public void should_return_author_byline_for_a_japanese_article() { var author1 = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingName("Author1") .havingSitecoreTemplateID(ID.Parse(ID.NewID)) .havingField("Title", "田中 正朗") .havingLanguages("ja") .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var author2 = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingName("Author2") .havingSitecoreTemplateID(ID.NewID) .havingField("Title", "田中 正朗") .havingLanguages("ja") .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var article = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingName(@"アジア太平洋地域におけるプライベートエクイティ: リバウンド、グローバリゼーション、その他の動き") .havingSitecoreID(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .havingMultiListField("Authors", author1, author2) .havingLanguages("ja") .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var authorAPI = new AuthorAPI(db); //Both Authors empty var authors = authorAPI.GetAuthors(article); Assert.IsNotNull(authors); Assert.AreEqual("田中 正朗", authors[0]); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { var hash = Hash.FromBase64(NoPatchHash); Console.WriteLine(await AuthorAPI.NoPatch(hash, Rationale)); return(ExitCode.Ok); }
public void should_return_author_byline_for_an_article_in_case_of_more_than_two_authors() { var author1 = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingSitecoreTemplateID(ID.NewID) .havingName("Author1") .havingField("Title", "David Chinn") .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var author2 = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingSitecoreTemplateID(ID.NewID) .havingName("Author2") .havingField("Title", "Ondrej Burkacky") .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var author3 = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingSitecoreTemplateID(ID.NewID) .havingName("Author3") .havingField("Title", "Kevin Dehoff") .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var article = ItemBuilder.anItem(db) .havingName(@"Internaltional Defense Sales") .havingSitecoreID(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .havingMultiListField("Authors", author1, author2, author3) .BuildDBItemWithFields(); var authorAPI = new AuthorAPI(db); //Both authors same as given above var articleByline = authorAPI.GetAuthors(article); Assert.IsNotNull(articleByline); }
public AuthorFilesVM(SettingsVM vm) : base(vm.MWVM) { IsUploading = _isUploading; Picker = new FilePickerVM(this); _isVisible = AuthorAPI.HaveAuthorAPIKey.Select(h => h ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .ToProperty(this, x => x.IsVisible); SelectFile = Picker.ConstructTypicalPickerCommand(IsUploading.StartWith(false).Select(u => !u)); HyperlinkCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Clipboard.SetText(FinalUrl)); Upload = ReactiveCommand.Create(async() => { _isUploading.OnNext(true); try { FinalUrl = await AuthorAPI.UploadFile(Picker.TargetPath, progress => UploadProgress = progress); } catch (Exception ex) { FinalUrl = ex.ToString(); } finally { _isUploading.OnNext(false); } }, IsUploading.StartWith(false).Select(u => !u) .CombineLatest(Picker.WhenAnyValue(t => t.TargetPath).Select(f => f != null), (a, b) => a && b)); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { var files = await AuthorAPI.GetMyFiles(); foreach (var file in files) { Console.WriteLine(file); } return(0); }
public AuthorFilesVM(SettingsVM vm) : base(vm.MWVM) { IsUploading = _isUploading; Picker = new FilePickerVM(this); _isVisible = AuthorAPI.HaveAuthorAPIKey.Select(h => h ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed) .ToProperty(this, x => x.IsVisible); SelectFile = Picker.ConstructTypicalPickerCommand(IsUploading.StartWith(false).Select(u => !u)); HyperlinkCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Clipboard.SetText(FinalUrl)); ManageFiles = ReactiveCommand.Create(async() => { var authorApiKey = await AuthorAPI.GetAPIKey(); Utils.OpenWebsite(new Uri($"{Consts.WabbajackBuildServerUri}author_controls/login/{authorApiKey}")); }); Upload = ReactiveCommand.Create(async() => { _isUploading.OnNext(true); try { using var queue = new WorkQueue(); var result = await(await Client.Create()).UploadFile(queue, Picker.TargetPath, (msg, progress) => { FinalUrl = msg; UploadProgress = (double)progress; }); FinalUrl = result.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { FinalUrl = ex.ToString(); } finally { FinalUrl = FinalUrl.Replace(" ", "%20"); _isUploading.OnNext(false); } }, IsUploading.StartWith(false).Select(u => !u) .CombineLatest(Picker.WhenAnyValue(t => t.TargetPath).Select(f => f != default), (a, b) => a && b)); }
public async Task CanUploadFilesUsingClientApi() { using (var file = new TempFile()) { var data = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 8 * 4]; await using (var fs = file.Path.Create()) { await fs.WriteAsync(data); } Utils.Log($"Uploading {file.Path.Size.ToFileSizeString()} file"); var result = await AuthorAPI.UploadFile(file.Path, progress => Utils.Log($"Uploading : {progress * 100}%"), Fixture.APIKey); Utils.Log($"Result {result}"); Assert.StartsWith("" + (string)file.Path.FileNameWithoutExtension, result); } }
private async Task RevalidateLists() { var result = await AuthorAPI.UpdateServerModLists(); Assert.NotNull(result); var sql = Fixture.GetService <SqlService>(); var settings = Fixture.GetService <AppSettings>(); var job = await sql.GetJob(); Assert.NotNull(job); Assert.IsType <UpdateModLists>(job.Payload); job.Result = await job.Payload.Execute(sql, settings); await sql.FinishJob(job); Assert.Equal(JobResultType.Success, job.Result.ResultType); }
public async Task CanNotifyOfInis() { var archive = new Archive( new NexusDownloader.State { Game = Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, ModID = long.MaxValue >> 3, FileID = long.MaxValue >> 3, }) { Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; Assert.True(await AuthorAPI.UploadPackagedInis(new[] { archive })); var SQL = Fixture.GetService <SqlService>(); var job = await SQL.GetJob(); Assert.NotNull(job); Assert.IsType <IndexJob>(job.Payload); var payload = (IndexJob)job.Payload; Assert.IsType <NexusDownloader.State>(payload.Archive.State); var casted = (NexusDownloader.State)payload.Archive.State; Assert.Equal(Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, casted.Game); // Insert the record into SQL await SQL.AddDownloadState(Hash.FromHex("00e8bbbf591f61a3"), casted); // Enqueue the same file again Assert.True(await AuthorAPI.UploadPackagedInis(new[] { archive })); // File is aleady indexed so nothing gets enqueued Assert.Null(await SQL.GetJob()); }
public async Task TestCanPurgeModInfo() { var sqlService = Fixture.GetService <SqlService>(); var modId = long.MaxValue >> 3; await sqlService.AddNexusModFiles(Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, modId, DateTime.Now, new NexusApiClient.GetModFilesResponse { files = new List <NexusFileInfo> { new NexusFileInfo { file_name = "blerg" } } }); var api = await NexusApiClient.Get(); var modInfoResponse = await api.GetModFiles(Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, modId); Assert.Single(modInfoResponse.files); Assert.Equal("blerg", modInfoResponse.files.First().file_name); await AuthorAPI.PurgeNexusModInfo(modId); }
public AuthorFilesVM(SettingsVM vm) : base(vm.MWVM) { var sub = new Subject <double>(); Queue.Status.Select(s => (double)s.ProgressPercent).Subscribe(v => { UploadProgress = v; }); IsVisible = AuthorAPI.HasAPIKey ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; SelectFile = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { var fod = UIUtils.OpenFileDialog("*|*"); if (fod != null) { SelectedFile = fod; } }); Upload = ReactiveCommand.Create(async() => { SelectedFile = await AuthorAPI.UploadFile(Queue, SelectedFile); }); }
public async Task CanIndexAndUpdateFiles() { var _sql = Fixture.GetService <SqlService>(); await using var conn = await _sql.Open(); await conn.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM dbo.NoPatch"); var settings = Fixture.GetService <AppSettings>(); settings.ValidateModUpgrades = false; var validator = Fixture.GetService <ListValidator>(); var nonNexus = Fixture.GetService <NonNexusDownloadValidator>(); var modLists = await MakeModList("CanIndexAndUpdateFiles.txt"); Consts.ModlistMetadataURL = modLists.ToString(); var listDownloader = Fixture.GetService <ModListDownloader>(); var downloader = Fixture.GetService <ArchiveDownloader>(); var archiver = Fixture.GetService <ArchiveMaintainer>(); var patcher = Fixture.GetService <PatchBuilder>(); patcher.NoCleaning = true; var sql = Fixture.GetService <SqlService>(); var oldFileData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Cheese for Everyone!"); var newFileData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Forks for Everyone!"); var oldDataHash = oldFileData.xxHash(); var newDataHash = newFileData.xxHash(); var oldArchive = new Archive(new NexusDownloader.State { Game = Game.Enderal, ModID = 42, FileID = 10 }) { Size = oldFileData.Length, Hash = oldDataHash }; var newArchive = new Archive(new NexusDownloader.State { Game = Game.Enderal, ModID = 42, FileID = 11 }) { Size = newFileData.Length, Hash = newDataHash }; await IngestData(archiver, oldFileData); await IngestData(archiver, newFileData); await sql.EnqueueDownload(oldArchive); var oldDownload = await sql.GetNextPendingDownload(); await oldDownload.Finish(sql); await sql.EnqueueDownload(newArchive); var newDownload = await sql.GetNextPendingDownload(); await newDownload.Finish(sql); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpException>(async() => await ClientAPI.GetModUpgrade(oldArchive, newArchive, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.Zero)); Assert.True(await patcher.Execute() > 1); Assert.Equal(new Uri(""), await ClientAPI.GetModUpgrade(oldArchive, newArchive, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.Zero)); Assert.Equal("Purged", await AuthorAPI.NoPatch(oldArchive.Hash, "Testing NoPatch")); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpException>(async() => await ClientAPI.GetModUpgrade(oldArchive, newArchive, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.Zero)); Assert.True(await sql.IsNoPatch(oldArchive.Hash)); }
protected override async Task <int> Run() { Console.WriteLine($"Job ID: {await AuthorAPI.UpdateServerModLists()}"); return(0); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { Console.WriteLine(await AuthorAPI.DeleteFile(Name)); return(0); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { CLIUtils.Log($"Job ID: {await AuthorAPI.UpdateNexusCache()}"); return(0); }
protected override async Task <int> Run() { Console.WriteLine($"Job ID: {await AuthorAPI.UpdateNexusCache()}"); return(0); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { Console.WriteLine(await AuthorAPI.GetServerLog()); return(0); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { CLIUtils.Log($"Job ID: {await AuthorAPI.UpdateServerModLists()}"); return(0); }
protected override async Task <ExitCode> Run() { Console.WriteLine(await AuthorAPI.PurgeNexusModInfo(ModId)); return(ExitCode.Ok); }