public static void Register(string[] types) { Types = types; RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" + ExeFilename, null, ExePath); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\Applications\" + ExeFilename, "FriendlyAppName", " media player"); RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\Applications\{ExeFilename}\shell\open\command", null, $"\"{ExePath}\" \"%1\""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities", "ApplicationDescription", " media player"); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities", "ApplicationName", ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\video\OpenWithList\" + ExeFilename, null, ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\audio\OpenWithList\" + ExeFilename, null, ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications", "", @"SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities"); foreach (string ext in Types) { RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\Applications\{ExeFilename}\SupportedTypes", "." + ext, ""); RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, null, ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext); RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\" + "." + ext + @"\OpenWithProgIDs", ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext, ""); if (VideoTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "video"); } if (AudioTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "audio"); } if (ImageTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKCR\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "image"); } RegistryHelp.SetValue($@"HKCR\" + ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext + @"\shell\open\command", null, $"\"{ExePath}\" \"%1\""); RegistryHelp.SetValue(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities\FileAssociations", "." + ext, ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext); } }
public static void ShowInfo() { try { string performer, title, album, genre, date, duration, text = ""; long fileSize = 0; string path = core.get_property_string("path"); if (path.Contains("://")) { path = core.get_property_string("media-title"); } int width = core.get_property_int("video-params/w"); int height = core.get_property_int("video-params/h"); if (File.Exists(path)) { fileSize = new FileInfo(path).Length; if (AudioTypes.Contains(path.Ext())) { using (MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo(path)) { performer = mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "Performer"); title = mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "Title"); album = mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "Album"); genre = mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "Genre"); date = mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "Recorded_Date"); duration = mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.Audio, "Duration/String"); if (performer != "") { text += "Artist: " + performer + "\n"; } if (title != "") { text += "Title: " + title + "\n"; } if (album != "") { text += "Album: " + album + "\n"; } if (genre != "") { text += "Genre: " + genre + "\n"; } if (date != "") { text += "Year: " + date + "\n"; } if (duration != "") { text += "Length: " + duration + "\n"; } text += "Size: " + mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "FileSize/String") + "\n"; text += "Type: " + path.Ext().ToUpper(); core.commandv("show-text", text, "5000"); return; } } else if (ImageTypes.Contains(path.Ext())) { using (MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo(path)) { text = "Width: " + mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.Image, "Width") + "\n" + "Height: " + mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.Image, "Height") + "\n" + "Size: " + mediaInfo.GetInfo(MediaInfoStreamKind.General, "FileSize/String") + "\n" + "Type: " + path.Ext().ToUpper(); core.commandv("show-text", text, "5000"); return; } } } TimeSpan position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(core.get_property_number("time-pos")); TimeSpan duration2 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(core.get_property_number("duration")); string videoFormat = core.get_property_string("video-format").ToUpper(); string audioCodec = core.get_property_string("audio-codec-name").ToUpper(); text = path.FileName() + "\n" + FormatTime(position.TotalMinutes) + ":" + FormatTime(position.Seconds) + " / " + FormatTime(duration2.TotalMinutes) + ":" + FormatTime(duration2.Seconds) + "\n" + $"{width} x {height}\n"; if (fileSize > 0) { text += Convert.ToInt32(fileSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0) + " MB\n"; } text += $"{videoFormat}\n{audioCodec}"; core.commandv("show-text", text, "5000"); string FormatTime(double value) => ((int)value).ToString("00"); } catch (Exception e) { App.ShowException(e); } }
private void btnVideo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { errProv.Dispose(); try { if (txtFileSamp.Text == "") { throw new Exception("No file chosen."); } else if (!File.Exists(txtFileSamp.Text)) { throw new Exception("That file does not exist, and thus can't be ran."); } string ext = Path.GetExtension(txtFileSamp.Text); if (VideoTypes.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { Video videoFile = new Video(txtFileSamp.Text); videoFile.ViewFile(); } else if (GraphicTypes.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { Graphic graphicFile = new Graphic(txtFileSamp.Text); graphicFile.ViewFile(); } else if (AudioTypes.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { Audio audioFile = new Audio(txtFileSamp.Text); audioFile.ViewFile(); } else if (ArchiveTypes.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { Archive archiveFile = new Archive(txtFileSamp.Text); archiveFile.ViewFile(); } else if (DocumentTypes.Contains(ext.ToLower())) { Document docFile = new Document(txtFileSamp.Text); docFile.ViewFile(); } else { throw new Exception("File type not found: the chosen file type is not supported."); //System.IO.FileInfo newFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(txtFileSamp.Text); //System.IO.FileAttributes b = newFile.Attributes; } } catch (Exception ex) { errProv.SetError(btnDisplay, ex.Message); } }