void OnError(Exception e) { if (LocalPreferencesHelper.HasNeverSuccessfullyFetchedFHIData) { AuthErrorUtils.GoToTechnicalErrorFHINumbers(this, LogSeverity.ERROR, e, "Could not load data for disease rate of the day, showing technical error page"); } else { LogUtils.LogException(LogSeverity.ERROR, e, "Could not load data for disease rate of the day, showing old data"); NavigationController?.PushViewController(DailyNumbersViewController.Create(), true); } }
void OnError(Exception e) { if (LocalPreferencesHelper.HasNeverSuccessfullyFetchedFHIData) { RunOnUiThread(() => AuthErrorUtils.GoToTechnicalErrorFHINumbers(this, LogSeverity.ERROR, e, "Could not load data for disease rate of the day, showing technical error page")); } else { LogUtils.LogException(LogSeverity.ERROR, e, "Could not load data for disease rate of the day, showing old data"); RunOnUiThread(() => StartActivity(new Intent(this, typeof(DailyNumbersActivity)))); } }