protected void SetPropertyValues(IAnnotation annotation, DataAdapterDependencies dataAdapterDependencies) { CreatedOn = annotation.CreatedOn; CreatedOnDisplay = CreatedOn.ToString(DateTimeClientFormat); var text = annotation.NoteText; Text = AnnotationHelper.FormatNoteText(text).ToString(); UnformattedText = text.Replace(AnnotationHelper.WebAnnotationPrefix, string.Empty); if (annotation.FileAttachment != null) { AttachmentFileName = annotation.FileAttachment.FileName; HasAttachment = annotation.FileAttachment != null; AttachmentContentType = annotation.FileAttachment.MimeType; AttachmentUrl = HasAttachment ? annotation.Entity.GetFileAttachmentUrl(dataAdapterDependencies.GetWebsite()) : string.Empty; AttachmentSize = annotation.FileAttachment.FileSize; AttachmentSizeDisplay = AttachmentSize.ToString(); AttachmentIsImage = HasAttachment && (new List <string> { "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png" }).Contains(AttachmentContentType); } var subject = annotation.Subject; Subject = subject; IsPrivate = AnnotationHelper.GetNotePrivacy(annotation); var noteContact = AnnotationHelper.GetNoteContact(subject); var user = dataAdapterDependencies.GetPortalUser(); IsPostedByCurrentUser = noteContact != null && user != null && noteContact.Id == user.Id; PostedByName = noteContact == null?AnnotationHelper.GetNoteCreatedByName(annotation) : noteContact.Name; if (CanWrite) { CanWrite = IsPostedByCurrentUser; } if (CanDelete) { CanDelete = IsPostedByCurrentUser; } DisplayToolbar = CanWrite || CanDelete; }
public void TestReciveSendMessageBlockWcf() { const string BaseAddress = "http://*****:*****@"<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""""> <s:Header /> <s:Body> <AcceptMessageResponse xmlns="""" /> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>")); }); })) { int timeout = sendingManager.ScanningPeriodMilliseconds + SendTimeout; var recievingThread = new Thread(asyncReciever.AsyncRecieve); sendingManager.Prepare(); sendingManager.Start(); try { var sw = new Stopwatch(); bool sendingStarted = false; int n = 0; recievingThread.Start(); while (true) { var now = DateTime.Now; // wait for the callback resetEvent.WaitOne(timeout); // synchronous waiting time measurement double waitingTime = (DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds; if (!sendingStarted) { timeout = SendTimeout; sendingStarted = true; sw.Start(); } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } var sendedCount = sendedMessages.Count; if (sendedCount > BlockSize) { // the test will fail at Assert block break; } if (sendedCount == n) { if (waitingTime < SendTimeout) { continue; } if (sendedCount < BlockSize) { throw new TimeoutException($"{dataService.ToString()}. Время ожидания callback-вызова превысило {SendTimeout} мсек."); } // the test result will be determined at Assert block break; } n = sendedCount; } sw.Stop(); sendingTime = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds - SendTimeout; } catch (Exception ex) { asyncReciever.SetStopFlag(); exception = exception ?? ex; } finally { sendingManager.Stop(); sendingManager.AfterStop(); } recievingThread.Join(); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } // Assert. Assert.False(sendedMessages.Count > BlockSize, $"{ dataService.ToString()}. Количество отправленных сообщений превысило количество полученных сообщений."); var diagnosticMessage = $"{dataService.ToString()}:"; diagnosticMessage += $"{Environment.NewLine} Recieving time {asyncReciever.RecievingTime.ToString()} ms."; diagnosticMessage += $"{Environment.NewLine} Sending time {sendingTime.ToString()} ms."; Console.WriteLine(diagnosticMessage); } }