internal void VerifyTextInImage(string expectedTest) { try { AssertionProvider.Contains(expectedTest, text, "The expected text was not found in the image"); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void OpenWikipediaHomePage() { try { _webDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void OpenTesseractTestPage() { try { _webDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void VerifyWikipediaResultTitle(string expectedTitle) { try { WikiResultPage wikiResult = new WikiResultPage(_webDriver); AssertionProvider.EqualsHardAssert(wikiResult.GetPageTitle(), expectedTitle, "Wikipedia result page title"); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void SearchInWikipedia(string searchTerm) { try { WikiHomePage wikiHome = new WikiHomePage(_webDriver); wikiHome.SearchATerm(searchTerm); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void OpenGoogleHomePage() { try { _webDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
internal void VerifyTextInSearchBar(string expectedTest) { try { GoogleHomePage googleHomePage = new GoogleHomePage(_webDriver); string textInSearchBar = googleHomePage.GetTextInInput(); AssertionProvider.EqualsHardAssert(expectedTest, textInSearchBar, "the text in the search bar is not the expected"); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void GetPageText() { try { MattmahoneyHomePage mattmahoneyHomePage = new MattmahoneyHomePage(_webDriver); mattmahoneyHomePage.CenterTestImage(); _webDriver.TakeScreenshot("Tesseract_test"); text = AIProvider.GetTextFromImage($"{GenericUtils.GetScreenShotsDirectory()}//Tesseract_test.bmp"); Console.WriteLine("asd"); } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
public void WriteInGoogleSearchBar(string searchTerm) { try { using (var session = Sikuli.CreateSession()) { var input = Patterns.FromFile("C:\\Users\\juan_\\Documents\\projects\\dotnetBase\\GenericProject\\GenericProject\\Resources\\SikuliImages\\GoogleSearchInput.png", 0.9f); var logo = Patterns.FromFile("C:\\Users\\juan_\\Documents\\projects\\dotnetBase\\GenericProject\\GenericProject\\Resources\\SikuliImages\\GoogleLogo.png", 0.9f); session.Click(input); session.Type(searchTerm); session.Click(logo); } } catch (Exception ex) { AssertionProvider.FailTest(ex.Message); } }
private void AssertionExamples(Token token) { var assertionProvider = new AssertionProvider(token); var assertionsForIssuer = assertionProvider.GetForIssuer(""); Console.WriteLine(assertionsForIssuer.Count); var assertionsForBadge = assertionProvider.GetForBadge("", ""); Console.WriteLine(assertionsForBadge.Count); var assertion = assertionProvider.Get("", "", ""); Console.WriteLine(assertion.Slug); //issue assertion example var assertionToAdd = new AssertionAdd(token) { BadgeClass = "", Issuer = "", RecipientType = "email", RecipientIdentifier = "", Narrative = "", CreateNotification = true, EvidenceItems = new List <AssertionEvidence> { new AssertionEvidence { Narrative = "", EvidenceUrl = "", Expiration = "" } } }.Issue(); Console.WriteLine(assertionToAdd.Slug); //update assertion example var assertionToUpdate = new AssertionUpdate(token) { Slug = "", BadgeClass = "", Issuer = "", RecipientType = "email", RecipientIdentifier = "", Narrative = "", CreateNotification = true, EvidenceItems = new List <AssertionEvidence> { new AssertionEvidence { Narrative = "", EvidenceUrl = "", Expiration = "" } } }.Update(); //revoke assertion example new AssertionUpdate(token) { Slug = "", BadgeClass = "", Issuer = "", RevocationReason = "" }.Revoke(); //issue batch assertion example new AssertionBatchAdd(token) { BadgeClass = "", Issuer = "", CreateNotification = true, Assertions = new List <AssertionBatchAddAssertion> { new AssertionBatchAddAssertion { RecipientIdentifier = "", EvidenceItems = new List <AssertionBatchAddEvidence> { new AssertionBatchAddEvidence { EvidenceUrl = "" } } }, new AssertionBatchAddAssertion { RecipientIdentifier = "", EvidenceItems = new List <AssertionBatchAddEvidence> { new AssertionBatchAddEvidence { EvidenceUrl = "" } } } } }.BatchIssue(); }