public async Task <TrainingPlanViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new TrainingPlanViewModel(); PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var entity = await _context.TrainingPlan .IgnoreQueryFilters() .Include(c => c.FinYear) .Include(c => c.Event) .Include(c => c.TrainingPlanDistances).ThenInclude(b => b.Distance) .Include(c => c.TrainingPlanMembers).ThenInclude(a => a.Member) .Include(c => c.TrainingPlanRaceDefinitions).ThenInclude(a => a.RaceDefinition) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); if (entity != null) { entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); } } return(viewModel); }
public async Task <AuthorizationResponseModel> AuthorizeAsync(AuthorizationModel model) { try { if (model.AuthorizationType == _config["AuthorizationType:CredentialsType"]) { string res = await _hasher.HashAsync(model.Password); return(await AuthorizeBasedOnCredentialsAsync(model.Login, model.Password, model.ApplicationId.Value, model.TenantId, model.Client, model.ClientSecret)); } else if (model.AuthorizationType == _config["AuthorizationType:RefreshTokenType"]) { // return await AuthorizeBasedOnRefreshTokenAsync(model.RefreshToken); return(null); } else { return(new AuthorizationResponseModel { Exception = "Invalid authorization type" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new AuthorizationResponseModel { Exception = ex.Message }); } }
private AuthorizationModel IsAuthorized(int employeeId, string utilityCode) { AuthorizationModel model = new AuthorizationModel(); Business.HR.EmployeeMaster objEmployeeMaster = new Business.HR.EmployeeMaster(); Entity.HR.EmployeeMaster employeeMaster = new Entity.HR.EmployeeMaster(); DataTable dtEmployee = objEmployeeMaster.EmployeeMaster_ById(new Entity.HR.EmployeeMaster() { EmployeeMasterId = employeeId }); if (dtEmployee.AsEnumerable().Any()) { employeeMaster = objEmployeeMaster.AuthenticateUser(dtEmployee.Rows[0]["EmployeeCode"].ToString()); } if (employeeMaster != null) { string[] roles = employeeMaster.Roles.Split(','); model.ReturnValue = roles.Contains(utilityCode); } else { model.ReturnValue = false; } return(model); }
public async Task <ProductImageViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new ProductImageViewModel { }; PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var entity = await _context.ProductImage .IgnoreQueryFilters() .Include(c => c.Product.ProductCategory) .Include(c => c.Document) .Include(c => c.FeaturedImages).ThenInclude(b => b.ProductImage.Product) .Include(c => c.FeaturedImages).ThenInclude(b => b.ProductImage.Document) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); if (entity != null) { entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); //viewModel.ProductImageSizes = entity.ProductImageSizes.ToSelectListItem(x => x.Size.ShortName, x => x.SizeId.ToString()); } } return(viewModel); }
public IActionResult Purge() { int athleteId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("AthleteId") ?? 0; Token token = _context.Athletes .Include(athlete => athlete.Token) .FirstOrDefault(athlete => athlete.AthleteId == athleteId) .Token; // If token expires with one hour, refresh token if (token.ExpiresAt < DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3600)) { AuthorizationModel tokenModel = StravaController .loadNewToken(token.RefreshToken).Result; token.AccessToken = tokenModel.Access_Token; token.RefreshToken = tokenModel.Refresh_Token; token.ExpiresAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(tokenModel.Expires_In); token.ExpiresIn = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(tokenModel.Expires_In); } Processor.Deauthorization(token.AccessToken); Athlete athleteToDelete = _context.Athletes .FirstOrDefault(athlete => athlete.AthleteId == athleteId); _context.Remove(athleteToDelete); _context.Remove(token); _context.SaveChanges(); HttpContext.Session.Clear(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
private async void Enter_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_state == State.Authorization) { var model = new AuthorizationModel() { username = Edit_Login.Text, password = Edit_Password.Password }; if (!IsModelValid(model)) { return; } await Context.Authorize(model); } else if (_state == State.Registration) { var item = (ComboBoxItem)Combo_Role.SelectedValue; Role role = (Role)Enum.Parse(typeof(Role), (string)item.Content); var model = new RegistrationModel() { username = Edit_Login.Text, password = Edit_Password.Password, Role = role }; if (!(await Context.Register(model))) { Text_Errors.Text = Context.ErrorMessages; } else { Change_Click(null, null); } return; } if (Context.IsAuthorized) { ((App)Application.Current).FinishAuthorization(); this.Close(); } else { string message = "Authorization has failed. Check if login and password had been inputed correctly"; if (Context.ErrorMessages != null) { message += "\n" + Context.ErrorMessages; } Text_Errors.Text = message; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateList( [FromBody, Bind("Listidentifier", "Keyword")] AuthorizationModel listAuth) { if (!listAuth.Validate()) { return(BadRequest(ErrorModel.BadRequest())); } listAuth.LowerIdentifier(); if (db.Lists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Identifier == listAuth.ListIdentifier) != null) { return(BadRequest(ErrorModel.AlreadyExists())); } var list = new List(listAuth.ListIdentifier, listAuth.Keyword); var masterKey = SecureRandom.GenerateMasterKey(32); list.MasterKeyHash = Hashing.CreatePasswordHash(masterKey); await db.Lists.AddAsync(list); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); var outList = new ListCreated(list, masterKey); return(Created("list", outList)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Login([FromBody, Bind("ListIdentifier", "Keyword")] AuthorizationModel auth) { if (!auth.Validate()) { return(BadRequest(ErrorModel.BadRequest())); } auth.LowerIdentifier(); var list = db.Lists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Identifier == auth.ListIdentifier); if (list == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } if (!keywordAccess.ValidateLogin(list, auth.Keyword)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var claims = new List <Claim> { new Claim(ExtendedClaimTypes.ListIdentifier, list.Identifier), new Claim(ExtendedClaimTypes.ListGUID, list.GUID.ToString()), }; var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "login"); var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity); await HttpContext.SignInAsync(principal); return(Ok()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AuthorizeAsync([FromBody] AuthorizationModel authorizationModel) { var user = await _dbContext.Users .Include(i => i.UserRoles) .ThenInclude(i => i.Role) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.UserName == authorizationModel.UserName && i.Password == authorizationModel.Password); if (user == null) { _logger.LogError($"User [{authorizationModel.UserName}] was not found in the DB. UserName or Password is not correct"); return(BadRequest($"Wrong credentials for user [{authorizationModel.UserName}]")); } var token = JwtUtil.NewJwtToken(authorizationModel.UserName, _authOptions.JwtSecret, _authOptions.JwtExpirationSeconds); var response = new AuthorizationResponseModel { Token = token, FirstName = user.FirstName, LastName = user.LastName, UserName = user.UserName, IsAdmin = user.UserRoles.Any(i => i.Role?.Name == "Admin") }; return(Ok(response)); }
//呼叫service 利用authoID查詢autho資料 public AuthorizationPresentationModel SearchDataByAuthoID() { AuthorizationPresentationModel authoPresentModel = new AuthorizationPresentationModel(); if (this._authoModel.GetAuthoID() == null || this._authoModel.GetAuthoID() == "") { MessageBox.Show("請輸入權限ID"); } else { //MessageBox.Show("yes"); _authoService = new AuthorizationService(this._authoModel); _authoModel = _authoService.searchByAuthoID(); authoPresentModel.SetAuthoID(_authoModel.GetAuthoID()); authoPresentModel.SetAuthoName(_authoModel.GetAuthoName()); authoPresentModel.SetAuthoValue(_authoModel.GetAuthoValue()); if (_authoModel.GetAuthoName() == null || _authoModel.GetAuthoName() == "") { MessageBox.Show("此權限ID不存在!"); //MessageBox.Show(_authoModel.GetAuthoID()); authoPresentModel.SetAuthoID(null); } } return(authoPresentModel); }
public ActionResult Authorize(string appId, string responseType, string scope, string state, string callBack) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseType)) { responseType = "code"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope)) { scope = "base_info"; } if (!this.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { return(this.RedirectToAction("login", new { returnUrl = $"/Connect/Authorize?appId={appId}&responseType={responseType}&scope={scope}&state={state}&callBack={callBack}" })); } AuthorizationModel model = new AuthorizationModel() { AppId = appId, ResponseType = responseType, Scope = scope, CallBack = callBack, State = state, }; if (scope == "base_info") { return(Authorize(model)); } return(View(model)); }
private async Task <IdentityModel> GetAuthorizedData(AuthorizationModel authorizationModel) { var identityModel = new IdentityModel { Auth = authorizationModel }; using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { var authorization = new { authorization_code = authorizationModel.Code, code_verifier = authorizationModel.CodeVerifier, client_id = _config.GetValue <string>("MeuIDCredentials:ClientId"), client_secret = _config.GetValue <string>("MeuIDCredentials:ClientSecret"), grant_type = "authorization_code" }; var authorizationContent = new StringContent( JsonSerializer.Serialize(authorization), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var token = await GetAccessToken(httpClient, authorizationContent); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token.AccessToken)) { identityModel = await GetUserData(identityModel, httpClient, token); } } return(identityModel); }
public ViewResult MaterialType(string code, string state) { try { var util = new GetOpenIdUtil(WeixinSetting); var model = util.GetOpenId(code); var url = $"{BaseUrl}Agent/ExistAgentByOpenID?openid={model.openid}"; var task = url.GetStringAsync(); //var openIdExist= HttpHelper.HttpGetRequest(url); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthModel>(task.Result); //ViewData["e"] = openIdExist; //return View("~/Views/material/Index.cshtml"); if (result.Code.Equals("200")) { ViewData["openId"] = model.openid; var materialModel = new Material { ID = 0, Level = 0, ProduceTypeId = 0 }; return(View(materialModel)); } var authModel = new AuthorizationModel { RedirectController = "Material", RedirectAction = "AuthMaterialType", OpenId = model.openid }; return(View("~/Views/Authorization/Authorization.cshtml", authModel)); } catch (Exception e) { ViewData["e"] = e.Message; return(View("~/Views/material/Index.cshtml")); } }
public ActionResult AuthorizationItemEdit(int authorizationId, AuthorizationModel authorizationModel) { try { var authorizationItems = RoleModuleService.GetAll(authorizationId); foreach (var authorizationItem in authorizationItems) { RoleModuleService.DeleteReal(authorizationItem.Id); } var newItems = authorizationModel.RoleModules?.ToList(); if (newItems != null) { foreach (var item in newItems) { var a = new RoleModule { RoleId = authorizationId, ModuleId = item }; RoleModuleService.Add(a); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Hata oluştu - " + new StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name, e); } return(RedirectToAction("AuthorizationList")); }
public IActionResult Authorize(AuthorizationModel authorizationModel) { try { var response = new AuthorizationResponseModel(); var user = GetUsers().FirstOrDefault(u => u.Login == authorizationModel.Login); if (user == null) { return(Ok(response)); } response.IsKnownUser = true; if (user.Password != authorizationModel.Password) { return(Ok(response)); } response.IsAuthorized = true; response.Role = user.Role; return(Ok(response)); } catch (Exception exception) { return(BadRequest(exception)); } }
public async Task <QuoteViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new QuoteViewModel(); PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var entity = await _context.Quote .IgnoreQueryFilters() .Include(a => a.QuoteStatus) .Include(a => a.QuoteUser) .Include(a => a.QuoteDetails).ThenInclude(a => a.Subscriptions) .Include(a => a.QuoteDetails).ThenInclude(a => a.SubscriptionTypeRuleAudit.SubscriptionTypeRule.SubscriptionType) .Include(a => a.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(a => a.ProductSize.Product) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); viewModel = entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); viewModel.PayFast = entity.ToPayFastViewModel(viewModel.TotalAmount , new SaveResult()); } viewModel.QuoteStatuses = _quoteStatusBL.GetEntityList(); return(viewModel); }
private async void Login_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var model = new AuthorizationModel() { username = Login.Text, password = Password.Password }; if (!validator.IsModelValid(model)) { Error_list.Content = validator.ValidationResults; return; } await Context.Authorization(model); if (Context.IsAuthorized) { ((App)Application.Current).FinishAuthorization(); this.Close(); } else { Error_list.Content = "Authorization has failed. Check if login and password had been inputed correctly"; } }
public async Task <WinnerViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new WinnerViewModel(); PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var entity = await _context.Winner .IgnoreQueryFilters() .Include(c => c.FinYear) .Include(c => c.Award.Gender) .Include(c => c.Member.Person) .Include(c => c.Award.Frequency) .Include(c => c.CalendarMonth) .Include(c => c.Award.Gender) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); if (entity != null) { entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); viewModel.Awards = _awardBL.GetSelectListItems_byFrequencyId(entity.Award.FrequencyId); viewModel.Members = _context.Member.Include(a => a.Person).Where(a => a.Person.GenderId == entity.Award.GenderId).ToSelectListItem(a => a.Person.FullName, x => x.Id.ToString()); } } return(viewModel); }
public static async Task <AuthorizationModel> RefreshExpiredToken(string refreshToken) { string url = $""; var postValues = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "client_id", ClientInfo.myClientId }, { "client_secret", ClientInfo.myClientSecret }, { "grant_type", "refresh_token" }, { "refresh_token", refreshToken } }; var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postValues); Console.WriteLine("Refreshing Expired Token"); Console.WriteLine(content); using (var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content)) { Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode); // build status code to meet our needs if (response.StatusCode.ToString() == "OK") { AuthorizationModel result = await response .Content .ReadAsAsync <AuthorizationModel>(); return(result); } else { throw new Exception(response.ReasonPhrase); } } }
public async Task <SystemDocumentViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new SystemDocumentViewModel { }; PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var entity = await _context.SystemDocument .Include(a => a.Document.DocumentType) .Include(a => a.FinYear) .IgnoreQueryFilters() .Include(c => c.Document) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); if (entity != null) { entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); //viewModel.SystemDocumentSizes = entity.SystemDocumentSizes.ToSelectListItem(x => x.Size.ShortName, x => x.SizeId.ToString()); } } return(viewModel); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] AuthorizationModel authorization) { try { if (authorization == null) { throw new Exception("Missing parameter (authorization)!"); } var value = await this._Dao.Create(authorization); return(Created($"authorization/{value.IdMenu}/{value.IdRole}", value)); } catch (Exception ex) { switch (ex.InnerException) { case Exception exception: return(BadRequest(exception.Message)); // Not InnerException default: return(NoContent()); } } }
public IActionResult OrderList(string code) { var util = new GetOpenIdUtil(WeixinSetting); var model = util.GetOpenId(code); //验证openId是否存在接口 var url = $"{Setting.BaseUrl}WeChat/Openid?Openid={model.openid}"; var task = url.GetStringAsync(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthModel>(task.Result); if (result.result == 0) { ViewData["openId"] = model.openid; return(View()); } var authorizationModel = new AuthorizationModel { RedirectController = "Order", RedirectAction = "AuthOrderList", OpenId = model.openid }; return(RedirectToAction("Authorization", "Authorization", authorizationModel)); //ViewData["openId"] = model.openid; //var authorizationModel = new AuthorizationModel { RedirectController = "Order", RedirectAction = "AuthOrderList" }; //return View("~/Views/Authorization/Authorization.cshtml", authorizationModel); }
public ActionResult AuthorizationEdit(int authorizationId, AuthorizationModel authorizationModel) { try { if (authorizationId == 0) { var item = new Role { Name = authorizationModel.Role.Name, Description = authorizationModel.Role.Description, }; RoleService.Add(item); Logger.Info(CurrentUser.Id + " idli kullanıcı " + item.Id + " idli yetki grubunu ekledi"); } else { var item = RoleService.Get(authorizationId); item.Name = authorizationModel.Role.Name; item.Description = authorizationModel.Role.Description; RoleService.Update(item); Logger.Info(CurrentUser.Id + " idli kullanıcı " + item.Id + " idli yetki grubunu güncelledi"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Hata oluştu - " + new StackTrace().GetFrame(0).GetMethod().Name, e); } return(RedirectToAction("AuthorizationList")); }
public async Task <MemberStagingViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new MemberStagingViewModel { }; PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var test = _context.MemberStaging.FirstOrDefault(); var entity = await _context.MemberStaging .Include(c => c.Address) .Include(c => c.Address.Suburb.Town.City.Province.Country) .Include(c => c.CreatedUser) .Include(c => c.Country) .Include(c => c.UpdatedUser) .Include(c => c.CreatedUser) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); if (entity != null) { entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); viewModel.Address = entity.Address.ToViewModel(new AddressViewModel()); viewModel.Address.Cities = this._context.City.Where(a => a.ProvinceId == viewModel.Address.CountryId).ToSelectListItem(a => a.Name, x => x.Id.ToString()); } } return(viewModel); }
public async Task <CalendarViewModel> GetEntityById( int?Id, AuthorizationModel model = null) { var viewModel = new CalendarViewModel { ScheduleDate = DateTime.Now }; PopulateDropDowns(viewModel); if (Id > 0) { var entity = await _context.Calendar .IgnoreQueryFilters() .Include(c => c.Event) .Include(c => c.FinYear) .Include(c => c.Venue) .Include(c => c.TimeTrials) .Include(c => c.Moderators) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Id == Id); if (entity != null) { entity.ToViewModel(viewModel); } } return(viewModel); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Authorization(AuthorizationModel authorizationModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _databaseContext.Users.Where(u => u.Email == authorizationModel.Email) .AsNoTracking() .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (user == null) { ModelState.AddModelError( nameof(AuthorizationModel.Email), _localizer["Користувача зі вказаною адресою електронної пошти не знайдено!"].Value ); } else if (user.IsBanned) { ModelState.AddModelError( nameof(AuthorizationModel.Email), _localizer["Ваш обліковий запис було заблоковано за порушення умов роботи з системою!"].Value ); } else { var signInResult = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync( user, authorizationModel.Password, authorizationModel.RememberMe, false ); if (signInResult.IsLockedOut) { ModelState.AddModelError( nameof(AuthorizationModel.Email), _localizer["Ваш обліковий запис тимчасово відключено через значну кількість спроб авторизації у системі! Повторіть спробу авторизації через деякий час та проінформуйте вашого куратора."].Value ); } else if (signInResult.Succeeded) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorizationModel.ReturnUrl) && Url.IsLocalUrl(authorizationModel.ReturnUrl)) { return(LocalRedirect(authorizationModel.ReturnUrl)); } return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Welcome")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError( nameof(AuthorizationModel.Email), _localizer["Перевірте правильність введеної вами інформації! Можливо, вам слід скористатися сервісом відновлення доступу до системи?"].Value ); } } } return(View(ViewsDirectoryPath + "Authorization.cshtml", authorizationModel)); }
public void ExecuteAuthotizationCommand(object parameter) { AuthorizationModel authorization = new AuthorizationModel(LoginAndPassword.Login, LoginAndPassword.Password); if (!authorization.CheckLogin()) { _dialogManager.ShowMessage($"Пользователя с логином {LoginAndPassword.Login}не существует"); LoginAndPassword.Login = null; LoginAndPassword.Password = null; return; } if (!authorization.CheckAccessLevel()) { _dialogManager.ShowMessage("Недостаточно прав для входа в приложение"); LoginAndPassword.Login = null; LoginAndPassword.Password = null; return; } if (!authorization.CheckPassword()) { _dialogManager.ShowMessage("Неправильный пароль"); LoginAndPassword.Password = null; return; } _user = authorization.GetUser; GoNext(); }
public JsonResult RefreshAccessToken(string refreshToken, string clientId, string clientSecret, string serverUrl) { string json = string.Empty; if (ModelState.IsValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(refreshToken) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientSecret) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverUrl)) { var model = new AccessModel(); try { var authParameters = new AuthParameters() { ClientId = clientId, ClientSecret = clientSecret, ServerUrl = serverUrl, RefreshToken = refreshToken, GrantType = "refresh_token" }; var nopAuthorizationManager = new AuthorizationManager(authParameters.ClientId, authParameters.ClientSecret, authParameters.ServerUrl); string responseJson = nopAuthorizationManager.RefreshAuthorizationData(authParameters); AuthorizationModel authorizationModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthorizationModel>(responseJson); model.AuthorizationModel = authorizationModel; model.UserAccessModel = new UserAccessModel() { ClientId = clientId, ServerUrl = serverUrl }; // Here we use the temp data because this method is called via ajax and here we can't hold a session. // This is needed for the GetCustomers method in the CustomersController. TempData["accessToken"] = authorizationModel.AccessToken; TempData["serverUrl"] = serverUrl; } catch (Exception ex) { json = string.Format("error: '{0}'", ex.Message); return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model.AuthorizationModel); } else { json = "error: 'something went wrong'"; } return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public async Task <TokenModel> GenerateToken(AuthorizationModel authorization) { var token = TokenModel.Create(authorization); var content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token); await _database.HashSetAsync(GetHashId() + authorization.UserName, authorization.UserName, content); return(token); }
private bool IsValidUser(AuthorizationModel model) { var user = _userRepository.GetByUsername(model.Username); return (model.Username == user.Username && _hashHelper.GetHashAsString(model.Password) == user.Password); }