protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtLogin.Text.Length > 0 && txtLogin.Text.Length > 0) { AuthUserLoginResponse aulr = AuthUser.DoLogin((String)txtLogin.Text, (String)txtPassword.Value, Session, checkRememberMe.Checked); if (!aulr.IsSuccess) { txtStatus.Text = aulr.ErrorText; Core.Notification.NotificationHandler.AddWebNotification(aulr.ErrorText, this, Core.Notification.NotificationHandler.NotificationTypes.Error); } else { /**Code for Remember me cookie. Need to work on the remember me function * if (checkRememberMe.Checked == true) * { * Response.Cookies.Clear(); * * // Set the new expiry date - to thirty days from now * DateTime expiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); * * // Create a new forms auth ticket * FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(2, "UserName", DateTime.Now, expiryDate, true, Session["UserName"].ToString()); * * // Encrypt the ticket * string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); * * // Create a new authentication cookie - and set its expiration date * HttpCookie authenticationCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket); * authenticationCookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration; * * // Add the cookie to the response. * Response.Cookies.Add(authenticationCookie); * } **/ string redirectTo = "~/Dashboard.aspx"; Response.Redirect(redirectTo); } } else { txtStatus.Text = "Incorret Login, Please try again!////"; Core.Notification.NotificationHandler.AddWebNotification("Incorrect Login, Please try again.////", this, Core.Notification.NotificationHandler.NotificationTypes.Error); } }