예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the current type as class definition.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void CreateClassDefinition(DexTargetPackage targetPackage, ClassDefinition parent, TypeDefinition parentType, XTypeDefinition parentXType)
            // Create classdef
            var nsConverter = targetPackage.NameConverter;

            classDef           = new ClassDefinition();
            classDef.MapFileId = compiler.GetNextMapFileId();
            classDef.Namespace = nsConverter.GetConvertedNamespace(XType);
            var name = CreateClassName(XType);

            if ((parentType != null) && parentType.HasDexImportAttribute())
                var fullName = nsConverter.GetConvertedFullName(parentXType) + "_" + name;
                var index    = fullName.LastIndexOf('.');
                classDef.Name = (index < 0) ? fullName : fullName.Substring(index + 1);
                classDef.Name = (parent != null) ? parent.Name + "$" + name : name;

            // Set access flags
            //if (typeDef.IsPublic) classDef.IsPublic = true;
            //else classDef.IsPrivate = true;
            classDef.IsPublic = true;
            if (typeDef.IsSealed)
                classDef.IsFinal = true;

            if (typeDef.IsInterface)
                classDef.IsInterface = true;
                classDef.IsAbstract  = true;
            else if (typeDef.IsAbstract && !classDef.IsFinal) // apparently Android 6.x verifier does not allow 'final abstact' classes.
                classDef.IsAbstract = true;

            if ((parent != null) && (!parentType.HasDexImportAttribute()))
                // Add to parent if this is a nested type
                classDef.Owner = parent;
                // Add to dex if it is a root class
                // TODO: here we could simplify the names, e.g. remove the scope, as long as no
                //       clashing does occur.
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the current type as class definition.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void CreateClassDefinition(Dex target, NameConverter nsConverter, ClassDefinition parent, ClassFile parentClass)
            // Create classdef
            classDef           = new ClassDefinition();
            classDef.MapFileId = compiler.GetNextMapFileId();
            classDef.Namespace = nsConverter.GetConvertedNamespace(typeDef);
            var name = NameConverter.GetConvertedName(typeDef);

            classDef.Name = (parent != null) ? parent.Name + "$" + name : name;

            // Set access flags
            //if (typeDef.IsPublic) classDef.IsPublic = true;
            //else classDef.IsPrivate = true;
            classDef.IsPublic = true;
            if (typeDef.IsFinal)
                classDef.IsFinal = true;
            if (typeDef.IsInterface)
                classDef.IsInterface = true;
                classDef.IsAbstract  = true;
            else if (typeDef.IsAbstract)
                classDef.IsAbstract = true;
            if (typeDef.Interfaces.Any(x => x.ClassName == "java/lang/annotation/Annotation"))
                classDef.IsAnnotation = true;

            classDef.IsEnum = typeDef.IsEnum;

            if (parent != null)
                // Add to parent if this is a nested type
                classDef.Owner = parent;
                // Add to dex if it is a root class
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the current type as class definition.
        /// </summary>
        public void Create(ClassDefinition declaringClass, DexTargetPackage targetPackage)
            // Find xMethod
            xMethod = XBuilder.AsMethodDefinition(compiler.Module, method);

            // Create method definition
            dmethod           = new DexLib.MethodDefinition();
            dmethod.Name      = GetMethodName(method, targetPackage);
            dmethod.MapFileId = compiler.GetNextMapFileId();
            AddMethodToDeclaringClass(declaringClass, dmethod, targetPackage);
            targetPackage.Record(xMethod, dmethod);

            // Set access flags
            SetAccessFlags(dmethod, method);

            // Create prototype
            dmethod.Prototype = PrototypeBuilder.BuildPrototype(compiler, targetPackage, declaringClass, xMethod);
        public DelegateInstanceType Create()
            instanceField = null; // actually at the momennt, we are not called multiple times...

            // Prepare called method
            var target = targetPackage.DexFile;
            var owner  = target.GetClass(calledMethod.DeclaringType.GetClassReference(targetPackage).Fullname)
                         ?? targetPackage.GetOrCreateGeneratedCodeClass();
            var calledMethodPrototype = PrototypeBuilder.BuildPrototype(compiler, targetPackage, owner, calledMethod);
            var calledMethodRef       = calledMethod.GetReference(targetPackage);

            if (calledMethod.DeclaringType.HasDexImportAttribute())
                // Delegate method is a Dex import method
                // Delegate method is a .NET method
                var calledDexMethod = owner.Methods.Single(x => (x.Name == calledMethodRef.Name) && (x.Prototype.Equals(calledMethodRef.Prototype)));
                if (calledDexMethod.IsPrivate)
                    calledDexMethod.IsPrivate   = false;
                    calledDexMethod.IsProtected = true;

            var @class = new ClassDefinition
                Name        = CreateInstanceTypeName(owner),
                Namespace   = owner.Namespace,
                AccessFlags = AccessFlags.Public | AccessFlags.Final,
                MapFileId   = compiler.GetNextMapFileId(),


            // Set super class
            @class.SuperClass = delegateClass;

            // Implement delegate interface

            // Get type of instance
            XTypeDefinition instanceType    = calledMethod.DeclaringType;
            TypeReference   instanceTypeRef = instanceType.GetReference(targetPackage);

            // Add ctor
            var ctor = new MethodDefinition
                Owner       = @class,
                Name        = "<init>",
                AccessFlags = AccessFlags.Public | AccessFlags.Constructor,
                Prototype   = new Prototype(PrimitiveType.Void),

            if (!calledMethod.IsStatic)
                ctor.Prototype.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(instanceTypeRef, "this"));

            PrototypeBuilder.AddGenericParameters(compiler, targetPackage, calledMethod, ctor.Prototype);

            // Add methodInfo field
            methodInfoField             = new FieldDefinition();
            methodInfoField.Name        = "methodInfo";
            methodInfoField.Owner       = @class;
            methodInfoField.Type        = compiler.GetDot42InternalType("System.Reflection", "MethodInfo").GetReference(targetPackage);
            methodInfoField.AccessFlags = AccessFlags.Private | AccessFlags.Final | AccessFlags.Static;

            // Add instance field & getTargetImpl method
            if (!calledMethod.IsStatic)
                instanceField             = new FieldDefinition();
                instanceField.Name        = "instance";
                instanceField.Owner       = @class;
                instanceField.Type        = instanceTypeRef;
                instanceField.AccessFlags = AccessFlags.Private | AccessFlags.Final;

                AddMethod(@class, "GetTargetImpl", new Prototype(FrameworkReferences.Object), AccessFlags.Protected,

            // Add generic instance type and method fields
            var gtpa = compiler.GetDot42InternalType(InternalConstants.GenericTypeParameterAnnotation).GetClassReference(targetPackage);
            var gmpa = compiler.GetDot42InternalType(InternalConstants.GenericMethodParameterAnnotation).GetClassReference(targetPackage);

            foreach (var parameter in ctor.Prototype.Parameters)
                bool isGtpa = parameter.Annotations.Any(a => a.Type.Equals(gtpa));
                bool isGmpa = parameter.Annotations.Any(a => a.Type.Equals(gmpa));
                if (isGmpa || isGtpa)
                    var list  = isGtpa ? genericInstanceTypeFields : genericMethodTypeFields;
                    var field = new FieldDefinition();
                    field.Name = isGtpa ? "$git" : "$gmt";
                    if (parameter.Type.Equals(FrameworkReferences.Class))
                        field.Name += list.Count + 1;
                    field.Owner       = @class;
                    field.Type        = parameter.Type;
                    field.AccessFlags = AccessFlags.Private | AccessFlags.Final;

            // Create ctor body
            var ctorBody = CreateCtorBody();

            targetPackage.Record(new CompiledMethod()
                DexMethod = ctor, RLBody = ctorBody

            // add class static ctor
            AddMethod(@class, "<clinit>", new Prototype(PrimitiveType.Void),
                      AccessFlags.Public | AccessFlags.Constructor | AccessFlags.Static,

            // Add Invoke method
            AddMethod(@class, "Invoke", invokePrototype, AccessFlags.Public, CreateInvokeBody(calledMethodPrototype));

            // Add Equals method
            var typeOnlyEqualsSuffices = calledMethod.IsStatic && !calledMethod.NeedsGenericInstanceTypeParameter && !calledMethod.NeedsGenericInstanceMethodParameter;
            var equalsBody             = typeOnlyEqualsSuffices ? CreateEqualsCheckTypeOnlyBody(@class) : CreateEqualsBody(@class);

            var equalsPrototype = new Prototype(PrimitiveType.Boolean, new Parameter(multicastDelegateClass, "other"));

            AddMethod(@class, "EqualsWithoutInvocationList", equalsPrototype, AccessFlags.Protected, equalsBody);

            if (!typeOnlyEqualsSuffices)
                var hashCodePrototype = new Prototype(PrimitiveType.Int);
                AddMethod(@class, "HashCodeWithoutInvocationList", hashCodePrototype, AccessFlags.Protected, CreateHashCodeBody(@class));

            var clonePrototype = new Prototype(multicastDelegateClass, new Parameter(new ArrayType(multicastDelegateClass), "invocationList"), new Parameter(PrimitiveType.Int, "invocationListLength"));

            AddMethod(@class, "CloneWithNewInvocationList", clonePrototype, AccessFlags.Protected,
                      CreateCloneBody(ctor, @class));

            AddMethod(@class, "GetMethodInfoImpl", new Prototype(methodInfoField.Type), AccessFlags.Protected,

            return(new DelegateInstanceType(calledMethod, @class, ctor));