public async Task <string> ForcePasswordChange([FromBody] JObject data) { try { if (data != null) { StringConversion stringConversion = new StringConversion(); string userId = stringConversion.DecryptString(data["userId"].ToString()); //Decrypting the userId sent from the View string password = data["password"].ToString(); var response = await _bosAuthClient.ForcePasswordChangeAsync(Guid.Parse(userId), password); //Making an call to the BOS API to ForceChange the Password. This is done because at this point there is no way of knowing the user's original password if (response != null && response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { return("Token Expired, Please login again"); } if (response != null && response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return("Password updated successfully"); //On success, returing a message } else { Logger.LogException("Auth", "ForcePasswordChange", null); return("Something went wrong. We are not able to change the password at this moment. Please try again later."); } } else { return("Data cannot be null"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException("Auth", "ForcePasswordChange", ex); return("Something went wrong. We are not able to change the password at this moment. Please try again later."); } }