void handleBroom() { if (AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Broom") || AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Down") || (!AtlasInputManager.getKey("Broom") && AtlasInputManager.Instance.holdBroom)) { endBroom(); return; } if (AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Jump") && canDoubleJump && resourceManager.Instance.getPlayerMana() >= 1) { endBroom(); if (hasDoubleJump) { doubleJump(); } return; } if ((facing == -1) ? controller.collisions.left : controller.collisions.right) { startBonk(); return; } float vdir = 0 * AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y; velocity.y = moveSpeed / 2.0f * vdir; velocity.x = moveSpeed * 2 * facing; }
void Update() { Vector2 input = AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad"); if (input.x == 0 && input.y == 0) { selectIcon.transform.localPosition = Vector2.zero; selectIcon.SetActive(false); return; } selectIcon.SetActive(true); float theta = Mathf.Atan2(input.y, input.x); theta *= Mathf.Rad2Deg; theta += 360.0f; int index = (int)Mathf.Round(theta / 45.0f); index %= 8; selected = index; selectIcon.transform.localPosition = Vector2.SmoothDamp( selectIcon.transform.localPosition, input.normalized, ref selectIconVel, 0.05f); }
void handleUncrouch() { checkCrouchHitbox(); if (dropThroughPlatforms && AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y >= 0 || isGrounded()) { dropThroughPlatforms = false; } }
public void takeStep(float stepSize) { stepSize = 0.175f; if (Mathf.Ceil(AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").x) != pc.facing) { return; } Vector3 velocity = stepSize * pc.facing * Vector3.right + .01f * Vector3.down; pc.controller.Move(velocity); }
void allowCrouch() { if (AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y < 0 && isGrounded()) { anim.SetBool("isCrouching", true); } else if (controller.checkVertDist(0.3f)) { anim.SetBool("isCrouching", false); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!AtlasInputManager.getKey("Scout")) { Destroy(gameObject); } if (selectedPc && AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Jump")) { textPanel.SetActive(true); textPanel.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = selectedPc.scoutMessage.Replace("\\n", "\n"); } Vector2 velocity = AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad"); transform.Translate(velocity * speed * Time.deltaTime); }
//State BroomStart waits for Atlas to get on Broom. Animator calls startBroom void handleBroomStart() { anim.SetTrigger("broomStart"); SoundManager.Instance.playClip("onBroom"); deformer.RemoveDeform("fastfall"); deformer.RemoveDeform("jump"); if (state == State.Attack) { setFacing(AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").x); } //if (AtlasInputManager.Instance.aimAtMouse()) //{ // setFacing(AtlasInputManager.Instance.getPlayerAim(true).x); //} state = fastBroom ? State.Broom : State.Wait; fastBroom = false; velocity = Vector3.zero; }
void isWallSliding() { if (isGrounded() || state == State.Attack) { wallRiding = false; return; } float hdir = AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").x; if (!wallRiding) { if (controller.collisions.wallRideLeft && hdir == -1 || controller.collisions.wallRideRight && hdir == 1) { wallRiding = true; return; } } else { wallRiding = controller.collisions.wallRideLeft || controller.collisions.wallRideRight; return; } wallRiding = false; }
//Popping a WooshBerry calls this. public void triggerBroomStart(bool fast = false, float dir = 0) { if (resetPosition || !controller.collisions.tangible) { return; } if (intangibleStates.Contains(state)) { return; } //Cancel is ceiling above while crouching if (isCrouching() && !controller.checkVertDist(0.3f)) { return; } if (dir == 0 && !wallRiding) { dir = AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").x; } setFacing(dir); state = State.BroomStart; fastBroom = fast; canBroom = false; }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { playerController pc = animator.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <playerController>(); foreach (AnimatorControllerParameter key in animator.parameters) { if (key.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger) { animator.ResetTrigger(key.name); } } animator.SetBool("Attacking", true); bool up = false; bool down = false; if (AtlasInputManager.Instance.aimAtMouse()) { Vector2 aim = AtlasInputManager.Instance.getPlayerAim(true); up = aim.y > 0; down = pc.isGrounded() ? pc.isCrouching() : aim.y < 0; if (aim.x != 0) { pc.setFacing(aim.x); } } else { up = AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y > 0.1f; down = AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y < -0.1f || pc.isCrouching(); } bool falling = (pc.velocity.y < -0.1); if (up) { animator.SetTrigger("UpAttack"); SoundManager.Instance.playClip("BroomAttacks/LightAttack", Random.Range(-1, 1)); } else if (down) { animator.SetTrigger("DownAttack"); SoundManager.Instance.playClip("BroomAttacks/LightAttack", Random.Range(-1, 1)); } else { if (!pc.isGrounded()) { if (falling) { animator.SetTrigger("FallingAttack"); } else { animator.SetTrigger("RisingAttack"); } } else { animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); } SoundManager.Instance.playClip("BroomAttacks/LightAttack", Random.Range(-1, 1)); } }
void handleMovement(float msMod = 1.0f, bool canJump = true, bool canTurnAround = true) { if (heldObject != null) { msMod *= 0.5f; canJump = false; } Vector2 input = new Vector2(0, 0); if (!(state == State.WaitMoveable && isGrounded())) { input = new Vector2(AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").x, AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y); } if (isGrounded() || coyoteTime > 0) { if (AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Jump") && canJump) { firstJump(); } if (AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Broom")) { triggerBroomStart(); } if (isGrounded()) { if (!canBroom && state == State.Movement) { canBroom = true; } canDoubleJump = true; resourceManager.Instance.restoreMana(); } } else { if (canBroom && AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Broom")) { if (wallRiding) { flipHorizontal(); triggerBroomStart(fastBroom, facing); } else { triggerBroomStart(fastBroom); } return; } if (hasWallJump && wallRiding && AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Jump") && resourceManager.Instance.getPlayerMana() >= 2) { state = State.WallJumpInit; return; } if (hasDoubleJump && AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Jump") && canJump && canDoubleJump && resourceManager.Instance.getPlayerMana() >= 1) { doubleJump(); } } float currentMoveSpeed = moveSpeed; if (isCrouching()) { currentMoveSpeed = 1.5f; } float targetVelocityX = input.x * currentMoveSpeed * msMod; anim.SetBool("isRunning", isGrounded() && (targetVelocityX != 0)); anim.SetBool("isJumping", !isGrounded() && (velocity.y > 0) && canDoubleJump); anim.SetBool("isFalling", !isGrounded() && (velocity.y < -0.5f) && !controller.collisions.descendingSlope && !heldObject); anim.SetBool("wallSlide", wallRiding); if (wallRiding) { deformer.RemoveDeform("jump"); deformer.RemoveDeform("fastfall"); } if (canTurnAround) { setFacing(velocity.x); } velocity.x = Mathf.SmoothDamp(velocity.x, targetVelocityX, ref velocityXSmoothing, (controller.collisions.below) ? groundAccelerationTime : airAccelerationTime); velocity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime * ((wallRiding && velocity.y <= 0) ? 0.5f : 1.0f); if (wallRiding && velocity.y < maxWallSlideVel) { velocity.y = maxWallSlideVel; } float termVel; if (fastFalling) { if (AtlasInputManager.getAxisState("Dpad").y >= 0 || isGrounded() || velocity.y > 0) { fastFalling = false; } termVel = fastFallVel; velocity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime; } else { termVel = maxFallVel; deformer.RemoveDeform("fastfall"); if (AtlasInputManager.getKeyPressed("Down") && !isGrounded() && (velocity.y <= 0.5f || !AtlasInputManager.getKey("Jump"))) { fastFalling = true; deformer.startDeform(new Vector3(0.85f, 1.4f, 1.0f), 0.2f, -1.0f, -1.0f, "fastfall", true); } } if (velocity.y < termVel) { velocity.y = termVel; } if (velocity.y <= 0 && controller.isSafePosition()) { lastSafePosition = transform.position; } }