예제 #1
        public AuthorisationDC GetUserAuthorisationInfo(string token, string appID, string[] adGroups, string staffCode, string firstName, string lastName, IRepository <ADRoleLookup> adRoleLookupRepository, IRepository <StaffAttributes> staffAttributesRepository)
                #region Parameter validation

                //Validate for parameters which cannot be null
                if (null == token)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
                if (null == adGroups)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("adGroups");
                if (null == staffCode)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("staffCode");
                if (null == adRoleLookupRepository)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("adRoleLookupRepository");


                // Call overload with injected objects
                string[] MatchingRoles = GetRolesForADGroups(staffCode, staffCode, appID, "", adGroups, adRoleLookupRepository);

                //***************************CHANGE TO GET ROLES FROM STAFF ATTRIBUTES********************************
                //*****************THE ONLY ROLE IN AD IS NOW ONE GIVING ACCESS TO THE APPLICATION USED BY LANDING PAGE********************
                Guid StaffCodeGuid = Guid.Parse(staffCode);

                List <StaffAttributes> attributes = staffAttributesRepository.Find(new Specification <StaffAttributes>(x => x.ApplicationAttribute.IsRole && x.LookupValue == "Yes" && x.StaffCode == StaffCodeGuid), x => x.ApplicationAttribute.AttributeName, "ApplicationAttribute", "Application", "ApplicationAttribute.ApplicationAttributeExtension").ToList();
                MatchingRoles = MatchingRoles.Concat <string>(attributes.Select(x => x.ApplicationAttribute.AttributeName)).ToArray();

                //add pseudo Staff Maintenance role if user is staff admin. This role in used in custom Authorization checks
                if (attributes.Where(x => x.ApplicationAttribute.ApplicationAttributeExtension.Any(y => y.IsStaffAdmin == true)).Count() > 0)
                    List <String> matchingRolesList = new List <string>(MatchingRoles);
                    MatchingRoles = matchingRolesList.ToArray();

                //Return user information
                AuthorisationDC returnObject = new AuthorisationDC()
                    Roles = MatchingRoles.AsEnumerable <string>(), UserID = staffCode, UserName = firstName + " " + lastName

            catch (Exception e)
                //Prevent exception from propogating across the service interface
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets authorisation information relating to the current user
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Retrieves application roles based on a users group membership
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">HttpContext</param>
        /// <param name="appID">Application ID</param>
        public static void GetUserAuthorisationInfo(HttpContextBase context, string appID)
            string[] roles = null;

            if (context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && context.Request.LogonUserIdentity != null && context.Request.LogonUserIdentity.IsAuthenticated)
                //Get roles from session if available
                if (null != SessionManager.UserRoles)
                    roles = SessionManager.UserRoles;
                // If roles not in session then retrieve from authorisation service
                    AuthorisationDC authorisationResult = null;

                    //Create instance of Authorisation service
                    AuthorisationServiceClient sc = new AuthorisationServiceClient();

                    //Get user name for current user
                    string userName = context.User.Identity.Name;

                        authorisationResult          = new AuthorisationDC();
                        authorisationResult.Roles    = new string[] { "FW-ADMIN", "FW-APPLICATION", "UCB-APPLICATION", "AM-APPLICATION" };
                        authorisationResult.UserID   = "F308F543-75A8-4218-A644-F27765CE51AB";
                        authorisationResult.UserName = "******";
                        string[] adGroups = Roles.GetRolesForUser();

                        //Authorise user and retrieve user roles
                        authorisationResult = sc.GetUserAuthorisationInfo(userName, appID, adGroups);

                        //Close service communication

                        //Store roles in session so we don't have to call service each time
                        SessionManager.UserRoles = roles = authorisationResult.Roles;

                        //Store user's ID in session
                        SessionManager.UserID = authorisationResult.UserID;

                        //Store user's Name in session
                        SessionManager.UserName = authorisationResult.UserName;
                    catch (FaultException <AuthorisationFailureFault> )

                        //Store user's ID in session
                        SessionManager.UserID = userName;

                        //Store roles as empty array
                        SessionManager.UserRoles = new string[] { };
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ExceptionManager.HandleException(e, (ICommunicationObject)sc);

            //Create new principal object and attach roles
            GenericPrincipal principal = new GenericPrincipal(context.User.Identity, roles);

            //Attach new principal to current thread
            Thread.CurrentPrincipal = context.User = principal;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets authorisation information relating to the current user
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Retrieves application roles based on a users group membership
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">HttpContext</param>
        /// <param name="appID">Application ID</param>
        public void GetUserAuthorisationInfo(HttpContextBase context, string appID)
            string[] roles = null;

            if (context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && context.Request.LogonUserIdentity != null && context.Request.LogonUserIdentity.IsAuthenticated)
                //Get roles from session if available
                if (null != sessionManager.UserRoles)
                    roles = sessionManager.UserRoles;
                // If roles not in session then retrieve from authorisation service
                    AuthorisationDC authorisationResult = null;

                    //Create instance of Authorisation service
                    //AuthorisationServiceClient sc = new AuthorisationServiceClient();
                    IAuthorisationService sc = authorisationService;

                    //Get user name for current user
                    string userName = context.User.Identity.Name;

                        authorisationResult       = new AuthorisationDC();
                        authorisationResult.Roles = new string[] { };

                        //authorisationResult.Roles = new string[] { AppRoles.APPLICATION, AppRoles.NOMINATED_MANAGER, AppRoles.TRADE_UNION, AppRoles.UCB_MI_USER, AppRoles.STAFFADMIN };

                        authorisationResult.Roles = new string[] { AppRoles.APPLICATION, AppRoles.NOMINATED_MANAGER, AppRoles.DEPUTY_NOMINATED_MANAGER, AppRoles.ADMIN, AppRoles.TRADE_UNION, AppRoles.BUSINESS_AREA_MANAGER, AppRoles.UCB_MI_USER, AppRoles.STAFFADMIN };
//                        authorisationResult.Roles = new string[] { AppRoles.APPLICATION, AppRoles.NOMINATED_MANAGER, AppRoles.DEPUTY_NOMINATED_MANAGER, AppRoles.ADMIN, AppRoles.TRADE_UNION, AppRoles.BUSINESS_AREA_MANAGER, AppRoles.UCB_MI_USER, AppRoles.STAFFADMIN };
//                        authorisationResult.Roles = new string[] { "UCB-APPLICATION", "UCB-ADMIN" };
                        authorisationResult.UserID   = "DF8752EF-74DB-4AEE-A55A-1D3D5F6AA6FE";
                        authorisationResult.UserName = "******";
                        string[] adGroups = Roles.GetRolesForUser();

                        //Authorise user and retrieve user roles
                        authorisationResult = sc.GetUserAuthorisationInfo(userName, appID, adGroups);

                        //Close service communication

                        //Store roles in session so we don't have to call service each time
                        sessionManager.UserRoles = roles = authorisationResult.Roles;

                        //Store user's ID in session
                        sessionManager.UserID = authorisationResult.UserID;

                        //Store user's Name in session
                        sessionManager.UserName = authorisationResult.UserName;
                    catch (FaultException <AuthorisationFailureFault> )

                        //Store user's ID in session
                        sessionManager.UserID = userName;

                        //Store roles as empty array
                        sessionManager.UserRoles = new string[] { };
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ExceptionManager.HandleException(e, (ICommunicationObject)sc);

            //Create new principal object and attach roles
            GenericPrincipal principal = new GenericPrincipal(context.User.Identity, roles);

            //Attach new principal to current thread
            Thread.CurrentPrincipal = context.User = principal;
예제 #4
        public AuthorisationDC GetUserAuthorisationInfo(string token, string appID, string[] roles)
                #region Parameter validation

                //Validate for parameters which cannot be null
                if (null == token)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("token");
                if (null == appID)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("appID");
                if (null == roles)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("roles");


                // Get the domain name from configuration
                string domainName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DomainName");

                // Remove domain name from user name
                token = token.Substring(token.IndexOf("\\") + 1);

                // Token passed was invalid
                if (null == token)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("token");

                //Remove the domain name from the AD groups
                var adGroupsWithoutDomainPrefix = (from x in roles
                                                   select(x.Contains("\\") ? x.Substring(x.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) : x)).ToArray();

                // Create instance of Staff repository. Note - no way to specify user guids
                IRepository <Staff> staffRepository = new Repository <Staff>("", "", appID, "");

                //Find user
                List <Staff> staffItems = staffRepository.Find(x => x.StaffNumber == token && x.IsActive == true).ToList();

                Staff staffItem = null;

                if (staffItems.Count() != 1)
                    // If zero staff records are found then the user is not in the Staff table
                    throw new FailedAuthorisationException();
                    // One staff member found.
                    staffItem = staffItems[0];

                // Convert to string
                string staffCode = staffItem.Code.ToString();

                // Create instance of ADRoleLookup repository
                IRepository <ADRoleLookup>    adRoleLookupRepository    = new Repository <ADRoleLookup>(staffCode, staffCode, appID, "");
                IRepository <StaffAttributes> staffAttributesRepository = new Repository <StaffAttributes>(staffCode, staffCode, appID, "");

                // Get user authorisation information
                AuthorisationDC returnObject = GetUserAuthorisationInfo(token, appID, adGroupsWithoutDomainPrefix, staffCode, staffItem.FirstName, staffItem.LastName, adRoleLookupRepository, staffAttributesRepository);

            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                // Publish the exception information

                //Prevent exception from propogating across the service interface
                throw new FaultException <AuthorisationFailureFault>(new AuthorisationFailureFault(), "Authorisation failure");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
                // Publish the exception information

                //Prevent exception from propogating across the service interface
                throw new FaultException <AuthorisationFailureFault>(new AuthorisationFailureFault(), "Authorisation failure");
            catch (FailedAuthorisationException)
                //Prevent exception from propogating across the service interface
                throw new FaultException <AuthorisationFailureFault>(new AuthorisationFailureFault(), "Authorisation failure");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!(e is FaultException))
                    // Publish the exception information

                    // Throw default fault exception
                    throw new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(new ServiceErrorFault(), "The service experienced a serious error.");
