public static string[] Compile(string[] sources, string[] references, string[] defines, string outputFile, bool allowUnsafeCode)
            var assembly = new ScriptAssembly
                BuildTarget              = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows,
                Files                    = sources,
                References               = references,
                Defines                  = defines,
                OutputDirectory          = AssetPath.GetDirectoryName(outputFile),
                Filename                 = AssetPath.GetFileName(outputFile),
                CompilerOptions          = new Compilation.ScriptCompilerOptions(),
                ScriptAssemblyReferences = new ScriptAssembly[0]

            assembly.CompilerOptions.AllowUnsafeCode       = allowUnsafeCode;
            assembly.CompilerOptions.ApiCompatibilityLevel = ApiCompatibilityLevel.NET_Standard_2_0;

            using (var c = new MicrosoftCSharpCompiler(assembly, assembly.OutputDirectory))
                while (!c.Poll())
                return(c.GetCompilerMessages().Select(cm => cm.message).ToArray());
예제 #2
        private string Preprocess(IFileStore store, string path, string[] defines)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            if (defines != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < defines.Length; ++i)
                    builder.AppendLine("#define " + defines[i] + " 1");
            Preprocess(builder, store, AssetPath.GetDirectoryName(path), AssetPath.GetFileName(path), 0);
        public IEnumerable <string> ListFiles(string path)
            // Iterate all files, identify those in the given path
            int count = SteamRemoteStorage.GetFileCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                int    size;
                string file = SteamRemoteStorage.GetFileNameAndSize(i, out size);
                if (AssetPath.GetDirectoryName(file) == path)
                    yield return(AssetPath.GetFileName(file));
예제 #4
        public static Texture GetLocalised(string path, Language language, bool filter)
            // Try the current language and it's fallbacks
            bool triedEnglish = false;

            while (language != null)
                var specificPath = AssetPath.Combine(
                    AssetPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + "_" + language.Code + ".png"
                if (Assets.Assets.Exists <Texture>(specificPath))
                    return(Texture.Get(specificPath, filter));
                if (language.Code == "en")
                    triedEnglish = true;
                language = language.Fallback;
            if (!triedEnglish)
                // Try english
                var englishPath = AssetPath.Combine(
                    AssetPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + "_en.png"
                if (Assets.Assets.Exists <Texture>(englishPath))
                    return(Texture.Get(englishPath, filter));

            // Try unlocalised
            return(Texture.Get(path, filter));
예제 #5
        private void Load(IFileStore store)
            using (var stream = store.OpenFile(m_path))
                var    reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                string line;
                string type    = null;
                var    options = new KeyValuePairs();
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // Parse each line
                    string[] parts = line.Split(' ');
                    if (parts.Length < 1)

                    // Extract type and options
                    type = parts[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; ++i)
                        string part        = parts[i];
                        int    equalsIndex = part.IndexOf('=');
                        if (equalsIndex >= 0)
                            string key   = part.Substring(0, equalsIndex);
                            string value = part.Substring(equalsIndex + 1);
                            int    intValue;
                            if (value.StartsWith("\""))
                                if (value.EndsWith("\"") && value.Length >= 2)
                                    value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
                                    value = value.Substring(1) + " ";
                                    while (!parts[i].EndsWith("\""))
                                        value += parts[i] + " ";
                                    value += parts[i].Substring(0, parts[i].Length - 1);
                                options.Set(key, value);
                            else if (int.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out intValue))
                                options.Set(key, intValue);

                    // Interpret
                    switch (type)
                    case "common":
                        m_lineHeight = options.GetInteger("lineHeight");
                        m_base       = options.GetInteger("base");
                        m_scaleW     = options.GetInteger("scaleW");
                        m_scaleH     = options.GetInteger("scaleH");
                        m_pages      = new Page[options.GetInteger("pages")];

                    case "page":
                        int id = options.GetInteger("id");
                        if (id >= PageCount)
                            Array.Resize(ref m_pages, id + 1);
                        m_pages[id]      = new Page();
                        m_pages[id].Path = AssetPath.Combine(AssetPath.GetDirectoryName(m_path), options.GetString("file"));

                    case "chars":
                        m_chars = new Dictionary <int, Char>(options.GetInteger("count"));

                    case "char":
                        var id = options.GetInteger("id");
                        m_chars[id]          = new Char();
                        m_chars[id].X        = options.GetInteger("x");
                        m_chars[id].Y        = options.GetInteger("y");
                        m_chars[id].Width    = options.GetInteger("width");
                        m_chars[id].Height   = options.GetInteger("height");
                        m_chars[id].XOffset  = options.GetInteger("xoffset");
                        m_chars[id].YOffset  = options.GetInteger("yoffset");
                        m_chars[id].XAdvance = options.GetInteger("xadvance");
                        m_chars[id].Page     = options.GetInteger("page");
                        if (m_chars[id].Page < 0 || m_chars[id].Page >= PageCount)
                            m_chars[id].Page = 0;
                            //throw new IOException( "Page count out of range" );

                    case "kernings":
                        m_kernings = new Dictionary <KerningPair, Kerning>(options.GetInteger("count"));

                    case "kerning":
                        var first  = options.GetInteger("first");
                        var second = options.GetInteger("second");
                        var pair   = new KerningPair(first, second);
                        m_kernings[pair]        = new Kerning();
                        m_kernings[pair].Amount = options.GetInteger("amount");
예제 #6
        private void Load(IFileStore store)
            // Load
            var objFile = new OBJFile();

            using (var reader = store.OpenTextFile(m_path))

            // Interpret
            var dir = AssetPath.GetDirectoryName(m_path);

            m_materialFile = AssetPath.Combine(dir, objFile.MTLLib);
            m_groups       = new List <Group>();
            m_groupLookup  = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            foreach (var objGroup in objFile.Groups)
                // Skip empty groups
                if (objGroup.Faces.Count == 0)

                // Load geometry
                Geometry geometry = new Geometry(Primitive.Triangles);
                for (int i = 0; i < objGroup.Faces.Count; ++i)
                    var objFace = objGroup.Faces[i];
                    if (objFace.VertexCount >= 3)
                        Vector3 posA, posB, posC;
                        Vector4 colourA, colourB, colourC;
                        Vector3?normA, normB, normC;
                        Vector2 texCoordA, texCoordB, texCoordC;
                        GetVertInfo(objFile, objFace.FirstVertex, out posA, out colourA, out texCoordA, out normA);
                        GetVertInfo(objFile, objFace.FirstVertex + 1, out posB, out colourB, out texCoordB, out normB);
                        GetVertInfo(objFile, objFace.FirstVertex + 2, out posC, out colourC, out texCoordC, out normC);

                        Vector3 faceNormal, faceTangent;
                            posA, posB, posC,
                            texCoordA, texCoordB, texCoordC,
                            out faceNormal, out faceTangent

                        // Add the verts
                        int firstVertIndex = geometry.VertexCount;
                        geometry.AddVertex(posA, normA.HasValue ? normA.Value : faceNormal, faceTangent, texCoordA, colourA);
                        geometry.AddVertex(posB, normB.HasValue ? normB.Value : faceNormal, faceTangent, texCoordB, colourB);
                        geometry.AddVertex(posC, normC.HasValue ? normC.Value : faceNormal, faceTangent, texCoordC, colourC);
                        for (int j = 3; j < objFace.VertexCount; ++j)
                            Vector3 posN;
                            Vector4 colourN;
                            Vector2 texCoordN;
                            GetVertInfo(objFile, objFace.FirstVertex + j, out posN, out colourN, out texCoordN, out normN);
                            geometry.AddVertex(posN, normN.HasValue ? normN.Value : faceNormal, faceTangent, texCoordN, colourN);

                        // Add the indexes
                        for (int k = 2; k < objFace.VertexCount; ++k)
                            geometry.AddIndex(firstVertIndex + k - 1);
                            geometry.AddIndex(firstVertIndex + k);

                // Build shadow geometry
                var shadowGeometry = new Geometry(Primitive.Triangles);
                shadowGeometry.AddShadowGeometry(geometry, ref Matrix4.Identity);

                // Prepare the group
                var group = new Group();
                group.Name           = objGroup.Name;
                group.MaterialName   = objGroup.MaterialName;
                group.Geometry       = geometry;
                group.ShadowGeometry = shadowGeometry;

                m_groupLookup.Add(group.Name, m_groups.Count);
예제 #7
        private void Load(IFileStore store)
            // Load the material infos
            var      dir             = AssetPath.GetDirectoryName(m_path);
            Material currentMaterial = null;

            using (var reader = store.OpenTextFile(m_path))
                // For each line:
                string line;
                var    whitespace = new char[] { ' ', '\t' };
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // Strip comment
                    var commentIdx = line.IndexOf('#');
                    if (commentIdx >= 0)
                        line = line.Substring(0, commentIdx);

                    // Segment
                    var parts = line.Split(whitespace, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (parts.Length == 0)

                    // Parse
                    var type = parts[0].ToLowerInvariant();
                    switch (type)
                    case "newmtl":
                        var name = parts[1];
                        currentMaterial = new Material();
                        m_materials.Add(name, currentMaterial);

                    case "map_ka":
                        var path = AssetPath.Combine(dir, parts[1]);
                        currentMaterial.EmissiveColour  = Vector3.One;
                        currentMaterial.EmissiveTexture = path;

                    case "map_kd":
                        var path = AssetPath.Combine(dir, parts[1]);
                        currentMaterial.DiffuseColour  = Vector4.One;
                        currentMaterial.DiffuseTexture = path;

                    case "map_ks":
                        var path = AssetPath.Combine(dir, parts[1]);
                        currentMaterial.SpecularColour  = Vector3.One;
                        currentMaterial.SpecularTexture = path;

                    case "map_bump":
                    case "bump":
                        var path = AssetPath.Combine(dir, parts[1]);
                        currentMaterial.NormalTexture = path;

            // Add missing material paths
            foreach (var material in m_materials.Values)
                if (material.EmissiveTexture == null)
                    material.EmissiveColour  = Vector3.One;
                    material.EmissiveTexture = "black.png";
                    if (material.DiffuseTexture != null)
                        var potentialPath = AssetPath.ChangeExtension(material.DiffuseTexture, "emit.png");
                        if (store.FileExists(potentialPath))
                            material.EmissiveTexture = potentialPath;

                if (material.SpecularTexture == null)
                    material.SpecularColour  = Vector3.One;
                    material.SpecularTexture = "black.png";
                    if (material.DiffuseTexture != null)
                        var potentialPath = AssetPath.ChangeExtension(material.DiffuseTexture, "spec.png");
                        if (store.FileExists(potentialPath))
                            material.SpecularTexture = potentialPath;

                if (material.NormalTexture == null)
                    material.NormalTexture = "flat.png";
                    if (material.DiffuseTexture != null)
                        var potentialPath = AssetPath.ChangeExtension(material.DiffuseTexture, "norm.png");
                        if (store.FileExists(potentialPath))
                            material.NormalTexture = potentialPath;

                if (material.DiffuseTexture == null)
                    material.DiffuseColour  = Vector4.One;
                    material.DiffuseTexture = "white.png";