/// <summary>
        /// Make a "tock" sound (rather like you might hear with a clock's tick-tock sound). This is done is several places,
        /// so this method is provided in order to keep the code related to the choice of sound, in one place.
        /// </summary>
        public void MakeKeyPressSound()
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a "tock" sound (rather like you might hear with a clock's tick-tock sound). This is done is several places,
        /// so this method is provided in order to keep the code related to the choice of sound, in one place.
        /// </summary>
        public void MakeBackspaceSound()
            // WP7 makes a slightly different tone for this, which I like. TODO: Get an audio file to play for this.
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializises Commands, NavigationHandler and AudioLib of Model
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler"> For navigation</param>
 public AddSongPageVM(NavigationHandler handler)
     _handler        = handler;
     _audioLib       = AudioLib.SingletonAudioLib;
     AddSongCommand  = new Command(AddSong);
     PickFileCommand = new Command(PickFile);
예제 #4
 void Update()
     if (!Microphone.IsRecording(null) && isRecording)
         AudioLib.Save("test.wav", audioClip);
         GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Start recording";
         isRecording = false;
예제 #5
 void Awake()
     if (instance == null)
         //Debug.Log("Setting InputProcessor Singleton");
         instance = this;
     else if (instance != this)
         Debug.LogError("Singleton InputProcessor instantiated multiple times, destroy all but first to awaken");
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializises Commands, NavigationHandler and AudioLib, AudioPlayer of Model
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">For navigation</param>
 public AudioLibPageVM(NavigationHandler handler)
     _handler              = handler;
     _audioLib             = AudioLib.SingletonAudioLib;
     _audioPlayer          = AudioPlayer.SingletonAudioPlayer;
     _oldSongs             = null;
     _deleteList           = new List <AudioTrack>();
     TitleSortCommand      = new Command(TitleSort);
     ArtistSortCommand     = new Command(ArtistSort);
     BPMSortCommand        = new Command(BPMSort);
     PlaySongCommand       = new Command <AudioTrack>(PlaySong);
     AddSongCommand        = new Command(AddSong);
     SearchSongCommand     = new Command <string>(SearchSong);
     DeleteSongsCommand    = new Command(DeleteSongs);
     EditDeleteListCommand = new Command <AudioTrack>(EditDeleteList);