public void AsyncTargetWrapperExceptionTest() { var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper { OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 500, WrappedTarget = new DebugTarget(), }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); // null out wrapped target - will cause exception on the timer thread targetWrapper.WrappedTarget = null; string internalLog = RunAndCaptureInternalLog( () => { targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation(ex => { })); Thread.Sleep(1000); }, LogLevel.Trace); targetWrapper.Close(); Assert.True(internalLog.StartsWith("Error Error in lazy writer timer procedure: System.NullReferenceException", StringComparison.Ordinal), internalLog); }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperExceptionTest() { var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper { OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 500, WrappedTarget = new DebugTarget(), Name = "AsyncTargetWrapperExceptionTest_Wrapper" }; using (new NoThrowNLogExceptions()) { targetWrapper.Initialize(null); // null out wrapped target - will cause exception on the timer thread targetWrapper.WrappedTarget = null; string internalLog = RunAndCaptureInternalLog( () => { targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation(ex => { })); targetWrapper.Close(); }, LogLevel.Trace); Assert.True(internalLog.Contains("WrappedTarget is NULL"), internalLog); } }
public void NoEmptyEventLists() { var configuration = new LoggingConfiguration(); var target = new MyLogReceiverWebServiceTarget(); target.EndpointAddress = "http://notimportant:9999/"; target.Initialize(configuration); var asyncTarget = new AsyncTargetWrapper(target) { Name = "NoEmptyEventLists_wrapper" }; try { asyncTarget.Initialize(configuration); asyncTarget.WriteAsyncLogEvents(new[] { LogEventInfo.Create(LogLevel.Info, "logger1", "message1").WithContinuation(ex => { }) }); Thread.Sleep(1000); Assert.Equal(1, target.SendCount); } finally { asyncTarget.Close(); target.Close(); } }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperCloseTest() { var myTarget = new MyAsyncTarget { ThrowExceptions = true, }; var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(myTarget) { OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 1000, }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); bool continuationHit = false; targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation(ex => { continuationHit = true; })); // quickly close the target before the timer elapses targetWrapper.Close(); // continuation will not be hit because the thread is down. Thread.Sleep(1000); Assert.IsFalse(continuationHit); }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperAsyncWithExceptionTest1() { var myTarget = new MyAsyncTarget { ThrowExceptions = true, }; var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(myTarget) { Name = "AsyncTargetWrapperAsyncWithExceptionTest1_Wrapper" }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(); Exception lastException = null; var continuationHit = new ManualResetEvent(false); AsyncContinuation continuation = ex => { lastException = ex; continuationHit.Set(); }; targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(continuation)); Assert.True(continuationHit.WaitOne(5000)); Assert.NotNull(lastException); Assert.IsType <InvalidOperationException>(lastException); // no flush on exception Assert.Equal(0, myTarget.FlushCount); Assert.Equal(1, myTarget.WriteCount); continuationHit.Reset(); lastException = null; targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(continuation)); Assert.True(continuationHit.WaitOne(5000)); Assert.NotNull(lastException); Assert.IsType <InvalidOperationException>(lastException); Assert.Equal(0, myTarget.FlushCount); Assert.Equal(2, myTarget.WriteCount); } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }
public void RetryingTargetWrapperBlockingCloseTest() { RetryingIntegrationTest(3, () => { var target = new MyTarget() { ThrowExceptions = 5, }; var wrapper = new RetryingTargetWrapper() { WrappedTarget = target, RetryCount = 10, RetryDelayMilliseconds = 5000, }; var asyncWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(wrapper) { TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 1 }; asyncWrapper.Initialize(null); wrapper.Initialize(null); target.Initialize(null); var exceptions = new List <Exception>(); var events = new[] { new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Debug, "Logger1", "Hello").WithContinuation(exceptions.Add), new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Info, "Logger1", "Hello").WithContinuation(exceptions.Add), new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Info, "Logger2", "Hello").WithContinuation(exceptions.Add), }; // Attempt to write LogEvents that will take forever to retry asyncWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvents(events); // Wait a little for the AsyncWrapper to start writing System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // Close down the AsyncWrapper while busy writing asyncWrapper.Close(); // Close down the RetryingWrapper while busy retrying wrapper.Close(); // Close down the actual target while busy writing target.Close(); // Wait a little for the RetryingWrapper to detect that it has been closed down System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); // The premature abort, causes the exception to be logged Assert.NotNull(exceptions[0]); }); }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperSyncTest1() { var myTarget = new MyTarget(); var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper { WrappedTarget = myTarget, Name = "AsyncTargetWrapperSyncTest1_Wrapper", }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(); Exception lastException = null; ManualResetEvent continuationHit = new ManualResetEvent(false); Thread continuationThread = null; AsyncContinuation continuation = ex => { lastException = ex; continuationThread = Thread.CurrentThread; continuationHit.Set(); }; targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(continuation)); // continuation was not hit Assert.True(continuationHit.WaitOne(5000)); Assert.NotSame(continuationThread, Thread.CurrentThread); Assert.Null(lastException); Assert.Equal(1, myTarget.WriteCount); continuationHit.Reset(); targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(continuation)); Assert.True(continuationHit.WaitOne(5000)); Assert.NotSame(continuationThread, Thread.CurrentThread); Assert.Null(lastException); Assert.Equal(2, myTarget.WriteCount); } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }
private void EnqueuQueueBlock_OnClose_ReleasesWriters(bool forceLockingQueue) { // Setup var slowTarget = new MethodCallTarget("slowTarget", (logEvent, parms) => System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300)); var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper("asynSlowTarget", slowTarget) { OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Block, QueueLimit = 3, ForceLockingQueue = forceLockingQueue, }; var logFactory = new LogFactory(); var loggingConfig = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration(logFactory); loggingConfig.AddRuleForAllLevels(targetWrapper); logFactory.Configuration = loggingConfig; var logger = logFactory.GetLogger("Test"); // Act long allTasksCompleted = 0; AsyncHelpers.ForEachItemInParallel(System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(1, 6), (ex) => Interlocked.Exchange(ref allTasksCompleted, 1), (value, cont) => { for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { logger.Info("Hello {0}", value); } cont(null); }); Thread.Sleep(150); // Let them get stuck Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref allTasksCompleted)); targetWrapper.Close(); // Release those who are stuck, and discard the rest // Assert for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (Interlocked.Read(ref allTasksCompleted) == 1) { break; } Thread.Sleep(10); } Assert.Equal(1, Interlocked.Read(ref allTasksCompleted)); }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperCloseTest() { var myTarget = new MyAsyncTarget { ThrowExceptions = true, }; var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(myTarget) { OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 1000, }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation(ex => { })); // quickly close the target before the timer elapses targetWrapper.Close(); }
public void FlushingMultipleTimesSimultaneous() { var asyncTarget = new AsyncTargetWrapper { TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 1000, WrappedTarget = new DebugTarget(), Name = "FlushingMultipleTimesSimultaneous_Wrapper" }; asyncTarget.Initialize(null); try { asyncTarget.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation(ex => { })); var firstContinuationCalled = false; var secondContinuationCalled = false; var firstContinuationResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); var secondContinuationResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); asyncTarget.Flush(ex => { firstContinuationCalled = true; firstContinuationResetEvent.Set(); }); asyncTarget.Flush(ex => { secondContinuationCalled = true; secondContinuationResetEvent.Set(); }); Assert.True(firstContinuationResetEvent.WaitOne(5000), nameof(firstContinuationResetEvent)); Assert.True(secondContinuationResetEvent.WaitOne(5000), nameof(secondContinuationResetEvent)); Assert.True(firstContinuationCalled); Assert.True(secondContinuationCalled); } finally { asyncTarget.Close(); } }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperAsyncTest1() { var myTarget = new MyAsyncTarget(); var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(myTarget) { Name = "AsyncTargetWrapperAsyncTest1_Wrapper" }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(); Exception lastException = null; var continuationHit = new ManualResetEvent(false); AsyncContinuation continuation = ex => { lastException = ex; continuationHit.Set(); }; targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(continuation)); Assert.True(continuationHit.WaitOne(5000)); Assert.Null(lastException); Assert.Equal(1, myTarget.WriteCount); continuationHit.Reset(); targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(continuation)); Assert.True(continuationHit.WaitOne(5000)); Assert.Null(lastException); Assert.Equal(2, myTarget.WriteCount); } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Test Fix for /// </summary> private void AsyncTargetWrapperSyncTest_WhenTimeToSleepBetweenBatchesIsEqualToZero(bool forceLockingQueue) { LogManager.ThrowConfigExceptions = true; var myTarget = new MyTarget(); var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper() { WrappedTarget = myTarget, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 0, #if NET4_5 ForceLockingQueue = forceLockingQueue, OptimizeBufferReuse = !forceLockingQueue, #endif BatchSize = 3, QueueLimit = 5, // Will make it "sleep" between every second write FullBatchSizeWriteLimit = 1, OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Block }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { int flushCounter = 0; AsyncContinuation flushHandler = (ex) => { ++flushCounter; }; var itemPrepareList = new List <AsyncLogEventInfo>(500); var itemWrittenList = new List <int>(itemPrepareList.Capacity); for (int i = 0; i < itemPrepareList.Capacity; ++i) { var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(); int sequenceID = logEvent.SequenceID; bool blockConsumer = (itemPrepareList.Capacity / 2) == i; // Force producers to get into blocking-mode itemPrepareList.Add(logEvent.WithContinuation((ex) => { if (blockConsumer) { Thread.Sleep(125); } itemWrittenList.Add(sequenceID); })); } var eventProducer0 = new ManualResetEvent(false); var eventProducer1 = new ManualResetEvent(false); ParameterizedThreadStart producerMethod = (s) => { var eventProducer = (ManualResetEvent)s; if (eventProducer != null) { eventProducer.Set(); // Signal we are ready } int partitionNo = ReferenceEquals(eventProducer, eventProducer1) ? 1 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < itemPrepareList.Count; ++i) { if (i % 2 == partitionNo) { targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(itemPrepareList[i]); } } }; Thread producer0 = new Thread(producerMethod); producer0.IsBackground = true; Thread producer1 = new Thread(producerMethod); producer1.IsBackground = true; producer1.Start(eventProducer0); producer0.Start(eventProducer1); Assert.True(eventProducer0.WaitOne(5000), "Producer0 Start Timeout"); Assert.True(eventProducer1.WaitOne(5000), "Producer1 Start Timeout"); long startTicks = Environment.TickCount; Assert.True(producer0.Join(5000), "Producer0 Complete Timeout"); // Wait for producer0 to complete Assert.True(producer1.Join(5000), "Producer1 Complete Timeout"); // Wait for producer1 to complete long elapsedMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount - startTicks; targetWrapper.Flush(flushHandler); for (int i = 0; i < itemPrepareList.Count * 2 && itemWrittenList.Count != itemPrepareList.Count; ++i) { Thread.Sleep(1); } Assert.Equal(itemPrepareList.Count, itemWrittenList.Count); int producer0sequenceID = 0; int producer1sequenceID = 0; for (int i = 1; i < itemWrittenList.Count; ++i) { if (itemWrittenList[i] % 2 == 0) { Assert.True(producer0sequenceID < itemWrittenList[i], "Producer0 invalid sequence"); producer0sequenceID = itemWrittenList[i]; } else { Assert.True(producer1sequenceID < itemWrittenList[i], "Producer1 invalid sequence"); producer1sequenceID = itemWrittenList[i]; } } #if NET4_5 if (!IsAppVeyor()) // Skip timing test when running within OpenCover.Console.exe #endif Assert.InRange(elapsedMilliseconds, 0, 950); targetWrapper.Flush(flushHandler); for (int i = 0; i < 2000 && flushCounter != 2; ++i) { Thread.Sleep(1); } Assert.Equal(2, flushCounter); } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperFlushTest() { var myTarget = new MyAsyncTarget { ThrowExceptions = true }; var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(myTarget) { Name = "AsyncTargetWrapperFlushTest_Wrapper", OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { List <Exception> exceptions = new List <Exception>(); int eventCount = 5000; for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i) { targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation( ex => { lock (exceptions) { exceptions.Add(ex); } })); } Exception lastException = null; ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); string internalLog = RunAndCaptureInternalLog( () => { targetWrapper.Flush( cont => { try { // by this time all continuations should be completed Assert.Equal(eventCount, exceptions.Count); // with just 1 flush of the target Assert.Equal(1, myTarget.FlushCount); // and all writes should be accounted for Assert.Equal(eventCount, myTarget.WriteCount); } catch (Exception ex) { lastException = ex; } finally { mre.Set(); } }); Assert.True(mre.WaitOne(5000), InternalLogger.LogWriter?.ToString() ?? string.Empty); }, LogLevel.Trace); if (lastException != null) { Assert.True(false, lastException.ToString() + "\r\n" + internalLog); } } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperSyncTest_WhenTimeToSleepBetweenBatchesIsEqualToZero() { LogManager.ThrowConfigExceptions = true; var myTarget = new MyTarget(); var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper() { WrappedTarget = myTarget, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 0, BatchSize = 4, QueueLimit = 2, // Will make it "sleep" between every second write OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Block }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { int flushCounter = 0; AsyncContinuation flushHandler = (ex) => { ++flushCounter; }; List <KeyValuePair <LogEventInfo, AsyncContinuation> > itemPrepareList = new List <KeyValuePair <LogEventInfo, AsyncContinuation> >(500); List <int> itemWrittenList = new List <int>(itemPrepareList.Capacity); for (int i = 0; i < itemPrepareList.Capacity; ++i) { var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(); int sequenceID = logEvent.SequenceID; itemPrepareList.Add(new KeyValuePair <LogEventInfo, AsyncContinuation>(logEvent, (ex) => itemWrittenList.Add(sequenceID))); } long startTicks = Environment.TickCount; for (int i = 0; i < itemPrepareList.Count; ++i) { var logEvent = itemPrepareList[i].Key; targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(logEvent.WithContinuation(itemPrepareList[i].Value)); } targetWrapper.Flush(flushHandler); for (int i = 0; i < itemPrepareList.Count * 2 && itemWrittenList.Count != itemPrepareList.Count; ++i) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } long elapsedMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount - startTicks; Assert.Equal(itemPrepareList.Count, itemWrittenList.Count); int prevSequenceID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < itemWrittenList.Count; ++i) { Assert.True(prevSequenceID < itemWrittenList[i]); prevSequenceID = itemWrittenList[i]; } if (!IsAppVeyor()) { Assert.True(elapsedMilliseconds < 750); // Skip timing test when running within OpenCover.Console.exe } targetWrapper.Flush(flushHandler); for (int i = 0; i < 2000 && flushCounter != 2; ++i) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } Assert.Equal(2, flushCounter); } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }
public void AsyncTargetWrapperFlushTest() { InternalLogger.LogToConsole = true; InternalLogger.IncludeTimestamp = true; InternalLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Trace; var myTarget = new MyAsyncTarget { ThrowExceptions = true }; var targetWrapper = new AsyncTargetWrapper(myTarget) { Name = "AsyncTargetWrapperFlushTest_Wrapper", OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Grow, TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 3 }; targetWrapper.Initialize(null); myTarget.Initialize(null); try { List <Exception> exceptions = new List <Exception>(); #if !SILVERLIGHT int eventCount = Environment.Is64BitProcess ? 5000 : 500; long missingEvents = Environment.Is64BitProcess ? 5000 : 500; #else int eventCount = 500; long missingEvents = 500; #endif for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i) { targetWrapper.WriteAsyncLogEvent(LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent().WithContinuation( ex => { try { lock (exceptions) { exceptions.Add(ex); } Interlocked.Decrement(ref missingEvents); } catch (Exception e) { InternalLogger.Trace("Error in callback", e); } })); } Exception lastException = null; ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); string internalLog = RunAndCaptureInternalLog( () => { targetWrapper.Flush( cont => { try { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; // We have to spin until all events are done being written by the above code, otherwise on // slow computers the flush will be called before all events has been pushed to the event queue. // causing the below assertions to fail. if (missingEvents > 0) { InternalLogger.Trace("Still missing {0} events, exceptions captured:{1}", missingEvents, exceptions.Count); } while (missingEvents > 0) { InternalLogger.Trace("Still missing {0} events, exceptions captured:{1}", missingEvents, exceptions.Count); Thread.Sleep(50); if (DateTime.Now - start > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("threads did not manage to enqueue their messages within time limit, still missing:{0}events, exceptions captured:{1}", missingEvents, exceptions.Count)); } } // by this time all continuations should be completed Assert.Equal(eventCount, exceptions.Count); // We have to use interlocked, otherwise there are no guarantee that we get the correct value // with just 1 flush of the target int flushCount = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref myTarget.FlushCount, 0, 1); Assert.Equal(1, flushCount); int writeCount = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref myTarget.WriteCount, 0, eventCount); // and all writes should be accounted for Assert.Equal(eventCount, writeCount); } catch (Exception ex) { lastException = ex; } finally { mre.Set(); } }); Assert.True(mre.WaitOne()); }, LogLevel.Trace); if (lastException != null) { Assert.True(false, lastException.ToString() + "\r\n" + internalLog); } } finally { myTarget.Close(); targetWrapper.Close(); } }