예제 #1
 // Assignment:: VAR? ident := value
 // If ident does not exist, creates a typed catalog entry (using return type if Funval)
 // Sets initial value, or updates but only if was VAR and same type
 public AstStatement Assignment(string ident, AstValue value, string varopt)
     if (Symbols.CanDefGlobal(ident))
         if (value is AstFunval)
             var cvalue = (value as AstFunval).Value;
             Symbols.AddDeffun(ident, cvalue.DataType, cvalue.Lookup.Columns, cvalue.Accums, varopt != null);
             Symbols.AddVariable(ident, value.DataType, SymKinds.CATVAR, varopt != null);
         var sym = FindCatVar(ident);
         if (sym == null || sym.IsCallable || !sym.Mutable)
             Parser.ParseError("cannot assign to '{0}'", sym.Name);
         if (sym.DataType != value.DataType)
             Parser.ParseError("type mismatch: '{0}'", sym.Name);
     return(GenFunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.Assign), Args(Text(ident), value)));
예제 #2
        // UPDATE rel <set op> relexpr
        public AstStatement UpdateSetop(AstValue relvar, string joinop, AstValue expr)
            var joinsym = FindFunc(joinop);
            var joinnum = Number((int)joinsym.JoinOp);

            return(FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.UpdateJoin), DataTypes.Void, Args(relvar, expr, joinnum)));
예제 #3
 // Call user function from expression value (no callinfo)
 // Type check against FullDataType
 AstDefCall FunvalCall(AstValue value, DataTypeCode datatype, AstNode[] args)
     return(new AstDefCall {
         Func = FindFunc(SymNames.Invoke), Code = value, DataType = datatype.Returns, Arguments = args,
         NumVarArgs = args.Length,
예제 #4
        // Handle Binop with precedence
        AstValue Binop(AstValue value, AstOpCall[] ops)
            Logger.WriteLine(4, "expr {0} op={1}", value, ops.Join(","));
            if (ops.Length == 0)
            var op = ops[0];

            if (ops.Length == 1)
                return(GenFunCall(op.Func, Args(value, op.Arguments)));
            var opnext = ops[1];
            var optail = ops.Skip(1);

            //Func<AstCall, AstCall, bool> op high = (op1, op2) => !op1.Func.IsOperator || op1.Func.Precedence >= op2.Func.Precedence;
            if (!op.Func.IsOperator || op.Func.Precedence >= opnext.Func.Precedence)
                return(Binop(GenFunCall(op.Func, Args(value, op.Arguments)), optail.ToArray()));
            // The hard case -- rewrite the tree
            // extract higher precedence ops and do those first; then lower
            var hiprec  = optail.TakeWhile(o => !o.Func.IsOperator || o.Func.Precedence > op.Func.Precedence);
            var hivalue = Binop(op.Arguments[0] as AstValue, hiprec.ToArray());
            var loprec  = optail.SkipWhile(o => !o.Func.IsOperator || o.Func.Precedence > op.Func.Precedence);

            return(Binop(GenFunCall(op.Func, Args(value, hivalue)), loprec.ToArray()));
예제 #5
        private void GenerateValueCode(AstValue valueInfo)
            //if (valueInfo.IsIntegerValue)
            //    ActiveFileComposer.Append(valueInfo.IntegerValue.ToString());

            //else if (valueInfo.IsBooleanValue)
            //    ActiveFileComposer.Append(valueInfo.BooleanValue.ToString());

            if (valueInfo.IsValidScalarValue)
                GenerateScalarValueCode(valueInfo as AstValueScalar);

            else if (valueInfo.IsValidMultivectorValue)
                GenerateMultivectorValueCode(valueInfo as AstValueMultivector);

            else if (valueInfo.IsValidStructureValue)
                GenerateStructureValueCode(valueInfo as AstValueStructure);

                ActiveFileTextComposer.Append("<undefined value>");
예제 #6
 internal GMacScriptOutputItem(string title, string description, AstValue item)
     ItemType    = OutputItemType.Value;
     Item        = item;
     Title       = title;
     Description = description;
예제 #7
        ///--- internal functions

        // Code node: Datatype used as return value
        AstCode Code(AstValue value, DataHeading lookup = null, string name = "&c",
                     bool ascode = false, int accums = -1, bool hasord = false)
            return(new AstCode {
                Name = name, Value = value, DataType = value.DataType, Lookup = lookup,
                Accums = accums, AsCode = ascode, HasWin = hasord,
예제 #8
        public GMacScriptOutputItem Store(string title, string description, AstValue item)
            var outputItem = new GMacScriptOutputItem(title, description, item);


예제 #9
        public GMacScriptOutputItem Store(string title, AstValue item)
            var outputItem = new GMacScriptOutputItem(title, String.Empty, item);


예제 #10
 // Relation by conversion
 public AstValue Table(AstValue value)
     if (!value.DataType.HasHeading)
         Parser.ParseError("value has no heading");
     return(new AstTabCall {
         Func = FindFunc(SymNames.TableC), DataType = Types.Relof(value.DataType), Arguments = Args(value),
예제 #11
 public AstValue Row(AstValue value)
     if (!value.DataType.HasHeading)
         Parser.ParseError("value has no heading");
     return(new AstTabCall {
         Func = FindFunc(SymNames.RowC), DataType = DataTypeTuple.Get(value.DataType.Heading), Arguments = Args(value),
예제 #12
        // function call on anon function Funval
        public AstFunCall FunCall(AstValue expr, params AstValue[] args)
            var code = expr as AstFunval;

            if (code == null)
                Parser.ParseError($"callable expression expected");
            return(FunvalCall(code.Value, code.DataType as DataTypeCode, args));
예제 #13
        public void VisitValue(AstValue value)
            Assert.IsType <AstValue>(this.expected);
            var expectedAst = (AstValue)this.expected;

            Assert.True(expectedAst.Expressions.Length == value.Expressions.Length, "Expected length of expressions is not equal to actual");
            for (int i = 0; i < value.Expressions.Length; i++)
                AssertVisit(expectedAst.Expressions[i], value.Expressions[i]);
예제 #14
        // translate transform calls on tuple into a function call
        AstValue PostFixTranTup(AstValue value, AstTransformer tran)
            Types.CheckTypeMatch(DataTypes.Row, value.DataType);
            if (tran == null)
            var args = Args(value, tran.Elements);

            return(FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.TransTuple), tran.DataType, args, args.Length - 1));
예제 #15
        // Where is just a funcall with a code predicate (that may have a fold)
        public AstWhere Where(string name, AstValue predicate)
            var lookup = DataHeading.Create(Symbols.CurrentScope.LookupItems.Items);
            var code   = Code(predicate, lookup, "&p", false, _accum.Total, _accum.HasWin);

            _accum = _accum.Push();
            return(new AstWhere {
                Func = FindFunc(name),
                DataType = Types.Relof(CurrentHeading()),
                Arguments = Args(code),
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a simple string to describe the given value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string AsString(AstValue value)
            if (value.IsValidMultivectorValue)

            //TODO: Change this for structures
            if (value.IsNullOrInvalid())
                return("<Invalid Value>");

예제 #17
        public AstOpCall While(string name, AstValue expr)
            var datatype = Types.Relof(CurrentHeading());

            if (expr.DataType != datatype)
                Parser.ParseError("type mismatch");
            return(new AstOpCall()
                Func = FindFunc(name),
                DataType = Types.Relof(CurrentHeading()),
                Arguments = Args(Number(0), expr),
예제 #18
 // UPDATE rel .where(pred) .{ sets }
 public AstStatement UpdateWhere(AstValue relvar, AstValue wherearg, AstTransformer tran)
     var where = (wherearg != null) ? (wherearg as AstWhere).Arguments[0] : null;
     // null means delete
     if (tran == null)
         return(FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.UpdateTransform), DataTypes.Void,
                        Args(relvar, Args(where)), 0));
     if (tran.DataType.Heading != relvar.DataType.Heading)
         Parser.ParseError("field mismatch");
     return(FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.UpdateTransform), DataTypes.Void,
                    Args(relvar, Args(where, tran.Elements)), tran.Elements.Length));
예제 #19
        // handle generic transform rule and create specific node with all required info
        // each element tracks lookup items and folds
        public AstField Transfield(string name, string rename = null, AstValue value = null)
            // Add symbols that were never referenced as variables
            if (rename != null) // Rename
                Symbols.CurrentScope.LookupItems.Add(DataColumn.Create(rename, FindField(rename).DataType));
            else if (value == null) // Project
                Symbols.CurrentScope.LookupItems.Add(DataColumn.Create(name, FindField(name).DataType));
            var lookup = DataHeading.Create(Symbols.CurrentScope.LookupItems.Items);

            var accums = _accum.Count;
            var haswin = _accum.HasWin;

            if (name == null)
                return new AstLift {
                           Name = "^", Value = value, DataType = value.DataType, Lookup = lookup, Accums = accums, HasWin = haswin,
            if (rename != null)
                return new AstRename {
                           Name = name, OldName = rename, DataType = FindField(rename).DataType
            if (value != null)
                return new AstExtend {
                           Name = name, DataType = value.DataType, Value = value, Lookup = lookup, Accums = accums, HasWin = haswin,
            return(new AstProject {
                Name = name, DataType = FindField(name).DataType
예제 #20
        public AstFoldCall Fold(string name, string oper, AstValue expression)
            var      op = FindFunc(oper);
            DataType datatype;
            CallInfo callinfo;

            Types.CheckTypeError(op, out datatype, out callinfo, expression.DataType, expression.DataType); // as if there were two
            if (datatype != expression.DataType)
                Parser.ParseError($"not foldable: {name}");
            var accndx = _accum.Total;

            return(new AstFoldCall {
                Func = FindFunc(name), FoldedOp = op, DataType = datatype,
                AccumIndex = accndx, FoldedExpr = expression, CallInfo = callinfo,
                InvokeOp = (op.IsDefFunc) ? Symbols.FindIdent(SymNames.Invoke) : null,
예제 #21
        // translate transform call and possible order into a function call
        // note that tran may be empty, and this has meaning!
        AstValue PostFixTranRel(AstValue value, AstTransformer tran, AstOrderer order)
            Types.CheckTypeMatch(DataTypes.Table, value.DataType);
            var args = new List <AstNode> {

            if (order != null)
            if (tran != null)
            if (tran != null)
                // transformation, possibly ordered
                // Decide which processor to use depending on level of elements
                var opname = tran.Elements.Any(e => e is AstExtend && (e as AstExtend).HasWin) ? SymNames.TransWin
          : (order != null) ? SymNames.TransOrd
          : tran.Elements.Any(e => e is AstExtend && (e as AstExtend).Accums > 0) ? SymNames.TransAgg
          : tran.Elements.Any(e => e is AstExtend) ? SymNames.Transform
          : tran.Elements.All(e => e is AstRename) && tran.Elements.Length == value.DataType.Heading.Degree ? SymNames.Rename
          : SymNames.Project;
                return(FunCall(FindFunc(opname), tran.DataType, args.ToArray(), args.Count - 1));
            else if (order != null)
                // just a sort, convenient way to include all fields in heading
                args.AddRange(Allbut(value.DataType.Heading, new AstField[0]));
                return(FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.TransOrd), value.DataType, args.ToArray(), args.Count - 1));
                return(value); // nothing do to
        //NOTE: these two methods need to be moved to the ascx_SourceCodeEditor control
        public void showInSourceCode(Object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            var treeNoteTag = e.Node.Tag;
            // temp Hack to handle the fact that AstValue<obTject> is current using  AstValue<object>
            var endLocation    = (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location)O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("EndLocation", treeNoteTag);
            var startLocation  = (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location)O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("StartLocation", treeNoteTag);
            var originalObject = O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("OriginalObject", treeNoteTag);
            var text           = (string)O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("Text", treeNoteTag);
            var astValue       = new AstValue <object>(text, originalObject, startLocation, endLocation);

            //if (treeNoteTag is AstValue<object>)
            //var astValue = (AstValue<object>)treeNoteTag;

            var textEditorControl = sourceCodeEditor.getObject_TextEditorControl();
            var start             = new ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextLocation(astValue.StartLocation.X - 1, astValue.StartLocation.Y - 1);
            var end       = new ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextLocation(astValue.EndLocation.X - 1, astValue.EndLocation.Y - 1);
            var selection = new ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document.DefaultSelection(textEditorControl.Document, start, end);

예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind a macro parameter of any type to a constant of the same type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueAccess"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GMacMacroBinding BindToConstants(AstDatastoreValueAccess valueAccess, AstValue value)
            if (valueAccess.IsNullOrInvalid())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueAccess));

            //This is checked inside each primitive binding to select appropriate action according to the
            // BindOutputToConstantBehavior mamber
            //if (valueAccess.IsInputParameter == false)
            //    throw new InvalidOperationException(
            //        String.Format(
            //            "Specified value access {0} is not a macro input parameter",
            //            valueAccess.ValueAccessName
            //            )
            //        );

            if (valueAccess.AssociatedValueAccess.ExpressionType.IsSameType(value.AssociatedValue.ExpressionType) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Specified macro parameter {valueAccess.ValueAccessName} of type {valueAccess.GMacTypeSignature} is not of same type {value.GMacTypeSignature} as given value"

            var assignmentsList = valueAccess.AssociatedValueAccess.ExpandAndAssignAll(value.AssociatedValue);

            foreach (var assignment in assignmentsList)

예제 #24
        /// Calls with arguments

        // Handle a list of infix operators
        public AstValue Binop(AstValue value, IList <AstOpCall> ops)
            var ret = Binop(value, ops.ToArray());

        //NOTE: these two methods need to be moved to the ascx_SourceCodeEditor control
        public void showInSourceCode(Object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            var treeNoteTag = e.Node.Tag;
            // temp Hack to handle the fact that AstValue<obTject> is current using  AstValue<object>           
            var endLocation = (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location)O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("EndLocation",treeNoteTag);
            var startLocation = (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location)O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("StartLocation", treeNoteTag);
            var originalObject = O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("OriginalObject", treeNoteTag);
            var text = (string)O2.Kernel.PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("Text", treeNoteTag);
            var astValue = new AstValue<object>(text,originalObject,startLocation,endLocation);

            //if (treeNoteTag is AstValue<object>)
            //var astValue = (AstValue<object>)treeNoteTag;            

            var textEditorControl = sourceCodeEditor.getObject_TextEditorControl();
            var start = new ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextLocation(astValue.StartLocation.X - 1, astValue.StartLocation.Y - 1);
            var end = new ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextLocation(astValue.EndLocation.X - 1, astValue.EndLocation.Y - 1);
            var selection = new ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document.DefaultSelection(textEditorControl.Document, start, end);
        public static TextEditorControl showAstValueInSourceCode(this TextEditorControl textEditorControl, AstValue <object> astValue)
            return((TextEditorControl)textEditorControl.invokeOnThread(() =>
                PublicDI.log.error("{0} {1} - {2}", astValue.Text, astValue.StartLocation, astValue.EndLocation);

                var start = new TextLocation(astValue.StartLocation.X - 1,
                                             astValue.StartLocation.Y - 1);
                var end = new TextLocation(astValue.EndLocation.X - 1, astValue.EndLocation.Y - 1);
                var selection = new DefaultSelection(textEditorControl.Document, start, end);
                return textEditorControl;
예제 #27
 public AstFunCall If(string name, AstValue condition, AstValue iftrue, AstValue iffalse)
     Types.CheckTypeMatch(iftrue.DataType, iffalse.DataType);
     return(FunCall(FindFunc(name), iftrue.DataType, Args(condition, Code(iftrue), Code(iffalse))));
예제 #28
 public AstType GetType(AstValue value)
     return(new AstType {
         DataType = value.DataType
예제 #29
        public static TextEditorControl showAstValueInSourceCode(this TextEditorControl textEditorControl, AstValue<object> astValue)
            return (TextEditorControl)textEditorControl.invokeOnThread(() =>
                    PublicDI.log.error("{0} {1} - {2}", astValue.Text, astValue.StartLocation, astValue.EndLocation);

                    var start = new TextLocation(astValue.StartLocation.X - 1,
                                                                        astValue.StartLocation.Y - 1);
                    var end = new TextLocation(astValue.EndLocation.X - 1, astValue.EndLocation.Y - 1);
                    var selection = new DefaultSelection(textEditorControl.Document, start, end);
                    return textEditorControl;
        private void showInSourceCode(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            var treeNoteTag = e.Node.Tag;
            var endLocation = (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location)PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("EndLocation",treeNoteTag);
            var startLocation = (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Location)PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("StartLocation", treeNoteTag);
            var originalObject = PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("OriginalObject", treeNoteTag);
            var text = (string)PublicDI.reflection.getProperty("Text", treeNoteTag);
            var astValue = new AstValue<object>(text,originalObject,startLocation,endLocation);

            //astValue.EndLocation =

            /*if (treeNoteTag is AstValue<ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.MethodDeclaration>)

            else if (treeNoteTag is AstValue<object>)
                var astValue = (AstValue<object>)treeNoteTag;
                //var textEditorControl = sourceCodeEditor.getObject_TextEditorControl();
예제 #31
        // Handle a list of postfix operators
        // construct a FunCall from the first OpCall (or first two), then invoke tail on result
        public AstValue PostFix(AstValue value, IList <AstCall> ops)
            if (ops.Count == 0)
            var newvalue = value;
            var tail     = ops.Skip(1).ToList();

            // special handling for Transformer, possibly preceded by Orderer
            if (ops[0] is AstTransformer)
                var tran = ops[0] as AstTransformer;
                if (value.DataType is DataTypeRelation)
                    newvalue = PostFixTranRel(value, tran as AstTransformer, null);
                else if (value.DataType is DataTypeTuple)
                    newvalue = PostFixTranTup(value, tran as AstTransformer);
                    Parser.ParseError("relation or tuple type expected");
                if (tran.Lift)
                    newvalue = FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.Lift), tran.DataType, Args(newvalue));
            else if (ops[0] is AstOrderer)
                if (!(value.DataType is DataTypeRelation))
                    Parser.ParseError("relation type expected");
                if (tail.Count > 0 && tail[0] is AstTransformer)
                    var tran = tail[0] as AstTransformer;
                    newvalue = PostFixTranRel(value, tran as AstTransformer, ops[0] as AstOrderer);
                    if (tran.Lift)
                        newvalue = FunCall(FindFunc(SymNames.Lift), tran.DataType, Args(newvalue));
                    tail = tail.Skip(1).ToList();
                    newvalue = PostFixTranRel(value, null, ops[0] as AstOrderer);
            else if (ops[0] is AstFunvalCall)
                var op = ops[0] as AstFunvalCall;
                if (value.DataType as DataTypeCode == null)
                    Parser.ParseError("operator type expected");
                newvalue = FunvalCall(value, value.DataType as DataTypeCode, op.Arguments);
                var op = ops[0] as AstOpCall;
                newvalue = GenFunCall(op.Func, Args(value, op.Arguments));
            return(PostFix(newvalue, tail));
예제 #32
 // Enter scope for a transform, with accumulator tracking
 public bool Enter(AstValue value)
     _accum = _accum.Push();
예제 #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind a macro parameter of any type to a constant of the same type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueAccessName"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public GMacMacroBinding BindToConstants(string valueAccessName, AstValue value)
            var valueAccess = ToValueAccess(valueAccessName, value.AssociatedValue.ExpressionType);

            return(BindToConstants(valueAccess, value));