public static void GenerateDiffFile(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance inst, AssetsFileInstance newInst, HKWEMeta meta) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading dependencies...", 0.5f); am.UpdateDependencies(); Dictionary <AssetID, AssetID> newToOldIds = new Dictionary <AssetID, AssetID>(); AssetsFileTable newTable = newInst.table; List <AssetFileInfoEx> initialGameObjects = newTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01); for (int i = 0; i < initialGameObjects.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Finding diff IDs... (step 1/3)", (float)i / initialGameObjects.Count); } AssetFileInfoEx inf = initialGameObjects[i]; AssetTypeValueField baseField = am.GetATI(newInst.file, inf).GetBaseField(); AssetTypeValueField editDifferMono = GetEDMono(am, newInst, baseField); EditDifferData diff = new EditDifferData() { fileId = editDifferMono.Get("fileId").GetValue().AsInt(), pathId = editDifferMono.Get("pathId").GetValue().AsInt64(), origPathId = editDifferMono.Get("origPathId").GetValue().AsInt64(), newAsset = editDifferMono.Get("newAsset").GetValue().AsBool() }; } }
public static void GenerateLevelFiles(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance inst) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading dependencies...", 0.5f); am.UpdateDependencies(); //quicker asset id lookup for (int i = 0; i < am.files.Count; i++) { AssetsFileInstance afi = am.files[i]; if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Generating QLTs...", (float)i / am.files.Count); } afi.table.GenerateQuickLookupTree(); } ClassDatabaseFile cldb = am.classFile; AssetsFileTable table = inst.table; ReferenceCrawler crawler = new ReferenceCrawler(am); List <AssetFileInfoEx> initialGameObjects = table.GetAssetsOfType(0x01); for (int i = 0; i < initialGameObjects.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Recursing GameObject dependencies... (step 1/3)", (float)i / initialGameObjects.Count); } AssetFileInfoEx inf = initialGameObjects[i]; crawler.AddReference(new AssetID(inst.path, (long)inf.index), false); crawler.FindReferences(inst, inf); } Dictionary <AssetID, AssetID> glblToLcl = crawler.references; List <Type_0D> types = new List <Type_0D>(); List <string> typeNames = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, AssetsFileInstance> fileToInst = am.files.ToDictionary(d => d.path); int j = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, AssetID> id in glblToLcl) { if (j % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Rewiring asset pointers... (step 2/3)", (float)j / glblToLcl.Count); } AssetsFileInstance depInst = fileToInst[id.Key.fileName]; AssetFileInfoEx depInf = depInst.table.getAssetInfo((ulong)id.Key.pathId); ClassDatabaseType clType = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(cldb, depInf.curFileType); string clName =; if (!typeNames.Contains(clName)) { Type_0D type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, clName); type0d.classId = (int)depInf.curFileType; types.Add(type0d); typeNames.Add(clName); } crawler.ReplaceReferences(depInst, depInf, id.Value.pathId); j++; } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Saving scene... (step 3/3)", 1f); types.Add(CreateEditDifferTypeTree(cldb)); List <Type_0D> assetTypes = new List <Type_0D>() { C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, 0x1c), C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, 0x30), C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, 0x53) }; string origFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inst.path); string sceneGuid = CreateMD5(origFileName); string ExportedScenes = Path.Combine("Assets", "ExportedScenes"); //circumvents "!BeginsWithCaseInsensitive(file.pathName, AssetDatabase::kAssetsPathWithSlash)' assertion string ExportedScenesData = "ExportedScenesData"; CreateMetaFile(sceneGuid, Path.Combine(ExportedScenes, origFileName + ".unity.meta")); AssetsFile sceneFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, types)))); AssetsFile assetFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, assetTypes)))); byte[] sceneFileData; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) using (AssetsFileWriter w = new AssetsFileWriter(ms)) { w.bigEndian = false; //unity editor won't load whole assets files by guid, so we have to use hardcoded paths sceneFile.dependencies.pDependencies = new AssetsFileDependency[] { CreateDependency(ExportedScenesData + "/" + origFileName + "-data.assets"), CreateScriptDependency(Constants.editDifferMsEditorScriptHash, Constants.editDifferLsEditorScriptHash) }; sceneFile.dependencies.dependencyCount = 2; sceneFile.preloadTable.items = new AssetPPtr[] { new AssetPPtr(2, 11500000) }; sceneFile.preloadTable.len = 1; sceneFile.Write(w, 0, crawler.sceneReplacers.Concat(crawler.sceneMonoReplacers).ToArray(), 0); sceneFileData = ms.ToArray(); } byte[] assetFileData; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) using (AssetsFileWriter w = new AssetsFileWriter(ms)) { w.bigEndian = false; assetFile.Write(w, 0, crawler.assetReplacers.ToArray(), 0); assetFileData = ms.ToArray(); } File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(ExportedScenes, origFileName + ".unity"), sceneFileData); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(ExportedScenesData, origFileName + "-data.assets"), assetFileData); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(ExportedScenesData, origFileName + ".metadata"), CreateHKWEMetaFile(am, inst)); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
public static void GenerateDiffFile(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance origInst, AssetsFileInstance newInst, HKWEMeta meta) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading dependencies...", 0.5f); am.UpdateDependencies(); DiffData result = new DiffData() { goChanges = new List <GameObjectChange>(), goAdditions = new List <GameObjectAddition>() }; Dictionary <EditDifferData, long> differToNewId = new Dictionary <EditDifferData, long>(); Dictionary <long, EditDifferData> origIdToDiffer = new Dictionary <long, EditDifferData>(); List <EditDifferData> differData = new List <EditDifferData>(); AssetsFileTable newTable = newInst.table; List <AssetFileInfoEx> newGos = newTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01); for (int i = 0; i < newGos.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Finding diff IDs... (step 1/3)", (float)i / newGos.Count); } AssetFileInfoEx inf = newGos[i]; AssetTypeValueField baseField = am.GetATI(newInst.file, inf).GetBaseField(); AssetTypeValueField editDifferMono = GetEDMono(am, newInst, baseField); EditDifferData diff = new EditDifferData() { fileId = editDifferMono.Get("fileId").GetValue().AsInt(), pathId = editDifferMono.Get("pathId").GetValue().AsInt64(), origPathId = editDifferMono.Get("origPathId").GetValue().AsInt64(), newAsset = editDifferMono.Get("newAsset").GetValue().AsBool() }; origIdToDiffer[diff.origPathId] = diff; differData.Add(diff); } ////////////////////////// AssetsFileTable origTable = origInst.table; List <AssetFileInfoEx> origGos = origTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01); List <long> origDeletIds = new List <long>(); int nextBundleId = 1; // == delete changes == // for (int i = 0; i < origGos.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Checking for deletes... (step 2/3)", (float)i / origGos.Count); } AssetFileInfoEx inf = newGos[i]; if (!differData.Any(d => d.origPathId == inf.index)) { GameObjectChange change = new GameObjectChange { flags = GameObjectChangeFlags.Deleted }; result.goChanges.Add(change); origDeletIds.Add(inf.index); } } // == add changes == // for (int i = 0; i < differData.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Checking for additions... (step 2/3)", (float)i / differData.Count); } EditDifferData dat = differData[i]; if (dat.newAsset) { ReferenceCrawlerBundle crawler = new ReferenceCrawlerBundle(am); long newPathId = differToNewId[dat]; AssetFileInfoEx inf = newInst.table.GetAssetInfo(newPathId); crawler.SetReferences(newInst, inf); GameObjectAddition addition = new GameObjectAddition { bundleId = nextBundleId, parentId = dat.pathId, dependencies = new List <GameObjectAdditionDependency>() }; nextBundleId++; foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, AssetID> goRef in crawler.references) { addition.dependencies.Add(new GameObjectAdditionDependency { parentId = goRef.Key.pathId, bundleId = goRef.Value.pathId }); } result.goAdditions.Add(addition); } else { ReferenceCrawlerBundle crawler = new ReferenceCrawlerBundle(am); long newPathId = differToNewId[dat]; AssetFileInfoEx inf = newInst.table.GetAssetInfo(newPathId); crawler.SetReferences(newInst, inf); } } }
public static byte[] CreateBundleFromLevel(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance inst) { AssetsFile file = inst.file; AssetsFileTable table = inst.table; string folderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(inst.path); ulong pathId = 2; List <AssetsReplacer> assets = new List <AssetsReplacer>(); Dictionary <AssetID, ulong> assetMap = new Dictionary <AssetID, ulong>(); //get all sprites int i = 0; List <AssetFileInfoEx> infos = table.GetAssetsOfType(0xD4); List <ulong> spriteIds = new List <ulong>(); foreach (AssetFileInfoEx info in infos) { //honestly this is a really trash way to do this //we have a better scene exporter but it would //take some work to fix it up and block certain assets EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Creating scene bundle", i / (float)infos.Count); AssetTypeValueField baseField = GetBaseField(am, file, info); AssetTypeValueField m_Sprite = baseField.Get("m_Sprite"); AssetFileInfoEx spriteInfo = am.GetExtAsset(inst, m_Sprite, true).info; AssetsFileInstance spriteInst; if (m_Sprite.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt() == 0) { spriteInst = inst; } else { spriteInst = inst.dependencies[m_Sprite.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt() - 1]; } int spriteFileId = m_Sprite.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt(); long spritePathId = m_Sprite.Get("m_PathID").GetValue().AsInt64(); if (assetMap.ContainsKey(new AssetID(Path.GetFileName(spriteInst.path), spritePathId)) || (spriteFileId == 0 && spritePathId == 0)) { i++; continue; } AssetTypeValueField spriteBaseField = GetBaseField(am, spriteInst.file, spriteInfo); AssetTypeValueField m_RD = spriteBaseField.Get("m_RD"); AssetTypeValueField texture = m_RD.Get("texture"); AssetTypeValueField alphaTexture = m_RD.Get("alphaTexture"); AssetsFileInstance textureInst, alphaTextureInst; if (texture.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt() == 0) { textureInst = spriteInst; } else { textureInst = spriteInst.dependencies[texture.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt() - 1]; } if (alphaTexture.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt() == 0) { alphaTextureInst = spriteInst; } else { alphaTextureInst = spriteInst.dependencies[alphaTexture.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt() - 1]; } AssetTypeInstance textureAti = am.GetExtAsset(spriteInst, texture, false).instance; AssetTypeInstance alphaTextureAti = am.GetExtAsset(spriteInst, alphaTexture, false).instance; ulong textureId = 0, alphaTextureId = 0; if (textureAti != null) { AssetID id = new AssetID(Path.GetFileName(textureInst.path), texture.Get("m_PathID").GetValue().AsInt64()); if (!assetMap.ContainsKey(id)) { textureId = pathId; assetMap.Add(id, pathId); assets.Add(TextureConverter.ConvertTexture(textureAti.GetBaseField(), pathId++, folderName)); } else { textureId = assetMap[id]; } } if (alphaTextureAti != null) { AssetID id = new AssetID(Path.GetFileName(alphaTextureInst.path), alphaTexture.Get("m_PathID").GetValue().AsInt64()); if (!assetMap.ContainsKey(id)) { alphaTextureId = pathId; assetMap.Add(id, pathId); assets.Add(TextureConverter.ConvertTexture(alphaTextureAti.GetBaseField(), pathId++, folderName)); } else { alphaTextureId = assetMap[id]; } } AssetTypeValueField m_Materials = baseField.Get("m_Materials").Get("Array"); if (m_Materials.GetValue().AsArray().size > 0) { AssetTypeValueField material = baseField.Get("m_Materials").Get("Array")[0]; AssetsFileInstance materialInst; int materialFileId = material.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt(); if (materialFileId == 0) { materialInst = inst; } else { materialInst = inst.dependencies[materialFileId - 1]; } AssetID materialId = new AssetID(Path.GetFileName(materialInst.path), material.Get("m_PathID").GetValue().AsInt64()); if (!assetMap.ContainsKey(materialId)) { AssetTypeValueField materialBaseField = am.GetExtAsset(inst, material).instance.GetBaseField(); AssetTypeValueField shader = materialBaseField.Get("m_Shader"); ulong shaderPathId = RecurseShaderDependencies(am, materialInst, pathId, shader, assets, assetMap, out pathId); assetMap.Add(materialId, pathId); assets.Add(MaterialConverter.ConvertMaterial(materialBaseField, pathId++, shaderPathId)); } } assetMap.Add(new AssetID(Path.GetFileName(spriteInst.path), spritePathId), pathId); spriteIds.Add(pathId); assets.Add(SpriteConverter.ConvertSprite(spriteBaseField, pathId++, textureId, alphaTextureId)); i++; } assetMap.Add(new AssetID(0), pathId); assets.Add(HeaderInformation.CreateHeaderInformation(assetMap, pathId++)); assets.Insert(0, BundleMeta.CreateBundleInformation(assetMap, spriteIds, 1)); //assets.Add(BundleMeta.CreateBundleInformation(assetMap, 1)); //todo: pull from original assets file, cldb is not always update to date List <Type_0D> types = new List <Type_0D> { FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x8E)), //AssetBundle FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x1C)), //Texture2D FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x31)), //TextAsset FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0xD4)), //SpriteRenderer FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0xD5)), //Sprite //FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x31)), //TextAsset FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x15)), //Material FixTypeTree(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x30)) //Shader }; const string ver = "2017.4.10f1"; //const string ver = "2018.2.1f1"; byte[] blankData = BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, types); AssetsFile blankFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(blankData))); byte[] data = null; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms)) { blankFile.WriteFix(writer, 0, assets.ToArray(), 0); data = ms.ToArray(); } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Creating bundle", 1); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms)) { BundleCreator.CreateBlankBundle(ver, data.Length).Write(writer, data); return(ms.ToArray()); } }
public static void GenerateDiffFile(AssetsManager am, AssetsFileInstance buildInst, AssetsFileInstance sceneInst, HKWEMeta meta) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Reading dependencies...", 0.5f); am.UpdateDependencies(); ClassDatabaseFile cldb = am.classFile; DiffData result = new DiffData() { goChanges = new List <GameObjectChange>(), goAdditions = new List <GameObjectAddition>() }; Dictionary <EditDifferData, long> differToSceneId = new Dictionary <EditDifferData, long>(); Dictionary <long, EditDifferData> buildIdToDiffer = new Dictionary <long, EditDifferData>(); List <EditDifferData> differData = new List <EditDifferData>(); AssetsFileTable sceneTable = sceneInst.table; List <AssetFileInfoEx> sceneGos = sceneTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01); for (int i = 0; i < sceneGos.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Finding diff IDs... (step 1/3)", (float)i / sceneGos.Count); } AssetFileInfoEx inf = sceneGos[i]; AssetTypeValueField baseField = am.GetATI(sceneInst.file, inf).GetBaseField(); AssetTypeValueField editDifferMono = GetEDMono(am, sceneInst, baseField); EditDifferData diff = new EditDifferData() { fileId = editDifferMono.Get("fileId").GetValue().AsInt(), pathId = editDifferMono.Get("pathId").GetValue().AsInt64(), origPathId = editDifferMono.Get("origPathId").GetValue().AsInt64(), newAsset = editDifferMono.Get("newAsset").GetValue().AsBool() }; buildIdToDiffer[diff.origPathId] = diff; differToSceneId[diff] = inf.index; differData.Add(diff); } ////////////////////////// AssetsFileTable origTable = buildInst.table; List <AssetFileInfoEx> origGos = origTable.GetAssetsOfType(0x01); List <long> origDeletIds = new List <long>(); //int nextBundleId = 1; //// == delete changes == // //for (int i = 0; i < origGos.Count; i++) //{ // if (i % 100 == 0) // EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Checking for deletes... (step 2/3)", (float)i / origGos.Count); // AssetFileInfoEx inf = sceneGos[i]; // if (!differData.Any(d => d.origPathId == inf.index)) // { // GameObjectChange change = new GameObjectChange // { // flags = GameObjectChangeFlags.Deleted // }; // result.goChanges.Add(change); // origDeletIds.Add(inf.index); // } //} // == add changes == // //to get this working in a built game, we need //built assets (ie pngs -> texture2d) the problem //is there's no easy way to direct unity to do that //without loading the scene and using unity's api //but we can pull out assets into a prefab and build //the prefab but there are problems with duplicate //dependencies being copied, so we pack them all //into one place so that doesn't happen //(for reference, in hkwe1, each gameobject got //its own prefab) //find dependencies ReferenceCrawlerBundle createdCrawler = new ReferenceCrawlerBundle(am); //assets created by the user in the ditor ReferenceCrawlerBundle existingCrawler = new ReferenceCrawlerBundle(am); //assets that already existed in the scene for (int i = 0; i < differData.Count; i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("HKEdit", "Checking for additions... (step 2/3)", (float)i / differData.Count); } EditDifferData dat = differData[i]; if (dat.newAsset) { long sceneId = differToSceneId[dat]; AssetFileInfoEx inf = sceneInst.table.GetAssetInfo(sceneId); createdCrawler.SetReferences(sceneInst, inf); GameObjectAddition addition = new GameObjectAddition { bundleId = createdCrawler.GetNextId(), //? sceneId = dat.pathId, dependencies = new List <GameObjectAdditionDependency>() }; //nextBundleId++; foreach (KeyValuePair <AssetID, AssetID> goRef in createdCrawler.references) { addition.dependencies.Add(new GameObjectAdditionDependency { sceneId = goRef.Key.pathId, bundleId = goRef.Value.pathId }); } result.goAdditions.Add(addition); } else { long newPathId = differToSceneId[dat]; AssetFileInfoEx inf = sceneInst.table.GetAssetInfo(newPathId); existingCrawler.SetReferences(sceneInst, inf); } } //load up all created assets into a prefab List <Type_0D> types = new List <Type_0D>(); List <string> typeNames = new List <string>(); foreach (AssetsReplacer rep in createdCrawler.sceneReplacers) { ClassDatabaseType clType = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(cldb, (uint)rep.GetClassID()); string clName =; if (!typeNames.Contains(clName)) { Type_0D type0d = C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(cldb, clName); type0d.classId = clType.classId; types.Add(type0d); typeNames.Add(clName); } } List <AssetsReplacer> replacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>(); replacers.Add(CreatePrefabAsset(2)); //better hope id 2 is a gameobject replacers.AddRange(createdCrawler.sceneReplacers); AssetsFile createdFile = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, types)))); byte[] data; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms)) { createdFile.Write(writer, 0, replacers, 0); data = ms.ToArray(); } }