protected LowerCaseKeywordTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader input) : base(factory, input) { offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(); termAtt = AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>(); isAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.Compare("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0; invariantTextInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a token stream processing the given input using the given AttributeFactory. </summary> protected internal Tokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input) : base(factory) { if (input == null) { throw new System.NullReferenceException("input must not be null"); } this.InputPending = input; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ThaiTokenizer, supplying the AttributeFactory </summary> public ThaiTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, Reader reader) : base(factory, reader, (BreakIterator)sentenceProto.clone()) { if (!DBBI_AVAILABLE) { throw new System.NotSupportedException("This JRE does not have support for Thai segmentation"); } wordBreaker = (BreakIterator)proto.clone(); }
/// <summary> An AttributeSource that uses the same attributes as the supplied one.</summary> public AttributeSource(AttributeSource input) { if (input == null) { throw new System.ArgumentException("input AttributeSource must not be null"); } this.attributes = input.attributes; this.attributeImpls = input.attributeImpls; this.factory = input.factory; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the <seealso cref="TokenStream"/> of n-grams from the given <seealso cref="Reader"/> and <seealso cref="AttributeFactory"/>. </summary> public override Tokenizer create(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) { if (luceneMatchVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_44)) { return new NGramTokenizer(luceneMatchVersion, factory, input, minGramSize, maxGramSize); } else { return new Lucene43NGramTokenizer(factory, input, minGramSize, maxGramSize); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ThaiTokenizer, supplying the AttributeFactory </summary> public ThaiTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader reader) : base(factory, reader, BreakIterator.CreateSentenceInstance(Locale.GetUS())) { if (!DBBI_AVAILABLE) { throw new System.NotSupportedException("This JRE does not have support for Thai segmentation"); } wordBreaker = new ThaiWordBreaker(BreakIterator.CreateWordInstance(Locale.GetUS())); termAtt = AddAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>(); offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(); }
/// <summary> /// creates a new PatternTokenizer returning tokens from group (-1 for split functionality) </summary> public PatternTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input, Pattern pattern, int group) : base(factory, input) { = group; // Use "" instead of str so don't consume chars // (fillBuffer) from the input on throwing IAE below: matcher = pattern.matcher(""); // confusingly group count depends ENTIRELY on the pattern but is only accessible via matcher if (group >= 0 && group > matcher.groupCount()) { throw new System.ArgumentException("invalid group specified: pattern only has: " + matcher.groupCount() + " capturing groups"); } }
public PathHierarchyTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input, int bufferSize, char delimiter, char replacement, int skip) : base(factory, input) { if (bufferSize < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException("bufferSize cannot be negative"); } if (skip < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException("skip cannot be negative"); } termAtt.resizeBuffer(bufferSize); this.delimiter = delimiter; this.replacement = replacement; this.skip = skip; resultToken = new StringBuilder(bufferSize); }
/// <summary> /// creates a new PatternTokenizer returning tokens from group (-1 for split functionality) </summary> public PatternTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, Regex pattern, int group) : base(factory, input) { this.termAtt = AddAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>(); this.offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(); = group; // Use "" instead of str so don't consume chars // (fillBuffer) from the input on throwing IAE below: this.matcher = pattern.Match(""); this.pattern = pattern; // confusingly group count depends ENTIRELY on the pattern but is only accessible via matcher var groupCount = pattern.GetGroupNumbers().Length; if (group >= 0 && group > groupCount) { throw new System.ArgumentException("invalid group specified: pattern only has: " + groupCount + " capturing groups"); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.analysis.wikipedia.WikipediaTokenizer"/>. Attaches the /// <code>input</code> to a the newly created JFlex scanner. Uses the given <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="input"> The input </param> /// <param name="tokenOutput"> One of <seealso cref="#TOKENS_ONLY"/>, <seealso cref="#UNTOKENIZED_ONLY"/>, <seealso cref="#BOTH"/> </param> public WikipediaTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input, int tokenOutput, HashSet<string> untokenizedTypes) : base(factory, input) { this.scanner = new WikipediaTokenizerImpl(this.input); init(tokenOutput, untokenizedTypes); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new SegmenterBase, also supplying the AttributeFactory /// </summary> public SegmentingTokenizerBase(AttributeFactory factory, Reader reader, BreakIterator iterator) : base(factory, reader) { this.iterator = iterator; }
/// <summary> /// clean up products, attributes, productypes and categories since provisioning the tenant /// </summary> /// <param name="tenantId"></param> /// <param name="masterCatalogId"></param> /// <param name="siteId"></param> public static void CleanUpProducts(int tenantId, int masterCatalogId, int?catalogId = null, int?siteId = null) { var tenant = TenantFactory.GetTenant(ServiceClientMessageFactory.GetTestClientMessage(), tenantId); var ApiMessageHandler = ServiceClientMessageFactory.GetTestClientMessage(tenantId: tenantId, masterCatalogId: masterCatalogId, catalogId: catalogId, siteId: siteId); var products = ProductFactory.GetProducts(ApiMessageHandler, noCount: null, pageSize: null, q: null, qLimit: null, sortBy: null, startIndex: null, filter: "createdate gt " + SinceWhen(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))); foreach (var pro in products.Items) { ProductFactory.DeleteProduct(ApiMessageHandler, pro.ProductCode); } var productTypes = ProductTypeFactory.GetProductTypes(handler: ApiMessageHandler, successCode: HttpStatusCode.OK, expectedCode: HttpStatusCode.OK); foreach (var pt in productTypes.Items) { if (pt.AuditInfo.CreateDate.Value > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) { try { ProductTypeFactory.DeleteProductType(ApiMessageHandler, pt.Id.Value); } catch (TestFailException e) //getaround base product type { // ToDo: e.ActualReturnCode } } } var attributes = AttributeFactory.GetAttributes(handler: ApiMessageHandler, successCode: HttpStatusCode.OK, expectedCode: HttpStatusCode.OK); if (attributes.TotalCount != 0) { foreach (var attr in attributes.Items) { if (attr.AuditInfo.CreateDate.Value > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) { //bug 18745, should return NoContent try { AttributeFactory.DeleteAttribute(ApiMessageHandler, attr.AttributeFQN); } catch (TestFailException e) //get around the bug { // ToDo: e.ActualReturnCode } } } } var cates = CategoryFactory.GetCategories(ApiMessageHandler, pageSize: null, sortBy: null, startIndex: null, filter: "createdate gt " + SinceWhen(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))); foreach (var cate in cates.Items) { var messageHandler1 = ServiceClientMessageFactory.GetTestClientMessage(tenantId: tenantId, masterCatalogId: masterCatalogId, catalogId: catalogId, siteId: siteId); try { CategoryFactory.DeleteCategoryById(handler: messageHandler1, categoryId: (int)cate.Id, cascadeDelete: true); } catch (TestFailException e) //work around notfound { // ToDo: e.ActualReturnCode } } }
public TokenizerAnonymousClass(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader reader, Token[] tokens) : base(factory, reader) { reusableToken = AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>(); this.tokens = tokens; }
public PipeTokenizer(LuceneVersion matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input) : base(matchVersion, factory, input) { }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new LowerCaseTokenizer using a given /// <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="matchVersion"> /// Lucene version to match See <seealso cref="<a href="#version">above</a>"/> </param> /// <param name="factory"> /// the attribute factory to use for this <seealso cref="Tokenizer"/> </param> /// <param name="in"> /// the input to split up into tokens </param> public LowerCaseTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader @in) : base(matchVersion, factory, @in) { }
public NGramTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, int gramSize) : base(factory, input) { Init(gramSize); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new SegmenterBase, also supplying the <see cref="Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> /// </summary> protected SegmentingTokenizerBase(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader reader, BreakIterator iterator) // LUCENENET: CA1012: Abstract types should not have constructors (marked protected) : base(factory, reader) { offsetAtt = AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>(); this.iterator = iterator; }
/// <summary> A TokenStream using the supplied AttributeFactory for creating new <see cref="IAttribute" /> instances.</summary> protected internal TokenStream(AttributeFactory factory) : base(factory) { }
public static ICollection <AttributeInfo> Get(OffnetServiceKey key, bool populateLists) { var config = OffnetServiceConfiguration.Get(key.Id, key.EffectiveDate); var list = ValidValueRuleParser.GetRules(config.ValidValueRule); var set = new ValidValueRuleSet(); set.AddRules(list); var attributeSet = set.GetAttributes(key, SearchOptions.ALL_FALSE); //If we have an attribute with no valid options, clear the value and try again... var emptyAttributes = (from a in attributeSet where a.Values == null || a.Values.Count == 0 select a.Name).ToList(); if (emptyAttributes.Count > 0) { foreach (var a in emptyAttributes) { key.RemoveAttribute(a); } attributeSet = set.GetAttributes(key, SearchOptions.ALL_FALSE); } IDictionary <string, AttributeInfo> tempList = new Dictionary <string, AttributeInfo>(); foreach (var a in attributeSet) { tempList[a.Name] = a; } key.AddMissingAttributes(); //Next we need to look if there are non-list items that need to be collected. foreach (var pair in config.Attributes) { AttributeInfo a = null; if (tempList.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { tempList.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out a); } tempList[pair.Key] = AttributeFactory.CreateAttribute(pair.Value, pair.Key, a, key); if ((pair.Value.Type == AttributeType.Parent || pair.Value.Type == AttributeType.Related) && key.HasAttribute(pair.Key)) { tempList[pair.Key].SetValue(key.GetAttributeValue(pair.Key, SearchOptions.ALL_TRUE)); } } var ruleSet = new OffnetServiceRuleSet(); ruleSet.AddDefaults(key); // add defaults so rules such as IsApplicable can use them //key doesn't have all the data we have generated so to use the latest we will build a ValueHolder that has what we need... string aValue; foreach (var a in tempList.Values) { aValue = a.GetValue(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aValue)) // don't add empty values { ruleSet.AddValue(a.Name, new RuleValue(aValue)); } } //Determine which attributes we don't need var finalList = tempList.Values.Where(a => config.IsConfigurableAttribute(a.Name, ruleSet)).ToDictionary(a => a.Name); //Last we need to try and add a description to attributes that haven't had them added yet... //and flag them as optional or not. We will also set the default value if there is one. foreach (var a in finalList.Values) { a.Optional = config.IsOptional(a.Name, ruleSet).ToString(); a.Label = config.GetLabel(a.Name); if (config.HasDefault(a.Name)) { try { a.DefaultValue = config.GetDefaultValue(a.Name, key); } catch (Exception) { } } a.Hidden = config.IsHidden(a.Name, key); a.MaxRepeats = config.GetMaxRepeats(a.Name); a.RequiresRefresh = config.GetRequiresRefresh(a.Name); a.ReadOnly = config.IsReadOnly(a.Name, key); a.ApplicableForChange = config.GetApplicableForChange(a.Name); a.AffectsChildren = config.AffectsChildren(a.Name); a.DesignImpact = config.IsDesignImpact(a.Name, key); a.ProvisioningImpact = config.IsProvisioningImpact(a.Name, key); var attribute = a as ListAttribute; if (attribute != null) { var la = attribute; if (populateLists && la.GetValue() != null && !la.ReadOnly && !la.Hidden) { //Since the value has been set, the list of options is empty. If it is asked for, we will determine //the list of options if this was not set. var myKey = key.Clone(false); myKey.AddValue(la.Name, null); var myAtts = set.GetAttributes(myKey, SearchOptions.ALL_FALSE); foreach (var av in from myAtt in myAtts where myAtt.Name.Equals(la.Name) from av in ((ListAttribute)myAtt).GetList() select av) { la.AddValue(av); } } } } return(config.SortList(finalList.Values)); }
protected LowerCaseKeywordTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader input) : base(factory, input) { }
public override ArabicLetterTokenizer create(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) { return(new ArabicLetterTokenizer(luceneMatchVersion, factory, input)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates NGramTokenizer with given min and max n-grams. </summary> /// <param name="factory"> <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> to use </param> /// <param name="input"> <seealso cref="Reader"/> holding the input to be tokenized </param> /// <param name="minGram"> the smallest n-gram to generate </param> /// <param name="maxGram"> the largest n-gram to generate </param> public Lucene43NGramTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input, int minGram, int maxGram) : base(factory, input) { init(minGram, maxGram); }
protected LowerCaseKeywordTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader input) : base(factory, input) { offsetAtt = AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>(); termAtt = AddAttribute <ITermAttribute>(); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new WhitespaceTokenizer using a given /// <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/>. /// /// @param /// matchVersion Lucene version to match See /// <seealso cref="<a href="#version">above</a>"/> </summary> /// <param name="factory"> /// the attribute factory to use for this <seealso cref="Tokenizer"/> </param> /// <param name="in"> /// the input to split up into tokens </param> public WhitespaceTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader @in) : base(matchVersion, factory, @in) { }
public ReversePathHierarchyTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, int bufferSize, char delimiter, char replacement, int skip) : base(factory, input) { if (bufferSize < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException("bufferSize cannot be negative"); } if (skip < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException("skip cannot be negative"); } termAtt = AddAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>(); offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(); posAtt = AddAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>(); termAtt.ResizeBuffer(bufferSize); this.delimiter = delimiter; this.replacement = replacement; this.skip = skip; resultToken = new StringBuilder(bufferSize); resultTokenBuffer = new char[bufferSize]; delimiterPositions = new List<int>(bufferSize / 10); }
public PathHierarchyTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, char delimiter, char replacement, int skip) : this(factory, input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, delimiter, replacement, skip) { }
protected LowerCaseKeywordTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader input) : base(factory, input) { offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(); termAtt = AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>(); }
/// <summary>Construct a new LetterTokenizer using a given {@link Mono.Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory}. </summary> public LetterTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader in_Renamed) : base(factory, in_Renamed) { }
public ArabicLetterTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader @in) : base(factory, @in) { }
public ReplacerTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader input) : base(factory, input) { Init(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates <see cref="NGramTokenizer"/> with given min and max n-grams. </summary> /// <param name="version"> the lucene compatibility version </param> /// <param name="factory"> <see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> to use </param> /// <param name="input"> <see cref="TextReader"/> holding the input to be tokenized </param> /// <param name="minGram"> the smallest n-gram to generate </param> /// <param name="maxGram"> the largest n-gram to generate </param> public NGramTokenizer(LuceneVersion version, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, int minGram, int maxGram) : this(version, factory, input, minGram, maxGram, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new StandardTokenizer with a given <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> /// </summary> public StandardTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) : base(factory, input) { Init(matchVersion); }
public MockTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, StreamReader input, CharacterRunAutomaton runAutomaton, bool lowerCase) : this(factory, input, runAutomaton, lowerCase, DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH) { }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new RussianLetterTokenizer using a given /// <see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="matchVersion"> lucene compatibility version </param> /// <param name="factory"> /// the attribute factory to use for this <see cref="Tokenizer"/> </param> /// <param name="in"> /// the input to split up into tokens </param> public RussianLetterTokenizer(LuceneVersion matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader @in) : base(matchVersion, factory, @in) { }
internal NGramTokenizer(LuceneVersion version, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, int minGram, int maxGram, bool edgesOnly) : base(factory, input) { Init(version, minGram, maxGram, edgesOnly); }
/// <summary> /// Calls {@link #MockTokenizer(Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory,Reader,CharacterRunAutomaton,boolean) /// MockTokenizer(AttributeFactory, Reader, WHITESPACE, true)} /// </summary> public MockTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, StreamReader input) : this(input, WHITESPACE, true) { }
public CharJoinAbbreviationsLowerCaseExactTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, System.IO.TextReader input) : base(factory, input) { offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>(); termAtt = AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>(); }
public override WhitespaceTokenizer create(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) { return(new WhitespaceTokenizer(luceneMatchVersion, factory, input)); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new RussianLetterTokenizer using a given /// <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/>. * @param /// matchVersion Lucene version to match See /// <seealso cref="<a href="#version">above</a>"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="factory"> /// the attribute factory to use for this <seealso cref="Tokenizer"/> </param> /// <param name="in"> /// the input to split up into tokens </param> public RussianLetterTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, Reader @in) : base(matchVersion, factory, @in) { }
public UpperCaseKeywordTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader @in) : base(factory, @in) { }
private Loader(Uri defaultBaseUri) { DefaultBaseUri = defaultBaseUri; ElementFactory = new ElementFactory(); AttributeFactory = new AttributeFactory(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new ClassicTokenizer with a given <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> /// </summary> public ClassicTokenizer(LuceneVersion matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) : base(factory, input) { Init(matchVersion); }
/* * Creates EdgeNGramTokenizer that can generate n-grams in the sizes of the given range * * <param name="factory"><see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> to use</param> * <param name="input"><see cref="TextReader"/> holding the input to be tokenized</param> * <param name="side">the <see cref="Side"/> from which to chop off an n-gram</param> * <param name="minGram">the smallest n-gram to generate</param> * <param name="maxGram">the largest n-gram to generate</param> */ public EdgeNGramTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, Side side, int minGram, int maxGram) : base(factory, input) { init(side, minGram, maxGram); }
public ReversePathHierarchyTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, char delimiter, char replacement, int skip) : this(factory, input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, delimiter, replacement, skip) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates NGramTokenizer with given min and max n-grams. </summary> /// <param name="version"> the lucene compatibility <a href="#version">version</a> </param> /// <param name="factory"> <seealso cref="org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> to use </param> /// <param name="input"> <seealso cref="Reader"/> holding the input to be tokenized </param> /// <param name="minGram"> the smallest n-gram to generate </param> /// <param name="maxGram"> the largest n-gram to generate </param> public NGramTokenizer(Version version, AttributeFactory factory, Reader input, int minGram, int maxGram) : this(version, factory, input, minGram, maxGram, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="WikipediaTokenizer"/>. Attaches the /// <paramref name="input"/> to a the newly created JFlex scanner. Uses the given <see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="factory"> The <see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> </param> /// <param name="input"> The input </param> /// <param name="tokenOutput"> One of <see cref="TOKENS_ONLY"/>, <see cref="UNTOKENIZED_ONLY"/>, <see cref="BOTH"/> </param> /// <param name="untokenizedTypes"> Untokenized types </param> public WikipediaTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, int tokenOutput, ICollection <string> untokenizedTypes) : base(factory, input) { this.scanner = new WikipediaTokenizerImpl(this.m_input); Init(tokenOutput, untokenizedTypes); }
public static System.Attribute ConvertPlatformAttribute(CustomAttributeData attribute, PlatformName platform) { var constructorArguments = new object [attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count; ++i) { constructorArguments [i] = attribute.ConstructorArguments [i].Value; } Func <string> createErrorMessage = () => { var b = new System.Text.StringBuilder(" Types { "); for (int i = 0; i < constructorArguments.Length; ++i) { b.Append(constructorArguments[i].GetType().ToString() + " "); } b.Append("}"); return(b.ToString()); }; Func <string> unknownFormatError = () => $"Unknown format for old style availability attribute {attribute.AttributeType.FullName} {attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count} {createErrorMessage ()}"; object [] ctorValues; System.Type [] ctorTypes; switch (attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count) { case 2: if (constructorArguments [0].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [1].GetType() == typeof(byte)) { ctorValues = new object [] { (byte)platform, (int)(byte)constructorArguments [0], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [1], (byte)0xff, null }; ctorTypes = new System.Type [] { AttributeFactory.PlatformEnum, typeof(int), typeof(int), AttributeFactory.PlatformArch, typeof(string) }; break; } throw new NotImplementedException(unknownFormatError()); case 3: if (constructorArguments [0].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [1].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [2].GetType() == typeof(byte)) { ctorValues = new object [] { (byte)platform, (int)(byte)constructorArguments [0], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [1], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [2], (byte)0xff, null }; ctorTypes = new System.Type [] { AttributeFactory.PlatformEnum, typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), AttributeFactory.PlatformArch, typeof(string) }; break; } if (constructorArguments [0].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [1].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [2].GetType() == typeof(bool)) { byte arch = (bool)constructorArguments [2] ? (byte)2 : (byte)0xff; ctorValues = new object [] { (byte)platform, (int)(byte)constructorArguments [0], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [1], arch, null }; ctorTypes = new System.Type [] { AttributeFactory.PlatformEnum, typeof(int), typeof(int), AttributeFactory.PlatformArch, typeof(string) }; break; } throw new NotImplementedException(unknownFormatError()); case 4: if (constructorArguments [0].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [1].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [2].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [3].GetType() == typeof(bool)) { byte arch = (bool)constructorArguments [3] ? (byte)2 : (byte)0xff; ctorValues = new object [] { (byte)platform, (int)(byte)constructorArguments [0], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [1], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [2], arch, null }; ctorTypes = new System.Type [] { AttributeFactory.PlatformEnum, typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), AttributeFactory.PlatformArch, typeof(string) }; break; } if (constructorArguments [0].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [1].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [2].GetType() == typeof(byte) && constructorArguments [3].GetType() == typeof(byte) /* ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture */) { ctorValues = new object [] { (byte)platform, (int)(byte)constructorArguments [0], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [1], (int)(byte)constructorArguments [2], constructorArguments [3], null }; ctorTypes = new System.Type [] { AttributeFactory.PlatformEnum, typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), AttributeFactory.PlatformArch, typeof(string) }; break; } throw new NotImplementedException(unknownFormatError()); default: throw new NotImplementedException($"Unknown count {attribute.ConstructorArguments.Count} {createErrorMessage ()}"); } return(AttributeFactory.CreateNewAttribute(AttributeFactory.IntroducedAttributeType, ctorTypes, ctorValues)); }
/* * Creates EdgeNGramTokenizer that can generate n-grams in the sizes of the given range * * <param name="factory"><see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> to use</param> * <param name="input"><see cref="TextReader"/> holding the input to be tokenized</param> * <param name="sideLabel">the name of the <see cref="Side"/> from which to chop off an n-gram</param> * <param name="minGram">the smallest n-gram to generate</param> * <param name="maxGram">the largest n-gram to generate</param> */ public EdgeNGramTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, string sideLabel, int minGram, int maxGram) : this(factory, input, SideExtensions.GetSide(sideLabel), minGram, maxGram) { }
public CJKTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader @in) : base(factory, @in) { Init(); }
internal NGramTokenizer(Version version, AttributeFactory factory, Reader input, int minGram, int maxGram, bool edgesOnly) : base(factory, input) { init(version, minGram, maxGram, edgesOnly); }
public Lucene43EdgeNGramTokenizer(LuceneVersion version, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, Side side, int minGram, int maxGram) : base(factory, input) { Init(version, side, minGram, maxGram); }
public CJKTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader _in) : base(factory, _in) { Init(); }
public Lucene43EdgeNGramTokenizer(LuceneVersion version, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, string sideLabel, int minGram, int maxGram) : this(version, factory, input, GetSide(sideLabel), minGram, maxGram) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates <see cref="Lucene43EdgeNGramTokenizer"/> that can generate n-grams in the sizes of the given range /// </summary> /// <param name="version"> the Lucene match version - See <see cref="LuceneVersion"/> </param> /// <param name="factory"> <see cref="AttributeSource.AttributeFactory"/> to use </param> /// <param name="input"> <see cref="TextReader"/> holding the input to be tokenized </param> /// <param name="minGram"> the smallest n-gram to generate </param> /// <param name="maxGram"> the largest n-gram to generate </param> public Lucene43EdgeNGramTokenizer(LuceneVersion version, AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, int minGram, int maxGram) : this(version, factory, input, Side.FRONT, minGram, maxGram) { }
public MyAttributeFactory(AttributeFactory @delegate) { this.@delegate = @delegate; }
/// <summary> An AttributeSource using the supplied {@link AttributeFactory} for creating new {@link Attribute} instances.</summary> public AttributeSource(AttributeFactory factory) { this.attributes = new SupportClass.GeneralKeyedCollection<Type, SupportClass.AttributeImplItem>(delegate(SupportClass.AttributeImplItem att) { return att.Key; }); this.attributeImpls = new SupportClass.GeneralKeyedCollection<Type, SupportClass.AttributeImplItem>(delegate(SupportClass.AttributeImplItem att) { return att.Key; }); this.factory = factory; }