protected override DragAndDropVisualMode HandleDragAndDrop(DragAndDropArgs args) { if (args.dragAndDropPosition == DragAndDropPosition.OutsideItems) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected); } if (args.performDrop) { if (DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length > 0) {//this is dropping asset into tree if (!isPreview) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected); //can only drop asset in the file list, not the folder structure } designer.GetAllAssetsDependency(DragAndDrop.objectReferences); } else {//this is dropping item from tree TreeViewItem dropTarget = args.parentItem; if (dropTarget is AssetTreeViewItem) { return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected); } for (int i = 0; i < m_Dragged.Count; ++i) { TreeViewItem itm = FindItem(m_Dragged[i], rootItem); AssetTreeViewItem assetItem = itm as AssetTreeViewItem; if (assetItem != null) { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(assetItem.fullAssetPath); string newFilename = GetFullPath(dropTarget) + "/" + filename; designer.currentlyEdited.outputPath[assetItem.dependencyIdx] = newFilename; } else { string originPath = GetFullPath(itm.parent); string targetPath = GetFullPath(dropTarget); for (int j = 0; j < itm.children.Count; ++j) { ReparentAssets(itm.children[j], originPath, targetPath); } } } designer.PopulateTreeview(); } } return(DragAndDropVisualMode.Move); }
protected override void SelectionChanged(IList <int> selectedIds) { List <AssetMode.AssetInfo> list = new List <AssetMode.AssetInfo>(); foreach (int nodeId in selectedIds) { AssetTreeViewItem item = FindItem(nodeId, rootItem) as AssetTreeViewItem; if (item != null) { list.Add(item.asset); } } if (list.Count == 1) { mController.UpdateSelectedAssets(list); } }
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args) { GUI.color = Color.white; if (args.item.hasChildren == false) { AssetTreeViewItem itm = args.item as AssetTreeViewItem; if (itm != null) { if (designer.nonCompilingFiles.Contains(itm.fullAssetPath)) { GUI.color =; } } } base.RowGUI(args); }
private void CellGUI(Rect cellRect, AssetTreeViewItem item, int column, ref RowGUIArgs args) { Color oldColor = GUI.color; CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect); //if (column != 3) // GUI.color = item.itemColor; if (!File.Exists( { GUI.color =; } switch ((MyColumns)column) { case MyColumns.Asset: { var iconRect = new Rect(cellRect.x + 1, cellRect.y + 1, cellRect.height - 2, cellRect.height - 2); if (item.icon != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, item.icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); } var nameRect = new Rect(cellRect.x + iconRect.xMax + 1 , cellRect.y, cellRect.width - iconRect.width, cellRect.height); DefaultGUI.Label(nameRect, item.displayName, args.selected, args.focused); } break; case MyColumns.Size: DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect, item.asset.GetSizeString(), args.selected, args.focused); break; case MyColumns.Path: DefaultGUI.Label(cellRect,, args.selected, args.focused); break; } GUI.color = oldColor; }
void RecursiveAdd(TreeViewItem root, string value, string fullPath, int dependencyIdx) { int idx = value.IndexOf('/'); if (idx > 0) { string node = value.Substring(0, idx); string childValue = value.Substring(idx + 1); if (root.hasChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < root.children.Count; ++i) { if (root.children[i].displayName == node) { RecursiveAdd(root.children[i], childValue, fullPath, dependencyIdx); return; } } } //we didn't find a children named that way, so create a new one TreeViewItem itm = new TreeViewItem(freeID); freeID += 1; itm.displayName = node; itm.icon = m_FolderIcone; root.AddChild(itm); RecursiveAdd(itm, childValue, fullPath, dependencyIdx); } else {//this is a leaf node, just create a new one and add it to the root AssetTreeViewItem itm = new AssetTreeViewItem(freeID); freeID += 1; itm.displayName = value; itm.fullAssetPath = fullPath; itm.dependencyIdx = dependencyIdx; Object obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(fullPath, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)); itm.icon = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(obj); root.AddChild(itm); } }
//this is to reimplify rename, it's easier to descend to each children and set their output path to the GetFullPath... void TriggerRename(TreeViewItem item) { if (item.hasChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < item.children.Count; ++i) { TriggerRename(item.children[i]); } } else { AssetTreeViewItem assetItem = item as AssetTreeViewItem; if (assetItem != null) { string p = GetFullPath(item); designer.currentlyEdited.outputPath[assetItem.dependencyIdx] = p; } } }
protected override void SelectionChanged(IList <int> selectedIds) { base.SelectionChanged(selectedIds); assetPreviews = new GUIContent[0]; IList <TreeViewItem> items = FindRows(selectedIds); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i) { if (!items[i].hasChildren) { AssetTreeViewItem itm = items[i] as AssetTreeViewItem; if (itm != null) { GUIContent content = new GUIContent(AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(itm.fullAssetPath, typeof(Object)))); ArrayUtility.Add(ref assetPreviews, content); } } } }
void ReparentAssets(TreeViewItem item, string rootPath, string newPath) { if (item.hasChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < item.children.Count; ++i) { ReparentAssets(item.children[i], rootPath, newPath); } } else { AssetTreeViewItem assetTreeItem = item as AssetTreeViewItem; if (assetTreeItem == null) { return; } string path = GetFullPath(assetTreeItem); path = path.Replace(rootPath, newPath); designer.currentlyEdited.outputPath[assetTreeItem.dependencyIdx] = path; } }
public void AddRoot(string displayName, T currentData) { itemIndex = 1; root = new AssetTreeViewItem <T>(0, -1, displayName, currentData); }