예제 #1
파일: Pokemon.cs 프로젝트: Zohm/PokeUni
    //-------------------------------------          ATTACKS             ----------------------------------------
    void InitAttacks(PokemonDatabase.PokemonItem pokemonDb)
        List <PokemonDatabase.PokemonAttack> pokeAttacks = pokemonDb.m_attacksByLvl;

        // Get Moveset && attacks info
        int i = 0;

        while (i < pokeAttacks.Count && pokeAttacks[i].m_level <= m_level)

        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            if (i > 0)
                // Fill attack id
                m_moveSet[j] = pokeAttacks[j].m_attackId;

                // Get attack's info
                AttackDatabase.AttackItem attack = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(pokeAttacks[j].m_attackId);
                m_ppMax[j]     = attack.m_pp;
                m_ppCurrent[j] = attack.m_pp;

                m_moveSet [j] = -1;
예제 #2
    void InitBattlePokemons(Pokemon player, Pokemon opponent)
        // Sprites
        m_spritePlayer.sprite   = player.m_sprite_fight_back;
        m_spriteOpponent.sprite = opponent.m_sprite_fight_face;

        // Pokemons Info
        m_nameOpponent.text  = opponent.m_name;
        m_namePlayer.text    = player.m_name;
        m_levelOpponent.text = opponent.m_level.ToString();
        m_levelPlayer.text   = player.m_level.ToString();

        // Pokemons Life
        //m_remainingLife.text = player.m_currentPV.ToString ();
        //m_maxLife.text = player.m_pv[(int)EStatType.Current].ToString ();

        // Fight Menu Info
        m_currentPP.text = player.m_ppCurrent[0].ToString();
        m_maxPP.text     = player.m_ppMax[0].ToString();
        //public Text m_typeAtk;

        // Fight Menu moves
        m_move1.text = player.m_moveSet[0] != -1 ? AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(player.m_moveSet[0]).m_name : "-";
        m_move2.text = player.m_moveSet[1] != -1 ? AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(player.m_moveSet[1]).m_name : "-";
        m_move3.text = player.m_moveSet[2] != -1 ? AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(player.m_moveSet[2]).m_name : "-";
        m_move4.text = player.m_moveSet[3] != -1 ? AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(player.m_moveSet[3]).m_name : "-";

        //m_typeAtk = player.m_moveSet[0] != -1 ? AttackDatabase.GetAttackById (player.m_moveSet[0]).m_name : "-";

        //Pokemon in battle
        m_opponentPokemon = opponent;
        m_playerPokemon   = player;
예제 #3
    protected override void DrawElement(Rect rect, int index, bool selected, bool focused)
        AttackDatabase.AttackItem item = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(index);

        if (item != null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.m_name))
                GUI.Label(rect, item.m_index.ToString() + ": " + item.m_name);
                GUI.Label(rect, "Un-named!");

            if (selected)
                if (m_currentlySelected != index)
                    m_currentlySelected = index;
예제 #4
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void SelectOrderOfActions()
        m_isPlayerInPhase1 = false;

        // TODO - if a wild pokemon can flee the fight without attacking (Safari Park for example), add the condition here;

        // Running from a fight is resolve before any other action in the turn.
        // If a player plays an object, it will be done before any action from the AI
        if (m_playerAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Run || m_playerAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Object)
            m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
        // A switch from the player will also be done before any action from the AI, but can be done after some special attacks
        else if (m_AiAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Switch)
            // For now true. Cannot always be true with some attack like "Pursuit"
            m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
        else if (m_AiAction.GetActionType() == ECombatActionType.Attack)           // if both pokemon attacks, select the fastest attack
            CAttackAction playerAttackAction = (CAttackAction)m_playerAction;
            CAttackAction aiAttackAction     = (CAttackAction)m_AiAction;
            int           playerPriority     = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(playerAttackAction.attackId).m_priorite;
            int           aiPriority         = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(aiAttackAction.attackId).m_priorite;

            // if higher attack priority for the player's pokemon
            if (playerPriority > aiPriority)
                m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
            else if (playerPriority == aiPriority)
                int playerPokemonSpeed = GetPokemonSpeed(m_playerPokemon, true);
                int aiPokemonSpeed     = GetPokemonSpeed(m_opponentPokemon, false);

                // If player's pokemon is faster
                if (playerPokemonSpeed > aiPokemonSpeed)
                    m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
                else if (playerPokemonSpeed == aiPokemonSpeed)                  // if both pokemon goes to the same speed, then select one at random to attack first
                    if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
                        m_isPlayerInPhase1 = true;
예제 #5
    protected override void OnInternalInspectorGUI()
        AttackDatabase.AttackItem item = AttackDatabase.GetAttackById(m_currentlySelected);

        if (item != null)
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Attack Index", item.m_index.ToString());
                    item.m_name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Attack Name", item.m_name);

                    item.m_description = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Attack description", item.m_description);

                        item.m_attackType = (EAttackType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Nature of attack", item.m_attackType);
                        item.m_type       = (EPokemonType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type of attack", item.m_type);

                    item.m_puissance = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Puissance", item.m_puissance);
                    item.m_precision = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Precision", item.m_precision);
                    item.m_priorite  = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Priorite", item.m_priorite);
                    item.m_pp        = EditorGUILayout.IntField("PP", item.m_pp);

        if (GUI.changed)