예제 #1
            public static bool Upgrade(PackageSession session, ILogger log, Package dependentPackage, PackageDependency dependency, Package dependencyPackage, IList <PackageLoadingAssetFile> assetFiles)
                var packageSharedProfile = dependentPackage.Profiles.FindSharedProfile();

                // Only do something if there is a default scene defined
                if (packageSharedProfile != null && packageSharedProfile.Properties.ContainsKey(DefaultScene))
                    var defaultScene = Get(packageSharedProfile.Properties, DefaultScene);

                    var defaultGraphicsProfile = Get(packageSharedProfile.Properties, DefaultGraphicsProfile);

                    // If available, use graphics profile from Windows platform
                    foreach (var profile in dependentPackage.Profiles)
                        if (profile.Platform == PlatformType.Windows && profile.Properties.ContainsKey(DefaultGraphicsProfile))
                            defaultGraphicsProfile = Get(profile.Properties, DefaultGraphicsProfile);

                    // Create asset
                    var gameSettingsAsset = new GameSettingsAsset
                        DefaultScene = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Scene>(defaultScene.Id, defaultScene.Location)

                    var renderingSettings = gameSettingsAsset.Get <RenderingSettings>();
                    renderingSettings.DisplayOrientation      = (RequiredDisplayOrientation)Get(packageSharedProfile.Properties, DisplayOrientation);
                    renderingSettings.ColorSpace              = ColorSpace.Linear;
                    renderingSettings.DefaultBackBufferWidth  = Get(packageSharedProfile.Properties, BackBufferWidth);
                    renderingSettings.DefaultBackBufferHeight = Get(packageSharedProfile.Properties, BackBufferHeight);
                    renderingSettings.DefaultGraphicsProfile  = defaultGraphicsProfile;

                    // Add asset
                    using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        AssetSerializer.Save(memoryStream, gameSettingsAsset, log);
                        assetFiles.Add(new PackageLoadingAssetFile(dependentPackage, GameSettingsLocation + FileExtension, null)
                            AssetContent = memoryStream.ToArray()

                    // Clean properties
                    foreach (var profile in dependentPackage.Profiles)

예제 #2
        public override object ConvertFrom(ref ObjectContext context, Scalar fromScalar)
            Guid  guid;
            UFile location;

            if (!AssetReference.TryParse(fromScalar.Value, out guid, out location))
                throw new YamlException(fromScalar.Start, fromScalar.End, "Unable to decode asset reference [{0}]. Expecting format GUID:LOCATION".ToFormat(fromScalar.Value));

            return(AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(context.Descriptor.Type, guid, location));
예제 #3
        private static AssetItem ImportModel(List <AssetItem> assetReferences, UFile assetSource, UFile localPath, EntityInfo entityInfo, bool shouldPostFixName)
            var asset = new ModelAsset {
                Source = assetSource

            if (entityInfo.Models != null)
                var loadedMaterials = assetReferences.Where(x => x.Asset is MaterialAsset).ToList();
                foreach (var material in entityInfo.Materials)
                    var foundMaterial = loadedMaterials.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Location == new UFile(material.Key, null));
                    if (foundMaterial != null)
                        asset.Materials.Add(new ModelMaterial {
                            Name = material.Key, MaterialInstance = new MaterialInstance()
                                Material = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Material>(foundMaterial.Id, foundMaterial.Location)
                //handle the case where during import we imported no materials at all
                //todo Instead of null material add a default paradox material
                if (entityInfo.Materials.Count == 0)
                    asset.Materials.Add(new ModelMaterial {
                        Name = "Material", MaterialInstance = new MaterialInstance()

            if (entityInfo.Nodes != null)
                foreach (var node in entityInfo.Nodes)
                    asset.Nodes.Add(new NodeInformation(node.Name, node.Depth, node.Preserve));

            if (entityInfo.AnimationNodes != null && entityInfo.AnimationNodes.Count > 0)

            var modelUrl  = new UFile(localPath.GetFileName() + (shouldPostFixName?" Model": ""), null);
            var assetItem = new AssetItem(modelUrl, asset);

예제 #4
        protected override Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
            var assetManager = new AssetManager();

            var imageGroupData = new TImageGroupData {
                Images = new List <TImageData>()

            // add the sprite data to the sprite list.
            foreach (var uiImage in asset.GroupAsset.Images)
                var newImage = new TImageData
                    Name          = uiImage.Name,
                    Region        = uiImage.TextureRegion,
                    IsTransparent = asset.GroupAsset.Alpha != AlphaFormat.None, // todo analyze texture region texture data to auto-determine alpha?
                    Orientation   = uiImage.Orientation,

                if (UseSeparateAlphaTexture)
                    //var baseLocation = ImageGroupAsset.BuildTextureUrl(Url, ImageToTextureIndex[uiImage]);
                    // newImage.Texture = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion<Texture>(Guid.Empty, TextureAlphaComponentSplitter.GenerateColorTextureURL(baseLocation));
                    // newImage.TextureAlpha = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion<Texture>(Guid.Empty, TextureAlphaComponentSplitter.GenerateAlphaTextureURL(baseLocation));
                    int imageIndex;
                    if (ImageToTextureIndex.TryGetValue(uiImage, out imageIndex))
                        newImage.Texture = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Texture>(Guid.Empty, ImageGroupAsset.BuildTextureUrl(Url, ImageToTextureIndex[uiImage]));
                        commandContext.Logger.Warning("Image '{0}' has an invalid image source file '{1}', resulting texture will be null.", uiImage.Name, uiImage.Source);

                SetImageSpecificFields(uiImage, newImage);


            // save the imageData into the data base
            assetManager.Save(Url, imageGroupData);

예제 #5
        private static AssetItem ImportModel(List <AssetItem> assetReferences, UFile assetSource, UFile localPath, EntityInfo entityInfo, bool shouldPostFixName, AssetItem skeletonAsset)
            var asset = new ModelAsset {
                Source = assetSource

            if (entityInfo.Models != null)
                var loadedMaterials = assetReferences.Where(x => x.Asset is MaterialAsset).ToList();
                foreach (var material in entityInfo.Materials)
                    var modelMaterial = new ModelMaterial
                        Name             = material.Key,
                        MaterialInstance = new MaterialInstance()
                    var foundMaterial = loadedMaterials.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Location == new UFile(material.Key, null));
                    if (foundMaterial != null)
                        var reference = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Material>(foundMaterial.Id, foundMaterial.Location);
                        modelMaterial.MaterialInstance.Material = reference;
                    //todo Instead of null material add a default xenko material
                //handle the case where during import we imported no materials at all
                //todo Instead of null material add a default xenko material
                if (entityInfo.Materials.Count == 0)
                    var modelMaterial = new ModelMaterial {
                        Name = "Material", MaterialInstance = new MaterialInstance()

            if (skeletonAsset != null)
                asset.Skeleton = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Skeleton>(skeletonAsset.Id, skeletonAsset.Location);

            var modelUrl  = new UFile(localPath.GetFileName() + (shouldPostFixName?" Model": ""), null);
            var assetItem = new AssetItem(modelUrl, asset);

예제 #6
        private static void ImportAnimation(List <AssetItem> assetReferences, UFile localPath, List <string> animationNodes, bool shouldPostFixName, AssetItem skeletonAsset)
            if (animationNodes != null && animationNodes.Count > 0)
                var assetSource = localPath;

                var asset = new AnimationAsset {
                    Source = assetSource
                var animUrl = localPath.GetFileName() + (shouldPostFixName ? " Animation" : "");

                if (skeletonAsset != null)
                    asset.Skeleton = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Skeleton>(skeletonAsset.Id, skeletonAsset.Location);

                assetReferences.Add(new AssetItem(animUrl, asset));
예제 #7
            protected override Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
                var assetManager = new AssetManager();

                var imageGroupData = new SpriteSheet {
                    Sprites = new List <Graphics.Sprite>()

                // add the sprite data to the sprite list.
                foreach (var image in AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Sprites)
                    var newImage = new Graphics.Sprite
                        Name          = image.Name,
                        Region        = image.TextureRegion,
                        IsTransparent = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Alpha != AlphaFormat.None, // todo analyze texture region texture data to auto-determine alpha?
                        Orientation   = image.Orientation,
                        Center        = image.Center + (image.CenterFromMiddle ? new Vector2(image.TextureRegion.Width, image.TextureRegion.Height) / 2 : Vector2.Zero),
                        Borders       = image.Borders,
                        PixelsPerUnit = new Vector2(image.PixelsPerUnit)

                    int imageIndex;
                    if (ImageToTextureIndex.TryGetValue(image, out imageIndex))
                        newImage.Texture = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Texture>(Guid.Empty, SpriteSheetAsset.BuildTextureUrl(Url, ImageToTextureIndex[image]));
                        commandContext.Logger.Warning("Image '{0}' has an invalid image source file '{1}', resulting texture will be null.", image.Name, image.Source);


                // save the imageData into the data base
                assetManager.Save(Url, imageGroupData);

예제 #8
        private static AssetItem ImportEntity(List <AssetItem> assetReferences, UFile localPath, AssetItem modelItem)
            var entityUrl = new UFile(localPath.GetFileName(), null);

            var asset = new EntityAsset {
                Source = localPath
            var rootEntityData = new Entity();

            asset.Hierarchy.RootEntity = rootEntityData.Id;

            rootEntityData.Name = entityUrl;
            // Use modelUrl.Path to get the url without the extension
            rootEntityData.Add(ModelComponent.Key, new ModelComponent {
                Model = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Rendering.Model>(modelItem.Id, modelItem.Location)

            var assetReference = new AssetItem(entityUrl, asset);


예제 #9
        public override object ConvertFrom(ref ObjectContext context, Scalar fromScalar)
            Guid  guid;
            UFile location;
            Guid  referenceId;

            if (!AssetReference.TryParse(fromScalar.Value, out referenceId, out guid, out location))
                throw new YamlException(fromScalar.Start, fromScalar.End, "Unable to decode asset reference [{0}]. Expecting format GUID:LOCATION".ToFormat(fromScalar.Value));

            var instance = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(context.Descriptor.Type, guid, location);

            // If the referenceId is empty, force its creation, else attach it to the reference
            if (referenceId == Guid.Empty)
                IdentifiableHelper.SetId(instance, referenceId);
예제 #10
            protected override Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
                var    nodes = new List <SpriteStudioNode>();
                string modelName;

                if (!SpriteStudioXmlImport.ParseModel(AssetParameters.Source, nodes, out modelName))

                var cells    = new List <SpriteStudioCell>();
                var textures = new List <UFile>();

                if (!SpriteStudioXmlImport.ParseCellMaps(AssetParameters.Source, textures, cells))

                var anims = new List <SpriteStudioAnim>();

                if (!SpriteStudioXmlImport.ParseAnimations(AssetParameters.Source, anims))

                var assetManager = new AssetManager();

                var sheet = new SpriteSheet();

                foreach (var cell in cells)
                    var sprite = new Sprite(cell.Name, AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Texture>(Guid.Empty, AssetParameters.BuildTextures[cell.TextureIndex]))
                        Region        = cell.Rectangle,
                        Center        = cell.Pivot,
                        IsTransparent = true

                //fill up some basic data for our model using the first animation in the array
                var anim = anims[0];

                foreach (var data in anim.NodesData)
                    var node = nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == data.Key);
                    if (node == null)

                    foreach (var pair in data.Value.Data)
                        var tag = pair.Key;
                        if (pair.Value.All(x => x["time"] != "0"))
                        var value = pair.Value.First()["value"]; //do we always have a frame 0? should be the case actually
                        switch (tag)
                        case "POSX":
                            node.BaseState.Position.X = float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "POSY":
                            node.BaseState.Position.Y = float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "ROTZ":
                            node.BaseState.RotationZ = MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        case "PRIO":
                            node.BaseState.Priority = int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "SCLX":
                            node.BaseState.Scale.X = float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "SCLY":
                            node.BaseState.Scale.Y = float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "ALPH":
                            node.BaseState.Transparency = float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "HIDE":
                            node.BaseState.Hide = int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > 0;

                        case "FLPH":
                            node.BaseState.HFlipped = int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > 0;

                        case "FLPV":
                            node.BaseState.VFlipped = int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > 0;

                        case "CELL":
                            node.BaseState.SpriteId = int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "COLV":
                            var color = new Color4(Color.FromBgra(int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                            node.BaseState.BlendColor = colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear ? color.ToLinear() : color;

                        case "COLB":
                            node.BaseState.BlendType = (SpriteStudioBlending)int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        case "COLF":
                            node.BaseState.BlendFactor = float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var spriteStudioSheet = new SpriteStudioSheet
                    NodesInfo   = nodes,
                    SpriteSheet = sheet

                assetManager.Save(Url, spriteStudioSheet);

예제 #11
            public override void VisitObjectMember(object container, ObjectDescriptor containerDescriptor, IMemberDescriptor member, object value)
                base.VisitObjectMember(container, containerDescriptor, member, value);
                var assetReference    = value as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = value as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = value != null?AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(value) : null;

                if (assetReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = AssetReference.New(member.Type, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                    AddLink(new AttachedContentReference(attachedReference),
                            (guid, location) =>
                        object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(member.Type, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (value is UFile)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UFile(location);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
                else if (value is UDirectory)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UDirectory(location);
                        member.Set(container, newValue);
예제 #12
            public override void VisitDictionaryKeyValue(object dictionaryObj, DictionaryDescriptor descriptor, object key, ITypeDescriptor keyDescriptor, object value, ITypeDescriptor valueDescriptor)
                base.VisitDictionaryKeyValue(dictionaryObj, descriptor, key, keyDescriptor, value, valueDescriptor);
                var assetReference    = value as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = value as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = value != null?AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(value) : null;

                if (assetReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ValueType, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                    AddLink(new AttachedContentReference(attachedReference),
                            (guid, location) =>
                        object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ValueType, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (value is UFile)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UFile(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
                else if (value is UDirectory)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UDirectory(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(dictionaryObj, key, newValue);
예제 #13
            public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
                base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
                var assetReference    = item as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = item as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = item != null?AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(item) : null;

                // TODO force support for IList in CollectionDescriptor
                if (assetReference != null)
                    var list = (IList)collection;
                    AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) => list[index] = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ElementType, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location));
                else if (assetBase != null)
                    var list = (IList)collection;
                    AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) => list[index] = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset));
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                    var list = (IList)collection;
                    AddLink(new AttachedContentReference(attachedReference), (guid, location) => list[index] = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ElementType, guid.Value, location) : null);
                else if (item is UFile)
                    var list = (IList)collection;
                    AddLink(item, (guid, location) => list[index] = new UFile(location));
                else if (item is UDirectory)
                    var list = (IList)collection;
                    AddLink(item, (guid, location) => list[index] = new UDirectory(location));
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a default scene exists for this game package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log">The log to output the result of the validation.</param>
        public override void Run(ILogger log)
            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

            foreach (var package in Session.Packages)
                // Make sure package has its assets loaded
                if (package.State < PackageState.AssetsReady)

                var hasGameExecutable = package.Profiles.SelectMany(profile => profile.ProjectReferences).Any(projectRef => projectRef.Type == ProjectType.Executable);
                if (!hasGameExecutable)

                // Find game settings
                var       gameSettingsAssetItem = package.Assets.Find(GameSettingsAsset.GameSettingsLocation);
                AssetItem defaultScene          = null;

                // If game settings is found, try to find default scene inside
                if (gameSettingsAssetItem != null)
                    var defaultSceneRuntime = ((GameSettingsAsset)gameSettingsAssetItem.Asset).DefaultScene;
                    if (defaultSceneRuntime != null)
                        var defaultSceneReference = AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(defaultSceneRuntime);
                        if (defaultSceneReference != null)
                            // Find it either by Url or Id
                            defaultScene = package.Assets.Find(defaultSceneReference.Id) ?? package.Assets.Find(defaultSceneReference.Url);

                            // Check it is actually a scene asset
                            if (defaultScene != null && !(defaultScene.Asset is SceneAsset))
                                defaultScene = null;

                // Find or create default scene
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    defaultScene = package.Assets.Find(GameSettingsAsset.DefaultSceneLocation);
                    if (defaultScene != null && !(defaultScene.Asset is SceneAsset))
                        defaultScene = null;

                // Otherwise, try to find any scene
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    defaultScene = package.Assets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Asset is SceneAsset);

                // Nothing found, let's create an empty one
                if (defaultScene == null)
                    log.Error(package, null, AssetMessageCode.DefaultSceneNotFound, null);

                    var defaultSceneName  = NamingHelper.ComputeNewName(GameSettingsAsset.DefaultSceneLocation, package.Assets, a => a.Location);
                    var defaultSceneAsset = SceneAsset.Create();

                    defaultScene = new AssetItem(defaultSceneName, defaultSceneAsset);
                    defaultScene.IsDirty = true;

                // Create game settings if not done yet
                if (gameSettingsAssetItem == null)
                    log.Error(package, null, AssetMessageCode.AssetNotFound, GameSettingsAsset.GameSettingsLocation);

                    var gameSettingsAsset = new GameSettingsAsset();

                    gameSettingsAsset.DefaultScene = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Scene>(defaultScene.Id, defaultScene.Location);

                    gameSettingsAssetItem = new AssetItem(GameSettingsAsset.GameSettingsLocation, gameSettingsAsset);

                    gameSettingsAssetItem.IsDirty = true;
예제 #15
        private object ExportModel(ICommandContext commandContext, ContentManager contentManager)
            // Read from model file
            var modelSkeleton = LoadSkeleton(commandContext, contentManager); // we get model skeleton to compare it to real skeleton we need to map to
            var model         = LoadModel(commandContext, contentManager);

            // Apply materials
            foreach (var modelMaterial in Materials)
                if (modelMaterial.MaterialInstance?.Material == null)
                    commandContext.Logger.Warning($"The material [{modelMaterial.Name}] is null in the list of materials.");

            model.BoundingBox = BoundingBox.Empty;

            foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes)
                if (TessellationAEN)
                    // TODO: Generate AEN model view
                    commandContext.Logger.Error("TessellationAEN is not supported in {0}", ContextAsString);

            SkeletonMapping skeletonMapping;

            Skeleton skeleton;

            if (SkeletonUrl != null)
                // Load skeleton and process it
                skeleton = contentManager.Load <Skeleton>(SkeletonUrl);

                // Assign skeleton to model
                model.Skeleton = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Skeleton>(Guid.Empty, SkeletonUrl);
                skeleton = null;

            skeletonMapping = new SkeletonMapping(skeleton, modelSkeleton);

            // Refresh skeleton updater with model skeleton
            var hierarchyUpdater = new SkeletonUpdater(modelSkeleton);


            // Move meshes in the new nodes
            foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes)
                // Check if there was a remap using model skeleton
                if (skeletonMapping.SourceToSource[mesh.NodeIndex] != mesh.NodeIndex)
                    // Transform vertices
                    var transformationMatrix = CombineMatricesFromNodeIndices(hierarchyUpdater.NodeTransformations, skeletonMapping.SourceToSource[mesh.NodeIndex], mesh.NodeIndex);
                    mesh.Draw.VertexBuffers[0].TransformBuffer(ref transformationMatrix);

                    // Check if geometry is inverted, to know if we need to reverse winding order
                    // TODO: What to do if there is no index buffer? We should create one... (not happening yet)
                    if (mesh.Draw.IndexBuffer == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();

                    Matrix  rotation;
                    Vector3 scale, translation;
                    if (transformationMatrix.Decompose(out scale, out rotation, out translation) &&
                        scale.X * scale.Y * scale.Z < 0)

                // Update new node index using real asset skeleton
                mesh.NodeIndex = skeletonMapping.SourceToTarget[mesh.NodeIndex];

            // Merge meshes with same parent nodes, material and skinning
            var meshesByNodes = model.Meshes.GroupBy(x => x.NodeIndex).ToList();

            foreach (var meshesByNode in meshesByNodes)
                // This logic to detect similar material is kept from old code; this should be reviewed/improved at some point
                foreach (var meshesPerDrawCall in meshesByNode.GroupBy(x => x,
                                                                       new AnonymousEqualityComparer <Mesh>((x, y) =>
                                                                                                            x.MaterialIndex == y.MaterialIndex && // Same material
                                                                                                            ArrayExtensions.ArraysEqual(x.Skinning?.Bones, y.Skinning?.Bones) && // Same bones
                                                                                                            CompareParameters(model, x, y) && // Same parameters
                                                                                                            CompareShadowOptions(model, x, y), // Same shadow parameters
                                                                                                            x => 0)).ToList())
                    if (meshesPerDrawCall.Count() == 1)
                        // Nothing to group, skip to next entry

                    // Remove old meshes
                    foreach (var mesh in meshesPerDrawCall)

                    // Add new combined mesh(es)
                    var baseMesh    = meshesPerDrawCall.First();
                    var newMeshList = meshesPerDrawCall.Select(x => x.Draw).ToList().GroupDrawData(Allow32BitIndex);

                    foreach (var generatedMesh in newMeshList)
                        model.Meshes.Add(new Mesh(generatedMesh, baseMesh.Parameters)
                            MaterialIndex = baseMesh.MaterialIndex,
                            Name          = baseMesh.Name,
                            Draw          = generatedMesh,
                            NodeIndex     = baseMesh.NodeIndex,
                            Skinning      = baseMesh.Skinning,

            // Remap skinning
            foreach (var skinning in model.Meshes.Select(x => x.Skinning).Where(x => x != null).Distinct())
                // Update node mapping
                // Note: we only remap skinning matrices, but we could directly remap skinning bones instead
                for (int i = 0; i < skinning.Bones.Length; ++i)
                    var nodeIndex    = skinning.Bones[i].NodeIndex;
                    var newNodeIndex = skeletonMapping.SourceToSource[nodeIndex];

                    skinning.Bones[i].NodeIndex = skeletonMapping.SourceToTarget[nodeIndex];

                    // If it was remapped, we also need to update matrix
                    if (newNodeIndex != nodeIndex)
                        var transformationMatrix = CombineMatricesFromNodeIndices(hierarchyUpdater.NodeTransformations, newNodeIndex, nodeIndex);
                        skinning.Bones[i].LinkToMeshMatrix = Matrix.Multiply(skinning.Bones[i].LinkToMeshMatrix, transformationMatrix);

            // split the meshes if necessary
            model.Meshes = SplitExtensions.SplitMeshes(model.Meshes, Allow32BitIndex);

            // Refresh skeleton updater with asset skeleton
            hierarchyUpdater = new SkeletonUpdater(skeleton);

            // bounding boxes
            var modelBoundingBox    = model.BoundingBox;
            var modelBoundingSphere = model.BoundingSphere;

            foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes)
                var vertexBuffers = mesh.Draw.VertexBuffers;
                if (vertexBuffers.Length > 0)
                    // Compute local mesh bounding box (no node transformation)
                    Matrix matrix = Matrix.Identity;
                    mesh.BoundingBox = vertexBuffers[0].ComputeBounds(ref matrix, out mesh.BoundingSphere);

                    // Compute model bounding box (includes node transformation)
                    hierarchyUpdater.GetWorldMatrix(mesh.NodeIndex, out matrix);
                    BoundingSphere meshBoundingSphere;
                    var            meshBoundingBox = vertexBuffers[0].ComputeBounds(ref matrix, out meshBoundingSphere);
                    BoundingBox.Merge(ref modelBoundingBox, ref meshBoundingBox, out modelBoundingBox);
                    BoundingSphere.Merge(ref modelBoundingSphere, ref meshBoundingSphere, out modelBoundingSphere);

                // TODO: temporary Always try to compact
            model.BoundingBox    = modelBoundingBox;
            model.BoundingSphere = modelBoundingSphere;

            // merges all the Draw VB and IB together to produce one final VB and IB by entity.
            var sizeVertexBuffer = model.Meshes.SelectMany(x => x.Draw.VertexBuffers).Select(x => x.Buffer.GetSerializationData().Content.Length).Sum();
            var sizeIndexBuffer  = 0;

            foreach (var x in model.Meshes)
                // Let's be aligned (if there was 16bit indices before, we might be off)
                if (x.Draw.IndexBuffer.Is32Bit && sizeIndexBuffer % 4 != 0)
                    sizeIndexBuffer += 2;

                sizeIndexBuffer += x.Draw.IndexBuffer.Buffer.GetSerializationData().Content.Length;
            var vertexBuffer = new BufferData(BufferFlags.VertexBuffer, new byte[sizeVertexBuffer]);
            var indexBuffer  = new BufferData(BufferFlags.IndexBuffer, new byte[sizeIndexBuffer]);

            // Note: reusing same instance, to avoid having many VB with same hash but different URL
            var vertexBufferSerializable = vertexBuffer.ToSerializableVersion();
            var indexBufferSerializable  = indexBuffer.ToSerializableVersion();

            var vertexBufferNextIndex = 0;
            var indexBufferNextIndex  = 0;

            foreach (var drawMesh in model.Meshes.Select(x => x.Draw))
                // the index buffer
                var oldIndexBuffer = drawMesh.IndexBuffer.Buffer.GetSerializationData().Content;

                // Let's be aligned (if there was 16bit indices before, we might be off)
                if (drawMesh.IndexBuffer.Is32Bit && indexBufferNextIndex % 4 != 0)
                    indexBufferNextIndex += 2;

                Array.Copy(oldIndexBuffer, 0, indexBuffer.Content, indexBufferNextIndex, oldIndexBuffer.Length);

                drawMesh.IndexBuffer = new IndexBufferBinding(indexBufferSerializable, drawMesh.IndexBuffer.Is32Bit, drawMesh.IndexBuffer.Count, indexBufferNextIndex);

                indexBufferNextIndex += oldIndexBuffer.Length;

                // the vertex buffers
                for (int index = 0; index < drawMesh.VertexBuffers.Length; index++)
                    var vertexBufferBinding = drawMesh.VertexBuffers[index];
                    var oldVertexBuffer     = vertexBufferBinding.Buffer.GetSerializationData().Content;

                    Array.Copy(oldVertexBuffer, 0, vertexBuffer.Content, vertexBufferNextIndex, oldVertexBuffer.Length);

                    drawMesh.VertexBuffers[index] = new VertexBufferBinding(vertexBufferSerializable, vertexBufferBinding.Declaration, vertexBufferBinding.Count, vertexBufferBinding.Stride,

                    vertexBufferNextIndex += oldVertexBuffer.Length;

            // Convert to Entity
예제 #16
            public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
                base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
                var assetReference    = item as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = item as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(item);

                // We cannot set links if we do not have indexer accessor
                if (!descriptor.HasIndexerAccessors)

                if (assetReference != null)
                    AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ElementType, guid ?? assetReference.Id, location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                    AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                    AddLink(attachedReference, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ElementType, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        if (link != null)
                            IdentifiableHelper.SetId(link, IdentifiableHelper.GetId(item));
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (item is UFile)
                    AddLink(item, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = new UFile(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
                else if (item is UDirectory)
                    AddLink(item, (guid, location) =>
                        var link = new UDirectory(location);
                        descriptor.SetValue(collection, index, link);
예제 #17
            protected override Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
                var assetManager = new AssetManager();

                // Create atlas texture
                Dictionary <SpriteInfo, PackedSpriteInfo> spriteToPackedSprite = null;

                // Generate texture atlas
                var isPacking = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Packing.Enabled;

                if (isPacking)
                    var resultStatus = CreateAtlasTextures(commandContext.Logger, out spriteToPackedSprite);

                    if (resultStatus != ResultStatus.Successful)

                var imageGroupData = new SpriteSheet {
                    Sprites = new List <Graphics.Sprite>()

                // add the sprite data to the sprite list.
                foreach (var image in AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Sprites)
                    string           textureUrl;
                    RectangleF       region;
                    ImageOrientation orientation;

                    var borders = image.Borders;
                    var center  = image.Center + (image.CenterFromMiddle ? new Vector2(image.TextureRegion.Width, image.TextureRegion.Height) / 2 : Vector2.Zero);

                    if (isPacking &&
                        spriteToPackedSprite.ContainsKey(image))    // ensure that unpackable elements (invalid because of null size/texture) are properly added in the sheet using the normal path
                        var packedSprite            = spriteToPackedSprite[image];
                        var isOriginalSpriteRotated = image.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90;

                        region      = packedSprite.Region;
                        orientation = (packedSprite.IsRotated ^ isOriginalSpriteRotated) ? ImageOrientation.Rotated90 : ImageOrientation.AsIs;
                        textureUrl  = SpriteSheetAsset.BuildTextureAtlasUrl(Url, spriteToPackedSprite[image].AtlasTextureIndex);

                        // update the center and border info, if the packer rotated the sprite
                        if (packedSprite.IsRotated)
                            // turned the sprite CCW
                            if (isOriginalSpriteRotated)
                                var oldCenterX = center.X;
                                center.X = center.Y;
                                center.Y = region.Height - oldCenterX;

                                var oldBorderW = borders.W;
                                borders.W = borders.X;
                                borders.X = borders.Z;
                                borders.Z = borders.Y;
                                borders.Y = oldBorderW;
                            else // turned the sprite CW
                                var oldCenterX = center.X;
                                center.X = region.Width - center.Y;
                                center.Y = oldCenterX;

                                var oldBorderW = borders.W;
                                borders.W = borders.Y;
                                borders.Y = borders.Z;
                                borders.Z = borders.X;
                                borders.X = oldBorderW;
                        region      = image.TextureRegion;
                        orientation = image.Orientation;
                        AssetParameters.ImageToTextureUrl.TryGetValue(image, out textureUrl);

                    // Affect the texture
                    Texture texture = null;
                    if (textureUrl != null)
                        texture = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Texture>(Guid.Empty, textureUrl);
                        commandContext.Logger.Warning("Image '{0}' has an invalid image source file '{1}', resulting texture will be null.", image.Name, image.Source);

                    imageGroupData.Sprites.Add(new Graphics.Sprite
                        Name          = image.Name,
                        Region        = region,
                        Orientation   = orientation,
                        Center        = center,
                        Borders       = borders,
                        PixelsPerUnit = new Vector2(image.PixelsPerUnit),
                        Texture       = texture,
                        IsTransparent = false,

                // set the transparency information to all the sprites
                if (AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Alpha != AlphaFormat.None) // Skip the calculation when format is forced without alpha.
                    var urlToTexImage = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <TexImage, Image> >();
                    using (var texTool = new TextureTool())
                        foreach (var sprite in imageGroupData.Sprites)
                            if (sprite.Texture == null) // the sprite texture is invalid

                            var textureUrl = AttachedReferenceManager.GetOrCreateAttachedReference(sprite.Texture).Url;
                            if (!urlToTexImage.ContainsKey(textureUrl))
                                var image       = assetManager.Load <Image>(textureUrl);
                                var newTexImage = texTool.Load(image, false); // the sRGB mode does not impact on the alpha level
                                texTool.Decompress(newTexImage, false);       // the sRGB mode does not impact on the alpha level
                                urlToTexImage[textureUrl] = Tuple.Create(newTexImage, image);
                            var texImage = urlToTexImage[textureUrl].Item1;

                            var region = new Rectangle
                                X = (int)Math.Floor(sprite.Region.X),
                                Y = (int)Math.Floor(sprite.Region.Y)
                            region.Width  = (int)Math.Ceiling(sprite.Region.Right) - region.X;
                            region.Height = (int)Math.Ceiling(sprite.Region.Bottom) - region.Y;

                            var alphaLevel = texTool.GetAlphaLevels(texImage, region, null, commandContext.Logger); // ignore transparent color key here because the input image has already been processed
                            sprite.IsTransparent = alphaLevel != AlphaLevels.NoAlpha;

                        // free all the allocated images
                        foreach (var tuple in urlToTexImage.Values)

                // save the imageData into the data base
                assetManager.Save(Url, imageGroupData);

예제 #18
            public override void VisitArrayItem(Array array, ArrayDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
                base.VisitArrayItem(array, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
                var assetReference    = item as AssetReference;
                var assetBase         = item as AssetBase;
                var attachedReference = item != null?AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(item) : null;

                if (assetReference != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ElementType, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location);
                        array.SetValue(newValue, index);
                else if (assetBase != null)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset);
                        array.SetValue(newValue, index);
                else if (attachedReference != null)
                    AddLink(new AttachedContentReference(attachedReference),
                            (guid, location) =>
                        object newValue = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ElementType, guid.Value, location) : null;
                        array.SetValue(newValue, index);
                else if (item is UFile)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UFile(location);
                        array.SetValue(newValue, index);
                else if (item is UDirectory)
                            (guid, location) =>
                        var newValue = new UFile(location);
                        array.SetValue(newValue, index);
예제 #19
        public void TestMaterial()
            var compiler = new EffectCompiler {
                UseFileSystem = true

            var compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters {
                Platform = GraphicsPlatform.Direct3D11

            var layers = new MaterialBlendLayers();

            layers.Add(new MaterialBlendLayer
                BlendMap = new ComputeFloat(0.5f),
                Material = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Material>(Guid.Empty, "fake")

            var materialAsset = new MaterialAsset
                Attributes = new MaterialAttributes()
                    Diffuse = new MaterialDiffuseMapFeature()
                        DiffuseMap = new ComputeColor(Color4.White)
                    DiffuseModel = new MaterialDiffuseLambertModelFeature()
                Layers = layers

            var fakeAsset = new MaterialAsset
                Attributes = new MaterialAttributes()
                    Diffuse = new MaterialDiffuseMapFeature()
                        DiffuseMap = new ComputeColor(Color.Blue)

            var context = new MaterialGeneratorContext {
                FindAsset = reference => fakeAsset
            var result = MaterialGenerator.Generate(new MaterialDescriptor {
                Attributes = materialAsset.Attributes, Layers = materialAsset.Layers
            }, context, "TestMaterial");

            compilerParameters.Set(MaterialKeys.PixelStageSurfaceShaders, result.Material.Parameters.Get(MaterialKeys.PixelStageSurfaceShaders));
            var directionalLightGroup = new ShaderClassSource("LightDirectionalGroup", 1);

            compilerParameters.Set(LightingKeys.DirectLightGroups, new List <ShaderSource> {
            //compilerParameters.Set(LightingKeys.CastShadows, false);
            //compilerParameters.Set(MaterialParameters.HasSkinningPosition, true);
            //compilerParameters.Set(MaterialParameters.HasSkinningNormal, true);
            compilerParameters.Set(MaterialKeys.HasNormalMap, true);

            var results = compiler.Compile(new ShaderMixinGeneratorSource("ParadoxEffectBase"), compilerParameters);

            protected override Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
                var assetManager = new AssetManager();

                // Create atlas texture
                Dictionary <SpriteInfo, PackedSpriteInfo> spriteToPackedSprite = null;

                // Generate texture atlas
                var isPacking = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Packing.Enabled;

                if (isPacking)
                    var resultStatus = CreateAtlasTextures(commandContext.Logger, out spriteToPackedSprite);

                    if (resultStatus != ResultStatus.Successful)

                var imageGroupData = new SpriteSheet {
                    Sprites = new List <Graphics.Sprite>()

                // add the sprite data to the sprite list.
                foreach (var image in AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Sprites)
                    string           textureUrl;
                    RectangleF       region;
                    ImageOrientation orientation;

                    var borders = image.Borders;
                    var center  = image.Center + (image.CenterFromMiddle ? new Vector2(image.TextureRegion.Width, image.TextureRegion.Height) / 2 : Vector2.Zero);

                    if (isPacking &&
                        spriteToPackedSprite.ContainsKey(image))    // ensure that unpackable elements (invalid because of null size/texture) are properly added in the sheet using the normal path
                        var packedSprite            = spriteToPackedSprite[image];
                        var isOriginalSpriteRotated = image.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90;

                        region      = packedSprite.Region;
                        orientation = (packedSprite.IsRotated ^ isOriginalSpriteRotated) ? ImageOrientation.Rotated90 : ImageOrientation.AsIs;
                        textureUrl  = SpriteSheetAsset.BuildTextureAtlasUrl(Url, spriteToPackedSprite[image].AtlasTextureIndex);

                        // update the center and border info, if the packer rotated the sprite
                        if (packedSprite.IsRotated)
                            // turned the sprite CCW
                            if (isOriginalSpriteRotated)
                                var oldCenterX = center.X;
                                center.X = center.Y;
                                center.Y = region.Height - oldCenterX;

                                var oldBorderW = borders.W;
                                borders.W = borders.X;
                                borders.X = borders.Z;
                                borders.Z = borders.Y;
                                borders.Y = oldBorderW;
                            else // turned the sprite CW
                                var oldCenterX = center.X;
                                center.X = region.Width - center.Y;
                                center.Y = oldCenterX;

                                var oldBorderW = borders.W;
                                borders.W = borders.Y;
                                borders.Y = borders.Z;
                                borders.Z = borders.X;
                                borders.X = oldBorderW;
                        region      = image.TextureRegion;
                        orientation = image.Orientation;
                        AssetParameters.ImageToTextureUrl.TryGetValue(image, out textureUrl);

                    // Affect the texture
                    Texture texture = null;
                    if (textureUrl != null)
                        texture = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Texture>(Guid.Empty, textureUrl);
                        commandContext.Logger.Warning("Image '{0}' has an invalid image source file '{1}', resulting texture will be null.", image.Name, image.Source);

                    imageGroupData.Sprites.Add(new Graphics.Sprite
                        Name          = image.Name,
                        Region        = region,
                        IsTransparent = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Alpha != AlphaFormat.None, // todo analyze texture region texture data to auto-determine alpha?
                        Orientation   = orientation,
                        Center        = center,
                        Borders       = borders,
                        PixelsPerUnit = new Vector2(image.PixelsPerUnit),
                        Texture       = texture

                // save the imageData into the data base
                assetManager.Save(Url, imageGroupData);
