예제 #1
        void AssetUploadRequestHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            AssetUploadRequestPacket request = (AssetUploadRequestPacket)packet;
            UUID assetID = UUID.Combine(request.AssetBlock.TransactionID, agent.SecureSessionID);

            // Check if the asset is small enough to fit in a single packet
            if (request.AssetBlock.AssetData.Length != 0)
                // Create a new asset from the completed upload
                Asset asset = CreateAsset((AssetType)request.AssetBlock.Type, assetID, request.AssetBlock.AssetData);
                if (asset == null)
                    Logger.Log("Failed to create asset from uploaded data", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Storing uploaded asset {0} ({1})", assetID, asset.AssetType));

                asset.Temporary = (request.AssetBlock.Tempfile | request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal);

                // Store the asset

                // Send a success response
                AssetUploadCompletePacket complete = new AssetUploadCompletePacket();
                complete.AssetBlock.Success = true;
                complete.AssetBlock.Type    = request.AssetBlock.Type;
                complete.AssetBlock.UUID    = assetID;
                server.UDP.SendPacket(agent.AgentID, complete, PacketCategory.Inventory);
                // Create a new (empty) asset for the upload
                Asset asset = CreateAsset((AssetType)request.AssetBlock.Type, assetID, null);
                if (asset == null)
                    Logger.Log("Failed to create asset from uploaded data", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning);

                Logger.DebugLog(String.Format("Starting upload for {0} ({1})", assetID, asset.AssetType));

                asset.Temporary = (request.AssetBlock.Tempfile | request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal);

                RequestXferPacket xfer = new RequestXferPacket();
                xfer.XferID.DeleteOnCompletion = request.AssetBlock.Tempfile;
                xfer.XferID.FilePath           = 0;
                xfer.XferID.Filename           = new byte[0];
                xfer.XferID.ID            = request.AssetBlock.TransactionID.GetULong();
                xfer.XferID.UseBigPackets = false;
                xfer.XferID.VFileID       = asset.AssetID;
                xfer.XferID.VFileType     = request.AssetBlock.Type;

                // Add this asset to the current upload list
                lock (CurrentUploads)
                    CurrentUploads[xfer.XferID.ID] = asset;

                server.UDP.SendPacket(agent.AgentID, xfer, PacketCategory.Inventory);
예제 #2
        /*private Packet UpdateInventory(Packet packet, IPEndPoint sim)
         * {
         *  /*
         *  UpdateInventoryItemPacket uip = (UpdateInventoryItemPacket)packet;
         *  foreach (UpdateInventoryItemPacket.InventoryDataBlock block in uip.InventoryData)
         *  {
         *      if (block.Type == 10)
         *      {
         *          if(trans2Item.ContainsKey(block.TransactionID))
         *          {
         *              trans2Item[block.TransactionID]=block.ItemID;
         *          }else
         *          trans2Item.Add(block.TransactionID, block.ItemID);
         *      }
         *  }
         *  foreach (CurrentUploadType cu in name2SaveBuffer)
         *  {
         *      if (trans2Item.ContainsKey(cu.uploadID))
         *      {
         *          string filename = trans2Item[curentUpload.uploadID].ToString();
         *          File.WriteAllBytes("Scripts Cache\\" + filename, curentUpload.oldscriptdata);
         *      }
         *  }
         *  name2SaveBuffer.Clear();
         *  return packet;
         * }*/
        private Packet TryToSendAsset(Packet packet, IPEndPoint sim)
            if (Enabled)
                AssetUploadRequestPacket ass = (AssetUploadRequestPacket)packet;
                if (ass.AssetBlock.Type == (sbyte)AssetType.LSLText)
                    Console.WriteLine("Atempting to save to inv with asset type " + ass.AssetBlock.Type.ToString());

                    CurrentUploadType curentUpload = new CurrentUploadType();
                    curentUpload.proxySending  = false;
                    curentUpload.local         = ass.AssetBlock.StoreLocal;
                    curentUpload.temp          = ass.AssetBlock.Tempfile;
                    curentUpload.uploadID      = ass.AssetBlock.TransactionID;
                    curentUpload.type          = ass.AssetBlock.Type;
                    curentUpload.data          = new byte[] { };
                    curentUpload.paid          = false;
                    curentUpload.oldscriptdata = new byte[300000];

                    /*uint newperms = 0;
                     * newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
                     * newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Copy;
                     * newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;
                     * curentUpload.ownerMask = newperms;*/

                    curentUpload.curentdatalenght = 0;
                    curentUpload.oldmaxsize       = 90000;
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(ass.AssetBlock.AssetData, 0, curentUpload.oldscriptdata, 0, curentUpload.curentdatalenght);

                    AssetUploadRequestPacket asetUp = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.StoreLocal    = curentUpload.local;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = false;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.TransactionID = curentUpload.uploadID;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.Type          = (sbyte)AssetType.LSLText;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.AssetData     = new byte[] { };
                    //proxy.InjectPacket(asetUp, Direction.Outgoing);
                    curentUpload.VFileAssetID = UUID.Combine(curentUpload.uploadID, frame.SecureSessionID);

                    form.log("We are expecintg a vfile id of " + curentUpload.VFileAssetID.ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Black, System.Drawing.Color.Magenta);
                    if (this.uploadsLookingForXferId.ContainsKey(curentUpload.VFileAssetID))
                        this.uploadsLookingForXferId[curentUpload.VFileAssetID] = curentUpload;
                        this.uploadsLookingForXferId.Add(curentUpload.VFileAssetID, curentUpload);
        /// <summary>
        /// Send header to SL to let it know that a large asset upload is about to proceed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset"></param>
        public static Packet AssetUploadRequestHeaderOnly(Asset asset, LLUUID TransactionID)
            AssetUploadRequestPacket p = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
            p.AssetBlock.TransactionID = TransactionID;
            p.AssetBlock.Type          = asset.Type;
            p.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = asset.Tempfile;
            p.AssetBlock.AssetData     = new byte[0];
            p.AssetBlock.StoreLocal    = false;

            return p;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Send header to SL to let it know that a large asset upload is about to proceed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset"></param>
        public static Packet AssetUploadRequestHeaderOnly(Asset asset, LLUUID TransactionID)
            AssetUploadRequestPacket p = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();

            p.AssetBlock.TransactionID = TransactionID;
            p.AssetBlock.Type          = asset.Type;
            p.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = asset.Tempfile;
            p.AssetBlock.AssetData     = new byte[0];
            p.AssetBlock.StoreLocal    = false;

예제 #5
        public void SaveToSLInventory(byte[] uploaddata, String nname, sbyte type, bool copy, bool mod, bool trans, bool pay, bool local, bool temp)
            Console.WriteLine("Atempting to save to inv");
            uploadID = UUID.Random();
            AssetUploadRequestPacket asetUp = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();

            asetUp.AssetBlock.StoreLocal = local;

            asetUp.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = temp;
            asetUp.AssetBlock.TransactionID = uploadID;
            specialID = UUID.Combine(uploadID, frame.SessionID);
            asetUp.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)type;

            asetUp.AssetBlock.AssetData = new byte[] { };
            proxy.InjectPacket(asetUp, Direction.Outgoing);

            this.curentUpload  = new CurrentUploadType();
            curentUpload.name  = nname;
            curentUpload.data  = uploaddata;
            curentUpload.temp  = temp;
            curentUpload.type  = (sbyte)type;
            curentUpload.local = local;
            curentUpload.paid  = pay;

            grabbed = 0;
            if (pay)
            uint newperms = 0;

            if (mod)
                newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
            if (copy)
                newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Copy;
            if (trans)
                newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;

            curentUpload.ownerMask = newperms;

            //generate owner mask
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload a small asset where the entire asset will fit in a single packet (less then 500 bytes)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset"></param>
        public static Packet AssetUploadRequest(Asset asset, LLUUID TransactionID)
            if (asset._AssetData.Length > 1000)
                throw new Exception("Asset too large to use AssetUploadRequest, use AssetUploadRequestHaderOnly() instead.");

            AssetUploadRequestPacket p = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
            p.AssetBlock.TransactionID = TransactionID;
            p.AssetBlock.Type          = asset.Type;
            p.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = asset.Tempfile;
            p.AssetBlock.AssetData     = asset._AssetData;
            p.AssetBlock.StoreLocal    = false;

            return p;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload a small asset where the entire asset will fit in a single packet (less then 500 bytes)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset"></param>
        public static Packet AssetUploadRequest(Asset asset, LLUUID TransactionID)
            if (asset.AssetData.Length > 1000)
                throw new Exception("Asset too large to use AssetUploadRequest, use AssetUploadRequestHaderOnly() instead.");

            AssetUploadRequestPacket p = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();

            p.AssetBlock.TransactionID = TransactionID;
            p.AssetBlock.Type          = asset.Type;
            p.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = asset.Tempfile;
            p.AssetBlock.AssetData     = asset.AssetData;
            p.AssetBlock.StoreLocal    = false;

예제 #8
        public void HandleUploadPacket(AssetUploadRequestPacket pack, LLUUID assetID)
            // Console.Write("asset upload request , type = " + pack.AssetBlock.Type.ToString());
            AssetBase asset = null;

            if (pack.AssetBlock.Type == 0)
                //first packet for transaction
                asset         = new AssetBase();
                asset.FullID  = assetID;
                asset.Type    = pack.AssetBlock.Type;
                asset.InvType = asset.Type;
                asset.Name    = "UploadedTexture" + Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 1000).ToString("000");
                asset.Data    = pack.AssetBlock.AssetData;
            else if (pack.AssetBlock.Type == 13 | pack.AssetBlock.Type == 5 | pack.AssetBlock.Type == 7)
                asset        = new AssetBase();
                asset.FullID = assetID;
                //  Console.WriteLine("skin asset id is " + assetID.ToStringHyphenated());
                asset.Type    = pack.AssetBlock.Type;
                asset.InvType = asset.Type;
                asset.Name    = "NewClothing" + Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 1000).ToString("000");
                asset.Data    = pack.AssetBlock.AssetData;

            if (asset != null)
                this.AddUpload(pack.AssetBlock.TransactionID, asset);
                //currently we don't support this asset type
                //so lets just tell the client that the upload is complete
                AssetUploadCompletePacket response = new AssetUploadCompletePacket();
                response.AssetBlock.Type    = pack.AssetBlock.Type;
                response.AssetBlock.Success = true;
                response.AssetBlock.UUID    = pack.AssetBlock.TransactionID.Combine(this.ourClient.SecureSessionID);
예제 #9
        private void AssetUploadRequestHandler(Packet packet, LLAgent agent)
            AssetUploadRequestPacket request = (AssetUploadRequestPacket)packet;
            UUID      assetID = UUID.Combine(request.AssetBlock.TransactionID, agent.SecureSessionID);
            AssetType type    = (AssetType)request.AssetBlock.Type;

            // Check if the agent is allowed to upload an asset
            string uploadError;

            if (m_permissions != null && !m_permissions.TryUploadOneAsset(agent, out uploadError))
                m_scene.PresenceAlert(this, agent, uploadError);

            bool local = request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal | type == AssetType.LSLBytecode;
            bool temp  = request.AssetBlock.Tempfile;

            // Check if the asset is small enough to fit in a single packet
            if (request.AssetBlock.AssetData.Length != 0)
                // Create a new asset from the completed upload

                Asset asset = CreateAsset(type, assetID, DateTime.UtcNow, agent.ID, local, temp, request.AssetBlock.AssetData);

                if (asset == null)
                    m_log.Warn("Failed to create asset from uploaded data");

                if (type != AssetType.LSLBytecode)
                    // Store the asset
                    m_log.DebugFormat("Storing uploaded asset {0} ({1})", assetID, asset.ContentType);
                    if (!m_assets.StoreAsset(asset))
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("Failed to store uploaded asset {0} ({1})", assetID, asset.ContentType);
                    m_log.Debug("Ignoring LSL bytecode upload " + assetID);

                // Send a success response
                AssetUploadCompletePacket complete = new AssetUploadCompletePacket();
                complete.AssetBlock.Success = true;
                complete.AssetBlock.Type    = request.AssetBlock.Type;
                complete.AssetBlock.UUID    = assetID;
                m_udp.SendPacket(agent, complete, ThrottleCategory.Task, false);
                // Create a new (empty) asset for the upload
                Asset asset = CreateAsset(type, assetID, DateTime.UtcNow, agent.ID, local, temp, null);

                if (asset == null)
                    m_log.Warn("Failed to create asset from uploaded data");

                asset.Temporary = (request.AssetBlock.Tempfile | request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal);
                ulong transferID = request.AssetBlock.TransactionID.GetULong();

                // Prevent LSL bytecode transfers from colliding with LSL source transfers, which
                // use a colliding UUID
                if (type == AssetType.LSLBytecode)

                RequestXferPacket xfer = new RequestXferPacket();
                xfer.XferID.DeleteOnCompletion = request.AssetBlock.Tempfile;
                xfer.XferID.FilePath           = 0;
                xfer.XferID.Filename           = Utils.EmptyBytes;
                xfer.XferID.ID            = transferID;
                xfer.XferID.UseBigPackets = false;
                xfer.XferID.VFileID       = asset.ID;
                xfer.XferID.VFileType     = request.AssetBlock.Type;

                m_log.DebugFormat("Starting upload for {0} / {1} ({2})", assetID, transferID, asset.ContentType);

                // Add this asset to the current upload list
                lock (currentUploads)
                    currentUploads[transferID] = asset;

                m_udp.SendPacket(agent, xfer, ThrottleCategory.Task, false);
예제 #10
파일: AwesomeSauce.cs 프로젝트: zadark/par
        /*private Packet UpdateInventory(Packet packet, IPEndPoint sim)
            UpdateInventoryItemPacket uip = (UpdateInventoryItemPacket)packet;
            foreach (UpdateInventoryItemPacket.InventoryDataBlock block in uip.InventoryData)
                if (block.Type == 10)
                    trans2Item.Add(block.TransactionID, block.ItemID);
            foreach (CurrentUploadType cu in name2SaveBuffer)
                if (trans2Item.ContainsKey(cu.uploadID))
                    string filename = trans2Item[curentUpload.uploadID].ToString();

                    File.WriteAllBytes("Scripts Cache\\" + filename, curentUpload.oldscriptdata);
            return packet;
        private Packet TryToSendAsset(Packet packet, IPEndPoint sim)
            if (Enabled)
                AssetUploadRequestPacket ass = (AssetUploadRequestPacket)packet;
                if (ass.AssetBlock.Type == (sbyte)AssetType.LSLText)
                    Console.WriteLine("Atempting to save to inv with asset type " + ass.AssetBlock.Type.ToString());

                    CurrentUploadType curentUpload = new CurrentUploadType();
                    curentUpload.proxySending = false;
                    curentUpload.local = ass.AssetBlock.StoreLocal;
                    curentUpload.temp = ass.AssetBlock.Tempfile;
                    curentUpload.uploadID = ass.AssetBlock.TransactionID;
                    curentUpload.type = ass.AssetBlock.Type;
                    curentUpload.data = new byte[] { };
                    curentUpload.paid = false;
                    curentUpload.oldscriptdata = new byte[300000];
                    /*uint newperms = 0;
                    newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
                    newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Copy;
                    newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;

                    curentUpload.ownerMask = newperms;*/

                    curentUpload.curentdatalenght = 0;
                    curentUpload.oldmaxsize = 90000;
                    //Buffer.BlockCopy(ass.AssetBlock.AssetData, 0, curentUpload.oldscriptdata, 0, curentUpload.curentdatalenght);

                    AssetUploadRequestPacket asetUp = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.StoreLocal = curentUpload.local;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.Tempfile = false;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.TransactionID = curentUpload.uploadID;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)AssetType.LSLText;
                    asetUp.AssetBlock.AssetData = new byte[] { };
                    //proxy.InjectPacket(asetUp, Direction.Outgoing);
                    curentUpload.VFileAssetID = UUID.Combine(curentUpload.uploadID, frame.SecureSessionID);

                    form.log("We are expecintg a vfile id of " + curentUpload.VFileAssetID.ToString(), System.Drawing.Color.Black, System.Drawing.Color.Magenta);
                    if (this.uploadsLookingForXferId.ContainsKey(curentUpload.VFileAssetID))
                        this.uploadsLookingForXferId[curentUpload.VFileAssetID] = curentUpload;

                        this.uploadsLookingForXferId.Add(curentUpload.VFileAssetID, curentUpload);

            return packet;
예제 #11
        public void HandleUploadPacket(AssetUploadRequestPacket pack, LLUUID assetID)
            // Console.Write("asset upload request , type = " + pack.AssetBlock.Type.ToString());
            AssetBase asset = null;
            if (pack.AssetBlock.Type == 0)

                //first packet for transaction
                asset = new AssetBase();
                asset.FullID = assetID;
                asset.Type = pack.AssetBlock.Type;
                asset.InvType = asset.Type;
                asset.Name = "UploadedTexture" + Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 1000).ToString("000");
                asset.Data = pack.AssetBlock.AssetData;

            else if (pack.AssetBlock.Type == 13 | pack.AssetBlock.Type == 5 | pack.AssetBlock.Type == 7)

                asset = new AssetBase();
                asset.FullID = assetID;
                //  Console.WriteLine("skin asset id is " + assetID.ToStringHyphenated());
                asset.Type = pack.AssetBlock.Type;
                asset.InvType = asset.Type;
                asset.Name = "NewClothing" + Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 1000).ToString("000");
                asset.Data = pack.AssetBlock.AssetData;


            if (asset != null)
                this.AddUpload(pack.AssetBlock.TransactionID, asset);

                //currently we don't support this asset type
                //so lets just tell the client that the upload is complete
                AssetUploadCompletePacket response = new AssetUploadCompletePacket();
                response.AssetBlock.Type = pack.AssetBlock.Type;
                response.AssetBlock.Success = true;
                response.AssetBlock.UUID = pack.AssetBlock.TransactionID.Combine(this.ourClient.SecureSessionID);
예제 #12
        public bool PostAsset(AssetUploadRequestPacket assUpload, UUID secureSessionID)
            if (connected)
                UUID assetID = UUID.Combine(assUpload.AssetBlock.TransactionID, secureSessionID);
                Console.WriteLine(" ------- RequestTransfer -----");
                Console.WriteLine("assetID=" + assetID + "; data.length=" + assUpload.AssetBlock.AssetData.Length + "; local=" + assUpload.AssetBlock.StoreLocal
                    + "; temp=" + assUpload.AssetBlock.Tempfile);

                if (!assUpload.AssetBlock.StoreLocal)
                    Console.WriteLine("[UserInventory]: AssetUploadRequest to inventory.");
                    AssetReceiver assReceiver = new AssetReceiver(proxy, assetID, assUpload.AssetBlock.TransactionID);
                    lock (assetReceivers)
                        assetReceivers.Add(assUpload.AssetBlock.TransactionID, assReceiver);
                    string uri = InventoryServerURL + "/" + AuthToken + "/PostAsset/";
                    assReceiver.ReceiveAndPostAsset(assUpload.AssetBlock.Type, assUpload.AssetBlock.AssetData,
                                                    assUpload.AssetBlock.StoreLocal, assUpload.AssetBlock.Tempfile, uri);
                    return true;
                // Else, StoreLocal=true, seems to be an asset upload for the sim
                Console.WriteLine("[UserInventory]: Forwarding AssetUploadRequest to simulator.");
            return false;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate an asset upload
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transactionID">The ID this asset will have if the
        /// upload succeeds</param>
        /// <param name="type">Asset type to upload this data as</param>
        /// <param name="data">Raw asset data to upload</param>
        /// <param name="tempFile">Whether this is a temporary file or not</param>
        /// <param name="storeLocal">Whether to store this asset on the local
        /// simulator or the grid-wide asset server</param>
        /// <param name="isPriority">Give this upload a higher priority</param>
        /// <returns>The transaction ID of this transfer</returns>
        public LLUUID RequestUpload(out LLUUID assetID, AssetType type, byte[] data, bool tempFile, bool storeLocal, bool isPriority)
            AssetUpload upload = new AssetUpload();

            upload.AssetData = data;
            upload.AssetType = type;
            upload.ID        = LLUUID.Random();
            assetID          = LLUUID.Combine(upload.ID, Client.Self.SecureSessionID);
            upload.AssetID   = assetID;
            upload.Size      = data.Length;
            upload.XferID    = 0;

            // Build and send the upload packet
            AssetUploadRequestPacket request = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();

            request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal    = storeLocal;
            request.AssetBlock.Tempfile      = tempFile;
            request.AssetBlock.TransactionID = upload.ID;
            request.AssetBlock.Type          = (sbyte)type;

            if (data.Length + 100 < Settings.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
                    String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Single Packet], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                                  upload.ID.ToString(), upload.AssetID.ToString(), upload.Size),

                // The whole asset will fit in this packet, makes things easy
                request.AssetBlock.AssetData = data;
                upload.Transferred           = data.Length;
                    String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Multiple Packets], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                                  upload.ID.ToString(), upload.AssetID.ToString(), upload.Size),

                // Asset is too big, send in multiple packets
                request.AssetBlock.AssetData = new byte[0];


             * // Add this upload to the Transfers dictionary using the assetID as the key.
             * // Once the simulator assigns an actual identifier for this upload it will be
             * // removed from Transfers and reinserted with the proper identifier
             * lock (Transfers) Transfers[upload.AssetID] = upload;

            // Wait for the previous upload to receive a RequestXferPacket
            if (PendingUploadEvent.WaitOne(10000, false))
                PendingUpload = upload;


                throw new Exception("Timeout waiting for previous asset upload to begin");
예제 #14
        public void SaveToSLInventory(byte[] uploaddata, String nname, sbyte type, bool copy, bool mod, bool trans, bool pay, bool local, bool temp)
            Console.WriteLine("Atempting to save to inv");
            uploadID = UUID.Random();
            AssetUploadRequestPacket asetUp = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
            asetUp.AssetBlock.StoreLocal = local;

            asetUp.AssetBlock.Tempfile = temp;
            asetUp.AssetBlock.TransactionID = uploadID;
            specialID = UUID.Combine(uploadID, frame.SessionID);
            asetUp.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)type;

            asetUp.AssetBlock.AssetData = new byte[] { };
            proxy.InjectPacket(asetUp, Direction.Outgoing);

            this.curentUpload = new CurrentUploadType();
            curentUpload.name = nname;
            curentUpload.data = uploaddata;
            curentUpload.temp = temp;
            curentUpload.type = (sbyte)type;
            curentUpload.local = local;
            curentUpload.paid = pay;

            grabbed = 0;
            if (pay)
            uint newperms = 0;
            if (mod) newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
            if (copy) newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Copy;
            if (trans) newperms |= (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;

            curentUpload.ownerMask = newperms;

            //generate owner mask
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transactionID">Usually a randomly generated UUID</param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="tempFile"></param>
        /// <param name="storeLocal"></param>
        /// <param name="isPriority"></param>
        public void RequestUpload(LLUUID transactionID, AssetType type, byte[] data, bool tempFile, bool storeLocal, 
            bool isPriority)
            if (!Transfers.ContainsKey(transactionID))
                AssetUpload upload = new AssetUpload();
                upload.AssetData = data;
                upload.ID = transactionID;
                upload.AssetID = ((transactionID == LLUUID.Zero) ? transactionID : transactionID.Combine(Client.Network.SecureSessionID));
                upload.Size = data.Length;
                upload.XferID = 0;

                // Build and send the upload packet
                AssetUploadRequestPacket request = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
                request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal = storeLocal;
                request.AssetBlock.Tempfile = tempFile;
                request.AssetBlock.TransactionID = upload.ID;
                request.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)type;

                if (data.Length + 100 < Settings.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
                        String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Single Packet], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                        upload.ID.ToStringHyphenated(), upload.AssetID.ToStringHyphenated(), upload.Size),

                    // The whole asset will fit in this packet, makes things easy
                    request.AssetBlock.AssetData = data;
                    upload.Transferred = data.Length;
                        String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Multiple Packets], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                        upload.ID.ToStringHyphenated(), upload.AssetID.ToStringHyphenated(), upload.Size),

                    // Asset is too big, send in multiple packets
                    request.AssetBlock.AssetData = new byte[0];


                // Add this upload to the Transfers dictionary using the assetID as the key.
                // Once the simulator assigns an actual identifier for this upload it will be
                // removed from Transfers and reinserted with the proper identifier
                lock (Transfers) Transfers[upload.AssetID] = upload;

                Client.Log("RequestUpload() called for an asset we are already uploading, ignoring",
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate an asset upload
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID">The ID this asset will have if the
        /// upload succeeds</param>
        /// <param name="type">Asset type to upload this data as</param>
        /// <param name="data">Raw asset data to upload</param>
        /// <param name="tempFile">Whether this is a temporary file or not</param>
        /// <param name="storeLocal">Whether to store this asset on the local
        /// simulator or the grid-wide asset server</param>
        /// <param name="isPriority">Give this upload a higher priority</param>
        /// <returns>The transaction ID of this transfer</returns>
        public LLUUID RequestUpload(out LLUUID assetID, AssetType type, byte[] data, bool tempFile, bool storeLocal, bool isPriority)
            AssetUpload upload = new AssetUpload();
            upload.AssetData = data;
            upload.AssetType = type;
            upload.ID = LLUUID.Random();
            assetID = LLUUID.Combine(upload.ID, Client.Self.SecureSessionID);
            upload.AssetID = assetID;
            upload.Size = data.Length;
            upload.XferID = 0;

            // Build and send the upload packet
            AssetUploadRequestPacket request = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
            request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal = storeLocal;
            request.AssetBlock.Tempfile = tempFile;
            request.AssetBlock.TransactionID = upload.ID;
            request.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)type;

            if (data.Length + 100 < Settings.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
                    String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Single Packet], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                    upload.ID.ToString(), upload.AssetID.ToString(), upload.Size),

                // The whole asset will fit in this packet, makes things easy
                request.AssetBlock.AssetData = data;
                upload.Transferred = data.Length;
                    String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Multiple Packets], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                    upload.ID.ToString(), upload.AssetID.ToString(), upload.Size),

                // Asset is too big, send in multiple packets
                request.AssetBlock.AssetData = new byte[0];


            // Add this upload to the Transfers dictionary using the assetID as the key.
            // Once the simulator assigns an actual identifier for this upload it will be
            // removed from Transfers and reinserted with the proper identifier
            lock (Transfers) Transfers[upload.AssetID] = upload;

            // Wait for the previous upload to receive a RequestXferPacket
            if (PendingUploadEvent.WaitOne(10000, false))
                PendingUpload = upload;


                return upload.ID;
                throw new Exception("Timeout waiting for previous asset upload to begin");
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate an asset upload
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID">The ID this asset will have if the
        /// upload succeeds</param>
        /// <param name="type">Asset type to upload this data as</param>
        /// <param name="data">Raw asset data to upload</param>
        /// <param name="storeLocal">Whether to store this asset on the local
        /// simulator or the grid-wide asset server</param>
        /// <param name="transactionID">The tranaction id for the upload <see cref="RequestCreateItem"/></param>
        /// <returns>The transaction ID of this transfer</returns>
        public UUID RequestUpload(out UUID assetID, AssetType type, byte[] data, bool storeLocal, UUID transactionID)
            AssetUpload upload = new AssetUpload();
            upload.AssetData = data;
            upload.AssetType = type;
            assetID = UUID.Combine(transactionID, Client.Self.SecureSessionID);
            upload.AssetID = assetID;
            upload.Size = data.Length;
            upload.XferID = 0;
            upload.ID = transactionID;

            // Build and send the upload packet
            AssetUploadRequestPacket request = new AssetUploadRequestPacket();
            request.AssetBlock.StoreLocal = storeLocal;
            request.AssetBlock.Tempfile = false; // This field is deprecated
            request.AssetBlock.TransactionID = transactionID;
            request.AssetBlock.Type = (sbyte)type;

            bool isMultiPacketUpload;
            if (data.Length + 100 < Settings.MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
                isMultiPacketUpload = false;
                    String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Single Packet], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                    upload.ID.ToString(), upload.AssetID.ToString(), upload.Size), Helpers.LogLevel.Info, Client);

                Transfers[upload.ID] = upload;

                // The whole asset will fit in this packet, makes things easy
                request.AssetBlock.AssetData = data;
                upload.Transferred = data.Length;
                isMultiPacketUpload = true;
                    String.Format("Beginning asset upload [Multiple Packets], ID: {0}, AssetID: {1}, Size: {2}",
                    upload.ID.ToString(), upload.AssetID.ToString(), upload.Size), Helpers.LogLevel.Info, Client);

                // Asset is too big, send in multiple packets
                request.AssetBlock.AssetData = Utils.EmptyBytes;

            // Wait for the previous upload to receive a RequestXferPacket
            lock (PendingUploadLock)
                const int UPLOAD_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000;
                const int SLEEP_INTERVAL = 50;
                int t = 0;
                while (WaitingForUploadConfirm && t < UPLOAD_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT)
                    t += SLEEP_INTERVAL;

                if (t < UPLOAD_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT)
                    if (isMultiPacketUpload)
                        WaitingForUploadConfirm = true;
                    PendingUpload = upload;

                    return upload.ID;
                    throw new Exception("Timeout waiting for previous asset upload to begin");
예제 #18
        protected virtual void ProcessInPacket(Packet Pack)
            if (debug)
                if (Pack.Type != PacketType.AgentUpdate)

            if (this.ProcessPacketMethod(Pack))
                //there is a handler registered that handled this packet type
                System.Text.Encoding _enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII;

                switch (Pack.Type)
                case PacketType.CompleteAgentMovement:
                    if (this.m_child)

                case PacketType.RegionHandshakeReply:

                case PacketType.AgentWearablesRequest:
                    foreach (SimClient client in m_clientThreads.Values)
                        if (client.AgentID != this.AgentID)
                            ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = client.ClientAvatar.CreateUpdatePacket();

                case PacketType.AgentIsNowWearing:
                    AgentIsNowWearingPacket wear = (AgentIsNowWearingPacket)Pack;

                case PacketType.AgentSetAppearance:
                    AgentSetAppearancePacket appear = (AgentSetAppearancePacket)Pack;
                    // Console.WriteLine(appear.ToString());

                case PacketType.ObjectAdd:
                    m_world.AddNewPrim((ObjectAddPacket)Pack, this);

                case PacketType.ObjectLink:
                    ObjectLinkPacket        link         = (ObjectLinkPacket)Pack;
                    uint                    parentprimid = 0;
                    OpenSim.world.Primitive parentprim   = null;
                    if (link.ObjectData.Length > 1)
                        parentprimid = link.ObjectData[0].ObjectLocalID;
                        foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                            if (ent.localid == parentprimid)
                                parentprim = (OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent;
                        for (int i = 1; i < link.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                            foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                                if (ent.localid == link.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)

                case PacketType.ObjectScale:

                case PacketType.ObjectShape:
                    ObjectShapePacket shape = (ObjectShapePacket)Pack;
                    for (int i = 0; i < shape.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                        foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                            if (ent.localid == shape.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)

                case PacketType.RequestImage:
                    RequestImagePacket imageRequest = (RequestImagePacket)Pack;
                    for (int i = 0; i < imageRequest.RequestImage.Length; i++)
                        m_assetCache.AddTextureRequest(this, imageRequest.RequestImage[i].Image);

                case PacketType.TransferRequest:
                    //Console.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:ProcessInPacket() - Got transfer request");
                    TransferRequestPacket transfer = (TransferRequestPacket)Pack;
                    m_assetCache.AddAssetRequest(this, transfer);

                case PacketType.AgentUpdate:

                case PacketType.ObjectImage:
                    ObjectImagePacket imagePack = (ObjectImagePacket)Pack;
                    for (int i = 0; i < imagePack.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                        foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                            if (ent.localid == imagePack.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)

                case PacketType.ObjectFlagUpdate:
                    ObjectFlagUpdatePacket flags = (ObjectFlagUpdatePacket)Pack;
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == flags.AgentData.ObjectLocalID)

                case PacketType.AssetUploadRequest:
                    AssetUploadRequestPacket request = (AssetUploadRequestPacket)Pack;
                    this.UploadAssets.HandleUploadPacket(request, request.AssetBlock.TransactionID.Combine(this.SecureSessionID));

                case PacketType.RequestXfer:

                case PacketType.SendXferPacket:

                case PacketType.CreateInventoryFolder:
                    CreateInventoryFolderPacket invFolder = (CreateInventoryFolderPacket)Pack;
                    m_inventoryCache.CreateNewInventoryFolder(this, invFolder.FolderData.FolderID, (ushort)invFolder.FolderData.Type, Util.FieldToString(invFolder.FolderData.Name), invFolder.FolderData.ParentID);

                case PacketType.CreateInventoryItem:
                    CreateInventoryItemPacket createItem = (CreateInventoryItemPacket)Pack;
                    if (createItem.InventoryBlock.TransactionID != LLUUID.Zero)
                        // Console.Write(Pack.ToString());

                case PacketType.FetchInventory:
                    //Console.WriteLine("fetch item packet");
                    FetchInventoryPacket FetchInventory = (FetchInventoryPacket)Pack;
                    m_inventoryCache.FetchInventory(this, FetchInventory);

                case PacketType.FetchInventoryDescendents:
                    FetchInventoryDescendentsPacket Fetch = (FetchInventoryDescendentsPacket)Pack;
                    m_inventoryCache.FetchInventoryDescendents(this, Fetch);

                case PacketType.UpdateInventoryItem:
                    UpdateInventoryItemPacket update = (UpdateInventoryItemPacket)Pack;
                    for (int i = 0; i < update.InventoryData.Length; i++)
                        if (update.InventoryData[i].TransactionID != LLUUID.Zero)
                            AssetBase asset = m_assetCache.GetAsset(update.InventoryData[i].TransactionID.Combine(this.SecureSessionID));
                            if (asset != null)
                                // Console.WriteLine("updating inventory item, found asset" + asset.FullID.ToStringHyphenated() + " already in cache");
                                m_inventoryCache.UpdateInventoryItemAsset(this, update.InventoryData[i].ItemID, asset);
                                asset = this.UploadAssets.AddUploadToAssetCache(update.InventoryData[i].TransactionID);
                                if (asset != null)
                                    //Console.WriteLine("updating inventory item, adding asset" + asset.FullID.ToStringHyphenated() + " to cache");
                                    m_inventoryCache.UpdateInventoryItemAsset(this, update.InventoryData[i].ItemID, asset);
                                    //Console.WriteLine("trying to update inventory item, but asset is null");
                            m_inventoryCache.UpdateInventoryItemDetails(this, update.InventoryData[i].ItemID, update.InventoryData[i]);;

                case PacketType.ViewerEffect:
                    ViewerEffectPacket viewer = (ViewerEffectPacket)Pack;
                    foreach (SimClient client in m_clientThreads.Values)
                        if (client.AgentID != this.AgentID)
                            viewer.AgentData.AgentID   = client.AgentID;
                            viewer.AgentData.SessionID = client.SessionID;

                case PacketType.RequestTaskInventory:
                    // Console.WriteLine(Pack.ToString());
                    RequestTaskInventoryPacket requesttask = (RequestTaskInventoryPacket)Pack;
                    ReplyTaskInventoryPacket   replytask   = new ReplyTaskInventoryPacket();
                    bool foundent = false;
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == requesttask.InventoryData.LocalID)
                            replytask.InventoryData.TaskID   = ent.uuid;
                            replytask.InventoryData.Serial   = 0;
                            replytask.InventoryData.Filename = new byte[0];
                            foundent = true;
                    if (foundent)

                case PacketType.UpdateTaskInventory:
                    // Console.WriteLine(Pack.ToString());
                    UpdateTaskInventoryPacket updatetask  = (UpdateTaskInventoryPacket)Pack;
                    AgentInventory            myinventory = this.m_inventoryCache.GetAgentsInventory(this.AgentID);
                    if (myinventory != null)
                        if (updatetask.UpdateData.Key == 0)
                            if (myinventory.InventoryItems[updatetask.InventoryData.ItemID] != null)
                                if (myinventory.InventoryItems[updatetask.InventoryData.ItemID].Type == 7)
                                    LLUUID    noteaid = myinventory.InventoryItems[updatetask.InventoryData.ItemID].AssetID;
                                    AssetBase assBase = this.m_assetCache.GetAsset(noteaid);
                                    if (assBase != null)
                                        foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                                            if (ent.localid == updatetask.UpdateData.LocalID)
                                                if (ent is OpenSim.world.Primitive)
                                                    this.m_world.AddScript(ent, Util.FieldToString(assBase.Data));

                case PacketType.AgentAnimation:
                    if (!m_child)
                        AgentAnimationPacket AgentAni = (AgentAnimationPacket)Pack;
                        for (int i = 0; i < AgentAni.AnimationList.Length; i++)
                            if (AgentAni.AnimationList[i].StartAnim)
                                ClientAvatar.current_anim = AgentAni.AnimationList[i].AnimID;
                                ClientAvatar.anim_seq     = 1;

                case PacketType.ObjectSelect:
                    ObjectSelectPacket incomingselect = (ObjectSelectPacket)Pack;
                    for (int i = 0; i < incomingselect.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                        foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                            if (ent.localid == incomingselect.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)