private void btnExportDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.winGridView1.gridView1.RowCount == 0) { return; } #region 构造数据列表 //HandNo,ItemNo,ItemName,MapNo,Specification,Material,ItemBigType,ItemType,Unit,Price,Quantity,Amount,Source,StoragePos,UsagePos,d.WareHouse,d.Dept string columns = "货单号,项目编号,项目名称,图号,规格型号,材质,备件属类,备件类别,单位,单价|decimal,数量|int,金额|decimal,来源,库位,使用位置,库房,部门"; DataTable dtDetail = DataTableHelper.CreateTable(columns); for (int i = 0; i < winGridView1.gridView1.RowCount; i++) { string ID = winGridView1.gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, "ID"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { DataTable dt = BLLFactory <PurchaseDetail> .Instance.GetPurchaseDetailReportByID(Convert.ToInt32(ID)); dt.Rows.Add(dt.NewRow()); //复制到中文列的表中 for (int k = 0; k < dt.Rows.Count; k++) { DataRow r = dtDetail.NewRow(); for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { r[j] = dt.Rows[k][j]; } dtDetail.Rows.Add(r); } } } #endregion #region 导出数据操作 SpecialDirectories sp = new SpecialDirectories(); string fileToSave = FileDialogHelper.SaveExcel(string.Format("出库单明细({0})", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), sp.Desktop); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileToSave)) { return; } try { string fileName = fileToSave; string outError = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(dtDetail, fileName, out outError); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outError)) { MessageDxUtil.ShowError(outError); LogTextHelper.Error(outError); } else { Process.Start(fileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDxUtil.ShowError(ex.Message); LogTextHelper.Error(ex); } #endregion }
public void Export(HttpContext context) { string start_time = context.Request["start_time"]; string end_time = context.Request["end_time"]; int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["rows"]); int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]); StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); string where = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); start_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } string StartTime = start_time.Substring(0, 10); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(end_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; end_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } string EndTime = end_time.Substring(0, 10); string sidx = RequstString("sidx"); //排序名称 string sort = RequstString("sord"); //排序方式 if ("-1" == sort) { sort = "id"; } if ("-1" == order) { order = "asc"; } string err = ""; string json = ""; string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/生产线报警趋势报表.xlsx"); try { int StartIndex = 1; int EndIndex = -1; int totalcount = 0; DataTable resTable = Production_AlarmTrendReport_BLL.getTable(StartTime, EndTime, PageSize, StartIndex, EndIndex, sort, order, where, out totalcount); // ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(resTable, "生产线报警趋势报表", fileName); AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(resTable, fileName, out err); string ss = "true"; if (err.Length < 1) { ss = "true"; } else { ss = "false"; } json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss + "\"}"; } catch (Exception e) { string ss1 = "false"; json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss1 + "\"}"; } context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(json); }
void Export() //点检查询结果导出 { string json = ""; DataTable ResTable = new DataTable(); JavaScriptSerializer s = new JavaScriptSerializer(); HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request; string AssemblyLine = request.Params["fl_name"]; string Station = request.Params["st_no"]; string StartTime = request.Params["StartTime"]; string EndTime = request.Params["EndTime"]; int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(request["page"]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(request["rows"]); string where = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssemblyLine)) { where = " and a.StationNO LIKE '" + AssemblyLine + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Station)) { where = " and a.StationNO = '" + Station + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime)) { where += " and cast(a.CreateTime as datetime) > '" + StartTime + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime)) { where += " and cast(a.CreateTime as datetime) < '" + EndTime + "'"; } int StartIndex = PageSize * (PageIndex - 1) + 1; int EndIndex = StartIndex + PageSize - 1; int totalcount; ResTable = checkReport_BLL.getTableExcel(PageSize, PageIndex, StartIndex, EndIndex, sort, order, where, out totalcount); //} try { #region 导出代码 //ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(ResTable, "", HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/点检记录报表.xlsx")); string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/点检记录报表.xlsx"); string err = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(ResTable, fileName, out err); string ss = "true"; if (err.Length < 1) { ss = "true"; } else { ss = "false"; } json = ss; #endregion } catch { json = "false"; } Response.Write(json); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { JavaScriptSerializer s = new JavaScriptSerializer(); HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request; string StartTime = request["StartTime"]; string EndTime = request["EndTime"]; string OrderCode = request["OrderCode"]; string StationNo = request["StationNo"]; string method = request["method"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); StartTime = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; EndTime = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } if (OrderCode == "请选择") { OrderCode = ""; } if (StationNo == "请选择") { StationNo = "FSA210"; } int totalcount; string JsonStr = ""; DateTime date = DateTime.Now; string JsonStr3 = ""; string neirong = ""; string yee = ""; int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(request["page"]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(request["rows"]); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method)) { JsonStr3 = checkRepair_BLL.getTableString(StartTime, EndTime, OrderCode, StationNo, PageIndex, out totalcount); context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(JsonStr3); } else if (method == "GetListNew") { JsonStr3 = checkRepair_BLL.GetListNew(StartTime, EndTime, OrderCode, StationNo, PageIndex, PageSize, out totalcount); context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(JsonStr3); } #region 导出代码 else if (method == "Export") { DataTable ResTable4 = checkRepair_BLL.getTableExcel(StartTime, EndTime, OrderCode, StationNo, PageIndex, out totalcount); string str = ""; try { // ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(ResTable4, "", HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/检测返修报表.xlsx")); AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(ResTable4, HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/检测返修报表.xlsx"), out str); if (str.Length < 1) { JsonStr3 = "true"; } else { JsonStr3 = "false"; } } catch { JsonStr3 = "false"; } context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(JsonStr3); } #endregion }
public void Export(HttpContext context) { string start_time = context.Request["start_time"]; string end_time = context.Request["end_time"]; string fl_id = context.Request["fl_id"]; int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["rows"]); int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]); StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); string where = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; start_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } string StartTime = start_time; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(end_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; end_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } string EndTime = end_time; // DataListModel<Production_AlarmModel> userList = Production_AlarmTrendReport_BLL.GetWaringListNew(fl_id, StartTime, EndTime, StartIndex, EndIndex); // string json = JSONTools.ScriptSerialize<DataListModel<Production_AlarmModel>>(userList); string json = ""; string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/报警信息报表.xlsx"); try { int StartIndex = 1; int EndIndex = -1; int totalcount = 0; DataTable resTable = Production_AlarmTrendReport_BLL.GetWaringDataTable(fl_id, StartTime, EndTime, StartIndex, EndIndex); //ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(resTable, "报警信息报表", fileName); string err = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(resTable, fileName, out err); string ss = "true"; if (err.Length < 1) { ss = "true"; } else { ss = "false"; } /// ////// json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss + "\"}"; } catch (Exception e) { string ss1 = "false"; json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss1 + "\"}"; } context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(json); }
/// <summary> /// 使用背景线程导出Excel文档 /// </summary> private void bg_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); if (AllToExport != null && isExportAllPage) { if (AllToExport is DataView) { DataView dv = (DataView)AllToExport;//默认导出显示内容 table = dv.ToTable(); } else if (AllToExport is DataTable) { table = AllToExport as DataTable; } else { table = ReflectionUtil.CreateTable(AllToExport); } //解析标题 string originalName = string.Empty; foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { originalName = column.Caption; if (columnNameAlias.ContainsKey(originalName.ToUpper())) { column.Caption = columnNameAlias[originalName.ToUpper()]; column.ColumnName = columnNameAlias[originalName.ToUpper()]; } } //for (int i = 0; i < this.gridView1.Columns.Count; i++) //{ // if (!this.gridView1.Columns[i].Visible) // { // table.Columns.Remove(this.gridView1.Columns[i].FieldName); // } //} } else { DataColumn column; DataRow row; for (int i = 0; i < this.gridView1.Columns.Count; i++) { if (this.gridView1.Columns[i].Visible) { column = new DataColumn(this.gridView1.Columns[i].FieldName, typeof(string)); column.Caption = this.gridView1.Columns[i].Caption; table.Columns.Add(column); } } object cellValue = ""; string fieldName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.RowCount; i++) { row = table.NewRow(); for (int j = 0; j < gridView1.Columns.Count; j++) { if (this.gridView1.Columns[j].Visible) { fieldName = gridView1.Columns[j].FieldName; cellValue = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, fieldName); row[fieldName] = cellValue ?? ""; } } table.Rows.Add(row); } } string outError = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(table, (String)e.Argument, out outError); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request; string method = request.Params["method"]; string AssemblyLine = request.Params["fl_name"]; //流水线 string Station = request.Params["st_no"]; //工位 string StartTime = request["StartTime"]; string EndTime = request["EndTime"]; string OrderId = request["OrderId"]; string scancode = request["scancodenum"]; string SortFlag = request["sort"]; string sortOrder = request["order"]; int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(request["rows"]); int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(request["page"]); //测试数据 //StartTime = "2017-08-01 16:51"; //EndTime = "2017-08-03 16:51"; int totalcount; DataTable resTable = new DataTable(); //ygy string wherestr = " "; string JsonStr = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AssemblyLine)) { wherestr += " and fl_name ='" + AssemblyLine + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Station)) { wherestr += " and st_no='" + Station + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OrderId)) { wherestr += " and or_no like '%" + OrderId + @"%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scancode)) { wherestr += " and scanCode like '%" + scancode + @"%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartTime)) { wherestr += " and cast(step_startTime as datetime) >= '" + StartTime + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EndTime)) { wherestr += " and cast(step_endTime as datetime) <= '" + EndTime + @"'"; } //查询 #region if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method)) { sort = SortFlag; order = sortOrder; int StartIndex = PageSize * (PageIndex - 1) + 1; int EndIndex = StartIndex + PageSize - 1; //string JsonStr = mg_sys_logBll.getList(PageSize, StartIndex, EndIndex, sort, order, wherestr); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(JsonStr); } #endregion //导出 #region if (method == "Export") { if ("-1" == sort) { sort = " st_no,step_startTime"; } if ("-1" == order) { order = "asc"; } string json = ""; string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/步骤日志报表.xlsx"); try { int StartIndex = 1; int EndIndex = -1; resTable = mg_sys_logBll.getList(PageSize, StartIndex, EndIndex, sort, order, wherestr, out totalcount); //ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(resTable, "步骤日志报表", fileName); string err = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(resTable, fileName, out err); string ss = "true"; if (err.Length < 1) { ss = "true"; } else { ss = "false"; } json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss + "\"}"; } catch (Exception e) { string ss1 = "false"; json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss1 + "\"}"; } context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(json); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel的操作 /// </summary> private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string file = FileDialogHelper.SaveExcel(string.Format("{0}.xls", moduleName)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { string where = GetConditionSql(); List <StaffInfo> list = CallerFactory <IStaffService> .Instance.Find(where); DataTable dtNew = DataTableHelper.CreateTable("序号|int,Id,Number,Name,Gender,Birthday,NativePlace,Nationality,IdentityCard,Phone,OfficePhone,Email,HomeAddress,Political,PartyDate,Education,Degree,WorkingDate,Marriage,ChildStatus,Titles,Duty,JobType,Introduce,Remark,AttachId,CompanyId,DepartmentId,PositionId,Creator,CreatorId,CreateTime,EditorId,Deleted,Enabled"); DataRow dr; int j = 1; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { dr = dtNew.NewRow(); dr["序号"] = j++; dr["Id"] = list[i].Id; dr["Number"] = list[i].Number; dr["Name"] = list[i].Name; dr["Gender"] = list[i].Gender; dr["Birthday"] = list[i].Birthday; dr["NativePlace"] = list[i].NativePlace; dr["Nationality"] = list[i].Nationality; dr["IdentityCard"] = list[i].IdentityCard; dr["Phone"] = list[i].Phone; dr["OfficePhone"] = list[i].OfficePhone; dr["Email"] = list[i].Email; dr["HomeAddress"] = list[i].HomeAddress; dr["Political"] = list[i].Political; dr["PartyDate"] = list[i].PartyDate; dr["Education"] = list[i].Education; dr["Degree"] = list[i].Degree; dr["WorkingDate"] = list[i].WorkingDate; dr["Marriage"] = list[i].Marriage; dr["ChildStatus"] = list[i].ChildStatus; dr["Titles"] = list[i].Titles; dr["Duty"] = list[i].Duty; dr["JobType"] = list[i].JobType; dr["Introduce"] = list[i].Introduce; dr["Remark"] = list[i].Remark; dr["AttachId"] = list[i].AttachId; dr["CompanyId"] = list[i].CompanyId; dr["DepartmentId"] = list[i].DepartmentId; dr["PositionId"] = list[i].PositionId; dr["Creator"] = list[i].Creator; dr["CreatorId"] = list[i].CreatorId; dr["CreateTime"] = list[i].CreateTime; dr["EditorId"] = list[i].EditorId; dr["Deleted"] = list[i].Deleted; dr["Enabled"] = list[i].Enabled; dtNew.Rows.Add(dr); } try { string error = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(dtNew, file, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { MessageDxUtil.ShowError(string.Format("导出Excel出现错误:{0}", error)); } else { if (MessageDxUtil.ShowYesNoAndTips("导出成功,是否打开文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTextHelper.Error(ex); MessageDxUtil.ShowError(ex.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel的操作 /// </summary> private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string file = FileDialogHelper.SaveExcel(string.Format("{0}.xls", moduleName)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { string where = GetConditionSql(); List <AddressInfo> list = new List <AddressInfo>(); TreeNode selectedNode = this.treeView1.SelectedNode; if (isUserGroupName && selectedNode != null) { string groupName = ""; //只有是数据库的分组才使用条件 if (selectedNode.Text != "所有联系人" && selectedNode.Text != "未分组联系人") { groupName = this.treeView1.SelectedNode.Text; } list = BLLFactory <Address> .Instance.FindByGroupName(LoginUserInfo.ID.ToString(), groupName); } else { list = BLLFactory <Address> .Instance.Find(where); } DataTable dtNew = DataTableHelper.CreateTable("序号|int,姓名,性别,出生日期,手机,电子邮箱,QQ,家庭电话,办公电话,家庭住址,办公地址,传真号码,公司单位,部门,职位,其他,备注,创建人,创建时间"); DataRow dr; int j = 1; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { dr = dtNew.NewRow(); dr["序号"] = j++; dr["姓名"] = list[i].Name; dr["性别"] = list[i].Sex; dr["出生日期"] = list[i].Birthdate; dr["手机"] = list[i].Mobile; dr["电子邮箱"] = list[i].Email; dr["QQ"] = list[i].QQ; dr["家庭电话"] = list[i].HomeTelephone; dr["办公电话"] = list[i].OfficeTelephone; dr["家庭住址"] = list[i].HomeAddress; dr["办公地址"] = list[i].OfficeAddress; dr["传真号码"] = list[i].Fax; dr["公司单位"] = list[i].Company; dr["部门"] = list[i].Dept; dr["职位"] = list[i].Position; dr["其他"] = list[i].Other; dr["备注"] = list[i].Note; dr["创建人"] = list[i].Creator; dr["创建时间"] = list[i].CreateTime; dtNew.Rows.Add(dr); } try { string error = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(dtNew, file, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { MessageDxUtil.ShowError(string.Format("导出Excel出现错误:{0}", error)); } else { if (MessageDxUtil.ShowYesNoAndTips("导出成功,是否打开文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_CRIT, ex, typeof(FrmAddress)); MessageDxUtil.ShowError(ex.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// 从Excel文件导入(角色) /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoImport(string filePath) { bool returnValue = false; // 鼠标忙碌状态 this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { //将Excel表转换为DataTable string error = ""; DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); AsposeExcelTools.ExcelFileToDataTable(filePath, out dataTable, out error); //检查Excell转为DataTable是否成功 if (error != "") { MessageBox.Show(error, "错误提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } //是否有记录 if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { //将第一行数据给数据列置名称,以便于识别和调用数据。 int columnsCount = 0; for (columnsCount = 0; columnsCount < dataTable.Columns.Count; columnsCount++) { dataTable.Columns[columnsCount].ColumnName = dataTable.Rows[0][columnsCount].ToString().Trim(); } //循环处理每行数据 int rowsCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; BaseRoleEntity tempentity; string statusCode = string.Empty; string statusMessage = string.Empty; DataTable dt = DotNetService.Instance.RoleService.GetDataTable(UserInfo); for (rowsCount = 1; rowsCount < dataTable.Rows.Count; rowsCount++) { //角色名称不允许导入重复项 bool exists = BaseBusinessLogic.Exists(dt, BaseRoleEntity.FieldRealName, dataTable.Rows[rowsCount][BaseRoleEntity.FieldRealName].ToString()); if (!exists) { //清空实体 tempentity = new BaseRoleEntity(); //给实体赋值 tempentity.RealName = dataTable.Rows[rowsCount][BaseRoleEntity.FieldRealName].ToString(); tempentity.Code = dataTable.Rows[rowsCount][BaseRoleEntity.FieldCode].ToString(); tempentity.Description = dataTable.Rows[rowsCount][BaseRoleEntity.FieldDescription].ToString(); tempentity.Enabled = int.Parse(dataTable.Rows[rowsCount][BaseRoleEntity.FieldEnabled].ToString()); tempentity.CategoryCode = dataTable.Rows[rowsCount][BaseRoleEntity.FieldCategoryCode].ToString(); tempentity.AllowDelete = 1; tempentity.AllowEdit = 1; tempentity.DeletionStateCode = 0; tempentity.IsVisible = 1; DotNetService.Instance.RoleService.Add(UserInfo, tempentity, out statusCode, out statusMessage); } else { errorCount++; } } this.Changed = true; returnValue = true; MessageBox.Show("共有" + (dataTable.Rows.Count - 1) + "条记录," + (dataTable.Rows.Count - 1 - errorCount).ToString() + "条记录被成功导入!", "提示信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.ProcessException(ex); } finally { // 设置鼠标默认状态 this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } return(returnValue); }
public ActionResult Import(string guid) { CommonResult result = new CommonResult(); result.Success = false; try { var attach = BLLFactory <FileUpload> .Instance.GetByAttachGUID(guid).FirstOrDefault(); if (attach != null) { var filename = Server.MapPath("~\\" + attach.BasePath + "\\" + attach.SavePath); var dt = new System.Data.DataTable(); string err = null; if (AsposeExcelTools.ExcelFileToDataTable(filename, out dt, out err)) { //清空中间表 BLLFactory <Core.BLL.MidConcentrator> .Instance.DeleteByCondition("1=1"); BLLFactory <Core.BLL.MidCustomerMeter> .Instance.DeleteByCondition("1=1"); //采集器信息 var entity = new Core.Entity.MidConcentrator(); var row = dt.Rows[2]; var nvcName = row[0].ToString(); var nvcAddr = row[1].ToString(); var vcAddr = row[2].ToString(); var intProtocol = row[3].ToString().ToInt(); var intCount = row[4].ToString().ToInt(); var intCommMode = row[5].ToString().ToInt(); var intCOM = row[6].ToString().ToInt(); var vcParam = row[7].ToString(); var vcSimNo = row[8].ToString(); var intStatus = row[9].ToString().ToInt(); var clientIP = ""; entity.VcClientIP = clientIP; entity.IntCOM = intCOM; entity.IntCommMode = intCommMode; entity.IntCount = intCount; entity.IntProtocol = intProtocol; entity.IntStatus = intStatus; entity.NvcAddr = nvcAddr; entity.NvcName = nvcName; entity.VcAddr = vcAddr; entity.VcParam = vcParam; entity.VcSimNo = vcSimNo; //DbTransaction dbTransaction = BLLFactory<Core.BLL.MidConcentrator>.Instance.CreateTransaction(); BLLFactory <Core.BLL.MidConcentrator> .Instance.Insert(entity); //dbTransaction.Commit(); //客户及表信息 for (int i = 5; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { var item = dt.Rows[i]; var IntCustCode = item[0].ToString().ToInt(); var NvcName = item[1].ToString(); var NvcAddr = item[2].ToString(); var VcTelNo = item[3].ToString(); var VcMobile = item[4].ToString(); var VcIDNo = item[5].ToString(); var IntPriceNo = item[6].ToString().ToInt(); var VcCustType = item[7].ToString(); var IntStatusUser = item[8].ToString().ToInt(); var DteOpen = Convert.ToDateTime(item[9].ToString()); var NvcInvName = item[10].ToString(); var NvcInvAddr = item[11].ToString(); var NvcVillage = item[12].ToString(); var VcBuilding = item[13].ToString(); var IntUnitNum = item[14].ToString().ToInt(); var IntRoomNum = item[15].ToString().ToInt(); var IntNumber = item[16].ToString().ToInt(); var VcAddr = item[17].ToString(); var NvcAddrIns = item[18].ToString(); var VcAssetNo = item[19].ToString(); var VcBarCode = item[20].ToString(); var IntOrig = item[21].ToString().ToInt(); var IntChannal = item[22].ToString().ToInt(); var IntProtocol = item[23].ToString().ToInt(); var DtCreate = Convert.ToDateTime(item[24].ToString()); var IntCycle = item[25].ToString().ToInt(); var IntState = item[26].ToString().ToInt(); var mMeter = new Core.Entity.MidCustomerMeter(); mMeter.DtCreate = DateTime.Now; mMeter.DteOpen = DateTime.Now; mMeter.IntChannal = IntChannal; mMeter.IntCustCode = IntCustCode; mMeter.IntCycle = IntCycle; mMeter.IntNumber = IntNumber; mMeter.IntOrig = IntOrig; mMeter.IntPriceNo = IntPriceNo; mMeter.IntProtocol = IntProtocol; mMeter.IntRoomNum = IntRoomNum; mMeter.IntState = IntState; mMeter.IntStatus = IntStatusUser; mMeter.IntUnitNum = IntUnitNum; //mMeter.IntUserID= mMeter.NvcAddr = NvcAddr; mMeter.NvcAddrIns = NvcAddrIns; mMeter.NvcCustType = VcCustType; mMeter.NvcInvAddr = NvcInvAddr; mMeter.NvcInvName = NvcInvName; mMeter.NvcName = NvcName; mMeter.NvcVillage = NvcVillage; mMeter.VcAddr = VcAddr; mMeter.VcAssetNo = VcAssetNo; mMeter.VcBarCode = VcBarCode; mMeter.VcBuilding = VcBuilding; mMeter.VcClientIP = clientIP; //mMeter.VcContractNo= mMeter.VcIDNo = VcIDNo; mMeter.VcMobile = VcMobile; mMeter.VcTelNo = VcTelNo; BLLFactory <Core.BLL.MidCustomerMeter> .Instance.Insert(mMeter); //BLLFactory<Core.BLL.MidCustomerMeter>.Instance.Insert(mMeter, dbTransaction); } //dbTransaction.Commit(); //@sClientIP VARCHAR(64), --< !--客户端IP-- > //@iConcFlag INTEGER, --< !--采集器标志0:如果已存在相同采集器,则提示错误,终止导入档案信息 1:如果已存在同地址采集器,将客户与表信息导入,表挂接在同地址采集器下-- > //@iMeterFlag INTEGER, --< !--一户多表标志0:一户一表,MidCustomerMeter.IntCustCode唯一 1:一户多表,MidCustomerMeter.IntCustCode相同的记录认为是同一客户-- > List <SqlParameter> param = new List <SqlParameter>(); param.Add(new SqlParameter("@sClientIP", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64) { Value = clientIP }); param.Add(new SqlParameter("@iConcFlag", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64) { Value = 1 }); param.Add(new SqlParameter("@iMeterFlag", SqlDbType.VarChar, 64) { Value = 1 }); param.Add(new SqlParameter("@sReturn", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }); //param[0].Value = clientIP; //param[1].Value = 1; //param[2].Value = 1; //param[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; BLLFactory <Core.BLL.ArcConcentratorInfo> .Instance.ExecStoreProc("up_ImportArchive", param); if (param[3].Value.ToString() == "0") { result.Success = true; } else { result.ErrorMessage = "执行up_ImportArchive存储过程出错!错误如下:" + param[3].Value.ToString(); } } else { result.ErrorMessage = err; } } } catch (Exception ex) { result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; } return(ToJsonContent(result)); }
public void Export(HttpContext context) { string StartTime = context.Request["start_time"]; string EndTime = context.Request["end_time"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; StartTime = t.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; EndTime = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); } string clid = context.Request["clnameid"]; int clnameid = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clid)) { clnameid = 0; } else { clnameid = Convert.ToInt32(clid); } string clname = context.Request["clname"]; int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["rows"]); int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]); string sidx = RequstString("sidx"); //排序名称 string sort = RequstString("sord"); //排序方式 if ("-1" == sort) { sort = "id"; } if ("-1" == order) { order = "asc"; } string json = ""; string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/生产报表.xlsx"); try { int StartIndex = 1; int EndIndex = -1; int totalcount = 0; DataTable resTable = Production_Report_BLL.getTable(StartTime, EndTime, clnameid, clname, StartIndex, EndIndex, out totalcount); //ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(resTable, "生产报表", fileName); string err = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(resTable, fileName, out err); string ss = "true"; if (err.Length < 1) { ss = "true"; } else { ss = "false"; } json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss + "\"}"; } catch (Exception e) { string ss1 = "false"; json = "{\"Result\":\"" + ss1 + "\"}"; } context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(json); }
private void btnExportBill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 准备数据 string columns = @"流水号,备注,供货商,操作员,库房名称,备件编号(pm码),备件名称,图号,规格型号,材质,备件属类,备件类别,单位,最新单价(元),出库数量,总价,出库日期,来源,库位,部门,使用位置"; DataTable dt = DataTableHelper.CreateTable(columns); DataRow row = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.lvwDetail.gridView1.RowCount; i++) { PurchaseDetailInfo info = lvwDetail.gridView1.GetRow(i) as PurchaseDetailInfo; if (info != null) { row = dt.NewRow(); /*row["流水号"] = this.txtHandNo.Text; * row["备注"] = this.txtNote.Text; * row["供货商"] = this.txtPickingPeople.Text; * row["操作员"] = this.txtCreator.Text; * row["出库日期"] = this.txtCreateDate.DateTime.ToString(); * row["库房名称"] = info.WareHouse; * row["备件编号(pm码)"] = info.ItemNo; * row["备件名称"] = info.ItemName; * row["图号"] = info.MapNo; * row["规格型号"] = info.Specification; * row["材质"] = info.Material; * row["备件属类"] = info.ItemBigType; * row["备件类别"] = info.ItemType; * row["单位"] = info.Unit; * row["最新单价(元)"] = info.Price.ToString("C2"); * row["出库数量"] = info.Quantity.ToString(); * row["总价"] = info.Amount.ToString("C2"); * row["来源"] = info.Source; * row["库位"] = info.StoragePos; * row["部门"] = info.Dept; * row["使用位置"] = info.UsagePos;*/ dt.Rows.Add(row); } } #endregion #region 导出数据 try { SpecialDirectories sp = new SpecialDirectories(); string fileName = FileDialogHelper.SaveExcel(string.Format("出库单({0})", DateTimeHelper.GetServerDate()), sp.Desktop); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return; } string outError = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(dt, fileName, out outError); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outError)) { LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_CRIT, outError, typeof(FrmPurchase)); MessageDxUtil.ShowError(outError); } else { Process.Start(fileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_CRIT, ex, typeof(FrmPurchase)); MessageDxUtil.ShowError(ex.Message); } #endregion }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { HttpRequest request = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request; string OrderType = request["OrderType"]; string SerialNumber = request["SerialNumber"]; string start_time = context.Request["StartTime"]; string end_time = context.Request["EndTime"]; int SortFlag = Convert.ToInt32(request["SortFlag"]); int PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(request["rows"]); int PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(request["page"]); string method = request["method"]; sort = request["sort"]; order = request["order"]; string where = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; start_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } string StartTime = start_time.Substring(0, 17) + "00"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(end_time)) { DateTime t = DateTime.Now; end_time = t.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } string EndTime = end_time.Substring(0, 17) + "59"; where += " and a.CreateTime >='" + StartTime + "'"; where += " and a.CreateTime <='" + EndTime + "'"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderType)) { where += " and a.OrderType = " + OrderType + " "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerialNumber)) { where += " and a.SerialNumber like '%" + SerialNumber + "%' "; } string JsonStr = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method)) { int StartIndex = PageSize * (PageIndex - 1) + 1; int EndIndex = StartIndex + PageSize - 1; int totalcount; DataTable resTable = mg_CustomerOrderBLL.getTable(PageSize, PageIndex, StartIndex, EndIndex, sort, order, where, out totalcount); // DataTable resTable1 = GetPagedTable(resTable, PageIndex, PageSize); JsonStr = FunCommon.DataTableToJson2(totalcount, resTable); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(JsonStr); context.Response.End(); } if ("Export" == method) { try { int totalcount; DataTable resTable = mg_CustomerOrderBLL.getTableExcel(sort, order, where, out totalcount); //ExcelHelper.ExportDTtoExcel(resTable, "", HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/客户订单报表.xlsx")); string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/App_Data/客户订单报表.xlsx"); string err = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(resTable, fileName, out err); string ss = "true"; if (err.Length < 1) { ss = "true"; } else { ss = "false"; } JsonStr = ss; } catch { JsonStr = "false"; } context.Response.ContentType = "json"; context.Response.Write(JsonStr); context.Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel的操作 /// </summary> private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!HasFunction("User/export")) { MessageDxUtil.ShowError(Const.NoAuthMsg); return; } string file = FileDialogHelper.SaveExcel(string.Format("{0}.xls", moduleName)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { List <UserInfo> list = new List <UserInfo>(); TreeNode selectedNode = this.treeRole.SelectedNode; if (isUseRoleSearch && selectedNode != null && selectedNode.Tag != null) { string roleId = selectedNode.Tag.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleId)) { list = BLLFactory <User> .Instance.GetUsersByRole(roleId.ToInt32()); } } else { string where = GetConditionSql(); list = BLLFactory <User> .Instance.Find(where); } DataTable dtNew = DataTableHelper.CreateTable("序号|int,用户编码,用户名/登录名,用户全名,用户呢称,是否过期,职务头衔,身份证号码,移动电话,办公电话,家庭电话,邮件地址,住址,办公地址,性别,出生日期,QQ号码,个性签名,审核状态,备注,自定义字段,默认部门名称,所属公司名称,排序码"); DataRow dr; int j = 1; DateTime dtDefault = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01"); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { dr = dtNew.NewRow(); dr["序号"] = j++; dr["用户编码"] = list[i].HandNo; dr["用户名/登录名"] = list[i].Name; dr["用户全名"] = list[i].FullName; dr["用户呢称"] = list[i].Nickname; dr["是否过期"] = list[i].IsExpire ? "1" : "0"; dr["职务头衔"] = list[i].Title; dr["身份证号码"] = list[i].IdentityCard; dr["移动电话"] = list[i].MobilePhone; dr["办公电话"] = list[i].OfficePhone; dr["家庭电话"] = list[i].HomePhone; dr["邮件地址"] = list[i].Email; dr["住址"] = list[i].Address; dr["办公地址"] = list[i].WorkAddr; dr["性别"] = list[i].Gender; if (list[i].Birthday > dtDefault) { dr["出生日期"] = list[i].Birthday; } dr["QQ号码"] = list[i].QQ; dr["个性签名"] = list[i].Signature; dr["审核状态"] = list[i].AuditStatus; dr["备注"] = list[i].Note; dr["自定义字段"] = list[i].CustomField; dr["默认部门名称"] = list[i].DeptName; dr["所属公司名称"] = list[i].CompanyName; dr["排序码"] = list[i].Seq; dtNew.Rows.Add(dr); } try { string error = ""; AsposeExcelTools.DataTableToExcel2(dtNew, file, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { MessageDxUtil.ShowError(string.Format("导出Excel出现错误:{0}", error)); } else { if (MessageDxUtil.ShowYesNoAndTips("导出成功,是否打开文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(LogLevel.LOG_LEVEL_CRIT, ex, typeof(FrmUser)); MessageDxUtil.ShowError(ex.Message); } } }