예제 #1
 private static bool MoleculeMatchesRecursive(AtomDefinition atomDefinition1, AtomDefinition atomDefinition2, List <AtomDefinition> undoStack)
     // Make sure we don't match an atom that's already matched with something else. This check also prevents infinite
     // recursion when an atom is revisited by one of its neighbors.
     if (atomDefinition1.proposedCounterpart != null || atomDefinition2.proposedCounterpart != null)
         return(atomDefinition1.proposedCounterpart == atomDefinition2 && atomDefinition2.proposedCounterpart == atomDefinition1);
     if (atomDefinition1.atom == atomDefinition2.atom && IdenticalBonds(atomDefinition1, atomDefinition2))
         int undoStackTop = undoStack.Count;
         // undoStack contains all atoms that have a proposed counterpart. It's used to clean up counterparts if a full match cannot be made.
         // Indexes smaller than undoStackTop represent assumptions made by callers in higher levels. At this level, we treat them as
         // absolute fact. Indexes larger or equal to undoStackTop represent assumptions made in this call, or lower callers. We must undo
         // these assumptions if we can't make a full match.
         atomDefinition1.proposedCounterpart = atomDefinition2;
         atomDefinition2.proposedCounterpart = atomDefinition1;
         bool flag1 = true;
         foreach (BondDefinition bond in atomDefinition1.bonds)
             AtomDefinition subAtom1 = (bond.atom1 == atomDefinition1 ? bond.atom2 : bond.atom1);
             bool           flag2    = false;
             foreach (AtomDefinition subAtom2 in atomDefinition2.GetBondedAtoms(bond.bondCount))
                 if (MoleculeMatchesRecursive(subAtom1, subAtom2, undoStack))
                     flag2 = true;
                 // It's an invariant that whenever MoleculeMatchesRecursive retuns false, it restores undoStack
                 // to the state it was on method entry, so no need to touch undoStack here.
             if (!flag2) // Found no match for subAtomDefinition1, molecule mismatch
                 flag1 = false;
                 break; // Return false through the recursion
         if (flag1)
         // clean up the assumptions
         while (undoStack.Count > undoStackTop)
             undoStack[undoStack.Count - 1].proposedCounterpart = null;
             undoStack.RemoveAt(undoStack.Count - 1);
예제 #2
 public Atom(Molecule molecule, AtomDefinition definition)
     this.Molecule          = molecule;
     this.MolecularPosition = definition.Position;
     this.Element           = definition.Element;
예제 #3
 private static bool IdenticalBonds(AtomDefinition atom1, AtomDefinition atom2)