public async Task <IList <ToolStripItem> > GetEffectMenuItems() { var result = new List <ToolStripItem>(); var effects = await _aurora.ListEffects(); foreach (var e in effects) { var effect = e; var mi = new ToolStripMenuItem(e); mi.Click += async(sender, args) => { await _aurora.SetEffect(effect); }; result.Add(mi); } return(result); }
private async void ButtonConnect_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) { var ipAddress = TextBoxIpAddress.Text; var authToken = TextBoxAuthKey.Text; if (ipAddress == string.Empty || authToken == string.Empty) { var result = await AuroraHelper.ProbeForAuroras(); if (result != null) { var _aurora = new Aurora(result.IPAddress, "W3xbAQykPcUPVIKJ0Iv5QNPBU3vWPEOy"); var _effects = await _aurora.ListEffects(); foreach (var effect in _effects) { Console.WriteLine(effect); } return; } } var newDevice = new Aurora(ipAddress, authToken); Aurara = newDevice; var auroraInfo = await newDevice.GetInfo(); TextBoxInfoDump.Text = auroraInfo; var auroraDevice = await Json.ToObjectAsync <AuroraDevice>(auroraInfo); Console.WriteLine(; foreach (var effect in auroraDevice.effects.effectsList) { ListBoxEffects.Items?.Add(effect); } }
static async Task <int> MainAsync(string[] args) { string address; string authToken; var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); try { IniData data = parser.ReadFile("Configuration.ini"); address = data["General"]["ipaddr"]; authToken = data["General"]["authToken"]; } catch { IniData data = new IniData(); data["General"]["ipaddr"] = ""; data["General"]["authToken"] = "<INSERT KEY HERE>"; parser.WriteFile("Configuration.ini", data); Console.WriteLine("Please make sure Configuration.ini is properly configured."); return(1); } //var aurora = new Aurora("", "Qxs6JjRa4P2nANiZAYhClZmcslQfVl1t"); var aurora = new Aurora(address, authToken); var shouldShowHelp = false; var dumpInfo = true; var listEffects = false; string newEffect = null; string mode = null; string details = null; string brightness = null; string hue = null; string saturation = null; string temperature = null; var options = new OptionSet { { "i|info", "Dump all accessible data from the Nanoleaf Aurora", i => dumpInfo = true }, { "h|help", "Show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = true }, { "l|list", "List all effects", _l => listEffects = true }, { "e|setEffect=", "Set active effect", _e => newEffect = _e }, { "m|mode=", "Turn on/off the Aurora", _m => mode = _m }, { "d|details=", "Get effect details", _d => details = _d }, { "setBrightness=", "Set brightness of Aurora", _b => brightness = _b }, { "setHue=", "Set the hue of Aurora", _h => hue = _h }, { "setSaturation=", _s => saturation = _s }, { "setColorTemp=", _t => temperature = _t } }; List <string> extra; try { extra = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException ex) { Console.Write("aurora: "); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `aurora --help` for more information."); return(1); } if (shouldShowHelp) { Console.WriteLine("Options:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return(0); } if (dumpInfo) { var info = await aurora.GetInfo(); Console.WriteLine(info); return(0); } if (listEffects) { var effects = await aurora.ListEffects(); foreach (var e in effects) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(0); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mode)) { switch (mode.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "on": await aurora.Enable(); break; case "off": await aurora.Disable(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Mode not understood"); return(1); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newEffect)) { await aurora.SetEffect(newEffect); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(details)) { var effectDetails = await aurora.GetEffectDetails(details); Console.WriteLine(effectDetails); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brightness)) { int bright; if (!int.TryParse(brightness, out bright)) { Console.WriteLine("Could not parse brightness"); return(1); } await aurora.SetBrightness(bright); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hue)) { int h; if (!int.TryParse(hue, out h)) { Console.WriteLine("Could not parse hue: " + hue); return(1); } await aurora.SetHue(h); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saturation)) { int sat; if (!int.TryParse(saturation, out sat)) { Console.WriteLine("Could not parse saturation: " + saturation); return(1); } await aurora.SetSaturation(sat); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temperature)) { int temp; if (!int.TryParse(temperature, out temp)) { Console.WriteLine("Could not parse temperature: " + temperature); return(1); } await aurora.SetColorTemperature(temp); } return(0); }