public void AfterPropertiesSet()
            if (cachingEnabled != null)
            if (clientNotificationEnabled != null)

            if (lruEntriesLimit != null)

            if (cloningEnabled != null)


            gemfireRegionAttributes = attributesFactory.CreateRegionAttributes();
        public void Hello()
            DistributedSystem dsys = DistributedSystem.Connect("exampledstest");
            Cache cache = CacheFactory.Create("exampledscache", dsys);

            AttributesFactory af = new AttributesFactory();
            RegionAttributes rAttrib = af.CreateRegionAttributes();
            Region region = cache.CreateRegion("exampledsregion", rAttrib);


예제 #3
        public void RegisterRegexInterest()
            // 1. Connect to system
            Console.WriteLine("{0}Connecting to GemFire", Environment.NewLine);
            DistributedSystem dsys = DistributedSystem.Connect("empty");

            // 2. Create a cache
            Cache cache = CacheFactory.Create("Cache", dsys);

            // 2.5 Create Pool
            //PoolFactory fact = PoolManager.CreateFactory();
            //fact.AddServer("localhost", 40404);

            // 3. Create default region attributes
            AttributesFactory af = new AttributesFactory();



            RegionAttributes rAttrib = af.CreateRegionAttributes();

            // 4. Create region
            Region region = cache.CreateRegion("empty", rAttrib);

            region.RegisterRegex("Keys-*", false, null, false);

            //RegionFactory regionFact = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.CACHING_PROXY);
            //Region region = regionFact.Create("exampleregion");

            //region.RegisterRegex(".*", false, new System.Collections.Generic.List<ICacheableKey>());
        public void RegisterRegexInterest()
            // 1. Connect to system
            Console.WriteLine("{0}Connecting to GemFire", Environment.NewLine);
            DistributedSystem dsys = DistributedSystem.Connect("empty");

            // 2. Create a cache
            Cache cache = CacheFactory.Create("Cache", dsys);

            // 2.5 Create Pool
            //PoolFactory fact = PoolManager.CreateFactory();
            //fact.AddServer("localhost", 40404);

            // 3. Create default region attributes
            AttributesFactory af = new AttributesFactory();


            RegionAttributes rAttrib = af.CreateRegionAttributes();

            // 4. Create region
            Region region = cache.CreateRegion("empty", rAttrib);
            region.RegisterRegex("Keys-*", false, null, false);

            //RegionFactory regionFact = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.CACHING_PROXY);
            //Region region = regionFact.Create("exampleregion");

            //region.RegisterRegex(".*", false, new System.Collections.Generic.List<ICacheableKey>());
예제 #5
    public static void Main()
        DistributedSystem MyDistributedSystem = null;
        Cache             MyCache             = null;
        string            sKey   = null;
        CacheableString   sValue = null;

            Console.WriteLine("* Connecting to the distributed system and creating the cache.");

            /* Properties can be passed to GemFire through two different mechanisms: the
             * Properties object as is done below or the file. The
             * settings passed in a Properties object take precedence over any settings
             * in a file. This way the end-user cannot bypass any required settings.
             * Using a file can be useful when you want to change the
             * behavior of certain settings without doing a new build, test, and deploy cycle.
             * See for details on some of the other settings used in this
             * project.
             * For details on all of the possible settings and their respective values
             * that can be specified in this configuration file, see chapter 5,
             * "System Configuration", in the "System Administrator's Guide". This is
             * installed in the docs\pdf folder under the GemFire installation folder
             * (e.g., C:\Program Files\Gemfire5\docs\pdf\SystemAdmin.pdf).
            Properties DistributedSystemProperties = new Properties();

            DistributedSystemProperties.Insert("name", "CacheClient");

            /* Specify the file whose contents are used to initialize the cache when it is created.
             * An XML file isn't needed at all because everything can be specified in  code--much
             * as the "license-file" property is. However, it provides a convenient way
             * to isolate common settings that can be updated without a build/test/deploy cycle.
            DistributedSystemProperties.Insert("cache-xml-file", "HierarchicalClient.xml");

            /* Define where the license file is located. It is very useful to do this in
             * code vs. the file, because it allows you to access the
             * license used by the GemFire installation (as pointed to by the GEMFIRE
             * environment variable).
            DistributedSystemProperties.Insert("license-file", "../../");

            DistributedSystemProperties.Insert("log-file", "./csharpclient.log");
            DistributedSystemProperties.Insert("log-level", "finest");

            /* Override the mcast-port setting so the client runs "standalone".
             * The client and server must run in separate distributed systems.
            //DistributedSystemProperties.Insert("mcast-port", "0");

            // Connect to the GemFire distributed system.
            MyDistributedSystem = DistributedSystem.Connect("LocalDS", DistributedSystemProperties);

            * Create the cache.
            *  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/

            // Create the cache. This causes the cache-xml-file to be parsed.
            MyCache = CacheFactory.Create("localCache", MyDistributedSystem);

            * Create the region.
            *  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/

            // Prepare the attributes needed to create a sub-region.
            AttributesFactory MyAttributesFactory = new AttributesFactory();

            /* The "scope" determines how changes to the local cache are "broadcast"
             * to like-named regions in other caches.
             * For native clients DistributedAck and DistributedNoAck work
             * identically.

            /* Endpoints is a  comma delimited list of logical names, hostnames, and ports of
             * "server" caches with which to connect. The endpoints parameter follows this syntax:
             *      logicalName1=host1:port1, . . . ,logicalNameN=hostN:portN

            /* Because of implementation details, it is best not to cache data in a root-level
             * region. There is nothing special about the name "root", it is just a good naming
             * convention.
             * Get the "root" region from the cache and create a sub-region under it for the
             * data.
            Region MyExampleRegion = MyCache.GetRegion("root").CreateSubRegion(
                "exampleRegion", MyAttributesFactory.CreateRegionAttributes());

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}* Region, {1}, was created in the cache.",
                                            Environment.NewLine, MyExampleRegion.FullPath));
            Console.WriteLine("* Getting three values from the Hierarchical Server.");

            // Retrieve several values from the cache.
            for (int nCount = 0; nCount < 4; nCount++)
                sKey = string.Format("Key{0}", nCount);

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("* Requesting object: {0}{1}",
                                                sKey, Environment.NewLine));

                /* Request the object from the cache. Because it doesn't exist in the local
                 * cache, it will be passed to the server. Because the server doesn't have
                 * it, the request will be passed to SimpleCacheLoader.Load().  The entry
                 * returned is a string.
                sValue = MyExampleRegion.Get(sKey) as CacheableString;

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("* Retrieved object: ({0})", sValue.ToString()));

            Console.WriteLine("* If you look at the Cache Server's console, you can see the CacheListener notifications that happened in response to the gets.");
            Console.WriteLine("{0}---[ Press <Enter> to continue. ]---", Environment.NewLine);


            * Exercise the serialization and deserialization methods.
            *  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/

            // Demonstrate the process needed to manually deserialize the object from the cache.
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("* Manually deserializing the object for Key0: ({0})", MyExampleRegion.Get("Key0")));

            // Demonstrate the static FromCache method in the CachedItem class and modify the object.
            Console.WriteLine("* Using the FromCache() method and modifying the object for Key0");

            // Get the item.
            //sValue = (CacheableString)MyExampleRegion.Get("Key0");
            sValue = MyExampleRegion.Get("Key0") as CacheableString;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("* Original value: ({0})", sValue.ToString()));

            /* This modifies the object associated with Key0 and uses CacheSerializer
             * to perform manual serialization.
            String cachedItem = "PDA";
            MyExampleRegion.Put("Key0", cachedItem);

            // Reread the object from the cache.
            sValue = (CacheableString)MyExampleRegion.Get("Key0");

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("* Retrieved updated object: {0}", sValue));

            Console.WriteLine("* Invalidating the data for Key2");

            /* Invalidating a cached item causes the object to be removed, but the
             * key remains in the cache. If it is subsequently requested it will
             * be retrieved using a CacheLoader if possible.

            Console.WriteLine("* Requesting Key2 after the invalidation.");

            // Request the invalidated item.
            sValue = (CacheableString)MyExampleRegion.Get("Key2");

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("* Retrieved object: {0}", sValue));

            Console.WriteLine("* Destroying Key3");

            // Destroying a cached item removes both the object and the key.

            Console.WriteLine("{0}---[ Press <Enter> to End the Application ]---",
        catch (Exception ThrownException)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("---[ Press <Enter> to End the Application ]---");
            /* While there are not any ramifications of terminating without closing the cache
             * and disconnecting from the distributed system, it is considered a best practice
             * to do so.
                Console.WriteLine("Closing the cache and disconnecting.{0}",
            catch { /* Ignore any exceptions */ }

                /* Close the cache. This terminates the cache and releases all the resources.
                 * Generally speaking, after a cache is closed, any further method calls on
                 * it or region object will throw an exception.
            catch { /* Ignore any exceptions */ }

                /* Disconnect from the distributed system.
                MyDistributedSystem = null;
            catch { /* Ignore any exceptions */ }