private void OpenGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, SharpGL.SceneGraph.OpenGLEventArgs args) { OpenGL gl = args.OpenGL; /// Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); /// Move Left And Into The Screen gl.LoadIdentity(); gl.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f); frames++; if (count < 90) { float x = (float)Gaussian.Generate(-10, 10); float y = (float)yRand.GenerateDouble(); CubeMesh star = new CubeMesh(x, y, 0); star.Mass = (float)Gaussian.Generate(.2, .5); star.Scale = new Vector3(star.Mass, star.Mass, star.Mass); stars.Add(star); count++; } foreach (var star in stars) { Attractor pull = new Attractor(); pull.Mass = star.Mass; foreach (var other in stars) { if (star != other) { Attractor otherPull = new Attractor(); otherPull.Mass = other.Mass; other.ApplyForce(pull.CalculateAttraction(other)); star.ApplyForce(otherPull.CalculateAttraction(star)); } } star.Draw(gl); gl.Color(colorRand.GenerateDouble(), colorRand.GenerateDouble(), colorRand.GenerateDouble()); } if (frames == 300) { frames = 0; stars.Clear(); count = 0; } }
private void OpenGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, SharpGL.SceneGraph.OpenGLEventArgs args) { Title = "basketball-game"; OpenGL gl = args.OpenGL; gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); RenderColor(gl); Render3D(gl); gl.LoadIdentity(); //Manipulate Camera gl.LookAt(0 - mouseVector.x - movementVector.x, 0 + mouseVector.y - movementVector.y, 20.0f + zoom, 0 - movementVector.x, 0 + mouseVector.y, zoom, 0, 1, 0); //Then Translate gl.Translate(0.0f, 10.0f, -50.0f); //Draw 3D Objects #region Draw 3D Objects Ball.DrawBasketBall(gl, 60, 0, 0, 0); Ground.DrawCube(gl, 0, 120, 0); Pole.DrawCube(gl, 100, 100, 100); Board.DrawCube(gl, 0, 200, 200); RingEdge.DrawCube(gl, 0, 200, 200); RimNet.Draw(gl, 50, 50, 50); CenNet.Draw(gl, 40, 40, 40); //simulatedBall.DrawCircle(gl, 1); //Aiming Line Draw if (showLine) { if (isBallThrown) { //Line.DrawLine(gl, Ball, Ball.Velocity, 1, 200, 60, 60); Line.DrawSimulatedPath(gl, Ball, Ball.Velocity, 1, 200, 60, 60); } else { //Line.DrawLine(gl, Ball, modifierVector, 1, 200, 60, 60); Line2.DrawSimulatedPath(gl, simulatedBall, simulatedVector, 1, 200, 0, 0); } } //End Drawing Most 3D Objects #endregion #region Draw Text var angle = (Math.Truncate((Math.Atan(modifierVector.y / modifierVector.x) * 180 / Math.PI) * 100.0) / 100.0); //Above gl.DrawText(5, 630, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 15, "Round: " + curRound); gl.DrawText(5, 600, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 30, "Score: " + curScore); gl.DrawText(5, 570, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 20, "Camera Movement Enabled: " + Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey).ToString()); gl.DrawText(5, 480, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 30, gameStage); //Below gl.DrawText(230, 20, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 15, "Angle: " + angle); gl.DrawText(400, 5, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 15, "Increments: " + increments); gl.DrawText(400, 20, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 15, "Power: " + power); gl.DrawText(900, 20, 1, 0, 0, "Arial", 15, "Reset in: " + curCounter); #endregion showBall.Rotation += 5; #region WINDY Score when > 10 //WINDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- SCORE > 10 if (curScore >= 10) { isWindy = true; gameStage = "It's a bit windy"; ObjectMesh Leave = new ObjectMesh() { Scale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), Mass = 0.3f }; leaveRandGaussian = (float)Randomizer.Gaussian(-0, 10); leaveRandNorm = (float)Randomizer.Generate(0.1f, 0.5f); Leave.Position = new Vector3(leaveRandGaussian + 150, leaveRandGaussian, 30); Leave.Mass = leaveRandNorm; Leaves.Add(Leave); foreach (var leaf in Leaves) { leaf.DrawCube(gl, 0, 60, 0); leaf.ApplyGravity(); leaf.ApplyForce(rightWindVector); leaf.Velocity.Clamp(-0.2f, -0.2f, 0); if (leaf.HasCollidedWith(Ground)) { leaf.Position.y = Ground.Position.y + Ground.Scale.y + leaf.Scale.y; leaf.Velocity.y = (-(leaf.Velocity.y)); leaf.ApplyFriction(); } else { leaf.ApplyGravity(); leaf.ApplyFriction(); } } } #endregion #region Meteor Fell Score When > 20 if ((curScore >= 20) && (enabledMetoer)) { gameStage = "Some kind of meteor..."; Meteor.DrawCircle(gl); Meteor.ApplyForce(meteorFallingVector); if (Meteor.Position.y <= -30) { Meteor.Velocity.y *= 0; Meteor.Position.y = -30; isMeteorFall = true; } } #endregion #region Ball Thrown Code //You pressed Space if (isBallThrown) { curCounter--; if (curCounter > maxCounter - 2) { Ball.Velocity = modifierVector / 1.5f; } Ball.Rotation += 10; } #endregion #region Scoring if (CenNet.Contains(Ball)) { Console.WriteLine("Ball is in CenNet..."); if (!isScored) { curScore++; randNorm = (float)Randomizer.Generate(-10, 10); randGaussian = (float)Randomizer.Gaussian(1, 2); Console.WriteLine("Player Scores!"); isScored = true; } Ball.ApplyForce(RimNet.CalculateDragForce(Ball) * 1); Ball.ApplyForce(CenNet.CalculateDragForce(Ball) * 2); } #endregion #region Reset Code if (curCounter < 0) { Pole.Position.x += randNorm; Board.Position.x += randNorm; RingEdge.Position.x += randNorm; RimNet.x += randNorm; CenNet.x += randNorm; if ((randNorm < 1) && (randNorm > -1)) { Board.Position.y += randGaussian; RimNet.y += randGaussian; CenNet.y += randGaussian; RingEdge.Position.y += randGaussian; } if ((Pole.Position.x > 70) || (Pole.Position.x < 30)) { Pole.Position.x = 50; Board.Position.x = 48.5f; RingEdge.Position.x = 42.5f; RimNet.x = 45.5f; CenNet.x = 45.5f; } curCounter = maxCounter; isScored = false; curRound++; } if (curCounter == maxCounter) { //isSpaceHeld = false; isBallThrown = false; Ball.Velocity.x *= 0.0f; Ball.Velocity.y *= 0.0f; Ball.Position = BallDefaultPos; randNorm *= 0; randGaussian *= 0; isScored = false; } #endregion #region Controls // These controls only available when Ball is not yet thrown if (!isBallThrown) { //Increment Adjuster if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(increaseKey) && !Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { increments -= 0.1f; } else if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(decreaseKey) && !Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { increments += 0.2f; } increments = GameUtils.Constrain(increments, minIncrements, maxIncrements); //Adjust Power and Angle modified by Increments lineLength = modifierVector.GetLength(); power = (Math.Truncate(lineLength * 100.0) / 100.0); power *= 10; if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(upKey) && (power < 100) && !Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { aimAngle = Math.Atan((modifierVector.y) / (modifierVector.x)); modifierVector.x += increments * (float)Math.Cos(aimAngle); modifierVector.y += increments * (float)Math.Sin(aimAngle); } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(downKey) && (power > 10) && !Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { aimAngle = Math.Atan((modifierVector.y) / (modifierVector.x)); modifierVector.x -= increments * (float)Math.Cos(aimAngle); modifierVector.y -= increments * (float)Math.Sin(aimAngle); } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(rightKey) && !Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { aimAngle = Math.Atan(modifierVector.y / modifierVector.x); aimAngle -= (Math.PI / 180) + ((Math.PI / 90) * increments); modifierVector.x = lineLength * (float)Math.Cos(aimAngle); modifierVector.y = lineLength * (float)Math.Sin(aimAngle); } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(leftKey) && !Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { aimAngle = Math.Atan(modifierVector.y / modifierVector.x); aimAngle += (Math.PI / 180) + ((Math.PI / 90) * increments); modifierVector.x = lineLength * (float)Math.Cos(aimAngle); modifierVector.y = lineLength * (float)Math.Sin(aimAngle); } } //Play Ball if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(shootKey)) { isBallThrown = true; } //Restart if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(resetKey) && (curCounter < maxCounter)) { curCounter = -2; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleLineKey)) { showLine = false; isDrawSimulatedPath = false; } else { showLine = true; isDrawSimulatedPath = true; } //Force Random if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(randomizeKey)) { randNorm = (float)Randomizer.Generate(-10, 10); randGaussian = (float)Randomizer.Gaussian(1, 2); curCounter = -2; } //Add Score Cheat if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(cheatKey)) { randNorm = (float)Randomizer.Generate(-10, 10); randGaussian = (float)Randomizer.Gaussian(1, 2); curCounter = -2; curScore++; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(toggleMovementKey)) { mouseVector = new Vector3(mousePos.x / (50 * (1 / sensitivity)), mousePos.y / (30 * (1 / sensitivity)), 0); eyex = 0 - mouseVector.x + movementVector.x; eyey = 0 + mouseVector.y - movementVector.y; eyez += zoom; cenx = 0 - movementVector.x; ceny = 0 + mouseVector.y; cenz = zoom; if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(increaseKey)) { zoom += 1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(decreaseKey)) { zoom -= 1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(upKey)) { //movementVector.y -= 1; zoom -= 1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(downKey)) { //movementVector.y -= -1; zoom += 1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(leftKey)) { movementVector.x -= -1; } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(rightKey)) { movementVector.x -= 1; } } if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(quitKey)) { Environment.Exit(0); } #endregion #region Physics and Collision //Simulated Ball //Main Ball if (Ball.HasCollidedWith(Ground)) { Ball.Velocity.y = (-(Ball.Velocity.y) / 2); Ball.Position.y = Ground.Position.y + Ground.Scale.y + Ball.Radius; Ball.ApplyFriction(); if (isWindy) { Ball.ApplyForce(rightWindVector); } if (isMeteorFall) { Ball.ApplyForce(Meteor.CalculateAttraction(Ball)); } } else { Ball.ApplyGravity(0.2f); Ball.ApplyFriction(); if (isWindy == true) { Ball.ApplyForce(rightWindVector); } if (isMeteorFall == true) { Ball.ApplyForce(Meteor.CalculateAttraction(Ball)); } } if (Ball.HasCollidedWith(Board)) { if (Ball.Position.y > Board.Position.y + Board.Scale.y) { Ball.Velocity.y = (-(Ball.Velocity.y) / 2); } Ball.Velocity.x = (-(Ball.Velocity.x) / 1.5f); } //Ball Collided with Meteor //Get distance between Ball and Metoer then check against its scale if (GameUtils.GetDistanceBetween(Meteor, Ball) < (Ball.Radius + Meteor.Radius) + 2.0f) { Ball.Velocity.x = (-(Ball.Velocity.x) / 1.5f); Ball.Velocity.y = (-(Ball.Velocity.y) / 1.5f); } if (Ball.HasCollidedWith(RingEdge)) { if (Ball.Position.y > RingEdge.Position.y + RingEdge.Scale.y) { Ball.Velocity.y = (-(Ball.Velocity.y) / 2); } Ball.Velocity.x = (-(Ball.Velocity.x) / 1.5f); } if (Ball.HasCollidedWith(Pole)) { Ball.Velocity.x = (-(Ball.Velocity.x) / 1.5f); } #endregion }
private void OpenGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, SharpGL.SceneGraph.OpenGLEventArgs args) { this.Title = "APLIMAT Final Exam"; OpenGL gl = args.OpenGL; // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Move Left And Into The Screen gl.LoadIdentity(); gl.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, -100.0f); Ocean.Draw(gl); gl.Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //gl.Color((byte)192, (byte)192, (byte)192); //Rock.Mass = (float)Gaussian.Generate(randMass.Generate(), randMass.Generate()); //Rock.Scale = new Vector3(Rock.Mass, Rock.Mass, 0); //Rock.ApplyForce(Vector3.arcRight * 0.01f); //Rock.ApplyGravity(); gl.Color(0, 0, 0); blackHole.Position.x = 0; blackHole.Position.y = -40; blackHole.Mass = 5; blackHole.Scale = new Vector3(blackHole.Mass, blackHole.Mass, 0); blackHole.Draw(gl); if (myRocks.Count <= 20) { for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { myRocks.Add(new CubeMesh()); myRocks[x].Position = new Vector3(randPos.Generate(), randPos.Generate(), 0); myRocks[x].Mass = (float)Gaussian.Generate(randMass.Generate(), randMass.Generate()); myRocks[x].Scale = new Vector3(myRocks[x].Mass, myRocks[x].Mass, 0); } } foreach (var rock in myRocks) { gl.Color((byte)192, (byte)192, (byte)192); rock.ApplyGravity(); rock.Draw(gl); if (Ocean.Contains(rock)) { var dragForce = Ocean.CalculateDragForce(rock); rock.ApplyForce(dragForce); rock.ApplyForce(blackHole.CalculateAttraction(rock)); } if (rock.Position.y <= -40) { rock.Position.y = -40; rock.Velocity.y *= -1; } } counter++; //for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) //{ // myRocks.Add(new CubeMesh()); // myRocks[x].Position = new Vector3(-50 - (x * 10), 30, 0); // gl.Color((byte)192, (byte)192, (byte)192); // myRocks[x].Mass = (float)Gaussian.Generate(randMass.Generate(), randMass.Generate()); // myRocks[x].Scale = new Vector3(Rock.Mass, Rock.Mass, 0); // myRocks[x].ApplyGravity(); // myRocks[x].Draw(gl); // if (Ocean.Contains(myRocks[x])) // { // var dragForce = Ocean.CalculateDragForce(myRocks[x]); // //myRocks[x].ApplyForce(dragForce); // //myRocks[x].ApplyForce(blackHole.CalculateAttraction(myRocks[x])); // } // if (myRocks[x].Position.y <= -40) // { // myRocks[x].Position.y = -40; // myRocks[x].Velocity.y *= -1; // } //} //if (counter >= 20) //{ // Rock.ApplyForce(Vector3.Right * 0.01f); // Rock.ApplyForce(Vector3.Up * 0.01f); // Rock.ApplyGravity(); // Rock.Draw(gl); // myRocks.Add(Rock); // if (Ocean.Contains(Rock)) // { // var dragForce = Ocean.CalculateDragForce(Rock); // Rock.ApplyForce(dragForce); // } //} //if(counter == 120) //{ // counter = 0; // Rock.Position = new Vector3(-75.0f, -8.0f, 0); //} //gl.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); //bullet.Draw(gl); //if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Space)) //{ // Rock.Draw(gl); //} //if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.D)) //{ // myCube.ApplyForce(Vector3.Right * speed); //} //if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.A)) //{ // myCube.ApplyForce(Vector3.Left * speed); //} //if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.S)) //{ // myCube.ApplyForce(Vector3.Down * speed); //} //if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) //{ //} //myCube.ApplyGravity(); //if (myCube.Position.y <= -50) //{ // myCube.Position.y = -50; // myc //} }