/// <summary>
        /// Returns all possible autocorrelation shifted by 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Dictionary with the key meaning shift and value is symbolic autocorrelation</returns>
        public Dictionary <int, double> InternalGetAutoCorrelationsForAllShifts <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> data, int shiftBy = 0)
            var result  = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            var autoCor = new Autocorrelation <T>(data.ToArray());

            //use only half as the function is symmetric
            int max = GetCeiledHalf(data.Count());

            //perform all cyclic shift
            //takes long time
            if (shiftBy == 0)
                //skip first and last index, as it will give 1 - full cyclic loop
                for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                    double value = autoCor.Compute(i);
                    result.Add(i, value);
            //shift only on specified indeces
                //skip first and last index, as it will give 1 - full cyclic loop
                int i = 0;
                while (i <= max)
                    double value = autoCor.Compute(i);
                    result.Add(i, value);
                    i += shiftBy;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all possible autocorrelation shifted by 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Dictionary with the key meaning shift and value is symbolic autocorrelation</returns>
        protected ConcurrentDictionary <int, double> InternalConcurrentGetAutoCorrelationsForAllShifts <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> data, int shiftBy = 0, int concurrencyLevel = 1)
            int max     = GetCeiledHalf(data.Count());
            var result  = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, double>(concurrencyLevel, max);
            var autoCor = new Autocorrelation <T>(data.ToArray());

            //perform all cyclic shift
            //takes long time
            if (shiftBy == 0)
                var options = new ParallelOptions
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = concurrencyLevel

                Parallel.For(0, max, options,
                             i =>
                    double value   = autoCor.Compute(i);
                    bool succesful = result.TryAdd(i, value);

                    if (!succesful)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            "Failed to add an item to concurrent dictionary. " +
                            "This index is already taken: " + i);
            //shift only on specified indeces
                var options = new ParallelOptions
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = concurrencyLevel

                    Enumerable.Range(0, max) /*to include 0 shift*/
                    .Where(i => i % shiftBy == 0) /*select shifted points*/,
                    (i, lo) =>
                    double value   = autoCor.Compute(i);
                    bool succesful = result.TryAdd(i, value);

                    if (!succesful)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            "Failed to add an item to concurrent dictionary. " +
                            "This index is already taken: " + i);

        public void ComputeTestStringData(int shiftIdx, double expResult)
            log.Debug("Shift: " + shiftIdx);
            const string data    = "0001010212";
            var          autoCor = new Autocorrelation <char>(data.ToCharArray());
            double       actual  = autoCor.Compute(shiftIdx);

            Assert.AreEqual(expResult, actual);
        public void ComputeTestByteData(int shiftIdx, double expResult)
            log.Debug("Shift: " + shiftIdx);
            var    data    = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2 };
            var    autoCor = new Autocorrelation <byte>(data);
            double actual  = autoCor.Compute(shiftIdx);

            Assert.AreEqual(expResult, actual);
        public void ComputeTestByteDataParallel(int parallelTasksToCreat)
            //shall be in power of 10
            if (parallelTasksToCreat % 10 != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "must be a paw of 10 for test to calculate exp result");

            int expArraySize = parallelTasksToCreat / 10;

            //hardcoded data
            var data = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2 };

            //correspondent autocorrelation for a single round rotation
            var singleExpectedUnorderedResult = new[] { 1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2,
                                                        0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2,
                                                        0.5, 0.2 };

            //for each full circle add single expected array
            var expectedResult = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < expArraySize; i++)

            int shiftBy = -1;
            var results = new ConcurrentBag <Task <double> >();

            //create parallel tasks to shift data
            for (int i = 0; i < parallelTasksToCreat; i++)
                Task <double> result = Task <double> .Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    var autoCor = new Autocorrelation <byte>(data);
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref shiftBy);


            //wait for all to compute

            var actual = (from r in results
                          select r.Result).ToArray();

            Assert.That(expectedResult, Is.EquivalentTo(actual));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns single value of autocorrelation function as it is a stable line,
        /// with precission defined as an input parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Avaraged autocorelation value</returns>
        public double GetAutoCorrelationsForRandomlyShiftedData <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> data, int precission = 1000)
            data = data.GetFisherYatesShuffle();

            var result  = new List <double>();
            var autoCor = new Autocorrelation <T>(data.ToArray());
            int max     = Math.Min(precission, data.Count());

            for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++)
                double value = autoCor.Compute(i);

예제 #7
 public void DoRandomWalkThread(int start, int end, Landscape landscape, ResearchParameters parameters, IOperator op,
                                StringBuilder dataBuilder, Action <string, float> callback, string connectionId, float step)
     for (int j = start; j < end; ++j)
         var    rwResult = landscape.RandomWalk(parameters.RandomWalkSteps, op);
         float  ac       = Autocorrelation.Run(rwResult);
         float  ic       = InformationContent.Run(rwResult, parameters.Sensitivity);
         float  pic      = PartialInformationContent.Run(rwResult, parameters.Sensitivity);
         float  dbi      = DensityBasinInformation.Run(rwResult, parameters.Sensitivity);
         string line     =
             (float.IsNaN(ac)  ? FLOAT_PATTERN : ac.ToString(FLOAT_PATTERN)) + SEPARATOR +
             (float.IsNaN(ic)  ? FLOAT_PATTERN : ic.ToString(FLOAT_PATTERN)) + SEPARATOR +
             (float.IsNaN(pic) ? FLOAT_PATTERN : pic.ToString(FLOAT_PATTERN)) + SEPARATOR +
             (float.IsNaN(dbi) ? FLOAT_PATTERN : dbi.ToString(FLOAT_PATTERN));
         callback(connectionId, step);
예제 #8
        internal void celt_decode_lost(int N, int LM)
            int c;
            int i;
            int C = this.channels;

            int[][]  out_syn      = new int[2][];
            int[]    out_syn_ptrs = new int[2];
            CeltMode mode;
            int      nbEBands;
            int      overlap;
            int      noise_based;

            short[] eBands;

            mode     = this.mode;
            nbEBands = mode.nbEBands;
            overlap  = mode.overlap;
            eBands   = mode.eBands;

            c = 0; do
                out_syn[c]      = this.decode_mem[c];
                out_syn_ptrs[c] = CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N;
            } while (++c < C);

            noise_based = (loss_count >= 5 || start != 0) ? 1 : 0;
            if (noise_based != 0)
                /* Noise-based PLC/CNG */
                int[][] X;
                uint    seed;
                int     end;
                int     effEnd;
                int     decay;
                end    = this.end;
                effEnd = Inlines.IMAX(start, Inlines.IMIN(end, mode.effEBands));

                X = Arrays.InitTwoDimensionalArray <int>(C, N);   /**< Interleaved normalised MDCTs */

                /* Energy decay */
                decay = loss_count == 0 ? ((short)(0.5 + (1.5f) * (((int)1) << (CeltConstants.DB_SHIFT)))) /*Inlines.QCONST16(1.5f, CeltConstants.DB_SHIFT)*/ : ((short)(0.5 + (0.5f) * (((int)1) << (CeltConstants.DB_SHIFT)))) /*Inlines.QCONST16(0.5f, CeltConstants.DB_SHIFT)*/;
                c     = 0; do
                    for (i = start; i < end; i++)
                        this.oldEBands[c * nbEBands + i] = Inlines.MAX16(backgroundLogE[c * nbEBands + i], this.oldEBands[c * nbEBands + i] - decay);
                } while (++c < C);
                seed = this.rng;
                for (c = 0; c < C; c++)
                    for (i = start; i < effEnd; i++)
                        int j;
                        int boffs;
                        int blen;
                        boffs = (eBands[i] << LM);
                        blen  = (eBands[i + 1] - eBands[i]) << LM;
                        for (j = 0; j < blen; j++)
                            seed            = Bands.celt_lcg_rand(seed);
                            X[c][boffs + j] = (unchecked ((int)seed) >> 20);

                        VQ.renormalise_vector(X[c], 0, blen, CeltConstants.Q15ONE);
                this.rng = seed;

                c = 0;
                    Arrays.MemMoveInt(this.decode_mem[c], N, 0, CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + (overlap >> 1));
                } while (++c < C);

                CeltCommon.celt_synthesis(mode, X, out_syn, out_syn_ptrs, this.oldEBands, start, effEnd, C, C, 0, LM, this.downsample, 0);
                /* Pitch-based PLC */
                int[] window;
                int   fade = CeltConstants.Q15ONE;
                int   pitch_index;
                int[] etmp;
                int[] exc;

                if (loss_count == 0)
                    this.last_pitch_index = pitch_index = CeltCommon.celt_plc_pitch_search(this.decode_mem, C);
                    pitch_index = this.last_pitch_index;
                    fade        = ((short)(0.5 + (.8f) * (((int)1) << (15)))) /*Inlines.QCONST16(.8f, 15)*/;

                etmp   = new int[overlap];
                exc    = new int[CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD];
                window = mode.window;
                c      = 0; do
                    int   decay;
                    int   attenuation;
                    int   S1 = 0;
                    int[] buf;
                    int   extrapolation_offset;
                    int   extrapolation_len;
                    int   exc_length;
                    int   j;

                    buf = this.decode_mem[c];
                    for (i = 0; i < CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD; i++)
                        exc[i] = Inlines.ROUND16(buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD + i], CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT);

                    if (loss_count == 0)
                        int[] ac = new int[CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER + 1];

                        /* Compute LPC coefficients for the last MAX_PERIOD samples before
                         * the first loss so we can work in the excitation-filter domain. */
                        Autocorrelation._celt_autocorr(exc, ac, window, overlap,
                                                       CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER, CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD);
                        /* Add a noise floor of -40 dB. */
                        ac[0] += Inlines.SHR32(ac[0], 13);
                        /* Use lag windowing to stabilize the Levinson-Durbin recursion. */
                        for (i = 1; i <= CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER; i++)
                            /*ac[i] *= exp(-.5*(2*M_PI*.002*i)*(2*M_PI*.002*i));*/
                            ac[i] -= Inlines.MULT16_32_Q15(2 * i * i, ac[i]);
                        CeltLPC.celt_lpc(this.lpc[c], ac, CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER);

                    /* We want the excitation for 2 pitch periods in order to look for a
                     * decaying signal, but we can't get more than MAX_PERIOD. */
                    exc_length = Inlines.IMIN(2 * pitch_index, CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD);

                    /* Initialize the LPC history with the samples just before the start
                     * of the region for which we're computing the excitation. */
                        int[] lpc_mem = new int[CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER];
                        for (i = 0; i < CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER; i++)
                            lpc_mem[i] =
                                Inlines.ROUND16(buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - exc_length - 1 - i], CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT);

                        /* Compute the excitation for exc_length samples before the loss. */
                        Kernels.celt_fir(exc, (CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - exc_length), this.lpc[c], 0,
                                         exc, (CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - exc_length), exc_length, CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER, lpc_mem);

                    /* Check if the waveform is decaying, and if so how fast.
                     * We do this to avoid adding energy when concealing in a segment
                     * with decaying energy. */
                        int E1 = 1, E2 = 1;
                        int decay_length;
                        int shift = Inlines.IMAX(0, 2 * Inlines.celt_zlog2(Inlines.celt_maxabs16(exc, (CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - exc_length), exc_length)) - 20);
                        decay_length = exc_length >> 1;
                        for (i = 0; i < decay_length; i++)
                            int e;
                            e   = exc[CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - decay_length + i];
                            E1 += Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.MULT16_16(e, e), shift);
                            e   = exc[CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - 2 * decay_length + i];
                            E2 += Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.MULT16_16(e, e), shift);
                        E1    = Inlines.MIN32(E1, E2);
                        decay = Inlines.celt_sqrt(Inlines.frac_div32(Inlines.SHR32(E1, 1), E2));

                    /* Move the decoder memory one frame to the left to give us room to
                     * add the data for the new frame. We ignore the overlap that extends
                     * past the end of the buffer, because we aren't going to use it. */
                    Arrays.MemMoveInt(buf, N, 0, CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N);

                    /* Extrapolate from the end of the excitation with a period of
                     * "pitch_index", scaling down each period by an additional factor of
                     * "decay". */
                    extrapolation_offset = CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - pitch_index;

                    /* We need to extrapolate enough samples to cover a complete MDCT
                     * window (including overlap/2 samples on both sides). */
                    extrapolation_len = N + overlap;
                    /* We also apply fading if this is not the first loss. */
                    attenuation = Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(fade, decay);
                    for (i = j = 0; i < extrapolation_len; i++, j++)
                        int tmp;
                        if (j >= pitch_index)
                            j          -= pitch_index;
                            attenuation = Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(attenuation, decay);
                        buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i] =
                                                                 exc[extrapolation_offset + j])), CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT);

                        /* Compute the energy of the previously decoded signal whose
                         * excitation we're copying. */
                        tmp = Inlines.ROUND16(
                            buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - CeltConstants.MAX_PERIOD - N + extrapolation_offset + j],
                        S1 += Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.MULT16_16(tmp, tmp), 8);

                        int[] lpc_mem = new int[CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER];

                        /* Copy the last decoded samples (prior to the overlap region) to
                         * synthesis filter memory so we can have a continuous signal. */
                        for (i = 0; i < CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER; i++)
                            lpc_mem[i] = Inlines.ROUND16(buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N - 1 - i], CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT);

                        /* Apply the synthesis filter to convert the excitation back into
                         * the signal domain. */
                        CeltLPC.celt_iir(buf, CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N, this.lpc[c],
                                         buf, CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N, extrapolation_len, CeltConstants.LPC_ORDER,

                    /* Check if the synthesis energy is higher than expected, which can
                     * happen with the signal changes during our window. If so,
                     * attenuate. */
                        int S2 = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < extrapolation_len; i++)
                            int tmp = Inlines.ROUND16(buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i], CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT);
                            S2 += Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.MULT16_16(tmp, tmp), 8);
                        /* This checks for an "explosion" in the synthesis. */
                        if (!(S1 > Inlines.SHR32(S2, 2)))
                            for (i = 0; i < extrapolation_len; i++)
                                buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i] = 0;
                        else if (S1 < S2)
                            int ratio = Inlines.celt_sqrt(Inlines.frac_div32(Inlines.SHR32(S1, 1) + 1, S2 + 1));
                            for (i = 0; i < overlap; i++)
                                int tmp_g = CeltConstants.Q15ONE
                                            - Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(window[i], CeltConstants.Q15ONE - ratio);
                                buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i] =
                                    Inlines.MULT16_32_Q15(tmp_g, buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i]);
                            for (i = overlap; i < extrapolation_len; i++)
                                buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i] =
                                    Inlines.MULT16_32_Q15(ratio, buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE - N + i]);

                    /* Apply the pre-filter to the MDCT overlap for the next frame because
                     * the post-filter will be re-applied in the decoder after the MDCT
                     * overlap. */
                    CeltCommon.comb_filter(etmp, 0, buf, CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE,
                                           this.postfilter_period, this.postfilter_period, overlap,
                                           -this.postfilter_gain, -this.postfilter_gain,
                                           this.postfilter_tapset, this.postfilter_tapset, null, 0);

                    /* Simulate TDAC on the concealed audio so that it blends with the
                     * MDCT of the next frame. */
                    for (i = 0; i < overlap / 2; i++)
                        buf[CeltConstants.DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE + i] =
                            Inlines.MULT16_32_Q15(window[i], etmp[overlap - 1 - i])
                            + Inlines.MULT16_32_Q15(window[overlap - i - 1], etmp[i]);
                } while (++c < C);

            this.loss_count = loss_count + 1;
예제 #9
        internal static void pitch_downsample(int[][] x, int[] x_lp, int len, int C)
            int i;

            int[] ac  = new int[5];
            int   tmp = CeltConstants.Q15ONE;

            int[] lpc  = new int[4];
            int[] mem  = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] lpc2 = new int[5];
            int   c1   = ((short)(0.5 + (0.8f) * (((int)1) << (15)))) /*Inlines.QCONST16(0.8f, 15)*/;

            int shift;
            int maxabs = Inlines.celt_maxabs32(x[0], 0, len);

            if (C == 2)
                int maxabs_1 = Inlines.celt_maxabs32(x[1], 0, len);
                maxabs = Inlines.MAX32(maxabs, maxabs_1);
            if (maxabs < 1)
                maxabs = 1;
            shift = Inlines.celt_ilog2(maxabs) - 10;
            if (shift < 0)
                shift = 0;
            if (C == 2)

            int halflen = len >> 1; // cached for performance

            for (i = 1; i < halflen; i++)
                x_lp[i] = (Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.HALF32(Inlines.HALF32(x[0][(2 * i - 1)] + x[0][(2 * i + 1)]) + x[0][2 * i]), shift));

            x_lp[0] = (Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.HALF32(Inlines.HALF32(x[0][1]) + x[0][0]), shift));

            if (C == 2)
                for (i = 1; i < halflen; i++)
                    x_lp[i] += (Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.HALF32(Inlines.HALF32(x[1][(2 * i - 1)] + x[1][(2 * i + 1)]) + x[1][2 * i]), shift));
                x_lp[0] += (Inlines.SHR32(Inlines.HALF32(Inlines.HALF32(x[1][1]) + x[1][0]), shift));

            Autocorrelation._celt_autocorr(x_lp, ac, null, 0, 4, halflen);

            /* Noise floor -40 dB */
            ac[0] += Inlines.SHR32(ac[0], 13);
            /* Lag windowing */
            for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                /*ac[i] *= exp(-.5*(2*M_PI*.002*i)*(2*M_PI*.002*i));*/
                ac[i] -= Inlines.MULT16_32_Q15((2 * i * i), ac[i]);

            CeltLPC.celt_lpc(lpc, ac, 4);
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                tmp    = Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(((short)(0.5 + (.9f) * (((int)1) << (15)))) /*Inlines.QCONST16(.9f, 15)*/, tmp);
                lpc[i] = Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(lpc[i], tmp);
            /* Add a zero */
            lpc2[0] = (lpc[0] + ((short)(0.5 + (0.8f) * (((int)1) << (CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT)))) /*Inlines.QCONST16(0.8f, CeltConstants.SIG_SHIFT)*/);
            lpc2[1] = (lpc[1] + Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(c1, lpc[0]));
            lpc2[2] = (lpc[2] + Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(c1, lpc[1]));
            lpc2[3] = (lpc[3] + Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(c1, lpc[2]));
            lpc2[4] = Inlines.MULT16_16_Q15(c1, lpc[3]);

            celt_fir5(x_lp, lpc2, x_lp, halflen, mem);
예제 #10
        /* Compute noise shaping coefficients and initial gain values */
        internal static void silk_noise_shape_analysis(
            SilkChannelEncoder psEnc,                      /* I/O  Encoder state FIX                                                           */
            SilkEncoderControl psEncCtrl,                  /* I/O  Encoder control FIX                                                         */
            short[] pitch_res,                             /* I    LPC residual from pitch analysis                                            */
            int pitch_res_ptr,
            short[] x,                                     /* I    Input signal [ frame_length + la_shape ]                                    */
            int x_ptr
            SilkShapeState psShapeSt = psEnc.sShape;
            int            k, i, nSamples, Qnrg, b_Q14, warping_Q16, scale = 0;
            int            SNR_adj_dB_Q7, HarmBoost_Q16, HarmShapeGain_Q16, Tilt_Q16, tmp32;
            int            nrg, pre_nrg_Q30, log_energy_Q7, log_energy_prev_Q7, energy_variation_Q7;
            int            delta_Q16, BWExp1_Q16, BWExp2_Q16, gain_mult_Q16, gain_add_Q16, strength_Q16, b_Q8;

            int[]   auto_corr     = new int[SilkConstants.MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1];
            int[]   refl_coef_Q16 = new int[SilkConstants.MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER];
            int[]   AR1_Q24       = new int[SilkConstants.MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER];
            int[]   AR2_Q24       = new int[SilkConstants.MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER];
            short[] x_windowed;
            int     pitch_res_ptr2;
            int     x_ptr2;

            /* Point to start of first LPC analysis block */
            x_ptr2 = x_ptr - psEnc.la_shape;

            /* GAIN CONTROL */
            SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = psEnc.SNR_dB_Q7;

            /* Input quality is the average of the quality in the lowest two VAD bands */
            psEncCtrl.input_quality_Q14 = (int)Inlines.silk_RSHIFT((int)psEnc.input_quality_bands_Q15[0]
                                                                   + psEnc.input_quality_bands_Q15[1], 2);

            /* Coding quality level, between 0.0_Q0 and 1.0_Q0, but in Q14 */
            psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14 = Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(Sigmoid.silk_sigm_Q15(Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(SNR_adj_dB_Q7 -
                                                                                                               ((int)((20.0f) * ((long)1 << (7)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(20.0f, 7)*/, 4)), 1);

            /* Reduce coding SNR during low speech activity */
            if (psEnc.useCBR == 0)
                b_Q8          = ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (8)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 8)*/ - psEnc.speech_activity_Q8;
                b_Q8          = Inlines.silk_SMULWB(Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(b_Q8, 8), b_Q8);
                SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(SNR_adj_dB_Q7,
                                                    Inlines.silk_SMULBB(((int)((0 - TuningParameters.BG_SNR_DECR_dB) * ((long)1 << (7)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0 - TuningParameters.BG_SNR_DECR_dB, 7)*/ >> (4 + 1), b_Q8), /* Q11*/
                                                    Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 14)*/ + psEncCtrl.input_quality_Q14, psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14));                 /* Q12*/

            if (psEnc.indices.signalType == SilkConstants.TYPE_VOICED)
                /* Reduce gains for periodic signals */
                SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(SNR_adj_dB_Q7, ((int)((TuningParameters.HARM_SNR_INCR_dB) * ((long)1 << (8)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HARM_SNR_INCR_dB, 8)*/, psEnc.LTPCorr_Q15);
                /* For unvoiced signals and low-quality input, adjust the quality slower than SNR_dB setting */
                SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(SNR_adj_dB_Q7,
                                                    Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(((int)((6.0f) * ((long)1 << (9)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(6.0f, 9)*/, -((int)((0.4f) * ((long)1 << (18)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.4f, 18)*/, psEnc.SNR_dB_Q7),
                                                    ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 14)*/ - psEncCtrl.input_quality_Q14);

            /* Set quantizer offset */
            if (psEnc.indices.signalType == SilkConstants.TYPE_VOICED)
                /* Initially set to 0; may be overruled in process_gains(..) */
                psEnc.indices.quantOffsetType = 0;
                psEncCtrl.sparseness_Q8       = 0;
                /* Sparseness measure, based on relative fluctuations of energy per 2 milliseconds */
                nSamples            = Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEnc.fs_kHz, 1);
                energy_variation_Q7 = 0;
                log_energy_prev_Q7  = 0;
                pitch_res_ptr2      = pitch_res_ptr;
                for (k = 0; k < Inlines.silk_SMULBB(SilkConstants.SUB_FRAME_LENGTH_MS, psEnc.nb_subfr) / 2; k++)
                    SumSqrShift.silk_sum_sqr_shift(out nrg, out scale, pitch_res, pitch_res_ptr2, nSamples);
                    nrg += Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(nSamples, scale);           /* Q(-scale)*/

                    log_energy_Q7 = Inlines.silk_lin2log(nrg);
                    if (k > 0)
                        energy_variation_Q7 += Inlines.silk_abs(log_energy_Q7 - log_energy_prev_Q7);
                    log_energy_prev_Q7 = log_energy_Q7;
                    pitch_res_ptr2    += nSamples;

                psEncCtrl.sparseness_Q8 = Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(Sigmoid.silk_sigm_Q15(Inlines.silk_SMULWB(energy_variation_Q7 -
                                                                                                        ((int)((5.0f) * ((long)1 << (7)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(5.0f, 7)*/, ((int)((0.1f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.1f, 16)*/)), 7);

                /* Set quantization offset depending on sparseness measure */
                if (psEncCtrl.sparseness_Q8 > ((int)((TuningParameters.SPARSENESS_THRESHOLD_QNT_OFFSET) * ((long)1 << (8)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.SPARSENESS_THRESHOLD_QNT_OFFSET, 8)*/)
                    psEnc.indices.quantOffsetType = 0;
                    psEnc.indices.quantOffsetType = 1;

                /* Increase coding SNR for sparse signals */
                SNR_adj_dB_Q7 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(SNR_adj_dB_Q7, ((int)((TuningParameters.SPARSE_SNR_INCR_dB) * ((long)1 << (15)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.SPARSE_SNR_INCR_dB, 15)*/, psEncCtrl.sparseness_Q8 - ((int)((0.5f) * ((long)1 << (8)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.5f, 8)*/);

            /* Control bandwidth expansion */
            /* More BWE for signals with high prediction gain */
            strength_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMULWB(psEncCtrl.predGain_Q16, ((int)((TuningParameters.FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION, 16)*/);
            BWExp1_Q16   = BWExp2_Q16 = Inlines.silk_DIV32_varQ(((int)((TuningParameters.BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION, 16)*/,
                                                                Inlines.silk_SMLAWW(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/, strength_Q16, strength_Q16), 16);
            delta_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/ - Inlines.silk_SMULBB(3, psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14),
                                            ((int)((TuningParameters.LOW_RATE_BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION_DELTA) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.LOW_RATE_BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION_DELTA, 16)*/);
            BWExp1_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SUB32(BWExp1_Q16, delta_Q16);
            BWExp2_Q16 = Inlines.silk_ADD32(BWExp2_Q16, delta_Q16);
            /* BWExp1 will be applied after BWExp2, so make it relative */
            BWExp1_Q16 = Inlines.silk_DIV32_16(Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(BWExp1_Q16, 14), Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(BWExp2_Q16, 2));

            if (psEnc.warping_Q16 > 0)
                /* Slightly more warping in analysis will move quantization noise up in frequency, where it's better masked */
                warping_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(psEnc.warping_Q16, (int)psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14, ((int)((0.01f) * ((long)1 << (18)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.01f, 18)*/);
                warping_Q16 = 0;

            /* Compute noise shaping AR coefs and gains */
            x_windowed = new short[psEnc.shapeWinLength];
            for (k = 0; k < psEnc.nb_subfr; k++)
                /* Apply window: sine slope followed by flat part followed by cosine slope */
                int shift, slope_part, flat_part;
                flat_part  = psEnc.fs_kHz * 3;
                slope_part = Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(psEnc.shapeWinLength - flat_part, 1);

                ApplySineWindow.silk_apply_sine_window(x_windowed, 0, x, x_ptr2, 1, slope_part);
                shift = slope_part;
                Array.Copy(x, x_ptr2 + shift, x_windowed, shift, flat_part);
                shift += flat_part;
                ApplySineWindow.silk_apply_sine_window(x_windowed, shift, x, x_ptr2 + shift, 2, slope_part);

                /* Update pointer: next LPC analysis block */
                x_ptr2 += psEnc.subfr_length;
                BoxedValueInt scale_boxed = new BoxedValueInt(scale);
                if (psEnc.warping_Q16 > 0)
                    /* Calculate warped auto correlation */
                    Autocorrelation.silk_warped_autocorrelation(auto_corr, scale_boxed, x_windowed, warping_Q16, psEnc.shapeWinLength, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);
                    /* Calculate regular auto correlation */
                    Autocorrelation.silk_autocorr(auto_corr, scale_boxed, x_windowed, psEnc.shapeWinLength, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder + 1);
                scale = scale_boxed.Val;

                /* Add white noise, as a fraction of energy */
                auto_corr[0] = Inlines.silk_ADD32(auto_corr[0], Inlines.silk_max_32(Inlines.silk_SMULWB(Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(auto_corr[0], 4),
                                                                                                        ((int)((TuningParameters.SHAPE_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION) * ((long)1 << (20)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.SHAPE_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION, 20)*/), 1));

                /* Calculate the reflection coefficients using schur */
                nrg = Schur.silk_schur64(refl_coef_Q16, auto_corr, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);
                Inlines.OpusAssert(nrg >= 0);

                /* Convert reflection coefficients to prediction coefficients */
                K2A.silk_k2a_Q16(AR2_Q24, refl_coef_Q16, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);

                Qnrg = -scale;          /* range: -12...30*/
                Inlines.OpusAssert(Qnrg >= -12);
                Inlines.OpusAssert(Qnrg <= 30);

                /* Make sure that Qnrg is an even number */
                if ((Qnrg & 1) != 0)
                    Qnrg -= 1;
                    nrg >>= 1;

                tmp32  = Inlines.silk_SQRT_APPROX(nrg);
                Qnrg >>= 1;             /* range: -6...15*/

                psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] = Inlines.silk_LSHIFT_SAT32(tmp32, 16 - Qnrg);

                if (psEnc.warping_Q16 > 0)
                    /* Adjust gain for warping */
                    gain_mult_Q16 = warped_gain(AR2_Q24, warping_Q16, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);
                    Inlines.OpusAssert(psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] >= 0);
                    if (Inlines.silk_SMULWW(Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k], 1), gain_mult_Q16) >= (int.MaxValue >> 1))
                        psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] = int.MaxValue;
                        psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] = Inlines.silk_SMULWW(psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k], gain_mult_Q16);

                /* Bandwidth expansion for synthesis filter shaping */
                BWExpander.silk_bwexpander_32(AR2_Q24, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder, BWExp2_Q16);

                /* Compute noise shaping filter coefficients */
                Array.Copy(AR2_Q24, AR1_Q24, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);

                /* Bandwidth expansion for analysis filter shaping */
                Inlines.OpusAssert(BWExp1_Q16 <= ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/);
                BWExpander.silk_bwexpander_32(AR1_Q24, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder, BWExp1_Q16);

                /* Ratio of prediction gains, in energy domain */
                pre_nrg_Q30 = LPCInversePredGain.silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain_Q24(AR2_Q24, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);
                nrg         = LPCInversePredGain.silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain_Q24(AR1_Q24, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);

                /*psEncCtrl.GainsPre[ k ] = 1.0f - 0.7f * ( 1.0f - pre_nrg / nrg ) = 0.3f + 0.7f * pre_nrg / nrg;*/
                pre_nrg_Q30 = Inlines.silk_LSHIFT32(Inlines.silk_SMULWB(pre_nrg_Q30, ((int)((0.7f) * ((long)1 << (15)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.7f, 15)*/), 1);
                psEncCtrl.GainsPre_Q14[k] = (int)((int)((0.3f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.3f, 14)*/ + Inlines.silk_DIV32_varQ(pre_nrg_Q30, nrg, 14);

                /* Convert to monic warped prediction coefficients and limit absolute values */
                limit_warped_coefs(AR2_Q24, AR1_Q24, warping_Q16, ((int)((3.999f) * ((long)1 << (24)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(3.999f, 24)*/, psEnc.shapingLPCOrder);

                /* Convert from Q24 to Q13 and store in int16 */
                for (i = 0; i < psEnc.shapingLPCOrder; i++)
                    psEncCtrl.AR1_Q13[k * SilkConstants.MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + i] = (short)Inlines.silk_SAT16(Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(AR1_Q24[i], 11));
                    psEncCtrl.AR2_Q13[k * SilkConstants.MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + i] = (short)Inlines.silk_SAT16(Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(AR2_Q24[i], 11));

            /* Gain tweaking */
            /* Increase gains during low speech activity and put lower limit on gains */
            gain_mult_Q16 = Inlines.silk_log2lin(-Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(-((int)((16.0f) * ((long)1 << (7)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(16.0f, 7)*/, SNR_adj_dB_Q7, ((int)((0.16f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.16f, 16)*/));
            gain_add_Q16  = Inlines.silk_log2lin(Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(((int)((16.0f) * ((long)1 << (7)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(16.0f, 7)*/, ((int)((SilkConstants.MIN_QGAIN_DB) * ((long)1 << (7)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(SilkConstants.MIN_QGAIN_DB, 7)*/, ((int)((0.16f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.16f, 16)*/));
            Inlines.OpusAssert(gain_mult_Q16 > 0);
            for (k = 0; k < psEnc.nb_subfr; k++)
                psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] = Inlines.silk_SMULWW(psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k], gain_mult_Q16);
                Inlines.OpusAssert(psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] >= 0);
                psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k] = Inlines.silk_ADD_POS_SAT32(psEncCtrl.Gains_Q16[k], gain_add_Q16);

            gain_mult_Q16 = ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/ + Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(Inlines.silk_MLA(((int)((TuningParameters.INPUT_TILT) * ((long)1 << (26)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.INPUT_TILT, 26)*/,
                                                                                                                                                    psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14, ((int)((TuningParameters.HIGH_RATE_INPUT_TILT) * ((long)1 << (12)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HIGH_RATE_INPUT_TILT, 12)*/), 10);
            for (k = 0; k < psEnc.nb_subfr; k++)
                psEncCtrl.GainsPre_Q14[k] = Inlines.silk_SMULWB(gain_mult_Q16, psEncCtrl.GainsPre_Q14[k]);

            /* Control low-frequency shaping and noise tilt */
            /* Less low frequency shaping for noisy inputs */
            strength_Q16 = Inlines.silk_MUL(((int)((TuningParameters.LOW_FREQ_SHAPING) * ((long)1 << (4)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.LOW_FREQ_SHAPING, 4)*/, Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (12)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 12)*/,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ((int)((TuningParameters.LOW_QUALITY_LOW_FREQ_SHAPING_DECR) * ((long)1 << (13)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.LOW_QUALITY_LOW_FREQ_SHAPING_DECR, 13)*/, psEnc.input_quality_bands_Q15[0] - ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (15)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 15)*/));
            strength_Q16 = Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(Inlines.silk_MUL(strength_Q16, psEnc.speech_activity_Q8), 8);
            if (psEnc.indices.signalType == SilkConstants.TYPE_VOICED)
                /* Reduce low frequencies quantization noise for periodic signals, depending on pitch lag */
                /*f = 400; freqz([1, -0.98 + 2e-4 * f], [1, -0.97 + 7e-4 * f], 2^12, Fs); axis([0, 1000, -10, 1])*/
                int fs_kHz_inv = Inlines.silk_DIV32_16(((int)((0.2f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.2f, 14)*/, psEnc.fs_kHz);
                for (k = 0; k < psEnc.nb_subfr; k++)
                    b_Q14 = fs_kHz_inv + Inlines.silk_DIV32_16(((int)((3.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(3.0f, 14)*/, psEncCtrl.pitchL[k]);
                    /* Pack two coefficients in one int32 */
                    psEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14[k]  = Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 14)*/ - b_Q14 - Inlines.silk_SMULWB(strength_Q16, b_Q14), 16);
                    psEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14[k] |= (b_Q14 - ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 14)*/) & 0xFFFF;                                                                                                              // opus bug: again, cast to ushort was done here where bitwise masking was intended
                Inlines.OpusAssert(((int)((TuningParameters.HARM_HP_NOISE_COEF) * ((long)1 << (24)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HARM_HP_NOISE_COEF, 24)*/ < ((int)((0.5f) * ((long)1 << (24)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.5f, 24)*/); /* Guarantees that second argument to SMULWB() is within range of an short*/
                Tilt_Q16 = -((int)((TuningParameters.HP_NOISE_COEF) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HP_NOISE_COEF, 16)*/ -
                           Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/ - ((int)((TuningParameters.HP_NOISE_COEF) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HP_NOISE_COEF, 16)*/,
                                               Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((TuningParameters.HARM_HP_NOISE_COEF) * ((long)1 << (24)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HARM_HP_NOISE_COEF, 24)*/, psEnc.speech_activity_Q8));
                b_Q14 = Inlines.silk_DIV32_16(21299, psEnc.fs_kHz); /* 1.3_Q0 = 21299_Q14*/
                /* Pack two coefficients in one int32 */
                psEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14[0] = Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 14)*/ - b_Q14 -
                                                              Inlines.silk_SMULWB(strength_Q16, Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((0.6f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.6f, 16)*/, b_Q14)), 16);
                psEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14[0] |= (b_Q14 - ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 14)*/) & 0xFFFF; // opus bug: cast to ushort is better expressed as a bitwise operator, otherwise runtime analysis might flag it as an overflow error
                for (k = 1; k < psEnc.nb_subfr; k++)
                    psEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14[k] = psEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14[0];
                Tilt_Q16 = -((int)((TuningParameters.HP_NOISE_COEF) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HP_NOISE_COEF, 16)*/;

            /* Control boosting of harmonic frequencies */
            HarmBoost_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMULWB(Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (17)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 17)*/ - Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14, 3),
                                                                    psEnc.LTPCorr_Q15), ((int)((TuningParameters.LOW_RATE_HARMONIC_BOOST) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.LOW_RATE_HARMONIC_BOOST, 16)*/);

            /* More harmonic boost for noisy input signals */
            HarmBoost_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(HarmBoost_Q16,
                                                ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/ - Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEncCtrl.input_quality_Q14, 2), ((int)((TuningParameters.LOW_INPUT_QUALITY_HARMONIC_BOOST) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.LOW_INPUT_QUALITY_HARMONIC_BOOST, 16)*/);

            if (SilkConstants.USE_HARM_SHAPING != 0 && psEnc.indices.signalType == SilkConstants.TYPE_VOICED)
                /* More harmonic noise shaping for high bitrates or noisy input */
                HarmShapeGain_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(((int)((TuningParameters.HARMONIC_SHAPING) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HARMONIC_SHAPING, 16)*/,
                                                        ((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 16)*/ - Inlines.silk_SMULWB(((int)((1.0f) * ((long)1 << (18)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(1.0f, 18)*/ - Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEncCtrl.coding_quality_Q14, 4),
                                                                                                                                                         psEncCtrl.input_quality_Q14), ((int)((TuningParameters.HIGH_RATE_OR_LOW_QUALITY_HARMONIC_SHAPING) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.HIGH_RATE_OR_LOW_QUALITY_HARMONIC_SHAPING, 16)*/);

                /* Less harmonic noise shaping for less periodic signals */
                HarmShapeGain_Q16 = Inlines.silk_SMULWB(Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(HarmShapeGain_Q16, 1),
                                                        Inlines.silk_SQRT_APPROX(Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEnc.LTPCorr_Q15, 15)));
                HarmShapeGain_Q16 = 0;

            /* Smooth over subframes */
            for (k = 0; k < SilkConstants.MAX_NB_SUBFR; k++)
                psShapeSt.HarmBoost_smth_Q16 =
                    Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(psShapeSt.HarmBoost_smth_Q16, HarmBoost_Q16 - psShapeSt.HarmBoost_smth_Q16, ((int)((TuningParameters.SUBFR_SMTH_COEF) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.SUBFR_SMTH_COEF, 16)*/);
                psShapeSt.HarmShapeGain_smth_Q16 =
                    Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(psShapeSt.HarmShapeGain_smth_Q16, HarmShapeGain_Q16 - psShapeSt.HarmShapeGain_smth_Q16, ((int)((TuningParameters.SUBFR_SMTH_COEF) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.SUBFR_SMTH_COEF, 16)*/);
                psShapeSt.Tilt_smth_Q16 =
                    Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(psShapeSt.Tilt_smth_Q16, Tilt_Q16 - psShapeSt.Tilt_smth_Q16, ((int)((TuningParameters.SUBFR_SMTH_COEF) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.SUBFR_SMTH_COEF, 16)*/);

                psEncCtrl.HarmBoost_Q14[k]     = (int)Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(psShapeSt.HarmBoost_smth_Q16, 2);
                psEncCtrl.HarmShapeGain_Q14[k] = (int)Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(psShapeSt.HarmShapeGain_smth_Q16, 2);
                psEncCtrl.Tilt_Q14[k]          = (int)Inlines.silk_RSHIFT_ROUND(psShapeSt.Tilt_smth_Q16, 2);
예제 #11
        /* Find pitch lags */
        internal static void silk_find_pitch_lags(
            SilkChannelEncoder psEnc,                     /* I/O  encoder state                                                               */
            SilkEncoderControl psEncCtrl,                 /* I/O  encoder control                                                             */
            short[] res,                                  /* O    residual                                                                    */
            short[] x,                                    /* I    Speech signal                                                               */
            int x_ptr
            int buf_len, i, scale;
            int thrhld_Q13, res_nrg;
            int x_buf, x_buf_ptr;

            short[] Wsig;
            int     Wsig_ptr;

            int[]   auto_corr = new int[SilkConstants.MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER + 1];
            short[] rc_Q15    = new short[SilkConstants.MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER];
            int[]   A_Q24     = new int[SilkConstants.MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER];
            short[] A_Q12     = new short[SilkConstants.MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER];

            /* Set up buffer lengths etc based on Fs  */
            buf_len = psEnc.la_pitch + psEnc.frame_length + psEnc.ltp_mem_length;

            /* Safety check */
            Inlines.OpusAssert(buf_len >= psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length);

            x_buf = x_ptr - psEnc.ltp_mem_length;

            /* Estimate LPC AR coefficients      */

            /* Calculate windowed signal */

            Wsig = new short[psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length];

            /* First LA_LTP samples */
            x_buf_ptr = x_buf + buf_len - psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length;
            Wsig_ptr  = 0;
            ApplySineWindow.silk_apply_sine_window(Wsig, Wsig_ptr, x, x_buf_ptr, 1, psEnc.la_pitch);

            /* Middle un - windowed samples */
            Wsig_ptr  += psEnc.la_pitch;
            x_buf_ptr += psEnc.la_pitch;
            Array.Copy(x, x_buf_ptr, Wsig, Wsig_ptr, (psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length - Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEnc.la_pitch, 1)));

            /* Last LA_LTP samples */
            Wsig_ptr  += psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length - Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEnc.la_pitch, 1);
            x_buf_ptr += psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length - Inlines.silk_LSHIFT(psEnc.la_pitch, 1);
            ApplySineWindow.silk_apply_sine_window(Wsig, Wsig_ptr, x, x_buf_ptr, 2, psEnc.la_pitch);

            /* Calculate autocorrelation sequence */
            BoxedValueInt boxed_scale = new BoxedValueInt();

            Autocorrelation.silk_autocorr(auto_corr, boxed_scale, Wsig, psEnc.pitch_LPC_win_length, psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder + 1);
            scale = boxed_scale.Val;

            /* Add white noise, as fraction of energy */
            auto_corr[0] = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(auto_corr[0], auto_corr[0], ((int)((TuningParameters.FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION, 16)*/) + 1;

            /* Calculate the reflection coefficients using schur */
            res_nrg = Schur.silk_schur(rc_Q15, auto_corr, psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder);

            /* Prediction gain */
            psEncCtrl.predGain_Q16 = Inlines.silk_DIV32_varQ(auto_corr[0], Inlines.silk_max_int(res_nrg, 1), 16);

            /* Convert reflection coefficients to prediction coefficients */
            K2A.silk_k2a(A_Q24, rc_Q15, psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder);

            /* Convert From 32 bit Q24 to 16 bit Q12 coefs */
            for (i = 0; i < psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder; i++)
                A_Q12[i] = (short)Inlines.silk_SAT16(Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(A_Q24[i], 12));

            /* Do BWE */
            BWExpander.silk_bwexpander(A_Q12, psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder, ((int)((TuningParameters.FIND_PITCH_BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION) * ((long)1 << (16)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(TuningParameters.FIND_PITCH_BANDWIDTH_EXPANSION, 16)*/);

            /* LPC analysis filtering                */
            Filters.silk_LPC_analysis_filter(res, 0, x, x_buf, A_Q12, 0, buf_len, psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder);

            if (psEnc.indices.signalType != SilkConstants.TYPE_NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY && psEnc.first_frame_after_reset == 0)
                /* Threshold for pitch estimator */
                thrhld_Q13 = ((int)((0.6f) * ((long)1 << (13)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(0.6f, 13)*/;
                thrhld_Q13 = Inlines.silk_SMLABB(thrhld_Q13, ((int)((-0.004f) * ((long)1 << (13)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(-0.004f, 13)*/, psEnc.pitchEstimationLPCOrder);
                thrhld_Q13 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(thrhld_Q13, ((int)((-0.1f) * ((long)1 << (21)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(-0.1f, 21)*/, psEnc.speech_activity_Q8);
                thrhld_Q13 = Inlines.silk_SMLABB(thrhld_Q13, ((int)((-0.15f) * ((long)1 << (13)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(-0.15f, 13)*/, Inlines.silk_RSHIFT(psEnc.prevSignalType, 1));
                thrhld_Q13 = Inlines.silk_SMLAWB(thrhld_Q13, ((int)((-0.1f) * ((long)1 << (14)) + 0.5)) /*Inlines.SILK_CONST(-0.1f, 14)*/, psEnc.input_tilt_Q15);
                thrhld_Q13 = Inlines.silk_SAT16(thrhld_Q13);

                /* Call pitch estimator                  */
                BoxedValueShort boxed_lagIndex     = new BoxedValueShort(psEnc.indices.lagIndex);
                BoxedValueSbyte boxed_contourIndex = new BoxedValueSbyte(psEnc.indices.contourIndex);
                BoxedValueInt   boxed_LTPcorr      = new BoxedValueInt(psEnc.LTPCorr_Q15);
                if (PitchAnalysisCore.silk_pitch_analysis_core(res, psEncCtrl.pitchL, boxed_lagIndex, boxed_contourIndex,
                                                               boxed_LTPcorr, psEnc.prevLag, psEnc.pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16,
                                                               (int)thrhld_Q13, psEnc.fs_kHz, psEnc.pitchEstimationComplexity, psEnc.nb_subfr) == 0)
                    psEnc.indices.signalType = SilkConstants.TYPE_VOICED;
                    psEnc.indices.signalType = SilkConstants.TYPE_UNVOICED;

                psEnc.indices.lagIndex     = boxed_lagIndex.Val;
                psEnc.indices.contourIndex = boxed_contourIndex.Val;
                psEnc.LTPCorr_Q15          = boxed_LTPcorr.Val;
                Arrays.MemSetInt(psEncCtrl.pitchL, 0, SilkConstants.MAX_NB_SUBFR);
                psEnc.indices.lagIndex     = 0;
                psEnc.indices.contourIndex = 0;
                psEnc.LTPCorr_Q15          = 0;
        public void Test1()
            AbstractChromosomeFactory factory = new SolutionFactory();

            int[] routeWeights = new int[]
                20000, 50000, 120000, 200000, 350000
            int distanceWeight = 1;

            string[] customerTypes = new string[] { "C1", "C2", "R1", "R2", "RC1", "RC2" };
            Dictionary <string, int> customerNumbers = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "2", 20000 }, { "4", 50000 }, { "6", 120000 }, { "8", 200000 }, { "10", 350000 }

            string[] customerInstances = new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" };

            CrossoverOperator[] crossoverOps = new CrossoverOperator[]
                new OrderCrossover(), new PartiallyMatchedCrossover(), new CycleCrossover(), new UniformBasedOrderCrossover()

            MutationOperator[] mutationOps = new MutationOperator[]
                new SwapOperator(), new InsertionOperator(), new InversionOperator(), new DisplacementOperator()

            int randomWalkNumber = 2000, randomWalkSteps = 5000;

            string floatPattern = "0.000", separator = ",";
            float  epsilon = 0.05f;

            foreach (var type in customerTypes)
                foreach (var number in customerNumbers)
                    foreach (var instance in customerInstances)
                        string          instanceId = type + '_' + number.Key + '_' + instance;
                        VrptwProblem    problem    = reader.ReadFromFile(FILE_PATH + @"\" + instanceId + ".txt");
                        FitnessFunction ff         = new FitnessFunction(number.Value, distanceWeight);
                        Landscape       landscape  = new Landscape(problem, factory, ff);
                        foreach (var op in crossoverOps)
                            string path = RESULT_PATH + @"\" + instanceId + "_" + op.GetId() + ".csv";
                            if (!File.Exists(path))
                                using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path))
                                    tw.WriteLine("AC, IC, PIC, DBI");
                                    for (int i = 0; i < randomWalkNumber; ++i)
                                        var    rwResult = landscape.RandomWalk(randomWalkSteps, op);
                                        float  ac       = Autocorrelation.Run(rwResult);
                                        float  ic       = InformationContent.Run(rwResult, epsilon);
                                        float  pic      = PartialInformationContent.Run(rwResult, epsilon);
                                        float  dbi      = DensityBasinInformation.Run(rwResult, epsilon);
                                        string line     =
                                            ac.ToString(floatPattern) + separator +
                                            ic.ToString(floatPattern) + separator +
                                            pic.ToString(floatPattern) + separator +