예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>
        /// [Curtis_Beard]      11/02/2006  Created
        /// </history>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.Title = Stock.Lookup(Stock.About).Label.Replace("_", "") + " AstroGrep";
             this.Modal = true;
             this.WindowPosition = Gtk.WindowPosition.CenterOnParent;
             this.Resizable = false;
             this.SetDefaultSize(434, 348);
             this.IconName = Stock.About;

             // Initialize all widgets
             HeaderPanel = new Image();
             lblDescription = new Label();
             lblTitle = new Label();
             lblAuthors = new Label();
             //lnkHomePage = new Label();
             lnkHomePage = new AstroGrep.Linux.Controls.LinkLabel();
             lblVersion = new Label();
             lblCopyright = new Label();
             lnkLicense = new Label();
             lblGraphics = new Label();

             // left align

             // Set widgets' properties
             Gdk.Pixbuf headPix = Images.GetPixbuf("AstroGrep_Banner.png", 434, 100);
             HeaderPanel.Pixbuf = headPix;
             lblTitle.Text = "AstroGrep";
             lblVersion.Text = "Version 0.0.0";
             lblCopyright.Text = "Copyright (C) 2002-2006 AstroComma Inc.";
             lblDescription.Text = "\nAdditional Copyright (C) 2002 to Theodore L. Ward. AstroGrep comes with \nABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. \nThis is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;\n http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3";
             lnkLicense.Text = "\nGNU License";
             lblGraphics.Text = "\nImages from Crystal Clear icon set for KDE.  Developed by Everaldo.";
             lblAuthors.Text = "\nCreated by Theodore Ward and converted to .Net by Curtis Beard";
             lnkHomePage.Text = "\nAstroGrep Home Page";
             lnkHomePage.UriString = "http://astrogrep.sourceforge.net";

             // Add widgets to dialog
             this.VBox.BorderWidth = 0;
             this.VBox.PackStart(HeaderPanel, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(new HSeparator(), false, true, 2);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lblTitle, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lblVersion, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lblCopyright, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lblDescription, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lnkLicense, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lblGraphics, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lblAuthors, false, true, 0);
             this.VBox.PackStart(lnkHomePage, false, true, 0);

             // Add actions to dialog
             this.AddButton(Stock.Close, Gtk.ResponseType.Close);

             // make sure and display all widgets
예제 #2
        /// <summary>


        /// </summary>

        /// <history>

        /// [Curtis_Beard]      11/02/2006  Created

        /// </history>

        private void InitializeComponent()

            this.Title = Stock.Lookup(Stock.About).Label.Replace("_", "") + " AstroGrep";

            this.Modal = true;

            this.WindowPosition = Gtk.WindowPosition.CenterOnParent;

            this.Resizable = false;

            this.SetDefaultSize(434, 348);

            this.IconName = Stock.About;

            // Initialize all widgets

            HeaderPanel = new Image();

            lblDescription = new Label();

            lblTitle = new Label();

            lblAuthors = new Label();

            //lnkHomePage = new Label();

            lnkHomePage = new AstroGrep.Linux.Controls.LinkLabel();

            lblVersion = new Label();

            lblCopyright = new Label();

            lnkLicense = new Label();

            lblGraphics = new Label();

            // left align

            lblTitle.SetAlignment(0, 0);

            lblVersion.SetAlignment(0, 0);

            lblCopyright.SetAlignment(0, 0);

            lblDescription.SetAlignment(0, 0);

            lnkLicense.SetAlignment(0, 0);

            lblGraphics.SetAlignment(0, 0);

            lblAuthors.SetAlignment(0, 0);


            // Set widgets' properties

            Gdk.Pixbuf headPix = Images.GetPixbuf("AstroGrep_Banner.png", 434, 100);

            HeaderPanel.Pixbuf = headPix;

            lblTitle.Text = "AstroGrep";

            lblVersion.Text = "Version 0.0.0";

            lblCopyright.Text = "Copyright (C) 2002-2006 AstroComma Inc.";

            lblDescription.Text = "\nAdditional Copyright (C) 2002 to Theodore L. Ward. AstroGrep comes with \nABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. \nThis is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;\n http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC3";

            lnkLicense.Text = "\nGNU License";

            lblGraphics.Text = "\nImages from Crystal Clear icon set for KDE.  Developed by Everaldo.";

            lblAuthors.Text = "\nCreated by Theodore Ward and converted to .Net by Curtis Beard";

            lnkHomePage.Text = "\nAstroGrep Home Page";

            lnkHomePage.UriString = "http://astrogrep.sourceforge.net";

            // Add widgets to dialog

            this.VBox.BorderWidth = 0;

            this.VBox.PackStart(HeaderPanel, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(new HSeparator(), false, true, 2);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lblTitle, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lblVersion, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lblCopyright, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lblDescription, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lnkLicense, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lblGraphics, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lblAuthors, false, true, 0);

            this.VBox.PackStart(lnkHomePage, false, true, 0);

            // Add actions to dialog

            this.AddButton(Stock.Close, Gtk.ResponseType.Close);

            // make sure and display all widgets
