//检测当前用户是否有当前页面权限 private bool CheckPageAuth(Auth.AuthContext ctx) { try { NHExt.Runtime.Proxy.AgentInvoker invoker = new NHExt.Runtime.Proxy.AgentInvoker(); string proxy = NHExt.Runtime.Cfg.GetCfg<string>("PageAuthProxy");//配置文件 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy)) { invoker.AssemblyName = proxy; invoker.DllName = proxy.Substring(0, proxy.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".dll"; } else { invoker.AssemblyName = "IWEHAVE.ERP.Auth.ServiceBP.Agent.GetPageAuthByGUIDBPProxy"; invoker.DllName = "IWEHAVE.ERP.Auth.ServiceBP.Agent.dll"; } invoker.AppendField(new NHExt.Runtime.Proxy.PropertyField() { FieldName = "PageGUID", FieldValue = this.PageGuid }); invoker.SourcePage = this.PageGuid; return invoker.Do<bool>(); } catch (NHExt.Runtime.Exceptions.BizException ex) { NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerHelper.Error(ex, NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerInstance.BizLogger); } catch (NHExt.Runtime.Exceptions.RuntimeException ex) { NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerHelper.Error(ex, NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerInstance.RuntimeLogger); } catch (Exception ex) { NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerHelper.Error(ex, NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerInstance.RuntimeLogger); } return false; }
protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Auth auth = new Auth(); SQLDB db = new SQLDB(); string netname_user = ""; string user = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); if (user.Contains("\\")) netname_user = user.Substring(user.IndexOf('\\') + 1, user.Length - user.IndexOf('\\') - 1); if (db.isAccessAllowed(netname_user)) { string netname = Netname.Text.ToUpper(); string login = Login.Text.ToUpper(); string password = Password.Text; if (netname.Length < 3) { MessageBox.Show("Сотрудник не найден!"); return; } Employee employee = auth.Authentication(netname, login, password); if (employee != null) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx?netname=" + employee.Netname); else MessageBox.Show("Сотрудник не найден!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("У вас недостаточно прав доступа для входа!"); } }
public void ListJobNo(Auth auth, List_JobNo request, List_JobNo_Logic list_JobNo_Logic, CommonResponse ecr, string[] token, string uri) { if (auth.AuthResult(token, uri)) { List<job> JobList = new List<job>(); HashSet<string> hsResult = list_JobNo_Logic.GetList(request); if (hsResult.Count > 0) { ecr.meta.code = 200; ecr.meta.message = "OK"; } else { ecr.meta.code = 612; ecr.meta.message = "The specified resource does not exist"; } foreach (string strJobNo in hsResult) { job j = new job(); j.JobNo = strJobNo; j.ContainerCounts = list_JobNo_Logic.GetCount(request.PhoneNumber, strJobNo).ToString(); JobList.Add(j); } ecr.data.results = JobList; } else { ecr.meta.code = 401; ecr.meta.message = "Unauthorized"; } }
internal static string getRequest(string parentkey, string id, string proc, object[] args, bool connect_as) { if (proc == "writegroup") { List<object> newArgs = new List<object>(); foreach (Dictionary<string, object> dict in args) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in dict) { object[] formattingArray = new object[2]; formattingArray[0] = kvp.Key; formattingArray[1] = kvp.Value; newArgs.Add(formattingArray); } args[0] = newArgs.ToArray(); } } Call call = new Call { id = 1, procedure = proc, arguments = args }; Call[] calls = new Call[] { call }; Auth auth; if (connect_as) { auth = new Auth { cik = parentkey, client_id = id }; } else { auth = new Auth { cik = parentkey, resource_id = id }; } Request req = new Request { auth = auth, calls = calls }; return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); }
public Platform(string appKey, string appSecret, string serverUrl, string appName = "", string appVersion = "") { this.appKey = appKey; this.appSecret = appSecret; this.ServerUrl = serverUrl; Auth = new Auth(); _client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(this.ServerUrl) }; SetUserAgentHeader(appName, appVersion); }
public void SendTicket(string key, Auth.AuthClient client) { var datas = new object[] { key, client.Account.ID, client.Account.Pseudo, client.Account.Question, client.Account.Answer, client.Account.Level, string.Join(",", client.Account.Characters[Server.ID].ToArray()), client.Account.SubscriptionTime(), string.Join("+", Entities.Requests.GiftsRequests.GetGiftsByAccountID(client.Account.ID)), string.Join("+", client.Account.Friends), string.Join("+", client.Account.Enemies) }; Send(new Packets.PTransfer().GetPacket(datas)); }
public FormAbout(P2pProxyApp app, Auth state) { InitializeComponent(); _app = app; labelVersion.Text = labelVersion.Text + Application.ProductVersion; labelUser.Text = labelUser.Text + state.Login; labelBalance.Text = labelBalance.Text + state.balance + "р."; textUdn.Text = _app.Device.Udn.ToString(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string json; try { var requestBody = context.Request.Form["RequestBody"]; var requestParams = API.GetAuthRequestParams(requestBody); var repo = new Repository(); if (repo.HaveAuth(requestParams.NetworkID, requestParams.Nick, requestParams.Username, requestParams.Host)) { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true, alreadyAuthenticated = true }); } else { // Create a new auth record for the user, give him the UID for the web Auth auth = new Auth { FKNetworkID = requestParams.NetworkID, Nick = requestParams.Nick, Username = requestParams.Username, Host = requestParams.Host, SUID = Utils.Get32ByteUID(), DateIssued = DateTime.UtcNow }; repo.AddAuth(auth); repo.SaveChanges(); json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true, ID = auth.AuthID, SUID = auth.SUID }); } } catch (Exception ex) { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, error = "There was an exception: " + ex.Message }); } SetNoCaching(context); context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; context.Response.Write(json); }
/// <summary>The entry point for all AuthProvider providers. Runs inside the AuthService so exceptions are treated normally. Overridable so you can provide your own Auth implementation.</summary> /// /// <exception cref="Unauthorized">Thrown when an unauthorized error condition occurs.</exception> /// /// <param name="authService">The authentication service.</param> /// <param name="session"> The session.</param> /// <param name="request"> The request.</param> /// /// <returns>An object.</returns> public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Auth request) { var httpReq = authService.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>(); var basicAuth = httpReq.GetBasicAuthUserAndPassword(); if (basicAuth == null) throw HttpError.Unauthorized("Invalid BasicAuth credentials"); var userName = basicAuth.Value.Key; var password = basicAuth.Value.Value; return Authenticate(authService, session, userName, password, request.Continue); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AuthRule"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="auth">The auth.</param> public AuthRule( Auth auth ) : this() { Id = auth.Id; EntityId = auth.EntityId; AllowOrDeny = auth.AllowOrDeny == "A" ? 'A' : 'D'; SpecialRole = auth.SpecialRole; PersonId = auth.PersonAlias != null ? auth.PersonAlias.PersonId : ( int? ) null; PersonAliasId = auth.PersonAliasId; GroupId = auth.GroupId; Order = auth.Order; }
/// <summary>The entry point for all AuthProvider providers. Runs inside the AuthService so exceptions are treated normally. Overridable so you can provide your own Auth implementation.</summary> /// /// <param name="authService">.</param> /// <param name="session"> .</param> /// <param name="request"> .</param> /// /// <returns>An object.</returns> public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Auth request) { var tokens = Init(authService, ref session, request); var error = authService.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>().QueryString["error"]; var hasError = !error.IsNullOrEmpty(); if (hasError) { Log.Error("Facebook error callback. {0}".Fmt(authService.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>().QueryString)); return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl); } var code = authService.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>().QueryString["code"]; var isPreAuthCallback = !code.IsNullOrEmpty(); if (!isPreAuthCallback) { var preAuthUrl = PreAuthUrl + "?client_id={0}&redirect_uri={1}&scope={2}" .Fmt(AppId, this.CallbackUrl.UrlEncode(), string.Join(",", Permissions)); authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry); return authService.Redirect(preAuthUrl); } var accessTokenUrl = this.AccessTokenUrl + "?client_id={0}&redirect_uri={1}&client_secret={2}&code={3}" .Fmt(AppId, this.CallbackUrl.UrlEncode(), AppSecret, code); try { var contents = accessTokenUrl.GetStringFromUrl(); var authInfo = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(contents); tokens.AccessTokenSecret = authInfo["access_token"]; session.IsAuthenticated = true; authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry); OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo.ToDictionary()); //Haz access! return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("s", "1")); } catch (WebException we) { var statusCode = ((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode; if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "AccessTokenFailed")); } } //Shouldn't get here return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "Unknown")); }
// GET: Authorize/Authorize public async Task<ActionResult> Index(string redirect) { var auth = new Auth(); var requestTokenCookie = Request.Cookies[Auth.RequestTokenCookieId]; var requestTokenSecretCookie = Request.Cookies[Auth.RequestTokenSecretCookieId]; var requestToken = Auth.GetTokenFromCookies(requestTokenCookie, requestTokenSecretCookie); var accessToken = await auth.TumblrAuthClient.GetAccessTokenAsync(requestToken, Request.QueryString.ToString()); Auth.StoreAccessTokenCookie(accessToken, Response); var redirectTo = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(redirect); return Redirect(redirectTo); }
void LoginPressed() { ConnectionProxy.CreateConnection(HOSTS[selectedHostIdx], PORTS[selectedHostIdx], () => { Debug.Log ("Callback from connect"); var auth = new Auth(nameInput.text.Trim()); Debug.Log ("Calling auth"); ConnectionProxy.Connection.SendMessage(auth, (jdata) => { ContentManager.Instance.ReadPlayerInfo(jdata); // We use a boolean to mark the transition instead of transitioning directly // since the connection is not necessarily working on the main thread. m_shouldTransition = true; }); }); }
//检测当前用户是否有当前页面权限 private bool CheckPageAuth(Auth.AuthContext ctx) { try { NHExt.Runtime.Proxy.AgentInvoker invoker = new NHExt.Runtime.Proxy.AgentInvoker(); invoker.AssemblyName = "IWEHAVE.ERP.AuthBP.Agent.GetPageAuthByGUIDBPProxy"; invoker.DllName = "IWEHAVE.ERP.AuthBP.Agent.dll"; invoker.AppendField(new NHExt.Runtime.Proxy.PropertyField() { FieldName = "PageGUID", FieldValue = this.PageGuid }); invoker.SourcePage = this.PageGuid; return invoker.Do<bool>(); } catch (Exception ex) { NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerHelper.Error(ex, NHExt.Runtime.Logger.LoggerInstance.BizLogger); } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Remove the Users Session /// </summary> /// <param name="service"></param> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual object Logout(IServiceBase service, Auth request) { var session = service.GetSession(); var referrerUrl = (request != null ? request.Continue : null) ?? session.ReferrerUrl ?? service.RequestContext.GetHeader("Referer") ?? this.CallbackUrl; session.OnLogout(service); service.RemoveSession(); if (service.RequestContext.ResponseContentType == ContentType.Html && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(referrerUrl)) return service.Redirect(referrerUrl.AddHashParam("s", "-1")); return new AuthResponse(); }
public void SendTicket(string key, Auth.AuthClient client) { var Builder = new StringBuilder(); { Builder.Append("ANTS|"); Builder.Append(key).Append("|"); Builder.Append(client.Account.ID).Append("|"); Builder.Append(client.Account.Pseudo).Append("|"); Builder.Append(client.Account.Question).Append("|"); Builder.Append(client.Account.Answer).Append("|"); Builder.Append(client.Account.Level).Append("|"); Builder.Append(string.Join(",", client.Account.Characters[Server.ID].ToArray())).Append("|"); Builder.Append(client.Account.SubscriptionTime()).Append("|"); Builder.Append(string.Join("+", Entities.Requests.GiftsRequests.GetGiftsByAccountID(client.Account.ID))); } Send(Builder.ToString()); }
public async Task PopulateModel(HttpRequestBase request, HttpResponseBase response) { this.Request = request; this.Response = response; this.PopulateAuthTokens(Request); if (this.IsAuthenticated()) { var tumbleApi = new TumblrApi(Request); CurrentUser = await tumbleApi.GetUserInfo(); } else { var auth = new Auth(); var authUrl = await auth.GetAuthRequestUrl(Request, Response); this.AuthUrl = authUrl.ToString(); } }
public void initial(Auth auth, Update_Done request, Update_Done_Logic eventdoneLogic, CommonResponse ecr, string[] token, string uri) { if (auth.AuthResult(token, uri)) { if (eventdoneLogic.UpdateDone(request) > 0) { eventdoneLogic.InsertContainerNo(request); ecr.meta.code = 200; ecr.meta.message = "OK"; } else { ecr.meta.code = 612; ecr.meta.message = "The specified resource does not exist"; } } else { ecr.meta.code = 401; ecr.meta.message = "Unauthorized"; } }
protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Auth auth = new Auth(); SQLDB db = new SQLDB(); string netname = Netname.Text.ToUpper(); string login = Login.Text.ToUpper(); string password = Password.Text; string tab_num = auth.Authentication(netname, login, password); if (tab_num != null) { List<Role> roles = auth.getRoles(tab_num); Person pers = new Person(null, login, password, tab_num, auth.getRoles(tab_num)); Session["User"] = pers; if (roles != null) { db.insertLogon(tab_num, DateTime.Now, Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UserAgent); Response.Redirect("TimeTable.aspx?role=" + roles[0].RoleID); } else MessageBox.Show("Вам не присвоена роль!"); } else MessageBox.Show("Неправильный логин или пароль!"); }
public void ListJmjm6(Auth auth, List_Jmjm6 request, List_Jmjm6_Logic list_Jmjm6_Logic, CommonResponse ecr, string[] token, string uri) { if (auth.AuthResult(token, uri)) { ecr.data.results = list_Jmjm6_Logic.GetList(request); if (ecr.data.results != null) { ecr.meta.code = 200; ecr.meta.message = "OK"; } else { ecr.meta.code = 612; ecr.meta.message = "The specified resource does not exist"; } } else { ecr.meta.code = 401; ecr.meta.message = "Unauthorized"; } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // авторизация Windows Auth auth = new Auth(); SQLDB db = new SQLDB(); string netname = ""; string user = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); if (user.Contains("\\")) netname = user.Substring(user.IndexOf('\\') + 1, user.Length - user.IndexOf('\\') - 1); string tab_num = auth.Authentication(netname, "", ""); //string tab_num = auth.Authentication(user, "", ""); if (tab_num != null) { List<Role> roles = auth.getRoles(tab_num); Person pers = new Person(user, null, null, tab_num, roles); Session["User"] = pers; if (roles != null) { db.insertLogon(tab_num, DateTime.Now, Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UserAgent); Response.Redirect("TimeTable.aspx?role=" + roles[0].RoleID); } else MessageBox.Show("Вам не присвоена роль! "); } }
private async Task Bootstrap() { await this.CheckForUpdates(true, false, false); #region UI Updater.MainWindow = this; this.Header.Text = "LEAGUESHARP " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; this.Browser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.TosBrowser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.GeneralSettingsItem.IsSelected = true; #region ColumnWidth PropertyDescriptor pd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty( DataGridColumn.ActualWidthProperty, typeof(DataGridColumn)); foreach (var column in this.InstalledAssembliesDataGrid.Columns) { pd.AddValueChanged(column, this.ColumnWidthPropertyChanged); } this.ColumnCheck.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnCheckWidth; this.ColumnName.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnNameWidth; this.ColumnType.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnTypeWidth; this.ColumnVersion.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnVersionWidth; this.ColumnLocation.Width = Config.Instance.ColumnLocationWidth; #endregion this.NewsTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.AssembliesTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.SettingsTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.AssemblyDB.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; this.DataContext = this; #region ContextMenu.DevMenu this.DevMenu.Visibility = Config.Instance.ShowDevOptions ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; this.Config.PropertyChanged += (o, args) => { if (args.PropertyName == "ShowDevOptions") { this.DevMenu.Visibility = Config.Instance.ShowDevOptions ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; } }; #endregion Updater.MainWindow = this; #endregion #region login //Try to login with the saved credentials. if (!Auth.Login(Config.Instance.Username, Config.Instance.Password).Item1) { await this.ShowLoginDialog(); } else { this.OnLogin(Config.Instance.Username); } if (Config.Instance.FirstRun) { Config.SaveAndRestart(); } #endregion #region update await this.CheckForUpdates(false, true, false); await Updater.UpdateBlockedRepos(); await Updater.UpdateRepositories(); await Updater.UpdateWebService(); Utility.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Bootstrap", "Update Complete", Logs.MainLog); #endregion #region ToS if (!Config.Instance.TosAccepted) { this.RightWindowCommands.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.TosButton_OnClick(null, null); } else { this.AssemblyButton_OnClick(null, null); } // wait for tos accept await Task.Factory.StartNew( () => { while (Config.Instance.TosAccepted == false) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }); #endregion #region assembly compile var allAssemblies = new List <LeagueSharpAssembly>(); foreach (var profile in Config.Instance.Profiles) { allAssemblies.AddRange(profile.InstalledAssemblies); } allAssemblies = allAssemblies.Distinct().ToList(); GitUpdater.ClearUnusedRepos(allAssemblies); await this.PrepareAssemblies(allAssemblies, Config.Instance.FirstRun || Config.Instance.UpdateOnLoad, true); Utility.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Bootstrap", "Compile Complete", Logs.MainLog); #endregion // injection, randomizer, remoting this.InitSystem(); Utility.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Bootstrap", "System Initialisation Complete", Logs.MainLog); this.MainTabControl.SelectedIndex = 2; }
/// <summary> /// Get info for ALL of the user's sections /// This include the user's sections as well as sections shared with this user by others. /// </summary> /// <param name="debug">Run the code under the debugger</param> /// <param name="provider"></param> /// <param name="apiRoute"></param> /// <returns>The converted HTTP response message</returns> public static async Task <List <ApiBaseResponse> > GetAllSections(bool debug, AuthProvider provider, string apiRoute) { if (debug) { Debugger.Launch(); Debugger.Break(); } var client = new HttpClient(); // Note: API only supports JSON response. client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // Not adding the Authentication header would produce an unauthorized call and the API will return a 401 client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", await Auth.GetAuthToken(provider)); // Prepare an HTTP GET request to the Sections endpoint var createMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, apiRoute + "sections"); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(createMessage); return(await TranslateListOfSectionsResponse(response)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.RegisterStyleControl(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/usercontrols/common/authorize/css/authorize.less")); Login = ""; Password = ""; HashId = ""; //Account link control AccountLinkControl accountLink = null; if (SetupInfo.ThirdPartyAuthEnabled && AccountLinkControl.IsNotEmpty) { accountLink = (AccountLinkControl)LoadControl(AccountLinkControl.Location); accountLink.Visible = true; accountLink.ClientCallback = "authCallback"; accountLink.SettingsView = false; signInPlaceholder.Controls.Add(accountLink); } //top panel var master = Page.Master as BaseTemplate; if (master != null) { master.TopStudioPanel.DisableProductNavigation = true; master.TopStudioPanel.DisableSearch = true; master.TopStudioPanel.DisableVideo = true; } Page.Title = HeaderStringHelper.GetPageTitle(Resource.Authorization); pwdReminderHolder.Controls.Add(LoadControl(PwdTool.Location)); var msg = Request["m"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { ErrorMessage = msg; } if (IsPostBack && !SecurityContext.IsAuthenticated) { var tryByHash = false; var smsLoginUrl = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"]) && Request["__EVENTTARGET"] == "signInLogin" && accountLink != null) { HashId = Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["login"])) { Login = Request["login"].Trim(); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HashId)) { throw new InvalidCredentialException("login"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pwd"])) { Password = Request["pwd"]; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HashId)) { throw new InvalidCredentialException("password"); } var counter = (int)(cache.Get("loginsec/" + Login) ?? 0); if (++counter % 5 == 0) { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); } cache.Insert("loginsec/" + Login, counter, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))); smsLoginUrl = SmsLoginUrl(accountLink); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsLoginUrl)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HashId)) { var cookiesKey = SecurityContext.AuthenticateMe(Login, Password); CookiesManager.SetCookies(CookiesType.AuthKey, cookiesKey); } else { Guid userId; tryByHash = TryByHashId(accountLink, HashId, out userId); var cookiesKey = SecurityContext.AuthenticateMe(userId); CookiesManager.SetCookies(CookiesType.AuthKey, cookiesKey); } } } catch (InvalidCredentialException) { Auth.ProcessLogout(); ErrorMessage = tryByHash ? Resource.LoginWithAccountNotFound : Resource.InvalidUsernameOrPassword; return; } catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { Auth.ProcessLogout(); ErrorMessage = Resource.ErrorDisabledProfile; return; } catch (Exception ex) { Auth.ProcessLogout(); ErrorMessage = ex.Message; return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsLoginUrl)) { Response.Redirect(smsLoginUrl); } var refererURL = (string)Session["refererURL"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(refererURL)) { Response.Redirect("~/"); } else { Session["refererURL"] = null; Response.Redirect(refererURL); } } ProcessConfirmedEmailCondition(); }
public abstract bool IsAuthorized(IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Auth request = null);
/// <summary> /// Authenticate the user request. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns the error object if there's an issue, otherwise returns null</returns> /// <remarks> /// If the operation is not authorized, this function adds the appropriate headers to the response to request credentials from the client. /// </remarks> public override errordetail Authenticate() { errordetail currentException = null; WebHeaderCollection headers = Context.Headers; string authStr = headers["Authorization"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authStr)) { // // No credentials. Typical for a first-request. Send back a 401 so the client can respond with credentials. // Set401AuthenticationHeaders(Context, false); return(ResponseNoCredentialsFoundInRequest); } authStr = authStr.Substring(7); ListDictionary reqInfo = new ListDictionary(); string[] elems = authStr.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string elem in elems) { // form key="value" string[] parts = elem.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2); if (parts.Length > 1) { string key = parts[0].Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\"' }); string val = parts[1].Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\"' }); reqInfo.Add(key, val); } } string username = (string)reqInfo["username"]; string password = ""; // // Get the password based upon the username. // bool bOk = username != null && Auth.GetPassword(username, out password); if (!bOk) { // // Username not found. // return(ResponseCredentialsReceivedButUnknownUser); } //get the realm from the config file string realm = Realm; // calculate the Digest hashes // A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd string A1 = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", (string)reqInfo["username"], realm, password); // H(A1) = MD5(A1) string HA1 = GetMD5HashBinHex(A1); // A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value string A2 = String.Format("{0}:{1}", Context.Method, (string)reqInfo["uri"]); // JB: app.Request.HttpMethod // H(A2) string HA2 = GetMD5HashBinHex(A2); string unhashedDigest; if (reqInfo["qop"] != null) { unhashedDigest = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}:{5}", HA1, (string)reqInfo["nonce"], (string)reqInfo["nc"], (string)reqInfo["cnonce"], (string)reqInfo["qop"], HA2); } else { unhashedDigest = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", HA1, (string)reqInfo["nonce"], HA2); } string hashedDigest = GetMD5HashBinHex(unhashedDigest); bool isNonceStale = !IsValidNonce((string)reqInfo["nonce"]); // // If the result of their hash is equal to the result of our hash, then this // is a valid request from a partner // if (isNonceStale) { Set401AuthenticationHeaders(Context, true); return(ResponseDigestStaleNonce); } else if ((string)reqInfo["response"] != hashedDigest) { Set401AuthenticationHeaders(Context, false); return(ResponseCredentialsReceivedButBadPassword); } else { // // We're golden! // Username = username; } return(currentException); }
public void registerUser(string username, string email, string pwd, string accType) { byte[] IV = null; Tuple <string, string> pwdAndSalt = Auth.hash(pwd); RijndaelManaged cipher = new RijndaelManaged(); cipher.GenerateIV(); IV = cipher.IV; StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51Hnjg6K2AIXSM7wrvlwz0S8eQSrtxjb7irpnIhvWGSKSsbWJzUymiC3tHbwxYQCumbmK5gC06kRIw7wr1eHEpj6D00CDgHmOpO"; Customer cust = new Customer(); CustomerService serv = new CustomerService(); CustomerCreateOptions options = new CustomerCreateOptions { Description = username, Balance = 5000 }; cust = serv.Create(options); User user = new User(username, email, pwdAndSalt.Item1, pwdAndSalt.Item2, "", accType, Convert.ToBase64String(IV), Auth.encrypt(cust.Id, IV)); user.AddUser(); Session["success"] = "Registered successfully"; Response.Redirect("~/Views/auth/login.aspx"); }
public static UserInfo GetUserByThirdParty(LoginProfile loginProfile) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginProfile.AuthorizationError)) { // ignore cancellation if (loginProfile.AuthorizationError != "Canceled at provider") { throw new Exception(loginProfile.AuthorizationError); } return(ASC.Core.Users.Constants.LostUser); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginProfile.EMail)) { throw new Exception(Resource.ErrorNotCorrectEmail); } var userInfo = new UserInfo(); Guid userId; if (TryGetUserByHash(loginProfile.HashId, out userId)) { userInfo = CoreContext.UserManager.GetUsers(userId); } if (!CoreContext.UserManager.UserExists(userInfo.ID)) { userInfo = CoreContext.UserManager.GetUserByEmail(loginProfile.EMail); } var isNew = false; if (CoreContext.Configuration.Personal) { if (CoreContext.UserManager.UserExists(userInfo.ID) && SetupInfo.IsSecretEmail(userInfo.Email)) { try { SecurityContext.AuthenticateMe(ASC.Core.Configuration.Constants.CoreSystem); CoreContext.UserManager.DeleteUser(userInfo.ID); userInfo = ASC.Core.Users.Constants.LostUser; } finally { SecurityContext.Logout(); } } if (!CoreContext.UserManager.UserExists(userInfo.ID)) { userInfo = JoinByThirdPartyAccount(loginProfile); isNew = true; } } if (isNew) { var spam = HttpContext.Current.Request["spam"]; if (spam != "on") { try { const string _databaseID = "com"; using (var db = DbManager.FromHttpContext(_databaseID)) { db.ExecuteNonQuery(new SqlInsert("template_unsubscribe", false) .InColumnValue("email", userInfo.Email.ToLowerInvariant()) .InColumnValue("reason", "personal") ); LogManager.GetLogger("ASC.Web").Debug(String.Format("Write to template_unsubscribe {0}", userInfo.Email.ToLowerInvariant())); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.GetLogger("ASC.Web").Debug(String.Format("ERROR write to template_unsubscribe {0}, email:{1}", ex.Message, userInfo.Email.ToLowerInvariant())); } } StudioNotifyService.Instance.UserHasJoin(); UserHelpTourHelper.IsNewUser = true; PersonalSettings.IsNewUser = true; } return(userInfo); } catch (Exception) { Auth.ProcessLogout(); throw; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Models.DailyGospel dailyGospel; var dailyGospelService = new DailyGospelService(); if (Page.RouteData.Values["gospel-id"] != null) { int id; if (int.TryParse(Page.RouteData.Values["gospel-id"].ToString(), out id)) { dailyGospel = dailyGospelService.Find(id); } else if (Page.RouteData.Values["gospel-id"].ToString().Length > 1) { dailyGospel = dailyGospelService.FindByDate(Convert.ToDateTime(Page.RouteData.Values["gospel-id"])); } else { dailyGospel = dailyGospelService.FindByDate(DateTime.UtcNow); } } else { var date = Request["date"] != null?Convert.ToDateTime(Request["date"]) : DateTime.UtcNow; dailyGospel = GetReading(date); } GospelID.Value = dailyGospel.Id.ToString(); SourceContent.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.Source; GospelDate.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.DateOfGospel.DayOfWeek + ", " + dailyGospel.DateOfGospel.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); FRTitle.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.FirstReadingTitle; FRContent.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.FirstReadingContent; RPTitle.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.ResponsorialPsalmTitle; RPContent.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.ResponsorialPsalmContent; SRTitle.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.SecondReadingTitle; SRContent.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.SecondReadingContent; VBGTitle.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.VerseBeforeGospelTitle; VBGContent.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.VerseBeforeGospelContent; DGospelTitle.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.GospelTitle; DGospelContent.InnerHtml = dailyGospel.GospelContent; SecondReading.Attributes.Add("style", dailyGospel.SecondReadingTitle == "" ? "display:none" : "display:block"); SecondReading.Attributes.Add("style", dailyGospel.SecondReadingContent == "" ? "display:none" : "display:block"); VerseBeforeGospel.Attributes.Add("style", dailyGospel.VerseBeforeGospelTitle == "" ? "display:none" : "display:block"); VerseBeforeGospel.Attributes.Add("style", dailyGospel.VerseBeforeGospelContent == "" ? "display:none" : "display:block"); DateTime dateParam; dateParam = Request["date"] != null?Convert.ToDateTime(Request["date"]) : DateTime.UtcNow; var verse = GetVerse(dateParam); var quote = GetQuote(dateParam); //TextBox1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(' ')[0] + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(' ')[1]; HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(BibleQuote.InnerHtml = verse.BibleVerseContent); HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(BibleVerse.InnerHtml = verse.ChapterTitle); RelQuote.InnerHtml = quote.Quote; Author.InnerHtml = quote.Author; var service = new DailyGospelReflectionService(); if (!service.UserHasReflection(Auth.user().Id, dailyGospel.Id)) { return; } var reflection = service.GetUserReflection(Auth.user().Id, dailyGospel.Id); GReflectTitle.Value = reflection.Title; GReflectContent.Value = reflection.ReflectionContent; } }
private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Browser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; TosBrowser.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; DataContext = this; GeneralSettingsItem.IsSelected = true; #region ContextMenu.DevMenu DevMenu.Visibility = Config.Instance.ShowDevOptions ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; Config.PropertyChanged += (o, args) => { if (args.PropertyName == "ShowDevOptions") { DevMenu.Visibility = Config.Instance.ShowDevOptions ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; } }; #endregion #region ToS if (!Config.Instance.TosAccepted) { RightWindowCommands.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { MainTabControl.SelectedIndex = 1; } #endregion if (!File.Exists(Directories.CoreFilePath)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Couldn't find {0}", Path.GetFileName(Directories.CoreFilePath))); Environment.Exit(0); } Updater.MainWindow = this; CheckForUpdates(true, true, false); Updater.GetRepositories( delegate(List <string> list) { if (list.Count > 0) { Config.Instance.KnownRepositories.Clear(); foreach (var repo in list) { Config.Instance.KnownRepositories.Add(repo); } } }); //Try to login with the saved credentials. if (!Auth.Login(Config.Instance.Username, Config.Instance.Password).Item1) { ShowLoginDialog(); } else { OnLogin(Config.Instance.Username); } Config.Instance.FirstRun = false; foreach (var gameSetting in Config.Instance.Settings.GameSettings) { gameSetting.PropertyChanged += GameSettingOnPropertyChanged; } NewsTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; AssembliesTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; SettingsTabItem.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }
public void CreateUptokenTest() { var mac = new Mac(AccessKey, SecretKey); // 简单上传凭证 var putPolicy = new PutPolicy { Scope = Bucket }; var upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); // 自定义凭证有效期(示例2小时) putPolicy = new PutPolicy { Scope = Bucket }; putPolicy.SetExpires(7200); upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); // 覆盖上传凭证 putPolicy = new PutPolicy { Scope = $"{Bucket}:qiniu.png" }; upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); // 自定义上传回复(非callback模式)凭证 putPolicy = new PutPolicy { Scope = Bucket, ReturnBody = "{\"key\":\"$(key)\",\"hash\":\"$(etag)\",\"fsiz\":$(fsize),\"bucket\":\"$(bucket)\",\"name\":\"$(x:name)\"}" }; upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); // 带回调业务服务器的凭证(application/json) putPolicy = new PutPolicy { Scope = Bucket, CallbackUrl = "http://api.example.com/qiniu/upload/callback", CallbackBody = "{\"key\":\"$(key)\",\"hash\":\"$(etag)\",\"fsiz\":$(fsize),\"bucket\":\"$(bucket)\",\"name\":\"$(x:name)\"}", CallbackBodyType = "application/json" }; upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); // 带回调业务服务器的凭证(application/x-www-form-urlencoded) putPolicy = new PutPolicy { Scope = Bucket, CallbackUrl = "http://api.example.com/qiniu/upload/callback", CallbackBody = "key=$(key)&hash=$(etag)&bucket=$(bucket)&fsize=$(fsize)&name=$(x:name)" }; upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); // 带数据处理的凭证 putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); var saveMp4Entry = Base64.UrlSafeBase64Encode(Bucket + ":avthumb_test_target.mp4"); var saveJpgEntry = Base64.UrlSafeBase64Encode(Bucket + ":vframe_test_target.jpg"); var avthumbMp4Fop = "avthumb/mp4|saveas/" + saveMp4Entry; var vframeJpgFop = "vframe/jpg/offset/1|saveas/" + saveJpgEntry; var fops = string.Join(";", avthumbMp4Fop, vframeJpgFop); putPolicy.Scope = Bucket; putPolicy.PersistentOps = fops; putPolicy.PersistentPipeline = "video-pipe"; putPolicy.PersistentNotifyUrl = "http://api.example.com/qiniu/pfop/notify"; upToken = Auth.CreateUploadToken(mac, putPolicy.ToJsonString()); Console.WriteLine(upToken); }
public RequiredDocumentationResponse GetRequiredDocumentsList() { int assessmentId = Auth.AssessmentForUser(); return((new RequiredDocumentationManager()).GetRequiredDocuments(assessmentId)); }
public static List <Models.MusicalInspiration> GetMusic(string moods) { var service = new MusicalInspirationService(); return(service.GetAll(moods, Auth.user().Id)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitDefaultPage(); if (listNoRedirect.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Request.FilePath).ToLower())) { SetTopMenuVisible(false); return; } var ocToken = Request.QueryString[QSToken]; if (Session == null) { // No existing session, check if request from OC or ASP if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ocToken)) { // OC request, create or 404. var userInfo = Auth.GetOCRecord(ocToken); if (userInfo.IsValid) { SessionHandler.BeginSession(userInfo.UserName, Request, userInfo); InitOCPage(Session[SKeys.User] as User, userInfo); } else { ProgramLog.LogError(null, "SiteMaster", "Page_Load", "Unable to authenticate user."); Response.Redirect(Path404); } } else { // ASP request, redirect to login RedirectToLogin("A"); } } else { if (!IsExistingSessionValid()) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ocToken)) { // OC request, create or 404. var userInfo = Auth.GetOCRecord(ocToken); if (userInfo.IsValid) { SessionHandler.BeginSession(userInfo.UserName, Request, userInfo); InitOCPage(Session[SKeys.User] as User, userInfo); } else { Response.Redirect(Path404); } } else { RedirectToLogin("S"); } } else { var user = Session[SKeys.User] as User; var isOCSession = Session[SKeys.IsOCSession] as bool?; if (isOCSession == true) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ocToken)) { // OC session + OC request -> maintain existing session var userInfo = Auth.GetOCRecord(ocToken); if (userInfo.IsValid) { // Check the userinfo against the existing session info. If match, then good. if (user.UserName == userInfo.UserName) { InitOCPage(user, userInfo); } else { // Remove OC session, redirect to 404. Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect(Path404); } } else { // Invalid info, Remove OC session, redirect to 404. Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect(Path404); } } else { // OC Session + ASP request -> Remove OC session, redirect to login. Session.Abandon(); RedirectToLogin("OA"); } } else { // ASP session, token doesn't matter, setup page as usual. RedirectAppIfNotAllowed(user, PathDefault); SetupUserPage(user); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the bot. /// </summary> private async Task Start() { // Create Discord client. client = new NinjaCatDiscordClient(); // Create command service and map. var commands = new CommandService(); var commandMap = new ServiceCollection(); // Load commands from assembly. await commands.AddModulesAsync(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); // Certain things are to be done when the bot joins a guild. client.JoinedGuild += async(guild) => { // Pause for 5 seconds. await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // Check to see if this is a bot farm. if (await CheckBotGuild(guild)) { return; } // Create variable for speaking channel mention. var speakingChannel = string.Empty; // Get speaking channel. var channel = client.GetSpeakingChannelForSocketGuild(guild); // Update server count. await UpdateSiteServerCountAsync(); // Does the bot have permission to message? If not return. if (!channel.Guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(channel).SendMessages) { return; } // Get the mention if speaking is enabled. if (channel != null) { speakingChannel = channel.Mention; } // Bot is typing in default channel. await channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); // Pause for realism. await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // Dev began Oct 2. 2016. // Is a speaking channel set? if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(speakingChannel)) { // Select and send message. switch (client.GetRandomNumber(2)) { default: await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Constants.AboutMessage1}\n\n" + $"By default, I'll speak in {speakingChannel}, but you can change it with the **{Constants.CommandPrefix}{Constants.SetChannelCommand}** command."); break; case 1: await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Constants.AboutMessage2}\n\n" + $"I'll speak in {speakingChannel} by default, but it can be changed with the **{Constants.CommandPrefix}{Constants.SetChannelCommand}** command."); break; } } else { // Select and send message. switch (client.GetRandomNumber(2)) { default: await channel.SendMessageAsync(Constants.AboutMessage1); break; case 1: await channel.SendMessageAsync(Constants.AboutMessage2); break; } } }; // Update count on guild leave. client.LeftGuild += async(guild) => await UpdateSiteServerCountAsync(); // Listen for messages. client.MessageReceived += async(message) => { // Get the message and check to see if it is a user message. var msg = message as IUserMessage; if (msg == null) { return; } // Keeps track of where the command begins. var pos = 0; // Attempt to parse a command. if (msg.HasStringPrefixLower(Constants.CommandPrefix, ref pos)) { var result = await commands.ExecuteAsync(new CommandContext(client, msg), msg.Content.Substring(pos)); if (!result.IsSuccess) { // Is the command just unknown? If so, return. if (result.Error == CommandError.UnknownCommand) { return; } // Bot is typing. await msg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); // Pause for realism and send message. await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.75)); await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"I'm sorry, but something happened. Error: {result.ErrorReason}"); } return; } }; // Log in to Discord. Token is stored in the Credentials class. await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, Credentials.DiscordToken); await client.StartAsync(); // Check for bot guilds. foreach (var shard in client.Shards) { #pragma warning disable 4014 shard.Connected += async() => { foreach (var guild in shard.Guilds) { CheckBotGuild(guild); } await Task.CompletedTask; }; #pragma warning restore 4014 } // Log in to Twitter. Auth.SetUserCredentials(Credentials.TwitterConsumerKey, Credentials.TwitterConsumerSecret, Credentials.TwitterAccessToken, Credentials.TwitterAccessSecret); // Create Twitter stream to follow @donasarkar. var donaUser = User.GetUserFromScreenName("windowsinsider"); var stream = Tweetinvi.Stream.CreateFilteredStream(); stream.AddFollow(donaUser); #if DEBUG // Used for testing tweets. var goldfishUser = User.GetUserFromScreenName("goldfishx64"); stream.AddFollow(goldfishUser); #endif // Listen for incoming tweets from Dona. stream.MatchingTweetReceived += async(s, e) => { // Get tweet. var tweet = e.Tweet.RetweetedTweet ?? e.Tweet; // If the tweet is a reply or if it doesn't belong to a known user, ignore it. if (tweet.CreatedBy.Id != donaUser.Id || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tweet.InReplyToScreenName)) { return; } // Log tweet. client.LogOutput($"TWEET: {tweet.FullText}"); // Is it a no-build tweet from Dona? if ((tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("no build") || tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("no new build") || tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("not releasing") || tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("not flighting")) && tweet.Urls.Count == 0) { // Log tweet. client.LogOutput($"TWEET CONFIRMED: NO BUILDS TODAY"); // Send message to guilds. foreach (var shard in client.Shards) { SendNoBuildsToShard(shard); } } else { // Try to get a blogs URL. var fullUrl = string.Empty; foreach (var url in tweet.Urls) { for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++) { // Create the HttpClient. using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { // Retry up to three times. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Get full URL. var tempUrl = url.ExpandedURL; var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(tempUrl); // If the response was a redirect, try again up to 10 times. var count = 10; while ((response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently || response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Moved) || count < 10) { tempUrl = response.Headers.Location.ToString(); response = await httpClient.GetAsync(tempUrl); count++; } // Check to see if the full URL was gotten. if (response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.ToString().Contains("blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience") && response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.ToString().Contains("insider-preview-build")) { fullUrl = response.RequestMessage.RequestUri.ToString(); break; } else { client.LogOutput($"URLFETCH ERROR: URL wasn't right."); } // Did the request fail? Log the error and retry. if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { client.LogOutput($"URLFETCH ERROR: {response.StatusCode}"); } } } // Check to see if URL has what it takes. If not, retry in 5 minutes. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullUrl) && fullUrl.Contains("blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience") && fullUrl.Contains("insider-preview-build")) { break; } // Clear URL. fullUrl = string.Empty; // Wait 10 minutes. await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); } // Check to see if URL has what it takes. If not, retry in 5 minutes. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullUrl) && fullUrl.Contains("blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience") && fullUrl.Contains("insider-preview-build")) { break; } // Clear URL. fullUrl = string.Empty; } // If URL is invalid, return. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullUrl)) { return; } // Get build numbers. If empty, ignore the tweet. var build = Regex.Match(fullUrl, @"\d{5,}").Value; var buildM = Regex.Match(fullUrl, @"\d{5,}", RegexOptions.RightToLeft).Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(build)) { return; } // Log tweet. client.LogOutput($"TWEET CONFIRMED: NEW BUILD"); // Create variables. var ring = string.Empty; var platform = string.Empty; // Check for fast or slow, or both. if (tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("fast") && tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("slow")) { ring = " to both the Fast and Slow rings"; } else if (tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("fast")) { ring = " to the Fast ring" + (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("skip-ahead") ? " (Skip Ahead)" : ""); } else if (tweet.FullText.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("slow")) { ring = " to the Slow ring"; } // Check for PC or mobile, or both. if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("pc") && fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("mobile") && fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("server")) { platform = " for PC, Server, and Mobile"; } else if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("pc") && fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("mobile")) { platform = " for both PC and Mobile"; } else if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("pc") && fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("server")) { platform = " for both PC and Server"; } else if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("mobile") && fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("server")) { platform = " for both Server and Mobile"; } else if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("pc")) { platform = " for PC"; } else if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("mobile")) { platform = " for Mobile"; } else if (fullUrl.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("server")) { platform = " for Server"; } // Send build to guilds. foreach (var shard in client.Shards) { SendNewBuildToShard(shard, build, buildM, ring + platform, fullUrl); } } }; // Listen for stop. stream.StreamStopped += (s, e) => { // Log error. client.LogOutput($"TWEET STREAM STOPPED: {e.Exception}"); }; // Create timer for POSTing server count. var serverCountTimer = new Timer(async(e) => await UpdateSiteServerCountAsync(), null, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), TimeSpan.FromHours(1)); // Create timer for game play status of builds. var buildPlayTimer = new Timer(async(e) => await client.UpdateGameAsync(), null, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); // Start the stream. stream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions(); }
private static async Task Main() { Console.Write("Enter App ID: "); var appId = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter App Secret: "); var appSecret = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter App Redirect URL: "); var redirectUrl = Console.ReadLine(); _app = new App(appId, appSecret, redirectUrl); Console.Write("Enter Connection Mode (Live or Demo): "); var connectionMode = Console.ReadLine(); var mode = (Mode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Mode), connectionMode, true); var auth = new Auth(_app, mode: mode); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", $"\"{auth.AuthUri}\""); ShowDashLine(); Console.WriteLine("Follow the authentication steps on your browser, then copy the authentication code from redirect" + " URL and paste it here."); Console.WriteLine("The authentication code is at the end of redirect URL and it starts after '?code=' parameter."); ShowDashLine(); Console.Write("Enter Authentication Code: "); var code = Console.ReadLine(); var authCode = new AuthCode(code, _app); _token = TokenFactory.GetToken(authCode); Console.WriteLine("Access token generated"); ShowDashLine(); _client = new Client(); _streamDisposables.Add(_client.Streams.MessageStream.Subscribe(OnMessageReceived)); _streamDisposables.Add(_client.Streams.ErrorStream.Subscribe(OnError)); _streamDisposables.Add(_client.Streams.ListenerExceptionStream.Subscribe(OnListenerException)); _streamDisposables.Add(_client.Streams.SenderExceptionStream.Subscribe(OnSenderException)); _streamDisposables.Add(_client.Streams.RefreshTokenResponseStream.Subscribe(OnRefreshTokenResponse)); Console.WriteLine("Connecting Client..."); await _client.Connect(mode); ShowDashLine(); Console.WriteLine("Client successfully connected"); ShowDashLine(); Console.WriteLine("Sending App Auth Req..."); Console.WriteLine("Please wait..."); ShowDashLine(); var applicationAuthReq = new ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq { ClientId = _app.ClientId, ClientSecret = _app.Secret, }; await _client.SendMessage(applicationAuthReq, ProtoOAPayloadType.ProtoOaApplicationAuthReq); await Task.Delay(5000); Console.WriteLine("You should see the application auth response message before entering any command"); Console.WriteLine("For commands list and description use 'help' command"); ShowDashLine(); GetCommand(); }
public ApiResult GetPhoto() { UserModel userModel = Auth.GetLoginUser(_httpContext); return(ApiResult.Success(userModel.HeadPhoto)); }
public LoginForm() { InitializeComponent(); auth = new Auth(); }
public static DailyGospelReflection GetUserReflection(int gospelId) { var service = new DailyGospelReflectionService(); return(service.GetUserReflection(Auth.user().Id, gospelId)); }
/// <summary> /// BETA Create a section group with a given name under a given notebookId /// </summary> /// <param name="debug">Run the code under the debugger</param> /// <param name="notebookId">parent notebook's Id</param> /// <param name="sectionName">name of the section group to create</param> /// <param name="provider"></param> /// <param name="apiRoute"></param> /// <remarks>Create section group using a application/json content type</remarks> /// <returns>The converted HTTP response message</returns> public static async Task <ApiBaseResponse> CreateSectionGroupInNotebook(bool debug, string notebookId, string sectionGroupName, AuthProvider provider, string apiRoute) { if (debug) { Debugger.Launch(); Debugger.Break(); } var client = new HttpClient(); // Note: API only supports JSON response. client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // Not adding the Authentication header would produce an unauthorized call and the API will return a 401 client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", await Auth.GetAuthToken(provider)); // Prepare an HTTP POST request to the SectionGroups endpoint // The request body content type is application/json and requires a name property var createMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, apiRoute + @"notebooks/" + notebookId + "/sectiongroups") { Content = new StringContent("{ name : '" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(sectionGroupName) + "' }", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }; HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(createMessage); return(await HttpUtils.TranslateResponse(response)); }
public MastodonClient(AppRegistration appRegistration, Auth accessToken) : this(appRegistration, accessToken, DefaultHttpClient.Instance) { }
public void LogoutTest() { IRestResponse response = new Auth().Logout(); Assert.That(response.IsSuccessful); }
public static void CopyAuthorization( ISecured sourceEntity, ISecured targetEntity, int? personId ) { using ( new Rock.Helpers.UnitOfWorkScope() ) { // If there's no Authorizations object, create it if ( Authorizations == null ) Load(); AuthService authService = new AuthService(); // Delete the current authorizations for the target entity foreach(Auth auth in authService.GetAuthsByEntityTypeAndEntityId(targetEntity.AuthEntity, targetEntity.Id)) authService.DeleteAuth(auth); Dictionary<string, List<AuthRule>> newActions = new Dictionary<string, List<AuthRule>>(); int order = 0; foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, List<AuthRule>> action in Authorizations[sourceEntity.AuthEntity][sourceEntity.Id] ) if (targetEntity.SupportedActions.Contains(action.Key)) { newActions.Add( action.Key, new List<AuthRule>() ); foreach ( AuthRule rule in action.Value ) { Auth auth = new Auth(); auth.EntityType = targetEntity.AuthEntity; auth.EntityId = targetEntity.Id; auth.Order = order; auth.Action = action.Key; auth.AllowOrDeny = rule.AllowOrDeny; auth.UserOrRole = rule.UserOrRole; auth.UserOrRoleName = rule.UserOrRoleName; authService.AddAuth(auth); authService.Save(auth, personId); newActions[action.Key].Add( new AuthRule( rule.AllowOrDeny, rule.UserOrRole, rule.UserOrRoleName ) ); order++; } } if ( !Authorizations.ContainsKey( targetEntity.AuthEntity ) ) Authorizations.Add( targetEntity.AuthEntity, new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, List<AuthRule>>>() ); Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, List<AuthRule>>> entityType = Authorizations[targetEntity.AuthEntity]; if ( !entityType.ContainsKey( targetEntity.Id ) ) entityType.Add( targetEntity.Id, new Dictionary<string, List<AuthRule>>() ); entityType[targetEntity.Id] = newActions; } }
//============================ Récuperation de l'employé =============================// public void getclient(Auth client) { this.client = (from recup in db.Auth where recup.Id == client.Id select recup).FirstOrDefault(); user.Text = client.user; user.IsEnabled = false; }
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) { return(Auth.IsAdmin()); }
public void ShouldReturnAccessTokenValidGivenRestoredAuthData() { // Given var accessTokenExpireIn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1).Ticks/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; var refreshTokenExpireIn = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7).Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; var data = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"access_token", "ac1"}, {"expires_in", "3598"}, {"expire_time", accessTokenExpireIn.ToString()}, {"refresh_token", "x"}, {"refresh_token_expires_in", "604798"}, {"refresh_token_expire_time", refreshTokenExpireIn.ToString()}, }; // When var auth = new Auth(); auth.SetData(data); // Then expire_time should be set and token still valid var newData = auth.GetData(); Assert.That(newData["expire_time"], Is.EqualTo(data["expire_time"])); Assert.That(auth.IsAccessTokenValid(), Is.EqualTo(true)); }
private static void CreateAuth() { _auth = new Auth(GetConfig("securityKeySecret", ""), GetConfig("securityKeyIssuer", "")); }
public ToDoPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = "To do list"; vm = Resources["vm"] as AttivitaVM; //accedo alla risorsa tramite chiave ToolbarItem item = new ToolbarItem { Text = "Contatti", IconImageSource = ImageSource.FromFile("example_icon.png"), Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary, Priority = 0 }; item.Clicked += (sender, args) => { Navigation.PushAsync(new ContattiPage()); }; this.ToolbarItems.Add(item); ToolbarItem item2 = new ToolbarItem { Text = "Faq", Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary, Priority = 0 }; item2.Clicked += (sender, args) => { Navigation.PushAsync(new FaqPage()); }; this.ToolbarItems.Add(item2); ToolbarItem item4 = new ToolbarItem { Text = "Informativa Privacy", Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary, Priority = 0 }; item4.Clicked += (sender, args) => { Navigation.PushAsync(new PrivacyPage()); }; this.ToolbarItems.Add(item4); ToolbarItem item3 = new ToolbarItem { Text = "Logout", IconImageSource = ImageSource.FromFile("example_icon.png"), Order = ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary, Priority = 0 }; item3.Clicked += async(sender, args) => { bool logout = await Auth.Logout(); if (logout) { Application.Current.Properties["logged"] = "false"; await Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync(); await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Il logout è stato eseguito, l'app verrà chiusa!", "Ok"); await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(1000); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } else { await DisplayAlert("Attenzione!", "Non è stato possibile effettuare il logout", "Ok"); } }; this.ToolbarItems.Add(item3); }
public abstract object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Auth request);
/// <summary> /// The entry point for all AuthProvider providers. Runs inside the AuthService so exceptions are treated normally. /// Overridable so you can provide your own Auth implementation. /// </summary> /// <param name="authService"></param> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Auth request) { var tokens = Init(authService, ref session, request); //Default OAuth logic based on Twitter's OAuth workflow if (!tokens.RequestToken.IsNullOrEmpty() && !request.oauth_token.IsNullOrEmpty()) { OAuthUtils.RequestToken = tokens.RequestToken; OAuthUtils.RequestTokenSecret = tokens.RequestTokenSecret; OAuthUtils.AuthorizationToken = request.oauth_token; OAuthUtils.AuthorizationVerifier = request.oauth_verifier; if (OAuthUtils.AcquireAccessToken()) { tokens.AccessToken = OAuthUtils.AccessToken; tokens.AccessTokenSecret = OAuthUtils.AccessTokenSecret; session.IsAuthenticated = true; OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, OAuthUtils.AuthInfo); authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry); //Haz access! return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("s", "1")); } //No Joy :( tokens.RequestToken = null; tokens.RequestTokenSecret = null; authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry); return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "AccessTokenFailed")); } if (OAuthUtils.AcquireRequestToken()) { tokens.RequestToken = OAuthUtils.RequestToken; tokens.RequestTokenSecret = OAuthUtils.RequestTokenSecret; authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry); //Redirect to OAuth provider to approve access return authService.Redirect(this.AuthorizeUrl .AddQueryParam("oauth_token", tokens.RequestToken) .AddQueryParam("oauth_callback", session.ReferrerUrl)); } return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "RequestTokenFailed")); }
/// <summary>Determine if the current session is already authenticated with this AuthProvider.</summary> /// /// <param name="session">The session.</param> /// <param name="tokens"> The tokens.</param> /// <param name="request">The request.</param> /// /// <returns>true if authorized, false if not.</returns> public override bool IsAuthorized(IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Auth request = null) { if (request != null) { if (!LoginMatchesSession(session, request.UserName)) return false; } return tokens != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens.AccessTokenSecret); }
public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Auth request) { var tokens = Init(authService, ref session, request); var httpReq = authService.RequestContext.Get <IHttpRequest>(); var httpMethod = httpReq.HttpMethod; if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.Post) { var openIdUrl = httpReq.GetParam("OpenIdUrl") ?? base.AuthRealm; if (openIdUrl.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentException("'OpenIdUrl' is required a required field"); } try { using (var openid = new OpenIdRelyingParty()) { var openIdRequest = openid.CreateRequest(openIdUrl); AddAttributeExchangeExtensions(openIdRequest); // This is where you would add any OpenID extensions you wanted // to include in the authentication request. openIdRequest.AddExtension(CreateClaimsRequest(httpReq)); // Send your visitor to their Provider for authentication. var openIdResponse = openIdRequest.RedirectingResponse; var contentType = openIdResponse.Headers[HttpHeaders.ContentType]; var httpResult = new HttpResult(openIdResponse.ResponseStream, contentType) { StatusCode = openIdResponse.Status, StatusDescription = "Moved Temporarily", }; foreach (string header in openIdResponse.Headers) { httpResult.Headers[header] = openIdResponse.Headers[header]; } return(httpResult); } } catch (ProtocolException ex) { Log.Error("Failed to login to {0}".Fmt(openIdUrl), ex); return(authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "Unknown"))); } } if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.Get) { using (var openid = new OpenIdRelyingParty()) { var response = openid.GetResponse(); if (response != null) { switch (response.Status) { case AuthenticationStatus.Authenticated: var authInfo = CreateAuthInfo(response); // Use FormsAuthentication to tell ASP.NET that the user is now logged in, // with the OpenID Claimed Identifier as their username. session.IsAuthenticated = true; authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry); OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo); //Haz access! return(authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("s", "1"))); case AuthenticationStatus.Canceled: return(authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "ProviderCancelled"))); case AuthenticationStatus.Failed: return(authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "Unknown"))); } } } } //Shouldn't get here return(authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "Unknown"))); }
private void OnLoginClick() { Auth form = new Auth(); form.ShowDialog(); }
private IAuthenticatedUser GetAuthenticatedUser(Token token) { var credentials = Auth.SetUserCredentials(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, token.Key, token.Secret); return(User.GetAuthenticatedUser(credentials)); }
/// <summary>The entry point for all AuthProvider providers. Runs inside the AuthService so exceptions are treated normally. Overridable so you can provide your own Auth implementation.</summary> /// /// <param name="authService">The authentication service.</param> /// <param name="session"> The session.</param> /// <param name="request"> The request.</param> /// /// <returns>An object.</returns> public override object Authenticate(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Auth request) { var tokens = this.Init(authService, ref session, request); var authServer = new AuthorizationServerDescription { AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri(this.AuthorizeUrl), TokenEndpoint = new Uri(this.AccessTokenUrl) }; var authClient = new WebServerClient(authServer, this.ConsumerKey) { ClientCredentialApplicator = ClientCredentialApplicator.PostParameter(this.ConsumerSecret), }; var authState = authClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(); if (authState == null) { try { var authReq = authClient.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization(this.Scopes, new Uri(this.CallbackUrl)); var authContentType = authReq.Headers[HttpHeaders.ContentType]; var httpResult = new HttpResult(authReq.ResponseStream, authContentType) { StatusCode = authReq.Status, StatusDescription = "Moved Temporarily" }; foreach (string header in authReq.Headers) { httpResult.Headers[header] = authReq.Headers[header]; } foreach (string name in authReq.Cookies) { var cookie = authReq.Cookies[name]; if (cookie != null) { httpResult.SetSessionCookie(name, cookie.Value, cookie.Path); } } authService.SaveSession(session, this.SessionExpiry); return httpResult; } catch (ProtocolException ex) { Log.Error("Failed to login to {0}".Fmt(this.Provider), ex); return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "Unknown")); } } var accessToken = authState.AccessToken; if (accessToken != null) { try { tokens.AccessToken = accessToken; tokens.RefreshToken = authState.RefreshToken; tokens.RefreshTokenExpiry = authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc; session.IsAuthenticated = true; var authInfo = this.CreateAuthInfo(accessToken); this.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo); return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("s", "1")); } catch (WebException we) { var statusCode = ((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode; if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "AccessTokenFailed")); } } } return authService.Redirect(session.ReferrerUrl.AddHashParam("f", "RequestTokenFailed")); }
private IEnumerator SimulateCoroutine() { UIManager.Instance.Prompt("Simulation started"); uiTabGroup.SelectTab(simulationTabId); simulationStats = new SimulationStats(); // Describes the currently simulated in-game time (in hours, from 0.00f to 24.00f) float inGameTime = 0.0f; while (inGameTime <= 24.0f) { SiteManager.Instance.trafficManager.SimulateAtTime(inGameTime); inGameTime += Time.deltaTime * simulationTimescale / 3600.0f; simulationStats.TotalSimulationTime += Time.deltaTime; if (inGameTime >= 3.0f && inGameTime <= 9.0f) { clockDayBackground.color = new Color( clockDayBackground.color.r, clockDayBackground.color.g, clockDayBackground.color.b, (inGameTime - 3.0f) / 6.0f ); clockNightBackground.color = new Color( clockNightBackground.color.r, clockNightBackground.color.g, clockNightBackground.color.b, (9.0f - inGameTime) / 6.0f ); } else if (inGameTime >= 15.0f && inGameTime <= 21.0f) { clockDayBackground.color = new Color( clockDayBackground.color.r, clockDayBackground.color.g, clockDayBackground.color.b, (21.0f - inGameTime) / 6.0f ); clockNightBackground.color = new Color( clockNightBackground.color.r, clockNightBackground.color.g, clockNightBackground.color.b, (inGameTime - 15.0f) / 6.0f ); } clockHand.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, inGameTime * -30.0f); trafficQualitySlider.value = simulationStats.TrafficQuality; yield return(null); } while (simulationStats.NumVehiclesReachedExit != simulationStats.NumVehiclesSpawned) { simulationStats.TotalSimulationTime += Time.deltaTime; trafficQualitySlider.value = simulationStats.TrafficQuality; yield return(null); } uiTabGroup.SelectTab(defaultTabId); UIManager.Instance.Prompt("Simulation ended"); OpenSimulationStats(); Dictionary <string, string> postParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); postParams.Add(USERNAME_PARAM, SessionManager.Instance.Username); postParams.Add(SESSION_ID_PARAM, SessionManager.Instance.SessionId); postParams.Add(LEVEL_ID_PARAM, SessionManager.Instance.LevelId.ToString()); postParams.Add(SCORE_PARAM, simulationStats.Score.ToString()); StartCoroutine(Auth.AsyncPost( SessionManager.Instance.host, ATTEMPT_RANK_DIR, postParams, FetchRankCallback)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the CallbackUrl and session.ReferrerUrl if not set and initializes the session tokens for this AuthProvider /// </summary> /// <param name="authService"></param> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="request"> </param> /// <returns></returns> protected IOAuthTokens Init(IServiceBase authService, ref IAuthSession session, Auth request) { if (request != null && !LoginMatchesSession(session, request.UserName)) { //authService.RemoveSession(); //session = authService.GetSession(); } var requestUri = authService.RequestContext.AbsoluteUri; if (this.CallbackUrl.IsNullOrEmpty()) this.CallbackUrl = requestUri; if (session.ReferrerUrl.IsNullOrEmpty()) session.ReferrerUrl = (request != null ? request.Continue : null) ?? authService.RequestContext.GetHeader("Referer"); if (session.ReferrerUrl.IsNullOrEmpty() || session.ReferrerUrl.IndexOf("/auth", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) session.ReferrerUrl = this.RedirectUrl ?? NServiceKitHttpHandlerFactory.GetBaseUrl() ?? requestUri.Substring(0, requestUri.IndexOf("/", "https://".Length + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal)); var tokens = session.ProviderOAuthAccess.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Provider == Provider); if (tokens == null) session.ProviderOAuthAccess.Add(tokens = new OAuthTokens { Provider = Provider }); return tokens; }
public static StellarMessage Decode(IByteReader stream) { StellarMessage decodedStellarMessage = new StellarMessage(); decodedStellarMessage.Discriminant = MessageType.Decode(stream); switch (decodedStellarMessage.Discriminant.InnerValue) { case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.ERROR_MSG: decodedStellarMessage.Error = Error.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.HELLO: decodedStellarMessage.Hello = Hello.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.AUTH: decodedStellarMessage.Auth = Auth.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.DONT_HAVE: decodedStellarMessage.DontHave = DontHave.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_PEERS: break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.PEERS: int peerssize = XdrEncoding.DecodeInt32(stream); decodedStellarMessage.Peers = new PeerAddress[peerssize]; for (int i = 0; i < peerssize; i++) { decodedStellarMessage.Peers[i] = PeerAddress.Decode(stream); } break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_TX_SET: decodedStellarMessage.TxSetHash = Uint256.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.TX_SET: decodedStellarMessage.TxSet = TransactionSet.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.TRANSACTION: decodedStellarMessage.Transaction = TransactionEnvelope.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_SCP_QUORUMSET: decodedStellarMessage.QSetHash = Uint256.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.SCP_QUORUMSET: decodedStellarMessage.QSet = SCPQuorumSet.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.SCP_MESSAGE: decodedStellarMessage.Envelope = SCPEnvelope.Decode(stream); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_SCP_STATE: decodedStellarMessage.GetSCPLedgerSeq = Uint32.Decode(stream); break; } return(decodedStellarMessage); }
public IRPResponse GetIRPList() { int assessmentId = Auth.AssessmentForUser(); return((new IRPManager()).GetIRPList(assessmentId)); }
public static void Encode(IByteWriter stream, StellarMessage encodedStellarMessage) { XdrEncoding.EncodeInt32((int)encodedStellarMessage.Discriminant.InnerValue, stream); switch (encodedStellarMessage.Discriminant.InnerValue) { case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.ERROR_MSG: Error.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.Error); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.HELLO: Hello.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.Hello); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.AUTH: Auth.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.Auth); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.DONT_HAVE: DontHave.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.DontHave); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_PEERS: break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.PEERS: int peerssize = encodedStellarMessage.Peers.Length; XdrEncoding.EncodeInt32(peerssize, stream); for (int i = 0; i < peerssize; i++) { PeerAddress.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.Peers[i]); } break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_TX_SET: Uint256.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.TxSetHash); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.TX_SET: TransactionSet.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.TxSet); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.TRANSACTION: TransactionEnvelope.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.Transaction); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_SCP_QUORUMSET: Uint256.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.QSetHash); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.SCP_QUORUMSET: SCPQuorumSet.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.QSet); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.SCP_MESSAGE: SCPEnvelope.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.Envelope); break; case MessageType.MessageTypeEnum.GET_SCP_STATE: Uint32.Encode(stream, encodedStellarMessage.GetSCPLedgerSeq); break; } }