static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a client and set up authentication
            var client = new AvaTaxClient("MyApp", "1.0", Environment.MachineName, AvaTaxEnvironment.Production)
                         .WithSecurity("AvalaraUsername", "AvalaraPassword");

            // Set to log data to review
            client.LogToFile("path for log files\\alavaraTest\\avataxapi.log");

            // This is to test if we can connect to site, but does not work at Communicorp (PROBABLY BLOCKING)

             * // Verify that we can ping successfully
             * var pingResult = client.Ping();
             * if (pingResult.authenticated == true)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Success!");
             * }
             * else if(pingResult.authenticated == false)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Fail!");
             * }

             * // (This was from their example online)
             * // Create a simple transaction for $100 using the fluent transaction builder
             * //var t1 = new TransactionBuilder(client, "DEFAULT", DocumentType.SalesOrder, "123")

            // Send a hardcoded address that works for our location
            var transaction = new TransactionBuilder(client, "AvalaraCompanyCode", DocumentType.SalesOrder, "AvalaraCustomerCode")
                              .WithAddress(TransactionAddressType.SingleLocation, "123 Main Street", null, null, "Columbus", "GA", "31999", "US")

            // Display the returned tax amount
            Console.WriteLine("Your calculated tax was {0}", transaction.totalTax);
            var tax = transaction.totalTax;

            #region Other way to log details
            // You can capture logs to disk like this:
            // Or you can hook the client to capture information about every API call like this:
            // Client.CallCompleted += MyEventHandler;

            // This line is used to stop console from closing (I add a breakpoint for it)
        // This method is used to get adjust the tax rate for the user's order
        public override int CalculateTax2(string OrderID, double taxableAmount, string currencyCode, string[] priceCategories, string[] priceTaxLocales, double[] priceAmount, string[] taxLocaleId, ref double[] taxAmount)
            #region This section of code shows what we have been passed

            // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
            LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Shows what values are passed at beginning
            LogMessage(OrderID);                                // Tells the id for the order being calculated
            LogMessage(taxableAmount.ToString());               // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
            LogMessage(currencyCode);                           // Tells the type of currency used
            LogMessage(priceCategories.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceAmount.Length.ToString());          // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId.Length.ToString());          // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId[0].ToString());              // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file


            #region This section is where we set the tax rate based on several zipcodes entered by the user

            // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");
            LogMessage($"*   Tax Section     *");               // Used to show where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");

            // This section saves the user's shipping info to variables to use with calculating the tax rate to return
            // Listed in the same order as in the address book on the site
            var SFirstName  = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingFirstName", OrderID);    // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SLastName   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingLastName", OrderID);     // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress1   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress1", OrderID);     // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress2   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress2", OrderID);     // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCity       = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCity", OrderID);         // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            var SState      = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingState", OrderID);        // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            var SPostalCode = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingPostalCode", OrderID);   // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCountry    = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCountry", OrderID);      // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

            // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping FirstName: {SFirstName}");        // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping LastName: {SLastName}");          // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Address1: {SAddress1}");          // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Address2: {SAddress2}");          // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping City: {SCity}");                  // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping State: {SState}");                // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping PostalCode: {SPostalCode}");      // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Country: {SCountry}");            // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

            // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                    // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

            // Create a client and set up authentication
            var client = new AvaTaxClient("MyApp", "1.0", Environment.MachineName, AvaTaxEnvironment.Production)
                         .WithSecurity("AvalaraUsername", "AvalaraPassword");

            LogMessage("Client created");

            var transaction = new TransactionBuilder(client, "AvalaraCompanyCode", DocumentType.SalesOrder, "AvalaraCustomerCode")
                              .WithAddress(TransactionAddressType.SingleLocation, SAddress1, SAddress2, null, SCity, SState, SPostalCode, SCountry)

            //var tax = transaction.totalTax;
            decimal tax2 = transaction.totalTax ?? 0;
            LogMessage($"Your calculated tax was: {tax2}");
            // Console.WriteLine("Your calculated tax was {0}", transaction.totalTax);

            taxAmount[0] = decimal.ToDouble(tax2);              // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)
            LogMessage($"The zipcode was " + SPostalCode);      // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

             * // Check if we have a few certain zipcodes to set the value to or just to use the default value
             * if (SPostalCode == "37876")
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 18.19;                               // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)
             *  LogMessage($"The zipcode was 37876");               // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the tax amount after we changed it
             * }
             * else if (SPostalCode == "12345")
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 23.40;
             *  LogMessage($"The zipcode was 12345");
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());
             * }
             * else if (SPostalCode == "01752")
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 3.43;
             *  LogMessage($"The zipcode was 01752");
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 13.37;
             *  LogMessage($"Default tax was used");
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());
             * }
             * // Send message saying we have completed this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * LogMessage($"*       end        *");
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Further reading if needed
            // Look at pg 436 and 467 invlovling address books if need to use them for zipcodes


            #region Using this will tell the storefront to calculate it's own tax using the tax tables
            // Unused, but keeping as a sidenote
            //taxAmount = null;

            #region This section shows how to get the zipcode and other fields from the user's profile.

             * //this gets the zip code from the user profile, but we need the zip from the shipping form...
             * var discountPercentageString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePricingDiscount", CurrentUserId);
             * var PostalCodeString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePostalCode", CurrentUserId);
             * // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
             * LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * // Log the information retrieved from the user's profile fields
             * LogMessage($"Current User Id: {CurrentUserId}");    // Return the user's id
             * LogMessage($"User Zipcode: {PostalCodeString}");    // Return the user's zipcode
             * // Send message saying we have completed this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * LogMessage($"*       end        *");                // Return a message saying this process is finished
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
