예제 #1
 private void OnTruckTravelNewConnection(AwareTruck truck, Connection nextTravelConnection)
     // Update or add new connection to list
     if (m_currentTruckConnections.ContainsKey(truck))
         m_currentTruckConnections[truck] = nextTravelConnection;
         m_currentTruckConnections.Add(truck, nextTravelConnection);
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Coroutine for waiting X seconds and then navigating from a start and end on an AwareTruck
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="seconds"></param>
    /// <param name="truck"></param>
    /// <param name="start"></param>
    /// <param name="end"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator WaitAndNavigate(float seconds, AwareTruck truck, GameObject start, GameObject end)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(seconds));

        // Truck has arrived at destined End point, make it travel back
        List <Connection> navPath = this.NavigateAStar(start, end);

        if (navPath != null)

            Debug.Log($"Truck '{truck.gameObject.name}' returning to depot/start at '{end.name}'");
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Functionality for when a truck reaches its final path end
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="truck"></param>
    /// <param name="arrivalWaypoint"></param>
    private void OnTruckReachedPathEnd(AwareTruck truck, GameObject arrivalWaypoint)
        // Get the instantiated truck and it's info
        KeyValuePair <AwareTruck, TruckInfo> kvp = InstantiatedTrucks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.gameObject.name == truck.gameObject.name);

        // Check it isn't null
        if (kvp.Key != null && kvp.Value != null)
            TruckInfo info = kvp.Value;

            // Check if the arrivalWaypoint is equal to the set end point and not arriving at Start waypoint
            if (arrivalWaypoint == info.End)
                StartCoroutine(WaitAndNavigate(3f, truck, info.End, info.Start));

예제 #4
    private void Update()
        if (m_currentTruckConnections.Count > 0)
            /// For each truck and it's current connection
            foreach (KeyValuePair <AwareTruck, Connection> thisKvp in m_currentTruckConnections)
                /// Compare waypoint names to check if they are the same
                KeyValuePair <AwareTruck, Connection> matchingKvp = m_currentTruckConnections
                                                                    .FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Value.ToNode.name == thisKvp.Value.ToNode.name && kvp.Key.name != thisKvp.Key.name);
                AwareTruck truckOne = thisKvp.Key;
                AwareTruck truckTwo = matchingKvp.Key;

                /// If current iterarte truck is waiting, check if they can resume
                /// Only check truck one as the others will be checked next iteration
                if (truckOne.IsWaiting)
                    List <AwareTruck> waitingTrucks = new List <AwareTruck>();
                    bool isOnSameConnection         = false;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <AwareTruck, Connection> checkKvp in m_currentTruckConnections)
                        if (thisKvp.Value.ToNode.name == checkKvp.Value.ToNode.name)
                            //isOnSameConnection = true;

                    // More than 1 truck waiting at same connection, resume first one in list
                    if (waitingTrucks.Count > 1)
                        Debug.Log($"Resuming Truck '{waitingTrucks[0]}' in queue of '{waitingTrucks.Count}'");
                    // else if truckOne has no others waiting, resume
                    else if (!isOnSameConnection)
                        Debug.Log($"Resuming Truck '{truckOne.name}'");

                // Check match isn't null
                if (matchingKvp.Key != null && matchingKvp.Value != null)
                    /// If isn't waiting and connections are matching...
                    bool eitherTruckWaiting = truckOne.IsWaiting || truckTwo.IsWaiting;
                    if (!eitherTruckWaiting && thisKvp.Value.ToNode.name == matchingKvp.Value.ToNode.name)
                        if (truckOne.Cargo.PackageCount > truckTwo.Cargo.PackageCount)
                            ///truckOne is slower, pause it
                            Debug.Log($"Pausing Truck '{truckOne.name};");
                            /// truckTwo is slower
                            /// or cargo is same so prioritise truckTwo
                            Debug.Log($"Pausing Truck '{truckTwo.name}'");