public void SetAtomicRadius() { try { float radius = AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(atom_.element_); SetRadius(radius); } catch { return; } }
/* Gradually move the model towards or away from the user, given a selected object, atom or bond */ private void MoveTowardsSelectedObject(float speed) { if (selection_plane_previous_ == null) { return; } /* Calculate desired position of the selected object, just in front of the camera */ SelectionPlaneSpheres plane1 = selection_plane_previous_.GetComponent <SelectionPlaneSpheres>(); SelectionPlaneCylinders plane2 = selection_plane_previous_.GetComponent <SelectionPlaneCylinders>(); /* Calculate the desired distance that we want the selected object to be in front of the user */ float distance = 0; Vector3 target; if (plane1 != null) { target = plane1.center_sphere_.transform.position; if (GetVisualizationMethod() == VisualizationMethod.BALL_AND_STICK) { distance = 6 * AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_radius; } else { distance = 4 * AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(selected_atom_.atom_.element_); } } else if (plane2 != null) { target = plane2.center_cylinder_.transform.position + plane2.center_cylinder_.transform.up * plane2.center_cylinder_.height_ / 2; distance = plane2.center_cylinder_.height_; } else { return; } Vector3 movement_direction = Vector3.Normalize(target - Camera.main.transform.position); Vector3 desired_position = target - movement_direction * distance; /* Calculate the movement speed, scale it based on the distance to the object */ speed = speed * Vector3.Distance(desired_position, Camera.main.transform.position); /* Change position */ transform.position = transform.position - speed * Time.deltaTime * movement_direction; }
void Start() { List <Atom> atoms; List <List <int> > connections; string model_name; try { model_name = ParseInputModelFile(); PDBParser.ParseAtomsAndConnections(@"Assets/MModels/" + model_name, out atoms, out connections); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { print("Parsing input error"); return; } /* Spawn the objects */ foreach (Atom atom in atoms) { /* Units in Nano meters */ Vector3 atom_position = new Vector3(atom.x_, atom.y_, atom.z_); atoms_bounding_box_.AddPoint(atom_position); /* Instantiate the atom */ GameObject temp = Instantiate(prefab_atom, atom_position, Quaternion.identity); temp.transform.parent = transform; temp.isStatic = this.gameObject.isStatic; /* Find ISphere component, and set the atom information */ ISphere isphere = temp.GetComponent <ISphere>(); isphere.atom_ = atom; ispheres_.Add(isphere); /* Insert to the dictionaries used */ InsertToAtomsDictionary(isphere); InsertToResiudesDictionary(isphere); InsertToChainsDictionary(isphere); } /* Parse connections, currently the application does not do something with these connections */ foreach (List <int> c in connections) { int atom_id = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.Count; i++) { ISphere connection_isphere = ispheres_[c[i]]; ispheres_[atom_id].connections_.Add(connection_isphere); } } /* Spawn bonds */ Transform bonds_transform = transform.GetChild(0); int bonds = 0; /* For all resisudes */ foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <ISphere> > value in residue_dictionary) { /* Get combinations of two atoms */ List <ISphere> resiude_atoms = value.Value; for (int ia = 0; ia < resiude_atoms.Count; ia++) { ISphere a = resiude_atoms[ia]; Vector3 a_position = a.transform.position; float a_covalent_radius = AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(a.atom_.element_); for (int ib = 0; ib < resiude_atoms.Count; ib++) { if (!(ia > ib)) { continue; } ISphere b = resiude_atoms[ib]; Vector3 b_position = b.transform.position; float b_covalent_radius = AtomicRadii.radii_covalent[b.atom_.element_]; /* If their distance is smaller then the sume of radius + plus a bias, then spawn a bond */ float distance = Vector3.Distance(a_position, b_position); if (distance <= a_covalent_radius + b_covalent_radius + 0.015) { bonds++; GameObject temp = Instantiate(prefab_bond, a_position, Quaternion.identity); temp.transform.parent = bonds_transform; temp.isStatic = this.gameObject.isStatic; /* Rotate it accordingly */ Vector3 direction = b_position - a_position; Quaternion toRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), direction); temp.transform.rotation = toRotation; /* Set size and radius */ ICylinder icylinder = temp.GetComponent <ICylinder>(); icylinder.radius_ = AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_bond_radius; icylinder.height_ = distance; } } } } Debug.Log("Spawned: " + bonds + " bonds"); /* Position the model and the camera in the world */ SetCameraAndPanelBoxPosition(atoms_bounding_box_); bonds_selected_[0] = null; bonds_selected_[1] = null; /* Set some default info on the world panel */ SELECTION_MODE_SPHERE_RADIUS = AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_radius * 5.0f; transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <ModePanel>().SetRadius(SELECTION_MODE_SPHERE_RADIUS); info_ui_ = Camera.main.transform.Find("AtomInfoBox").GetComponent <AtomInfoBox>(); }
/* FPS counter */ //void OnGUI() { // GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), (1.0f / Time.smoothDeltaTime).ToString()); //} void Update() { /* If the bring forward the panel button is hit, the ray cast only in UI layer */ if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { bool ui_hit = RayCastUIlayer(); if (ui_hit) { return; } } RaycastHit hit; /* * Perform ray casting towards the camera direction, move the ray origin slightly forward to avoid intersections with spheres that * we are currently inside */ bool ray_cast_hit = Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.transform.position + Camera.main.transform.forward * AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_radius, Camera.main.transform.forward, out hit, 100.0f); /* Process model movement input */ if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad1)) { MoveTowardsSelectedObject(speed_object_towards_move); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad7)) { MoveTowardsSelectedObject(-speed_object_towards_move); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad4)) { transform.position = transform.position - Camera.main.transform.right * speed_object_vertical_move; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad6)) { transform.position = transform.position + Camera.main.transform.right * speed_object_vertical_move; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad8)) { transform.position = transform.position + Camera.main.transform.up * speed_object_vertical_move; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Keypad5)) { transform.position = transform.position - Camera.main.transform.up * speed_object_vertical_move; } /* Check ray cast against UI */ if (ray_cast_hit) { Debug.DrawRay(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward * hit.distance, Color.white); ButtonEvent button = hit.transform.GetComponent <ButtonEvent>(); if (button != null) { ProcessRayCastUIHit(hit); } } /* Process state machine */ if (state == STATE.EXPLORING_ATOMS) { /* If there is a selected atom, and the discard button is pressed, then destory selection */ if (selected_atom_ != null) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) == true) { ClearHighlighted(); selected_atom_ = null; Destroy(selection_plane_previous_); return; } return; } /* Else process ray cast hit */ if (ray_cast_hit) { ProcessRayCastHit(hit); } else { /* If ray cast failed, clear highlighting */ ClearHighlighted(); if (exploring_method_ != ExploringMethod.CHAINS) { ClearColored(); } //Debug.DrawRay(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward * 1000, Color.white); } } else if (state == STATE.ATOM_DISTANCES) { /* If discard button, then reset state */ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { ResetState(true); return; } /* if we have selected an atom, process distances */ if (selected_atom_ != null) { SelectionPlaneSpheres plane = selection_plane_previous_.GetComponent <SelectionPlaneSpheres>(); /* * Get the current selected atom, and if it's different than the previous, and the marked button is pressed * mark atom, and calculate distance */ int current_index = atom_selected_id_ % 4; ISphere previously_added = ((current_index == 0) ? atoms_selected_[3] : atoms_selected_[current_index - 1]); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && previously_added != plane.center_sphere_) { atoms_selected_[current_index] = plane.center_sphere_; atom_selected_id_++; /* If marked atom object is null, spawn it */ if (marked_atom_object_ == null) { marked_atom_object_ = Instantiate(prefab_marked_atom_, plane.center_sphere_.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); marked_atom_object_.transform.parent = this.transform; } /* Calculate radius of the atom based on the viusalization method, and move marked atom object */ float selected_atom_radius; if (GetVisualizationMethod() == VisualizationMethod.BALL_AND_STICK) { selected_atom_radius = AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_radius; } else { selected_atom_radius = AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(plane.center_sphere_.atom_.element_); } marked_atom_object_.transform.position = plane.center_sphere_.transform.position + 1.4f * Vector3.up * selected_atom_radius; marked_sphere_ = plane.center_sphere_.gameObject; /* If the previously marked atom is not null, then calculate distance */ if (previously_added != null) { Vector3 middle = (previously_added.transform.position + plane.center_sphere_.transform.position) / 2; /* Destroy the previous atom distance object from the world */ if (atom_distance_previous_ != null) { Destroy(atom_distance_previous_); } /* and spawn the new in the middle of the distance */ atom_distance_previous_ = Instantiate(prefab_atom_distance_, middle, Quaternion.identity); atom_distance_previous_.transform.parent = transform; AtomDistance temp = atom_distance_previous_.GetComponent <AtomDistance>(); temp.atom1_ = previously_added; temp.atom2_ = plane.center_sphere_; } } return; } /* If there is not selected atom, process ray casting as usual */ if (ray_cast_hit) { ProcessRayCastHit(hit); } else { ClearHighlighted(); if (exploring_method_ != ExploringMethod.CHAINS) { ClearColored(); } } } else if (state == STATE.BOND_ANGLES) { /* If discard button is hit, reset state */ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { ResetState(true); return; } /* If selection is spawned, process selected bonds */ if (selected_bond_ != null) { SelectionPlaneCylinders plane = selection_plane_previous_.GetComponent <SelectionPlaneCylinders>(); int current_index = bonds_selected_id_ % 2; ICylinder previously_added = ((current_index == 0) ? bonds_selected_[1] : bonds_selected_[current_index - 1]); /* if the precious is different than the currently selected, select bond, and the arc */ if (previously_added != plane.center_cylinder_) { bonds_selected_[current_index] = plane.center_cylinder_; bonds_selected_id_++; if (previously_added != null) { if (arc_previous_ != null) { Destroy(arc_previous_); } SpawnArc(bonds_selected_[0], bonds_selected_[1]); } } return; } /* Else, process ray casting for bonds */ if (ray_cast_hit) { ClearHighlighted(); ICylinder icylinder = hit.transform.GetComponent <ICylinder>(); if (icylinder != null) { icylinder.SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.WHITE); previously_highlighted_bond_ = icylinder; /* If bond seleted, spawn selection object */ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) == true) { selected_bond_ = icylinder; SpawnSelectionPlaneCylinders(); } } } else { ClearHighlighted(); } } else if (state == STATE.TORSION_ANGLE) { /* if the torsion planed has been spawned, highlight the atoms that participate in it */ if (torsion_plane_spawned_) { atoms_selected_[0].SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.GREEN); atoms_selected_[1].SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.GREEN); atoms_selected_[2].SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.GREEN); atoms_selected_[3].SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.GREEN); } /* If discard is pushed, and the torsion planed is spawned, go back to atom selection * else reset and destroy selection */ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (torsion_plane_spawned_) { ISphere last_added_sphere = ((atom_selected_id_ == 0) ? atoms_selected_[3] : atoms_selected_[atom_selected_id_ - 1]); ResetState(false); selected_atom_ = last_added_sphere; SpawnSelectionPlaneSpheres(); info_ui_.SetAtom(last_added_sphere); } else { ResetState(true); } return; } /* If selection is spawned, then process the currently selected atom */ if (selected_atom_ != null) { SelectionPlaneSpheres plane = selection_plane_previous_.GetComponent <SelectionPlaneSpheres>(); ISphere previously_added = ((atom_selected_id_ == 0) ? atoms_selected_[3] : atoms_selected_[atom_selected_id_ - 1]); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && atom_selected_id_ < 4 && previously_added != plane.center_sphere_) { atoms_selected_[atom_selected_id_ % 4] = plane.center_sphere_; info_ui_.SetTorsionAtom(atom_selected_id_, plane.center_sphere_.atom_.name_); atom_selected_id_++; /* If reached 4 selected atoms, spawn the torsion plane object */ if (atom_selected_id_ == 4) { SpawnTorsionAngle(); selected_atom_ = null; Destroy(selection_plane_previous_); torsion_plane_spawned_ = true; } } return; } /* Else ray cast as usual */ if (ray_cast_hit && !torsion_plane_spawned_) { ProcessRayCastHit(hit); } else { ClearHighlighted(); if (exploring_method_ != ExploringMethod.CHAINS) { ClearColored(); } } } /* End of torsion angle state */ }
public void ChangeModeToBondAngles() { /* * If the previous state is not bond angles, and an atom was selected, then find the closest bond * and move the selection there */ if (state != STATE.BOND_ANGLES) { ISphere currently_selected_sphere = null; if (selection_plane_previous_ != null) { currently_selected_sphere = selection_plane_previous_.GetComponent <SelectionPlaneSpheres>().center_sphere_; } ResetState(true); if (currently_selected_sphere != null) { ICylinder nearest_bond = GetNearestBond(currently_selected_sphere.transform.position, 2 * AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(currently_selected_sphere.atom_.element_)); if (nearest_bond != null) { selected_bond_ = nearest_bond; SpawnSelectionPlaneCylinders(); } } } else { ResetState(false); } state = STATE.BOND_ANGLES; transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <ModePanel>().SetState(state); info_ui_.ResetInfo(); }
/* The following change function are called by string reference, from the world UI buttons */ public void ChangeVisualizationMethod() { if (visualization_method_ == VisualizationMethod.BALL_AND_STICK) { SetVisualizationMethod(VisualizationMethod.SPACE_FILLING); /* * If we are to change visualization method to space filling, change the marked atom object * since its position depends on the radius, and if we are bond angles mode, destroy reset state * since there are no bonds anymore */ if (marked_atom_object_ != null) { ISphere sphere = marked_sphere_.GetComponent <ISphere>(); marked_atom_object_.transform.position = sphere.transform.position + 1.4f * Vector3.up * AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(sphere.atom_.element_); } if (state == STATE.BOND_ANGLES) { ResetState(true); } } else { SetVisualizationMethod(VisualizationMethod.BALL_AND_STICK); if (marked_atom_object_ != null) { ISphere sphere = marked_sphere_.GetComponent <ISphere>(); marked_atom_object_.transform.position = sphere.transform.position + 1.4f * Vector3.up * AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_radius; } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { List <Atom> atoms; List <List <int> > connections; PDBParser.ParseAtomsAndConnections(@"Assets/MModels/1tes.pdb", out atoms, out connections); //PDBParser.ParseAtomsAndConnections(@"Assets/MModels/4f0h.pdb", out atoms, out connections); //PDBParser.ParseAtomsAndConnections(@"Assets/MModels/1s5l.pdb", out atoms, out connections); //PDBParser.ParseAtomsAndConnections(@"Assets/MModels/1ea4.pdb", out atoms, out connections); Bounds atoms_bounding_box = new Bounds(); foreach (Atom atom in atoms) { /* Units in Nano meters */ Vector3 atom_position = new Vector3(atom.x_, atom.y_, atom.z_); atoms_bounding_box.Encapsulate(atom_position); /* Instantiate the object */ GameObject temp = Instantiate(prefab_atom, atom_position, Quaternion.identity); temp.transform.parent = transform; temp.isStatic = this.gameObject.isStatic; InsertToResiudesDictionary(atom, temp); } Transform bonds_transform = transform.GetChild(0); int bonds = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Tuple <GameObject, Atom> > > value in residue_dictionary) { List <Tuple <GameObject, Atom> > resiude_atoms = value.Value; for (int ia = 0; ia < resiude_atoms.Count; ia++) { GameObject a = resiude_atoms[ia].Item1; Vector3 a_position = a.transform.position; float a_covalent_radius = AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(resiude_atoms[ia].Item2.element_); for (int ib = 0; ib < resiude_atoms.Count; ib++) { if (!(ia > ib)) { continue; } GameObject b = resiude_atoms[ib].Item1; Vector3 b_position = b.transform.position; float b_covalent_radius = AtomicRadii.radii_covalent[resiude_atoms[ib].Item2.element_]; float distance = Vector3.Distance(a_position, b_position); if (distance <= a_covalent_radius + b_covalent_radius + 0.015) { bonds++; GameObject temp = Instantiate(prefab_bond, a_position, Quaternion.identity); temp.transform.parent = bonds_transform; temp.isStatic = this.gameObject.isStatic; Vector3 direction = b_position - a_position; Quaternion toRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), direction); temp.transform.rotation = toRotation; ICylinderBench icylinder = temp.GetComponent <ICylinderBench>(); if (icylinder != null) { icylinder.radius_ = AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_bond_radius; icylinder.height_ = distance; } else { temp.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f * distance, 0.5f); } } } } } Debug.Log("Spawned: " + bonds + " bonds"); }
void Update() { /* Calculate the coordiinate system transformation matrix */ CalculateInverseTransform(); /* highlight and color center sphere */ center_sphere_.SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.GREEN); center_sphere_.SetCPKColor(); /* Calculate positions and reset colors and highlighting for spheres within the radius */ plane_positions_ = new List <Vector3>(spheres_.Count); for (int i = 0; i < spheres_.Count; i++) { ISphere s = spheres_[i]; Vector4 sphere_world_position = new Vector4(s.transform.position.x, s.transform.position.y, s.transform.position.z, 1); Vector4 sphere_plane_position = ITM_ * sphere_world_position; plane_positions_.Add(sphere_plane_position); s.SetHighlighted(0); s.SetCPKColor(); } /* Calculate spheres available for selection and their directions */ FillArray(); /* Highlight the spheres that can be navigated to, set the arrow directions based on the visualization used, or set the colors */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int s = array_[i, j]; /* If no sphere mapped in this direction, skip */ if (s == -1) { continue; } spheres_[s].SetHighlighted(HighlightColors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR.WHITE); if (visualization == SelectionVisualizationMethod.COLOR_CIRCLE) { spheres_[s].SetColor(colors_[j, i]); } else { /* If arrows navigation used, calculate atomic radius used based on the atoms viusalization method */ float atom_radius; if (atoms_object_.GetVisualizationMethod() == Atoms.VisualizationMethod.BALL_AND_STICK) { atom_radius = AtomicRadii.ball_and_stick_radius; } else { atom_radius = AtomicRadii.GetCovalentRadius(spheres_[s].atom_.element_); } /* and set the arrow objects in front of the atom */ arrows_[j, i].SetActive(true); arrows_[j, i].transform.position = spheres_[s].transform.position + Vector3.Normalize(Camera.main.transform.position - spheres_[s].transform.position) * 1.2f * atom_radius; /* make arrows face the camera */ arrows_[j, i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(arrows_[j, i].transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.up); } } } /* Get the index for the selected sphere based on the control input */ int sphere_index = GetDirectionInput(); if (sphere_index != -1) { ISphere s = spheres_[sphere_index]; /* If clicked as well, move the selection */ if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { MoveSelectionToSphere(s); } else { /* Make input selected sphere white */ s.SetColor(Color.white); } } }