예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns random non-unique activities.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="numOfActivitiesArg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private List <HavenActivityData> GetRandomNonUniqueActivities(int numOfActivitiesArg)
        // load all non-unique activity templates
        HavenActivityDataTemplate[] loadedActivityTemplates = AssetRefMethods.

        // if NOT enough loaded activites to return
        if (numOfActivitiesArg > loadedActivityTemplates.Length)
            // print warning to console
            Debug.LogWarning("Not enough loaded activites to return! " +
                             $"Only found {loadedActivityTemplates.Length} potential activites.");

            // return some default value

        // get shuffled template list
        List <HavenActivityDataTemplate> shuffledTemplateList = GeneralMethods.
                                                                Shuffle <HavenActivityDataTemplate>(loadedActivityTemplates.ToList());

        // initialize return list as empty list
        List <HavenActivityData> returnList = new List <HavenActivityData>();

        // loop for as many activites as should return
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfActivitiesArg; i++)
            // add iterating activity to return list
            returnList.Add(new HavenActivityData(shuffledTemplateList[i]));

        // return populated list
    /// <summary>
    /// Turn on/off the warning icon objects associated with H-content.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshHcontentIconObjectActivations()
        // get whether the H-content files are installed
        bool isHcontentInstalled = AssetRefMethods.IsHcontentInstalled();

        // if H-content is NOT installed then turn this warning icon ON

        // if the H-content is NOT installed
        if (!isHcontentInstalled)
            /// turn OFF the access warning object as it's not relevant if the H-content
            /// files aren't even installed.

            // DONT continue code

        // if net manager reference has NOT been setup yet
        if (_networkManagerCustom == null)
            // setup reference vars to their respective singletons

        // if access to H-Content is DISabled then turn this warning icon ON
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up the pictures of the party slot buttons.
    /// Use when party characters or party order has been changed.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshPartySlotImageContent()
        // initialize vars for upcoming loop
        CharacterData charData;
        string        charId;

        // loop through all party slot images
        for (int i = 0; i < partySlotButtonImages.Count; i++)
            // get character in iterating party slot
            charData = GameManager.Instance.GetPartyCharacterInPartySlot(i + 1);

            // if got a character data
            if (charData != null)
                // get ID of character
                charId = charData.characterInfo.characterId;
            // else NO valid character data was returned
                // print warning to console
                Debug.LogWarning("Returned char data was null!");
                // set ID to some default string
                charId = string.Empty;

            // set iterating slot image's picture to char's icon
            partySlotButtonImages[i].sprite = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetCharacterIcon(charId);
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up the ammo type image based on ammo being used.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshAmmoTypeImage()
        // get currently equipped ammo pouch
        AmmoPouch equippedAmmoPouch = _uiManager.UiPlayerCharacter.GetEquippedAmmoPouch();

        // if pouch found
        if (equippedAmmoPouch != null)
            // load sprite icon associated with type of ammo being used
            Sprite ammoTypeIcon = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetWeaponTypeSetIcon(

            // if sprite successfully loaded
            if (ammoTypeIcon != null)
                // set ammo type image to loaded sprite
                imageAmmoType.sprite = ammoTypeIcon;

                // turn ON ammo type image object

                // DONT continue code

        // getting here means that ammo type image should NOT be used, so turn OFF the image object
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up the ability icon image.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshAbilityIcon()
        // if reference to char's ability action is setup
        if (_charActionAbility != null)
            // get equipped active ability
            ActiveAbility currentAbility = _charActionAbility.GetCurrentActiveAbility();

            // if current ability retrieved
            if (currentAbility != null)
                // load appropriate ability icon sprite
                Sprite abilityIcon = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetActiveAbilityIcon(

                // if ability icon successfully loaded
                if (abilityIcon != null)
                    // set ability icon image to loaded sprite
                    imageAbilityIcon.sprite = abilityIcon;

                    // turn ON ability icon image

                    // DONT continue code

        // getting here means that ability icon image should NOT be used, so turn OFF the image object
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the character data based on the given character ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="charIdArg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private CharacterData GetCharacterDataFromId(string charIdArg)
        // get character from party characters
        CharacterData partyCharData = _gameManager.GetPartyCharacterFromID(charIdArg);

        // if char data was found in the party
        if (partyCharData != null)
            // return party char data

        // load character data template
        CharacterDataTemplate charDataTemp = AssetRefMethods.

        // if loaded data WAS found
        if (charDataTemp != null)
            // return data based on loaded template
            return(new CharacterData(charDataTemp));
        // else NO data found
            // return NULL data
예제 #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the tutorial arena prefab associated with curren arena number in set.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private LevelArenaController GetAppropriateTutorialArenaPrefab()
        // get tutorial arena prefab object
        GameObject arenaPrefab = AssetRefMethods.

        // return prefab's arena component
        return(arenaPrefab.GetComponent <LevelArenaController>());
예제 #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Resets the arena set values that are related to starting a new run.
    /// </summary>
    private void ResetArenaSetPropertiesNewRun()
        // set arena set data to first arena set

        // set total num of arena sets to how many set templates exist
        totalNumberOfArenaSets = AssetRefMethods.
예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs Level-up process for all party members on their haven stats.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private List <(string, CharacterProgressionInfoSet)> LevelUpHavenStatProperties()
        // inittialize return list
        List <(string, CharacterProgressionInfoSet)> charIdToLevelInfo =
            new List <(string, CharacterProgressionInfoSet)>();;
        // initialize how many haven stats there are
        int NUM_OF_HAVEN_STATS = 4;

        // initialize vars for upcoming loop
        string     charId;
        List <int> levelsReached;
        CharacterProgressionInfoSet levelUpInfo;

        // loop through all party members
        foreach (CharacterData iterChar in partyCharacters)
            // get the iterating char's ID
            charId = iterChar.characterInfo.characterId;

            // if the iterating char is the MC
            if (charId == GeneralMethods.GetCharacterIdMainCharacter())
                // skip this loop iteration

            // loop through all haven stats
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_HAVEN_STATS; i++)
                // get all the levels reached by the iterating char's iterating haven stat
                levelsReached = havenData.havenProgression.ApplyExternalExpToCharProgress(charId, i + 1);

                // loop through all levels reached in iterating char's iterating haven stat
                foreach (int iterLevel in levelsReached)
                    // get level-up info for the iterating level
                    levelUpInfo = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetProgressionInfoLeveling(i + 1, charId, iterLevel);

                    // if no such info found for that level
                    if (levelUpInfo == null)
                        // get default level-up info
                        levelUpInfo = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetProgressionInfoLeveling(i + 1, charId, 0);

                    // add the level-up info and associated char to return list
                    charIdToLevelInfo.Add((charId, levelUpInfo));

        // return the populated list
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up the aiming reticle image.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshAimReticle()
        // get player char the UI is associated with
        PlayerCharacterMasterController playerChar = _uiManager.UiPlayerCharacter;

        // if player char found
        if (playerChar != null)
            // get weapon slot currently being used
            WeaponSlotData equippedWepSlot = playerChar.GetEquippedWeaponSlot();

            // if weapon slot found
            if (equippedWepSlot != null)
                // get currently equipped weapon
                WeaponData equippedWep = playerChar.GetEquippedWeapon();

                // if a weapon IS equipped
                if (equippedWep != null)
                    // load the aiming reticle associated with equipped weapon
                    Sprite loadedAimReticle = AssetRefMethods.

                    // if a reticle was found
                    if (loadedAimReticle != null)
                        // set reticle image to loaded sprite
                        reticle.sprite = loadedAimReticle;

                        // activate aim reticle

                        // DONT continue code
                    // else NO reticle was loaded
                        // print warning to console
                        Debug.LogWarning("No aiming reticle assoicated with weapon " +
                                         $"type: {equippedWep.weaponType.ToString()}");

        // deactivate aim reticle
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the dialogue background from the given properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bgIdArg"></param>
 /// <param name="isHContentArg"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private Sprite GetDialogueBackground(string bgIdArg, bool isHContentArg)
     // if bg is H-content
     if (isHContentArg)
         // load ERO background sprite based on given ID
     // else bg is all-ages content
         // load NORMAL background sprite based on given ID
예제 #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up character's portrait image.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshCharacterPortrait()
        // get player char the UI is associated with
        PlayerCharacterMasterController playerChar = _uiManager.UiPlayerCharacter;

        // if player char found
        if (playerChar != null)
            // get character data that is responsible for the player's apperance
            CharacterData visualCharData = playerChar.CharDataSecondary;

            // if char data found
            if (visualCharData != null)
                // load character icon
                Sprite charIcon = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetCharacterIcon(

                // if char icon successfully loaded
                if (charIcon != null)
                    // turn ON char portrait image
                    // set portrait image to loaded sprite
                    charPortrait.sprite = charIcon;
                // else NO char icon found
                    // turn OFF char portrait image
            // else NO char data retrieved
                // turn OFF char portrait image
        // else NO player char retrieved
            // turn OFF char portrait image
예제 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up the ammo type. 
    /// Call in Awake().
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeAmmoType()
        // if should randomize the ammo type
        if (randomizeAmmoType)
            // get all weapon type set templates
            WeaponTypeSetTemplate[] wepTypes = AssetRefMethods.LoadAllBundleAssetWeaponTypeSetTemplate();
            // get all weapoon types that need ammo to be used
            List<WeaponTypeSetTemplate> ammoBasedWepTypes = wepTypes.Where
                (iterSet => iterSet.template.doesNeedAmmo).ToList();

            // get random index of ammo wep type list
            int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, ammoBasedWepTypes.Count);
            // set ammo type to random list entry
            ammoType = ammoBasedWepTypes[randomIndex];

        // MAYBE TODO: change pickup model based on ammo type
예제 #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the arena set data based on the given set number.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="arenaSetNumArg"></param>
    private void SetupArenaSetData(int arenaSetNumArg)
        // else if all arena sets have been completed
        if (arenaSetNumArg > totalNumberOfArenaSets)
            // set arena set to an invalid arena set to denote that no next arena
            arenaSetData = GetEndArenaSetData();
        // else still some arena sets left
            // get set template related to given set number
            LevelArenaSetDataTemplate startingSetTemp = AssetRefMethods.

            // set the set data from the template
            arenaSetData = new LevelArenaSetData(startingSetTemp);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up weapon model animator based on the equipped weapon.
    /// </summary>
    private void RefreshWeaponModel()
        // get player char the UI is associated with
        PlayerCharacterMasterController playerChar = _uiManager.UiPlayerCharacter;

        // if player char found
        if (playerChar != null)
            // get currently equipped weapon
            WeaponData equippedWep = playerChar.GetEquippedWeapon();

            // if a weapon is equipped
            if (equippedWep != null)
                // get equipped weapon's ID
                string wepId = equippedWep.itemInfo.itemId;

                // get equipped weapon's associated 1st person model animator
                AnimatorOverrideController newWepAnim = AssetRefMethods.
                                                        LoadBundleAssetFirstPersonWeaponModelAnimator(equippedWep.weaponType, wepId);

                // if animator found
                if (newWepAnim != null)
                    // turn ON 1st person weapon object

                    // set weapon model animator to retreived weapon animator
                    wepModelAnim.runtimeAnimatorController = newWepAnim;

                    // DONT continue code

        // if got here then, turn OFF 1st person weapon object
예제 #16
    public void SetupCharacterData(CharacterData charDataArg)
        currentCharacter = charDataArg;

        // if given a valid character AND that character is actually wearing an outfit
        if (charDataArg != null && charDataArg.outfitLoadout.GetEquippedOutfit() != null)
            // load current portrait set based on character and their outfit
            currentOutfitPortraits = AssetRefMethods.LoadBundleAssetCharacterPortraitSet(
        // else don't have valid data to work with
            // set outfit portrait set to a NULL set
            currentOutfitPortraits = null;

        // sets the portrait image based on the current character's outfit portrait set
예제 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the name of the character asscoaited with the given ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="charIdArg"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private string GetCharacterName(string charIdArg)
        // load character template from given ID
        CharacterDataTemplate charTemp = AssetRefMethods.

        // if a character was found
        if (charTemp != null)
            // return loaded char's name
        // else NO character template could be found
            // print warning to log
            Debug.LogWarning("Problem in GetCharacterName(). No character " +
                             $"associated with ID: {charIdArg}");

            // return some default value
예제 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a random arena prefab that has NOT been used in this set yet.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private LevelArenaController GetAppropriateRandomArenaPrefab()
        // load all arena prefab object for current arena set
        GameObject[] loadedArenaPrefabObjs = AssetRefMethods.

        // if already used all of the arenas that were loaded
        if (usedArenaIdsInSet.Count > loadedArenaPrefabObjs.Length)
            // print warning to console
            Debug.LogWarning("No arenas that haven't already been used!");

            // return some default value

        // initialize list of arena prefabs that have not been used yet as empty list
        List <LevelArenaController> potentialArenaPrefab = new List <LevelArenaController>();

        // loop through all loaded arena objects
        foreach (GameObject iterObj in loadedArenaPrefabObjs)
            // if iterating arena object has NOT been used in this set yet
            if (!usedArenaIdsInSet.Contains(GetArenaIdFromObject(iterObj)))
                // add the iterating object's arena component to list of potentials
                potentialArenaPrefab.Add(iterObj.GetComponent <LevelArenaController>());

        // get a random index in potentials list
        int randomPrefabListIndex = Random.Range(0, potentialArenaPrefab.Count);

        // return a random arena prefab by using the random index
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets associated animator's controller to the anim apporpriate for this char object.
 /// </summary>
 private void RefreshCharacterAnimator()
     _animator.runtimeAnimatorController = AssetRefMethods.
예제 #20
 public void ChangeBackgroundL2FromHcontentActivityBackground(string charIdArg, int bgSetArg, int bgIdArg)
     ChangeBackground(AssetRefMethods.LoadHcontentActivityBackground(charIdArg, bgSetArg, bgIdArg), 2);
예제 #21
 public void ChangeBackgroundL1FromHavenLocationEvent(string locationEventIdArg,
                                                      TimeSlotType timeSlotArg)
                          locationEventIdArg, timeSlotArg), 1);
예제 #22
 public void ChangeBackgroundL1FromHavenActivity(string havenActivityIdArg,
                                                 TimeSlotType timeSlotArg)
                          havenActivityIdArg, timeSlotArg), 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether H-content is both installed and allowed to be viewed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool CanHcontentBeViewed()
     return(AssetRefMethods.IsHcontentInstalled() && IsHcontentAccessEnabled());
예제 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Plans the days events. Call when entering a new day.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gameFlagsArg"></param>
    /// <param name="todaysDayArg"></param>
    /// <param name="canHcontentBeViewedArg"></param>
    /// <param name="maxNumEventsToPlanArg"></param>
    public void PlanTodaysEvents(GameFlags gameFlagsArg, DayOfWeek todaysDayArg,
                                 bool canHcontentBeViewedArg, int maxNumEventsToPlanArg)
        // set no events as currently active
        todaysEvents = new List <HavenLocationEvent>();

        // load all haven location event templates
        HavenLocationEventTemplate[] allLoadedLocEventTemplates = AssetRefMethods.LoadAllBundleAssetHavenLocationEventTemplates();

        // get all haven locatione events from loaded templates
        List <HavenLocationEvent> allLoadedLocEvents = new List <HavenLocationEvent>();

        foreach (HavenLocationEventTemplate iterTemp in allLoadedLocEventTemplates)
            allLoadedLocEvents.Add(new HavenLocationEvent(iterTemp));

        // get all location events that can potentially be used today
        List <HavenLocationEvent> allPotentialLocEvents = GetAllPotentialEventsForToday(
            allLoadedLocEvents, gameFlagsArg, todaysDayArg, canHcontentBeViewedArg);

        // get a random number of events that should be placed
        int randNumOfEvents = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, maxNumEventsToPlanArg);

        // initialize vars for upcoming loop
        List <HavenLocationEvent> currentPotentialLocEvents;
        int randomIndex;
        HavenLocationEvent selectedEvent;

        // loop for as many events as should be retrieved
        for (int i = 0; i < randNumOfEvents; i++)
            // reset the list of currently potential events
            currentPotentialLocEvents = new List <HavenLocationEvent>();

            /// loop through all potential events. NOTE: Need to re-screen potential events to
            /// ensure that they do not colfict with the previously set events
            foreach (HavenLocationEvent iterEvent in allPotentialLocEvents)
                // if iterating event is already active
                if (IsEventActive(iterEvent))
                    // skip to next loop iteration

                // if char associated with iterating event is already used in an active event
                if (ActiveEventsUsingCharacter(iterEvent.GetAppropriateAssociatedCharacterId()))
                    // skip to next loop iteration

                // if location of iterating event is already being used by an active event
                if (ActiveEventsUsingLocation(iterEvent.locatedSpot))
                    // skip to next loop iteration

                // add iterating event to currently potential events

            // if there is no available events that could be used
            if (currentPotentialLocEvents.Count == 0)
                // print warning to console
                Debug.LogWarning("Problem in PlanTodaysEvents(). Not any more potential events to use!");

                // DONT continue code

            // get random index from event list
            randomIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, currentPotentialLocEvents.Count);

            // get the randomly chosen event
            selectedEvent = new HavenLocationEvent(currentPotentialLocEvents[randomIndex]);

            // add selected event to today's active events
            // denote that selected event has been used for the week
예제 #25
 private bool CanShowHcontent()
     Debug.LogWarning("NEED IMPL: implement second half of CanShowHcontent()"); // NEED IMPL
     // if H-content is installed AND is enabled to be shown
     return((AssetRefMethods.IsHcontentInstalled()) && (false));
예제 #26
 public void ChangeBackgroundL1FromHavenLocationActivityHub(HavenLocation locationArg,
                                                            TimeSlotType timeSlotArg)
                          locationArg, timeSlotArg), 1);