예제 #1
 public MainController(MainWindow x, AttitudeData y)
     this._main         = x;
     this._data         = y;
     this._usb          = new USB(x, y, this);
     this._usbConnected = false;
    void Start()
        attitudeData = new List <AttitudeData>();
        gpsData      = new List <GpsData>();

        StreamReader attitudeStreamReader = GetFileStream("result.ahr2");
        string       line = attitudeStreamReader.ReadLine();

        string[] dt = line.Split(' ');
        while (line != null)
            AttitudeData d = new AttitudeData {
                Timestamp = int.Parse(dt[0]),
                Roll      = float.Parse(dt[1]),
                Pitch     = float.Parse(dt[2]),
                Yaw       = float.Parse(dt[3])
            line = attitudeStreamReader.ReadLine();
            if (line != null)
                dt = line.Split(' ');

        StreamReader gpsStreamReader = GetFileStream("result.gps");

        line = gpsStreamReader.ReadLine();
        dt   = line.Split(' ');
        while (line != null)
            GpsData d = new GpsData {
                Timestamp = int.Parse(dt[0]),
                Latitude  = float.Parse(dt[1]),
                Longitude = float.Parse(dt[2]),
                Altitude  = float.Parse(dt[3])
            line = gpsStreamReader.ReadLine();
            if (line != null)
                dt = line.Split(' ');

        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(-0.362f, 0.288f, 1.83f);

        for (int i = 0; i < gpsData.Count - 1; i++)
            Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(gpsData[i].Longitude, gpsData[i].Altitude, gpsData[i].Latitude),
                           new Vector3(gpsData[i + 1].Longitude, gpsData[i + 1].Altitude, gpsData[i + 1].Latitude), Color.red, 3000.0f);
예제 #3
 public USB(MainWindow x, AttitudeData y, MainController z)
     sw                         = new Stopwatch();
     this._mainCtrl             = z;
     this._main                 = x;
     this._data                 = y;
     this._serial               = new SerialPort();
     this._portsList            = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
     this._numberOfPorts        = this._portsList.Length;
     this._collectionMode       = false;
     this._numberOfDataGathered = 0;
     this._parsingRate          = 50; //percentage
     this._parsingCounter       = 0;
     //_dataPackage = new DataWrapper();
예제 #4
        public MainWindow()

            Color color = new Color();

            color           = Colors.Azure;
            this.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color);

            this._data    = new AttitudeData();
            this._ctrl    = new MainController(this, this._data);
            this._gyro    = new TextBox[10];
            this._acc     = new TextBox[10];
            this._cFilter = new TextBox[10];

            this._gyro[0]    = this.txtGRawX;
            this._gyro[1]    = this.txtGRawY;
            this._gyro[2]    = this.txtGRawZ;
            this._gyro[3]    = this.txtGNorm;
            this._gyro[4]    = this.txtGDirCosX;
            this._gyro[5]    = this.txtGDegreeX;
            this._gyro[6]    = this.txtGDirCosY;
            this._gyro[7]    = this.txtGDegreeY;
            this._gyro[8]    = this.txtGDirCosZ;
            this._gyro[9]    = this.txtGDegreeZ;
            this._acc[0]     = this.txtARawX;
            this._acc[1]     = this.txtARawY;
            this._acc[2]     = this.txtARawZ;
            this._acc[3]     = this.txtANorm;
            this._acc[4]     = this.txtADirCosX;
            this._acc[5]     = this.txtADegreeX;
            this._acc[6]     = this.txtADirCosY;
            this._acc[7]     = this.txtADegreeY;
            this._acc[8]     = this.txtADirCosZ;
            this._acc[9]     = this.txtADegreeZ;
            this._cFilter[0] = this.txtCRawX;
            this._cFilter[1] = this.txtCRawY;
            this._cFilter[2] = this.txtCRawZ;
            this._cFilter[3] = this.txtCNorm;
            this._cFilter[4] = this.txtCDirCosX;
            this._cFilter[5] = this.txtCDegreeX;
            this._cFilter[6] = this.txtCDirCosY;
            this._cFilter[7] = this.txtCDegreeY;
            this._cFilter[8] = this.txtCDirCosZ;
            this._cFilter[9] = this.txtCDegreeZ;
예제 #5
        public void BroadcastAttitudeData(AttitudeData attitudeData)
            string dataString = $"XATTPrepar3D,{attitudeData.trueHeading:F1},{attitudeData.pitch:F1},{attitudeData.roll:F1},0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0";

예제 #6
        public void saveToExcel()
            Excel.Application xlFile = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

            if (xlFile == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Excel is not properly installed!!");

            Excel.Workbook    xlBook;
            Excel.Worksheet[] sheet    = new Excel.Worksheet[5];
            object            misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            xlBook = xlFile.Workbooks.Add(misValue);

            int outterIteration = this._data.gyro.Length;
            int innerIteration  = this._data.gyro[0].Count;

            // sheet one - gyro
            sheet[0]              = (Excel.Worksheet)xlBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
            sheet[0].Name         = (string)"Gyroscope";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 1]  = "RawX";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 2]  = "RawY";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 3]  = "RawZ";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 4]  = "Normal";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 5]  = "DircosX";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 6]  = "Degreex";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 7]  = "DirCosY";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 8]  = "DegreeY";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 9]  = "DircosZ";
            sheet[0].Cells[1, 10] = "DegreeZ";

            for (int i = 0; i < outterIteration; i++)
                List <string> temp = this._data.gyro[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < innerIteration; j++)

                    sheet[0].Cells[j + 2, i + 1] = temp[j];
            // sheet two - acc
            sheet[1]              = (Excel.Worksheet)xlBook.Worksheets.Add();
            sheet[1].Name         = (string)"Accelerometer";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 1]  = "RawX";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 2]  = "RawY";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 3]  = "RawZ";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 4]  = "Normal";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 5]  = "DircosX";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 6]  = "Degreex";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 7]  = "DirCosY";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 8]  = "DegreeY";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 9]  = "DircosZ";
            sheet[1].Cells[1, 10] = "DegreeZ";
            for (int i = 0; i < outterIteration; i++)
                List <string> temp = this._data.acc[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < innerIteration; j++)
                    sheet[1].Cells[j + 2, i + 1] = temp[j];

            // sheet three - cFilter
            sheet[2]              = (Excel.Worksheet)xlBook.Worksheets.Add();
            sheet[2].Name         = (string)"cFilter";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 1]  = "RawX";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 2]  = "RawY";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 3]  = "RawZ";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 4]  = "Normal";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 5]  = "DircosX";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 6]  = "Degreex";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 7]  = "DirCosY";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 8]  = "DegreeY";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 9]  = "DircosZ";
            sheet[2].Cells[1, 10] = "DegreeZ";
            for (int i = 0; i < outterIteration; i++)
                List <string> temp = this._data.cFilter[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < innerIteration; j++)
                    sheet[2].Cells[j + 2, i + 1] = temp[j];
            // sheet four - magnetometer
            sheet[3]             = (Excel.Worksheet)xlBook.Worksheets.Add();
            sheet[3].Name        = (string)"Magnetometer";
            sheet[3].Cells[1, 1] = "MagX";
            sheet[3].Cells[1, 2] = "MagY";
            sheet[3].Cells[1, 3] = "MagZ";
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                List <string> temp = this._data.mag[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < innerIteration; j++)
                    sheet[3].Cells[j + 2, i + 1] = temp[j];
            // sheet fives - control ref
            sheet[4]             = (Excel.Worksheet)xlBook.Worksheets.Add();
            sheet[4].Name        = (string)"Attitude Reference";
            sheet[4].Cells[1, 1] = "pitch";
            sheet[4].Cells[1, 2] = "roll";
            sheet[4].Cells[1, 3] = "yaw";
            sheet[4].Cells[1, 5] = "Throttle";

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                List <string> temp = this._data.ctrlRefAtt[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < innerIteration; j++)
                    sheet[4].Cells[j + 2, i + 1] = temp[j];
                    if (i < 1)
                        List <string> throt = this._data.Throttle;
                        sheet[4].Cells[j + 2, 5] = throt[j];

            xlBook.SaveAs(this._main.lblAddress.Content + this._main.txtFileName.Text);
            xlBook.Close(true, misValue, misValue);


            MessageBox.Show("Excel file created , you can find the file " + this._main.lblAddress.Content + this._main.txtFileName.Text);
            this._data = new AttitudeData();
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the PacketSniffer class that contain the values extracted from the given byte array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="byteArray">14 bytes array for basic information OR 256 byte for packet time.</param>
        public PacketSniffer(Byte[] byteArray)
            _MagicNumber            = 0;
            _HeaderType             = 0;
            _SubChannelNumber       = 0;
            _NumberChannelsToFollow = 0;
            _NumberBytesThisRecord  = 0;
            _PacketTime             = DateTime.MinValue;
            _TimeTag = 0;

            using (BinaryReader pd = new BinaryReader(ArrayToStream.BytesToMemory(byteArray)))
                if (byteArray.Length >= 14)
                    // Read the basic information of the packet
                    XtfBasePacket basePkt = new XtfBasePacket(byteArray);

                    _MagicNumber            = basePkt.MagicNumber;
                    _HeaderType             = basePkt.HeaderType;
                    _SubChannelNumber       = basePkt.SubChannelNumber;
                    _NumberChannelsToFollow = basePkt.NumberChannelsToFollow;
                    _NumberBytesThisRecord  = basePkt.NumberBytesThisRecord;

                    if (byteArray.Length >= 256)
                        // Extract packet time from each packet type known
                        switch (HeaderType)
                        // Ping header packet types
                        case 0:
                        case 2:
                        case 4:
                        case 5:
                        case 8:
                        case 9:
                        case 10:
                        case 14:
                        case 16:
                        case 17:
                        case 18:
                        case 19:
                        case 22:
                        case 25:
                        case 27:
                        case 28:
                        case 60:
                        case 61:
                        case 62:
                        case 65:
                        case 66:
                        case 68:
                        case 69:
                        case 73:
                            PingHeader tmpHdr0 = new PingHeader(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr0.PacketTime;

                        // Notes - text annotation packet types
                        case 1:
                            Notes tmpHdr1 = new Notes(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr1.PacketTime;

                        // Attitude Data packet types
                        case 3:
                        case 103:
                            AttitudeData tmpHdr2 = new AttitudeData(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr2.PacketTime;
                            _TimeTag    = tmpHdr2.TimeTag;

                        // Raw Serial packet types
                        case 6:
                            RawSerialHeader tmpHdr3 = new RawSerialHeader(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr3.PacketTime;

                        // High speed sensor packet types
                        case 11:
                        case 15:
                            HighSpeedSensor tmpHdr4 = new HighSpeedSensor(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr4.PacketTime;

                        // Gyro packet types
                        case 23:
                        case 84:
                            Gyro tmpHdr5 = new Gyro(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr5.PacketTime;
                            _TimeTag    = tmpHdr5.TimeTag;

                        // QPS Singlebeam packet types
                        case 26:
                            QpsSingleBeam tmpHdr6 = new QpsSingleBeam(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr6.PacketTime;

                        // Navigation packet types
                        case 42:
                        case 100:
                            Navigation tmpHdr7 = new Navigation(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr7.PacketTime;
                            _TimeTag    = tmpHdr7.TimeTag;

                        // Pos Raw Navigation packet types
                        case 107:
                            PosRawNavigation tmpHdr8 = new PosRawNavigation(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr8.PacketTime;

                        // Navigation packet types
                        case 199:
                            RawCustomHeader tmpHdr9 = new RawCustomHeader(byteArray);
                            _PacketTime = tmpHdr9.PacketTime;
                            _TimeTag    = tmpHdr9.TimeTag;

예제 #8
        public MainWindow()

            _cellBar  = new ProgressBar[6];
            _cellInfo = new TextBox[6];

            _cellBar[0] = prgLipoC0;
            _cellBar[1] = prgLipoC1;
            _cellBar[2] = prgLipoC2;
            _cellBar[3] = prgLipoC3;
            _cellBar[4] = prgLipoC4;
            _cellBar[5] = prgLipoC5;

            _cellInfo[0] = txtLipoC0;
            _cellInfo[1] = txtLipoC1;
            _cellInfo[2] = txtLipoC2;
            _cellInfo[3] = txtLipoC3;
            _cellInfo[4] = txtLipoC4;
            _cellInfo[5] = txtLipoC5;

            //prgLipoC0.Value = 10;
            //prgLipoC0.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);

            Color color = new Color();

            color           = Colors.Azure;
            this.Background = new SolidColorBrush(color);

            this._data    = new AttitudeData();
            this._ctrl    = new MainController(this, this._data);
            this._gyro    = new TextBox[10];
            this._acc     = new TextBox[10];
            this._cFilter = new TextBox[10];

            this._gyro[0]    = this.txtGRawX;
            this._gyro[1]    = this.txtGRawY;
            this._gyro[2]    = this.txtGRawZ;
            this._gyro[3]    = this.txtGNorm;
            this._gyro[4]    = this.txtGDirCosX;
            this._gyro[5]    = this.txtGDegreeX;
            this._gyro[6]    = this.txtGDirCosY;
            this._gyro[7]    = this.txtGDegreeY;
            this._gyro[8]    = this.txtGDirCosZ;
            this._gyro[9]    = this.txtGDegreeZ;
            this._acc[0]     = this.txtARawX;
            this._acc[1]     = this.txtARawY;
            this._acc[2]     = this.txtARawZ;
            this._acc[3]     = this.txtANorm;
            this._acc[4]     = this.txtADirCosX;
            this._acc[5]     = this.txtADegreeX;
            this._acc[6]     = this.txtADirCosY;
            this._acc[7]     = this.txtADegreeY;
            this._acc[8]     = this.txtADirCosZ;
            this._acc[9]     = this.txtADegreeZ;
            this._cFilter[0] = this.txtCRawX;
            this._cFilter[1] = this.txtCRawY;
            this._cFilter[2] = this.txtCRawZ;
            this._cFilter[3] = this.txtCNorm;
            this._cFilter[4] = this.txtCDirCosX;
            this._cFilter[5] = this.txtCDegreeX;
            this._cFilter[6] = this.txtCDirCosY;
            this._cFilter[7] = this.txtCDegreeY;
            this._cFilter[8] = this.txtCDirCosZ;
            this._cFilter[9] = this.txtCDegreeZ;