (int yTile = Convert.ToInt32(startPos.Y); yTile <= Convert.ToInt32(endPos.Y); ++yTile) { Vector2 useAt = (new Vector2(xTile, yTile) * Game1.tileSize) + new Vector2(Game1.tileSize / 2f); Game1.player.lastClick = useAt; loc.objects.TryGetValue(new Vector2(xTile, yTile), out var obj); loc.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(new Vector2(xTile, yTile), out var ter); //Check obj if (obj != null) { bool forage = obj.IsSpawnedObject;//checkForAction(Game1.player); if (forage) { DoForageHarvest(obj, loc, player); } if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains("twig")) { fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, player); } if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains("stone")) { fakePick.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, player); } if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains("weed")) { fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, player); } } //Check ter if (ter != null) { if (ter is Tree tree) { fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, player); } if (ter is Grass) { Random rdn = new Random(); loc.terrainFeatures.Remove(new Vector2(xTile, yTile)); Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(178, xTile, yTile, rdn.Next(2), loc); } } if (ter != null && ter is HoeDirt dirt) { if (dirt.crop == null && player.ActiveObject != null && ((player.ActiveObject.Category == SObject.SeedsCategory || player.ActiveObject.Category == -19) && dirt.canPlantThisSeedHere(player.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, player.ActiveObject.Category == -19))) { if ((dirt.plant(player.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, player, player.ActiveObject.Category == -19, loc) && player.IsLocalPlayer)) { player.reduceActiveItemByOne(); } Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; } else if (dirt.crop != null) { if (dirt.crop.fullyGrown.Value) { dirt.crop.harvest((int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, dirt); } else if (player.ActiveObject != null && player.ActiveObject.Category == -19) { dirt.fertilizer.Value = player.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex; player.reduceActiveItemByOne(); } else { fakeCan.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, Game1.player); } } else { fakePick.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 0, Game1.player); } } else { fakeHoe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 1, Game1.player); } //Lets try bush shit Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle((int)useAt.X + 32, (int)useAt.Y - 32, 4, 192); foreach (LargeTerrainFeature largeTerrainFeature in loc.largeTerrainFeatures) { if (largeTerrainFeature is Bush bush && bush.getBoundingBox().Intersects(rectangle)) { bush.performUseAction(bush.tilePosition.Value, loc); } } //Resource Clumps ResourceClump clump = GetResourceClumpCoveringTile(loc, new Vector2(useAt.X, useAt.Y)); if (clump != null) { if (clump.parentSheetIndex.Value == 600) { = 1; fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 1, Game1.player); } if (clump.parentSheetIndex.Value == 602) { = 1; fakeAxe.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 1, Game1.player); } if (clump.parentSheetIndex.Value == 672) { = 1; fakePick.DoFunction(loc, (int)useAt.X, (int)useAt.Y, 1, Game1.player); } } Game1.player.Stamina = Game1.player.MaxStamina;//So we dont passout lol } } }
private void OnButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { if (!(e.IsDown(_actKey) || e.IsDown(_cropKey)) || !Context.IsWorldReady) { return; } if (Game1.currentLocation == null || Game1.player == null || (Game1.player.UsingTool || !Game1.player.CanMove || (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null || Game1.CurrentEvent != null)) || Game1.gameMode != 3) { return; } GameLocation currentLocation = Game1.currentLocation; ICursorPosition cur = Helper.Input.GetCursorPosition(); var c = Game1.getMousePosition(); Vector2[] grid = GetTileGrid(cur.Tile * 64f, _upgradeLevel).ToArray(); if (_powerLevel <= -1) { _powerLevel = 1; } Game1.player.toolPower = _powerLevel; //May need to rewrite this crap //Action key pressed. if (e.IsDown(_actKey)) { foreach (var i in grid) { var g = i; currentLocation.Objects.TryGetValue(g, out SObject @object); currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(g, out TerrainFeature @terain); //Not sure if this will work lets test g = (g * Game1.tileSize) + new Vector2(Game1.tileSize / 2f); /* * if (currentLocation.doesTileHaveProperty((int)(i.X), (int)(i.Y), "Water", "Back") != null || * currentLocation.doesTileHaveProperty((int)(i.X), (int)(i.Y), "WaterSource", "Back") != null || * (currentLocation as BuildableGameLocation)?.getBuildingAt(g) != null && * (currentLocation as BuildableGameLocation).getBuildingAt(g).buildingType.Value.Equals("Well")) * { * // ISSUE: explicit non-virtual call * if (currentLocation.orePanPoint.Value != Point.Zero) * _ghostPan.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, 1, Game1.player); * else * UseghostWaterCan(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y); * } * else*/ Vector2 ca = new Vector2(i.X, i.Y) * 64f; if (@object != null) { if (@object.Name.Equals("Twig") || @object.Name.Contains("ood Fence")) { _ghostAxe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, 0, Game1.player); } else if (@object.Name.Contains("Weed")) { _ghostScythe.DoDamage(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, Game1.player.getFacingDirection(), 0, Game1.player); } else if (@object.Name.Contains("Stone")) { _ghostPickaxe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, 0, Game1.player); } } else if (currentLocation is AnimalHouse && _ghostShearPail.TargetAnimal(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, Game1.player) != null) { _ghostShearPail.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, 0, Game1.player); } else if (@terain != null) { //Monitor.Log($"terrainFeature wasn't null ...."); //Lets do som checks if (@terain is Tree tree) { _ghostAxe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, 0, Game1.player); } else if (@terain is HoeDirt dirt) { if (currentLocation.IsFarm || currentLocation.Name.Contains("Greenhouse")) { if (dirt.crop != null || dirt.fertilizer.Value != 0) { if (dirt.crop != null && (dirt.crop.harvestMethod.Value == 1 && dirt.readyForHarvest() || !dirt.crop.dead.Value)) { _ghostScythe.DoDamage(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, Game1.player.getFacingDirection(), 0, Game1.player); } else { UseghostWaterCan(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y); } } else if (_hoeDirtTool.Equals("Pickaxe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { _ghostPickaxe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, 1, Game1.player); } else if (_hoeDirtTool.Equals("Hoe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { _ghostHoe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, _powerLevel + 1, Game1.player); } else { UseghostWaterCan(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y); } } } else if (@terain is Grass grass) { _ghostScythe.DoDamage(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y, Game1.player.getFacingDirection(), 0, Game1.player); } } else if (currentLocation is SlimeHutch) { UseghostWaterCan(currentLocation, (int)ca.X, (int)ca.Y); } else { //Monitor.Log("All if's failed... run for the hills."); //if (currentLocation.doesTileHaveProperty((int)(i.X), (int)(i.Y), "Diggable", "Back") != null) // _ghostHoe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, 0, Game1.player); /* * Farmer player1 = Game1.player; * player1.stamina = (float)(player1.stamina + (2.0 - Game1.player.MiningLevel * 0.100000001490116)); * _ghostAxe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, 1, Game1.player); * _ghostPickaxe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, 1, Game1.player); * if (currentLocation.doesTileHaveProperty((int)(i.X), (int)(i.Y), "Diggable", "Back") != null) * { * Game1.player.toolPower = Game1.player.toolPower >= _ghostHoe.UpgradeLevel ? _ghostHoe.UpgradeLevel : Game1.player.toolPower; * Farmer player2 = Game1.player; * player2.stamina = (float)(player2.stamina + (2.0 - Game1.player.FarmingLevel * 0.100000001490116)); * _ghostHoe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, _powerLevel + 1, Game1.player); * }*/ } } } //Crop key pressed if (e.IsDown(_cropKey)) { foreach (var i in grid) { var g = i; currentLocation.Objects.TryGetValue(g, out SObject @object); currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(g, out TerrainFeature @terrain); //Not sure if this will work lets test g = (g * Game1.tileSize) + new Vector2(Game1.tileSize / 2f); if (@object != null) { if (@object.Name.Equals("Artifact Spot")) { _ghostHoe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, 0, Game1.player); } } else if (@terrain != null) { Farmer player = Game1.player; /* * public const int dry = 0; * public const int watered = 1; * public const int invisible = 2; * public const int noFertilizer = 0; * public const int fertilizerLowQuality = 368; * public const int fertilizerHighQuality = 369; * public const int waterRetentionSoil = 370; * public const int waterRetentionSoilQUality = 371; * public const int speedGro = 465; * public const int superSpeedGro = 466; * Plant Category = -74 * Fertilizer = -19 */ if (@terrain is HoeDirt dirt) { if (dirt.crop == null && player.ActiveObject != null && ((player.ActiveObject.Category == SObject.SeedsCategory || player.ActiveObject.Category == -19) && dirt.canPlantThisSeedHere(player.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, player.ActiveObject.Category == -19))) { if ((dirt.plant(player.ActiveObject.ParentSheetIndex, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, player, player.ActiveObject.Category == -19, currentLocation) && player.IsLocalPlayer)) { player.reduceActiveItemByOne(); } Game1.haltAfterCheck = false; } } } else { //@object and terrainFeature was null, must be dirt. _ghostHoe.DoFunction(currentLocation, (int)i.X, (int)i.Y, 0, Game1.player); } } } _powerLevel = -1; Game1.player.Stamina = Game1.player.MaxStamina; //End May need to rewrite }