예제 #1
        internal static Hash128 GetHash(string guid, BuildTarget target, ImportMode importMode)
            LiveLinkBuildPipeline.RemapBuildInAssetGuid(ref guid);

            // TODO: GetArtifactHash needs to take BuildTarget so we can get Artifacts for other than the ActiveBuildTarget
            return(AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactHash(guid, typeof(LiveLinkBuildImporter), importMode));
예제 #2
        // This function is responsible for providing all the subscenes to the build.
        // The way these files get generated is that we have a SceneWithBuildConfiguration file, (which is a bit of a hack to work around the inability for scriptable importers to take arguments, so
        // instead we create a different file that points to the scene we want to import, and points to the buildconfiguration we want to import it for).   The SubsceneImporter will import this file,
        // and it will make 3 (relevant) kind of files:
        // - headerfile
        // - entitybinaryformat file (the actual entities payloads)
        // - a SerializedFile that has an array of UnityEngine.Object PPtrs that are used by this entity file.
        // The first two we deal with very simply: they just need to be copied into the build, and we're done.
        // the third one, we will feed as input to the Scriptable build pipeline (which is actually about creating assetbundles), and create an assetbundle that
        // has all those objects in it that the 3rd file referred to.  We do this with a batch api, first we loop through all subscenes, and register with this batch
        // api which assetbundles we'd like to see produced, and then at the end, we say "okay make them please".  this assetbundle creation api has a caching system
        // that is separate from the assetpipeline caching system, so if all goes well, the call to produce these assetbundles will return very fast and did nothing.
        // The reason for the strange looking api, where a two callbacks get passed in is to make integration of the new incremental buildpipeline easier, as this code
        // needs to be compatible both with the current buildpipeline in the dots-repo, as well as with the incremental buildpipeline.  When that is merged, we can simplify this.

        public static void PrepareAdditionalFiles(string buildConfigurationGuid, Func <Type, IBuildComponent> getRequiredComponent, Action <string, string> RegisterFileCopy, string outputStreamingAssetsDirectory, string buildWorkingDirectory)
            T GetRequiredComponent <T>() => (T)getRequiredComponent(typeof(T));

            var profile = GetRequiredComponent <ClassicBuildProfile>();

            if (profile.Target == BuildTarget.NoTarget)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid build target '{profile.Target.ToString()}'.");

            if (profile.Target != EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"ActiveBuildTarget must be switched before the {nameof(SubSceneBuildCode)} runs.");

            var content       = new BundleBuildContent(new AssetBundleBuild[0]);
            var sceneList     = GetRequiredComponent <SceneList>();
            var bundleNames   = new List <string>();
            var subSceneGuids = sceneList.GetScenePathsForBuild().SelectMany(scenePath => SceneMetaDataImporter.GetSubSceneGuids(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(scenePath))).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (var subSceneGuid in subSceneGuids)
                var hash128Guid = SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs.EnsureExistsFor(subSceneGuid, new Hash128(buildConfigurationGuid));

                var hash = AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactHash(hash128Guid.ToString(), typeof(SubSceneImporter), ImportMode.Synchronous);
                AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactPaths(hash, out var artifactPaths);

                foreach (var artifactPath in artifactPaths)
                    var ext = Path.GetExtension(artifactPath).Replace(".", "");
                    if (ext == EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader))
                        var destinationFile = outputStreamingAssetsDirectory + "/" + EntityScenesPaths.RelativePathInStreamingAssetsFolderFor(subSceneGuid, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader, -1);
                        RegisterFileCopy(artifactPath, destinationFile);

                    if (ext == EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesBinary))
                        var destinationFile = outputStreamingAssetsDirectory + "/" + EntityScenesPaths.RelativePathInStreamingAssetsFolderFor(subSceneGuid, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesBinary, EntityScenesPaths.GetSectionIndexFromPath(artifactPath));
                        RegisterFileCopy(artifactPath, destinationFile);

                    if (ext == EntityScenesPaths.GetExtension(EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesUnityObjectReferences))
                        content.CustomAssets.Add(new CustomContent
                            Asset     = hash128Guid,
                            Processor = (guid, processor) =>
                                var sectionIndex = EntityScenesPaths.GetSectionIndexFromPath(artifactPath);
                                processor.GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(artifactPath, out ObjectIdentifier[] objectIds, out Type[] types);
예제 #3
    public static Hash128[] GetSubSceneGuids(string guid)
        var hash = AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactHash(guid, typeof(SceneMetaDataImporter), ImportMode.Synchronous);

        AssetDatabaseCompatibility.GetArtifactPaths(hash, out string[] paths);

        var metaPath = paths.First(o => o.EndsWith("scenemeta"));

        BlobAssetReference <SceneMetaData> sceneMetaDataRef;

        if (!BlobAssetReference <SceneMetaData> .TryRead(metaPath, SceneMetaDataImporter.CurrentFileFormatVersion, out sceneMetaDataRef))
            return(new Hash128[0]);

        Hash128[] guids = sceneMetaDataRef.Value.SubScenes.ToArray();