public void GetFiles() { if (!AtomTestSettings.EnableWinQualFilesTests) { return; } AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, true, null, 11); Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); try { // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { AtomFileCollection files = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); Assert.AreEqual(true, files.Count > 0); } } finally { try { atomFeed.LogOut(); } catch { } } }
public void GetCabs() { if (!AtomTestSettings.EnableWinQualCabDownloadTests) { return; } DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-89); AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, true, null, 11); Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); try { // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); bool foundCab = false; foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { AtomEventCollection atomEvents = atomFeed.GetEvents(atomFile, startTime); foreach (AtomEvent atomEvent in atomEvents) { AtomCabCollection eventCabs = atomFeed.GetCabs(atomEvent); foreach (AtomCab eventCab in eventCabs) { Assert.AreEqual(true, eventCab.Cab.DateCreatedLocal < DateTime.Now); foundCab = true; } if (foundCab) { return; } } } } Assert.AreEqual(true, false); // Should get here. } finally { try { atomFeed.LogOut(); } catch { } } }
public void GetEventInfos() { if (!AtomTestSettings.EnableWinQualEventsTests) { return; } DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, true, null, 11); Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); try { // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); bool foundAnEventInfo = false; foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { AtomEventCollection atomEvents = atomFeed.GetEvents(atomFile, startTime); foreach (AtomEvent atomEvent in atomEvents) { AtomEventInfoCollection eventInfos = atomFeed.GetEventDetails(atomEvent, 89); foreach (AtomEventInfo eventInfo in eventInfos) { Assert.AreEqual(true, eventInfo.EventInfo.DateCreatedLocal < DateTime.Now); foundAnEventInfo = true; } if (foundAnEventInfo) { return; } } } } Assert.AreEqual(true, false); // Should get here. } finally { try { atomFeed.LogOut(); } catch { } } }
public static StackHashFileCollection GetFilesAtom(AtomFeed feed, AtomProduct product) { // Get the list of files. AtomFileCollection atomFiles = feed.GetFiles(product); // Convert to a StackHashFileCollection. StackHashFileCollection atomStackHashFiles = new StackHashFileCollection(); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { atomStackHashFiles.Add(atomFile.File); } return(atomStackHashFiles); }
public void GetEvents() { if (!AtomTestSettings.EnableWinQualEventsTests) { return; } AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, true, null, 11); Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); try { AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); int totalEvents = 0; // Just keep going until one set of events has been found. foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { // ATOM GetFiles. AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { AtomEventCollection atomEvents = atomFeed.GetEvents(atomFile, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-89)); foreach (AtomEvent atomEvent in atomEvents) { Assert.AreEqual(true, atomEvent.Event.Id != 0); totalEvents++; } if (totalEvents > 0) { return; } } } } finally { try { atomFeed.LogOut(); } catch { } } }
public void DownloadSingleCab() { if (!AtomTestSettings.EnableWinQualCabDownloadTests) { return; } AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, false, null, 11); // ATOM LOGIN. Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); // WERAPI Login. Login login = new Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword); login.Validate(); foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { Console.WriteLine("Processing product " + atomProduct.Product.Name + " " + atomProduct.Product.Id.ToString()); // ATOM GetFiles. AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { Console.WriteLine("Processing file " + atomFile.File.Name + " " + atomFile.File.Id.ToString()); // ATOM GetEvents. AtomEventCollection atomEvents = atomFeed.GetEvents(atomFile); foreach (AtomEvent atomEvent in atomEvents) { Console.WriteLine("Processing event " + atomEvent.Event.Id.ToString()); // ATOM GetCabs. AtomCabCollection atomCabs = atomFeed.GetCabs(atomEvent); if (atomCabs.Count != 0) { StackHashCab cab = atomCabs[0].Cab; // Convert back to an AtomCab. AtomCab newCab = new AtomCab(cab, AtomCab.MakeLink(atomEvent.Event.EventTypeName, atomEvent.Event.Id, cab.Id, cab.SizeInBytes)); Console.WriteLine("Downloading cab " + cab.Id.ToString()); String tempFolder = Path.GetTempPath(); String fileName = atomFeed.DownloadCab(newCab, true, tempFolder); try { Assert.AreEqual(true, File.Exists(fileName)); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); Assert.AreEqual(cab.SizeInBytes, fileInfo.Length); } finally { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } } // 1 is enough. return; } } } } }
public void DownloadCab() { if (!AtomTestSettings.EnableWinQualCabDownloadTests) { return; } DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-89); AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, true, null, 11); Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); try { // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); bool foundCab = false; foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { AtomEventCollection atomEvents = atomFeed.GetEvents(atomFile, startTime); foreach (AtomEvent atomEvent in atomEvents) { AtomCabCollection atomCabs = atomFeed.GetCabs(atomEvent); foreach (AtomCab atomCab in atomCabs) { Assert.AreEqual(true, atomCab.Cab.DateCreatedLocal < DateTime.Now); String tempFolder = Path.GetTempPath(); String fileName = atomFeed.DownloadCab(atomCab, true, tempFolder); try { Assert.AreEqual(true, File.Exists(fileName)); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName); Assert.AreEqual(atomCab.Cab.SizeInBytes, fileInfo.Length); } finally { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } } foundCab = true; } if (foundCab) { return; } } } } Assert.AreEqual(true, false); // Should get here. } finally { try { atomFeed.LogOut(); } catch { } } }
public void GetEventsStartDate() { DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(null, 1, 100000, false, false, null, 11); // ATOM LOGIN. Assert.AreEqual(true, atomFeed.Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword)); // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); // WERAPI Login. Login login = new Login(TestSettings.WinQualUserName, TestSettings.WinQualPassword); login.Validate(); // WERAPI GetProducts. ProductCollection apiProducts = Product.GetProducts(ref login); Assert.AreEqual(atomProducts.Count, apiProducts.Count); bool eventListsDifferent = false; foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { // ATOM GetFiles. AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); // API GetFiles Product apiProduct = Utils.FindProduct(apiProducts, atomProduct.Product.Id); ApplicationFileCollection apiFiles = apiProduct.GetApplicationFiles(ref login); Assert.AreEqual(atomFiles.Count, apiFiles.Count); foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { ApplicationFile apiFile = Utils.FindFile(apiFiles, atomFile.File.Id); // ATOM GetEvents. StackHashEventCollection atomStackHashEvents = Utils.GetEventsAtom(atomFeed, atomFile, startTime); StackHashEventCollection atomStackHashEventsNoTime = Utils.GetEventsAtom(atomFeed, atomFile); if (atomStackHashEvents.Count != atomStackHashEventsNoTime.Count) { eventListsDifferent = true; } // WERAPI GetEvents. List <Event> rawApiEvents; StackHashEventCollection apiStackHashEvents = Utils.GetEventsApi(ref login, apiFile, out rawApiEvents, startTime); Assert.AreEqual(apiStackHashEvents.Count, atomStackHashEvents.Count); foreach (StackHashEvent stackHashEvent in atomStackHashEvents) { // Find the equivalent event in the api file list. StackHashEvent apiEvent = apiStackHashEvents.FindEvent(stackHashEvent.Id, stackHashEvent.EventTypeName); Assert.AreNotEqual(null, apiEvent); Assert.AreEqual(true, stackHashEvent.CompareTo(apiEvent) == 0); } } } Assert.AreEqual(true, eventListsDifferent); }
static void Go(ProgramArguments programArguments) { LogManager logger = new LogManager(); logger.StartLogging(); bool noCabs = false; try { StackHashUtilities.SystemInformation.DisableSleep(); AtomFeed atomFeed = new AtomFeed(programArguments.ProxySettings, 5, 300000, programArguments.LogXml, true, programArguments.IPAddress, 11); if (!atomFeed.Login(programArguments.UserName, programArguments.Password)) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, "Failed to logon - check your username and password"); return; } else { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, "Logged on successfully."); } // ATOM GetProducts. AtomProductCollection atomProducts = atomFeed.GetProducts(); foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { } foreach (AtomProduct atomProduct in atomProducts) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, atomProduct.Product.ToString()); // ATOM GetFiles. AtomFileCollection atomFiles = atomFeed.GetFiles(atomProduct); int totalEvents = 0; foreach (AtomFile atomFile in atomFiles) { // String eventsLink = @"" + fileId.ToString(); // AtomFile atomFile = new AtomFile(new StackHashFile(), eventsLink); DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, atomFile.File.ToString()); // ATOM GetEvents. AtomEventCollection atomEvents = atomFeed.GetEvents(atomFile); foreach (AtomEvent atomEvent in atomEvents) { totalEvents++; DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, atomEvent.Event.ToString()); // ATOM events. StackHashEventInfoCollection eventInfos = GetEventInfoAtom(atomFeed, atomEvent, 90); StackHashEventInfoCollection normalizedEventInfos = new StackHashEventInfoCollection(); bool stop = false; foreach (StackHashEventInfo eventInfo in eventInfos) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, eventInfo.ToString()); if (eventInfos.GetEventInfoMatchCount(eventInfo) != 1) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, "*** DUPLICATE HIT"); DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, eventInfo.ToString()); stop = true; } StackHashEventInfo normalizedEventInfo = eventInfo.Normalize(); DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, "N: " + normalizedEventInfo.ToString()); normalizedEventInfos.Add(normalizedEventInfo); if (normalizedEventInfos.GetEventInfoMatchCount(normalizedEventInfo) != 1) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, "*** NORMALIZATION ERROR"); DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, normalizedEventInfo.ToString()); stop = true; } } if (stop) { return; } if (!noCabs) { // ATOM GetCabs. StackHashCabCollection atomCabs = GetCabInfoAtom(atomFeed, atomEvent); foreach (StackHashCab cab in atomCabs) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, cab.ToString()); } } } } DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, String.Format("TOTAL EVENTS: {0}", totalEvents)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Information, "Error: " + ex.ToString()); } finally { StackHashUtilities.SystemInformation.EnableSleep(); logger.StopLogging(); } }