public static string ToDisconnectMessage(AxMsRdpClient7NotSafeForScripting client, int reason) { switch (reason) { case 1: case 2: case 3: // These are normal disconnects and not considered errors. return(String.Empty); default: return(client.GetErrorDescription((uint)reason, (uint)client.ExtendedDisconnectReason)); } }
private void RDPEvent_OnDisconnected(object sender, IMsTscAxEvents_OnDisconnectedEvent e) { const int UI_ERR_NORMAL_DISCONNECT = 0xb08; if (e.discReason != UI_ERR_NORMAL_DISCONNECT) { string reason = RDP_Client.GetErrorDescription((uint)e.discReason, (uint)RDP_Client.ExtendedDisconnectReason); Event_Disconnected(this, e.discReason + Constants.vbCrLf + reason); } if (Settings.Default.ReconnectOnDisconnect) { ReconnectGroup = new ReconnectGroup(); ReconnectGroup.Left = (Control.Width / 2) - (ReconnectGroup.Width / 2); ReconnectGroup.Top = (Control.Height / 2) - (ReconnectGroup.Height / 2); ReconnectGroup.Parent = Control; ReconnectGroup.Show(); tmrReconnect.Enabled = true; } else { Close(); } }
public static string ToDisconnectMessage(AxMsRdpClient7NotSafeForScripting client, int reason) { switch (reason) { case 1: case 2: case 3: // These are normal disconnects and not considered errors. return String.Empty; default: return client.GetErrorDescription((uint)reason, (uint)client.ExtendedDisconnectReason); } }